This was an idea that came to my head after I watched a presentation about run-away adolescence and the thought of Orihime being one of them was so intriguing. This is my first real fanfic so please be a little soft with me. I hope you all enjoy it! Please review if you can take the time!

P.S. The story starts out like in the anime but it has nothing much to do with shinigami or the Soul Society


Hello, my name is Orihime Inoue, and I am a nobody.

I was born in a small town called Karakura Town. You may not have heard about this area. We're a pretty small village, reaching out into the country. Karakura meets our everyday needs, and we couldn't ask for more then that. What is so great about our town is that since it is so small, we all know each other very well. Whether it's the person you grew up with, or that certain someone that has been in your class for the past 12 years, or even that person who passes by your house almost everyday. Everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everything. But enough about the town. Your probably wondering who I am, right? Probably not. But at least allow me to take 2 minutes of your time to listen to my story.

Age 6, I grew up with both my parents and my older brother, Sora. Age 6, my parents die in a car crash. That moment hit me so hard, that I had cried for three days straight. My first hint of how weak I was. But Sora was always there to comfort me. I grew up, smiling, and looking for the bright side of everything.

Age 14, my first year if high school was hell. Sora had always told me had the most beautiful hair he had ever seen and I got many compliments from neighbors. But in high school, everything is different. Very different. I was teased and tortured and bullied because of my hair. Perhaps it was jealousy, or maybe the fact that my dark orange, waist-long hair bugged them so much. Whatever the reason, I was much too weak to take the bulling and I didn't want to worry Sora, so I never mentioned it. He must have become suspicious after I cut my hair. I just smiled and told him "I just wanted a little change". Age 14, Sora was coming home that night late, so I wanted to go wait outside for him. It was a dark, gloomy night, as I recalled. I could see my brother's car coming up from the distance and smiled wide. But that smile disappeared quickly as another car, speeding, turned, before looking both ways and a large sound like thunder crackled. No, it couldn't be. I still cry whenever I think back to that moment. Police cars and ambulances surrounded the crash. Age 14, I lost my brother. My last family.

Age 14-15; lonely and unwanted, I hardly ever smiled after the incident. My gloomy attitude hung everywhere I went and perhaps affected everyone else. I stopped being social and decided to isolate myself from everyone. That's when she came up to me. Tatsuki Arisawa. I knew her from the others. She was probably the toughest women in the whole school and dreamed of becoming a champion kick-boxer. She usually hung out with girls who didn't mind her tom-boyish attitude. She had never even looked my way before, so I was surprised to see her walk up to me, as I was getting my books off my desk. She gave me a stoned stare. I couldn't meet her eyes so I tried pretending I didn't see her. "Inoue, right?" I looked up to see that hard face break down into a smile. I nodded and her smile widened. "Why don't you hang out with me and my friends?" before I could even comprehend what she had said, the strange girl grabbed me and pulled to the group of girls.

Age 15, I no longer felt alone. I was surrounded by many new people. All who accepted me and made me feel like we had known each other forever. I learned to laugh and smile again and my gloomy attitude died down, replacing a cheery, happy-go-lucky teen. Tatsuki was the best person I had ever met after my parents and Sora. She was always there for me and protected me from fights I couldn't take on. You may think that I'd be very happy about someone like Tatsuki protecting me. And at first, it was really great. Like having a guardian angel around me all the time. But after awhile, the realization that perhaps Tatsuki thought I could never fight or didn't have the strength to defend myself, slowly sank in. But I tried ignoring this fact. I couldn't kid myself. I was too weak. Too weak to do anything.

Age 15-16, other then Tatsuki, there was another person that made me want to become stronger. His name was Ichigo Kurosaki. And I had a crush on him. It didn't start out like that though. At first, he was just another person in my class. In fact, he had scared me the first time I'd seen him. It was Tatsuki who had introduced me to him first. They had been friends and neighbors for years. His tanned face looked down at me, brown eyes piercing into me and a small frown where his mouth was. He was lean and a little muscular. He had scared for about five seconds. But that was before I saw his hair. A bleached, light orange hair, with spikes sticking out in every direction. My eyes widened. Someone else with a strange hair color. So I wasn't alone. After that, I always wanted to get his attention, to maybe become friends. And maybe even more. But he never looked my way at all. In fact, it seemed like he was avoiding me. But I could never ask why. My crush on him grew through the months. More and more, the aching in my chest grew every time he wouldn't look at me, and my heart skipped five beats every time he occasionally did.

