Hello everyone whom is reading this.
I wanted to stated that the first chapter is the second page, back to the subject
Well this is the introduction to the curse of the chrysanthemum anyway; I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing the story. Therefore, I hear a little guild line that can help you out when you are reading.
There are going to be new characters in my bleach and also the Real Bleach.
Well in the manga bleach the world and the shinigmai time is about the same passé of time. Therefore, I am going to change that up a bit, by making the shinigmai time go faster than are world by a hundred thousand years.
I would put down the ranking of the captains, but I cannot since that might give away a lot in the story. When I will pass a certain point in the story, I will put them down so if anyone still confused about the ranking I guess it could help them.
Warning this story will have some parts from the future and well make you confused. Therefore, I advised that if you want to stay ahead of the story go to have the up to date bleach shows, but there in Japanese they also have subbed titles and watch the shows or go to read ahead in the manga. Bwahahha I am like at chapter 313 beyond the 21 book in bleach.
A thousand years has pasted since the attack the attack on the soul society. During that time there was a revelation between the old society and the new, when one of the members of the 13 Squad went on a mission to determine where the leak, that hollows would fall into the human world.
Being to the only shinigami on the duty, she was faced with hollows that were beyond the exception of a point for a normal hollow.
When a hollow becomes two times stronger than there are they are called hungles, meaning they are at the stage of becoming a hollow that not only can eat a human soul, but also prey on the human and kill them by eating their soul's faster than the average hollow would and witch would this ability they become stronger .
An average shinigami could usually take on one hollow at a time, but it would take one captain or possible two to take one hungle down. Standing up the red head captain moved around his desk leaning against the edge.
He knew that he was on a role this time and that time was running out. He waved his hands around to catch their attention again and also the ones that weren't listening.
"So by the time she already had encountered four hungles. A moment back ago she had attracted a human attention, when he saw the hungles. This single human would change the way of the soul society and what it was built on,"
The sounds of the bells ranged off throw out the hole inter soul society, telling every shinigami students even his that they were dismissed for the day. He smiled at every one of them saying their goodbye to him.
Moving back behind his desk gathering up his papers for the day, sliding the door closed only to feel a spiritual pressure that he hasn't felt for so long.
The red head turned around to only find a grin.
"Oyo, Renji long time no sees," he commented back
"hey, old man," only to be tackled by an old friend.
It was like old times, but in town it seems it was reflecting the human world shops and streets and yet the people were keeps its traditional ways. Ichigo was staring out the window of a small teashop they were waiting for the young girl to bring their drinks; she set them down and bowed.
"So I've heard that got promoted?" looking back up at his old friend, Ichigo.
"Yeah, after you left I was became the captain of the sixth squad as for Byakuya he moved to the fifth squad,"
Renji lifting the steaming tea up to mouth forget that hot water can burn. Jumping at the feeling of the tea burning his lip he tossed the teacup as the hot water fell into his lap. Leaping out of sit cussing a storm, Ichigo he hand him a napkin. Taking it Renji, he tried his best to clean up the tea. Looking around the shop everyone who was in there was staring at him.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT," quickly as they turned back to their own business Renji sat down.
"Sometimes I swear,"
"It's been so long, since I've been here."
There was a something in his tone that Renji could not quite put his finger on, but he knew that emotion from his wife tone.
"Yeah it has,"
Renji sipped his coffee once more, before putting it down.
"Why did you come back, I mean why after all of these years?"
Ichigo pulled a bag from under the table, sitting it on the top and reaching in to bring out a white envelope, handing it to Renji.
"Awhile aback I got that,"
Taking a bit of his muffin Ichigo, watch as Renji turned over the envelope to see the seal of the first captain stamped on it, before he could utter a word, Ichigo spoke.
"As you already notice that's from General Yamoto,"
Both know that the General rarely sends an invitation or a letter to someone. Moving the envelope closer to his face.
Looking back and forth at Ichigo and the sealed letter, over and over again, until Ichigo grabbed the envelope from him.
" I would like to keep this in one piece. Anyway what the captain wrote that he would like me establish as their new captain of the fourteen squad of the vizard. Oyo, Renji what wrong with your face?"
He laughed at Renji face. Ichigo mumble to himself as he dig throw his bag to find his cell phone, pulling it out to take a picture. The white flash brought Renji out of daze.
"I saw something, like a flash. What was that?"
Holding his phone to show him the picture of himself.
"You... where the one who toke the flash,"
Trying to snatch the phone from his hand, but Ichigo tucked the phone back in bag.
"I think you're wife will find this an interesting picture,"
Before Renji could pound on Ichigo, he felt something vibrate in his pocket. Pulling out his phone, looking back up at him
"Its her." answering his phone. "Hi honey….. What….okay….yeah I can swing by the store…. Yes I will get you it…. Okay …. I'll be home soon….. Okay… I love you too,"
Ichigo could hear her on the phone asking Renji to give her a kiss, putting his phone away.
"With all the chemical and poison's I'm not surprised that she hasn't blow up the house yet," He did not know why she wanted all of that stuff, but whatever keep her from the kitchen was fine with him. He ran his fingers throw his hair.
"So how is she doing? I haven't seen her in a long time."
"She is doing fine so far. She going to have a boy in 5 months," shocked at the moment
"Congratulation men. What is this you're sixtieth Kid?"
Renji taking another sip of his tea, the young girl came back with another cup of tea, she eye Renji and smiled at Ichigo before she left.
"How are you in Rukia?"
Ichigo he toke another bite of his muffin.
"She doing good, but she still getting used to her human body, after all what happen to her she still has her magic spells. Urahara said that it was okay, since she was a shinigmai, "
"We've finally moved out of my dad's house and bought one of our own." Handing back his photo, as Renji laid back into his seat.
"Did you and Rukia ever think about having kids of your own?"
"Yeah we have, but she not so sure if she can have kids since her body is changing. So Urahara is running some test."
Pulling off some of the muffin piece making a mess of his own.
"Hey why don't you go down there to see a doctor?"
"We can't since Rukia is still going throw the process turning into a human."
"Why not your dad isn't he a doctor too?" He Sweep the crumbs into his hands.
"He is, but he thinks that Rukia is a human."
Renji he looked around the teashop.
"So, where is Rukia?"
"She said that she was going to visit her brother, and then Orhime.
"Anyway back to what I was going to say earlier. I came back here after I received this letter, then two months later; I received another one saying that I could take my time and recruit some other people."
He looked over the rim of the teacup at Ichigo.
"So what took so long?"
"It's not easy finding people who want to become vizard. So I gather up all the people who help me when I was still learning about it."
Waving to the waitress tell her if she could refill it.
"How many are there?"
"There only a few of them, one of them Orhime know since she had the same level of power as him."
"Wait what do you mean HIM?"
Ichigo snicker under his breath to find it funny.
"Don't get me wrong, but she not hit type, he's too tall and British."
He nodded at his comment to understand that he might have over reacted.
Renji relaxed as an Orhime pop into his head.
"Hey man I forgot about Orhime, I got to get going. I'll see you later at the ceremony. Okay."
Ichigo waving off Renji as he left, Ichigo slid back into his seat, as the waitress came up and placed the check and say her thank you and come again. He pulled the check out to notice that he was left with Renji bill to.
Feleena: I hope you can't wait to