Then it happened. She came. Rukia Kuchiki. Or as the many guy friends I've made would say, the beauty goddess. And I couldn't help agreeing.

Age 16, I met her face to face. Rukia Kuchiki-san was a new girl, moving from a far off place in Japan to Karakura. She lived with her older brother in the largest house in town. Her brother, Byakuya Kuchiki, was head of a large machinery company so they were very famous and very rich. Maybe your thinking, that's why people hung around her; trying to get in on one of the richest girls in the world. But in truth, people didn't even think twice of her money. It was her herself that drew people. Physically, she was quite beautiful. She had a small face with large, blue eyes that glistened in the light and sparkled with strength. Her pale skin was the essence of perfection. It was rid of any boils or pimples. Rumors spread about only her skin before. Some said she never had acne cause rich kids never did, some said that that isn't really skin; others said she used the most expensive cover up. Only mature people knew she was merely a lucky girl with perfect skin.

Rukia Kuchiki also had lovely, short black hair that ruffled at the end, round at the top and a long strand down her forehead to the end of her eyes. In the light, it sparkles a little and the blackness of her hair is not destroyed. Normally, in the light, your hair would turn lighter but not hers. Next, her body. Which was 'a real sight for sore eyes' as the red head teenager that seats beside me in chemistry once whispered to his friends. Rukia Kuchiki was naturally short and skinny, her pale skin wrapped around every small bone in her body without any stretch marks or wrinkles. The school uniform fit her perfectly as if it where made for her. In science was when I noticed how slender and soft her fingers where when they gripped a can of chemicals right next to me. Her upper area wasn't very much impressive though. But all her other attributes made up for it and more. Her personality was very interesting as well. She was short tempered at times but knew how to control it. She was also sweet and caring and helpful whenever she could be. She was also the best actress, getting some of the boys and girls out of trouble with her fake tears. Everyone was impressed with her. Everyone was…

And then, I knew I never had a chance when Ichigo began to look at her in a way he never stared at anyone. When I revealed this to Tatsuki, she just shook her head and smiled saying Ichigo wasn't that type of person and that Ichigo would be better off with me. I really felt like believing her. But how could I. If only you could have seen how he looked at her, that soft look in his eyes; the way his scowl and frown disappeared when she was around; the way his tone of voice deepened when he talked to her or about her. My chest always ached whenever he acted that way. It was the way I wanted to make him feel.

You might think that I would hate Rukia Kuchiki. Despise her with a fiery passion. I knew some other jealous girls were. Defiantly. But I wasn't. In fact, I really liked Rukia Kuchiki very much. She become one of my best friends. She believed in me and my inner strength and encouraged me to always stick up for myself. She always believed in me and trusted me with the utmost loyalty. She's always helping me with my homework and always gave me a hand on difficult situations.

I love Rukia Kuchiki. I love her so much.

I'm just another person caught in her trap, charmed by her personality, and swaying over her attitude.

Age 16-17, my heart broke into a million pieces. It was after the big soccer tournament, me and my friends decided to celebrate, since Kurosaki-kun had shot the winning goal. We decided to go down the ice cream shack for a treat. But we couldn't find Ichigo anywhere. Neither Rukia, but no one pointed that out. I wasn't even wondering why both had been missing. But now I look back and think how stupid I was, how oblivious. Anyways, back to the problem. We split up to look for Ichigo (and Rukia if I may add). Tatsuki and I were looking around the front yard as the others looked around the back. At first we hadn't found anyone. It was deserted so Tatsuki suggested we go to the side, but I told her go on because I wanted to keep looking around the front. When I think back, I can't really believe how stupid I was, so desperate in finding him. A real love sick fool, I was. I still feel disgusted of myself when I remember how I was back then. But let's get back to the story, hmm. I had heard something behind some of the trees next to the front benches. I thought maybe another cat got itself stuck up the tree. I don't know why they always get caught up there. So I decided to stop and help the poor creature. Ya…right. Too bad it wasn't what I had expected. In fact, I would have been even happier if it was some dangerous, man-eating beast.

But it wasn't. No matter how much I wish till this day that it was.

I moved some of the loose branches away to discover the most shocking scene that is implanted in my mind forever.

It was Rukia and Ichigo. Hugging. Kissing. Rukia-san's shirt was loose and hung down her shoulders. Kurosaki-kun's hair was ruffled and messy as long, slender fingers traced through them. His skilled hands began to pull Rukia's shirt down even further. I quickly turned away before her bra began to show. I blinked out the tears that had formed at the back of my eyes. Silently, I snuck away, giving the two some privacy. Once I reached the front of my school doors, I fell to my knees and sobbed. I stayed curled in my little ball till I heard Tatsuki's voice approaching me. I looked up quickly and wiped the tears. I stood up, turned and smiled at my friend running over to me. She hadn't found Ichigo anywhere and I laughed, saying we should just join up with the rest of the group. We all went to the ice cream shack without Ichigo, and for the first time, I was really happy we left him behind. The next time I saw him, I didn't say anything. And after that, I don't have a vague memory of ever talking to him in a conversation.

Age 17, graduation time. Time to leave behind all the memories of high school and start a fresh new start in university. Kurosaki-kun and Kuchiki-san had hid their affair pretty well, but I was hiding my secret well as well. But after we graduated, they revealed their relationship and I didn't miss the quick glance Tatsuki gave me. I smiled and congratulated the two. I almost revealed my little secret to but I thought that it was best not to mention that. I promised myself to take that secret to my grave, along with my distant feelings for Kurosaki-kun. It won't leave me. And I cry at night because of it.

After we entered university, things began to fall apart. For me, actually. First, Tatsuki moved away because her father had gotten a better job and because she could pursue her career as a kick boxing champion. She said she would write to me every week and told me to be strong. I smiled, nodded and wished her luck. After that, all my other friends became distant as they worked on their own careers and dreams. I was still stuck in the moments of wanting to go have fun and talk about other things. But everyone wanted to talk most about work and what they were planning on doing for the future. Soon, they isolated themselves from me. I always felt left out and unwanted every time we got together. So, I stopped coming to our meetings and almost stopped answering my text messages. Last, but certainly not least, Kuchiki-san had announced that she was moving in with Kurosaki-kun and they were planning on getting married after school. My last tingles of feelings for Ichigo were quickly crushed by those soft slender fingers. After the announcement, I went home and cried myself to sleep.

My life in general was a complete blur to me after that. I soon stopped caring about my studies and visiting my friends. I soon stopped contacting Tatsuki and left all my messages in my Inbox. I isolated myself and let go of any kind of happiness, sitting at home doing nothing. My friends began to worry, but I quickly shooed them away from me, acting completely out of character. It was probably one of the stupidest things I had ever done in my life. But the most stupid would have to be when I turned 18.

Age 18, I lost any hope of anything. Of having a future, of having friends. I never blamed anyone though. I blamed only myself. I thought of myself as a weak, pathetic girl with no chance at anything. I stopped eating a little after that. I never gained an appetite very much anymore. I slowly feel into deep depression and suggested to myself to see a doctor. But I never got around to doing that. What was the point, I thought. I didn't think I had a problem. But I did. A very big problem. It was eating away at me everyday.

I was surprised one day to see Ichigo at my doorstep, with a face full of concern I almost broke down crying. He had come to see how I was, hearing from the others that I had stopped calling and coming to their day out. I smiled and thanked him for worrying but that I was ok. He looked very unconvinced but my smile really does work wonders. He believed my smile and, before leaving, told me to call him anytime I felt like talking, even just a little. I nodded and thanked him again, before closing the door and falling right back into the big, dark hole inside my heart. It hurt. It hurt so much I couldn't take it. I wanted to get rid of the pain. Wanted to erase my friends, my work, my future, Ichigo, Rukia…everything. I lost any inner strength left inside of me. Tatsuki would be completely shocked if she saw me now. I stopped listening to anything and everyone. My first priority was to get rid of the pain that grew everyday. I wanted to make it stop before it completely consumed me.

It was raining that day. The day I decided to settle everything once and for all. I was wearing my favorite yellow, rain jacket. It had a small pink flower knitted at the bottom. Sora kept saying it was the perfect jacket for me because I was like a small, little flower that is at the sidelines but brightens the only-yellow jacket. I laugh when I think how long it's been since I thought of my brother. But as I slipped into that jacket, Sora's face began to appear in my mind. Then I thought about what I was doing and started to cry. What would he think if he saw me now? Probably disappointed, shocked, angry even. But I didn't care now. I was going to see him. I was finally gonna be with my family.

I slowly slipped into the night, like a murderer escaping the law. I was quiet the whole time, as if someone could hear me if I made even the slightest sound. The rain poured down on my, hitting my head and body like little pokes. I remembered, as I scurried closer to my destination, that one night when I left Tatsuki's house after staying late to study for an up-coming geography test. It had been raining that night to and as I ran out towards my house, I remembered looking up at the sky and wondering if I could be like the rain, connecting two hearts like it connects the earth and sky, even if the two never touch. As a neared my destination, I reflected on what I've done with my life, what I'm about to do.

Let's see. I lost both my parents at the same time on the same night and cried for days, worrying Sora. Then I grew up be protected by my brother, never having a chance to prove whatever strength I had left. Then I cut my hair because I got bullied, instead of going to a teacher or talking about it with my brother. Then I grew up with an annoying cheeriness that probably got on some people's nerves and a ditzy attribute that disgusted me every night. Then I lost my first and only crush to my best friend, by accident finding them in their mating time. Then I stopped having faith in myself and stopped caring about my health and school work. Then I worried everyone that I cared about and that cared about me. And now, this. Halfway up the bridge, I started crying. I cried for about 2 minutes then turned to face the side of the bridge.

I went over to the railing of the bridge and bent down to see the crashing waves hitting the bottom boards. Branches from trees had been torn off by the wind and were now crashing against each other, stuck at the bottom of the river and stuck in the hole that moved the water from one side of the bridge to the other. I sighed, which went unheard because of the loud sounds of the water. Trembling, I lifted one leg up and placed a foot on the railing. Then I boosted myself up and now, I was standing with my own two feet on the bridge's rickety railing, only steps away from falling into the river. You probably have a good idea about what I was going to do. But please, if your worrying about me, don't. Think of this as something good. I'm finally going to be out of everyone's way, finally going to see my family and live a happy life on the other side of life with them. If you're not worrying about me, then at least pray for my soul.

I wasn't sad. Not at all. I began to reflect on all the good things I had done in my life. I got to spend a lot of my life with my wonderful brother. I didn't give up on my studies. I met Tatsuki. I met Kurosaki-kun. I met Kuchiki-san. I befriended wonderful people and spent a really great life with them, even with the down-points of it all. So I wasn't upset. I knew I was doing the right thing…thank you. Thank you to all those who made my life a little worth-while. I wasn't blaming myself anymore. Standing on the bridge, I knew that I wasn't upset, wasn't angry. I just didn't care. Didn't care what everyone was going to do with their lives. Didn't care that Tatsuki wasn't with me, or that my friends were moving on, or even that Kuchiki-san and Kurosaki-kun were going to live with each other and possibly start a family. I had nothing to do with anyone. I wasn't needed, I didn't matter. Who would really miss me anyway? They were all on their way to their future. And if I left then nothing would change. No one needed me. I was…a nobody.

As I reflected on this, I began to step a little closer to the edge. The water was already reaching my squeaky, wet boots. I was really amazed by how high the waves were. But that would help out more. I came a little closer.

Then suddenly, "Hey! What do you think your doing?"

I turned to see a dark figure, holding an umbrella start at me under a hood. I couldn't see the person face but I could tell by the voice that it was a man. I was shocked to say the least. I hadn't expected to see anyone outside at this time of night in these conditions. That just wasn't normal. But then again, was what I about to do normal either?

"Get down from up there!" he exclaimed again, coming closer. I back away a little, waving my hands, hoping he took it as a signal to leave. But he came closer, so I back away a little.

It was one of the biggest mistakes and one of the biggest moment in my life.

As I tipped away from the close figure, but my foot had caught on something. A ledge I think. But the only thing I was thinking right then was that I was falling. Falling fast. My feet didn't have contact with the ledge anymore and I began to fall backwards. Waves crashed against me even before I reached the real surface of the river. The water hit me like a boulder, knocking the wind out of me. Icy pelts attacked my face and hands. I was slowly sinking into the darkness.

Sora's face appeared over my almost closed eye lids. Yes. Brother, I'm coming. I'm coming to you. Wait for my brother. I'm coming. Something scraped my head but I didn't care. I was finally going to see my brother, feel his touch and hold him close.

The last thing I saw before the darkness over took me was the dark figure, coming closer to me. His hood fell back and I blackened out, the worried face of an older man coming towards me.

And that, my friends, is where my story starts. The story of Orihime Inoue, the runaway nobody.


Well, how emo was that? Some reviews is all I can ask for