It started out simply enough; I saw him reading Peter Pan.

"You know, we're alike. Peter Pan and me," He said after a few moments, closing the book when he heard me enter into the room. "We're never going to grow up, remaining the same age forever." There was bitterness to his voice, darkness in his eyes. "He has all these people around him but who's to say he's never lonely?"

"He won't be lonely forever," I replied gently, sitting down next to him, holding his icy hand in mine.

"I don't want you to regret your choice, Bella," He whispered to me. "You don't have to end up like Peter."

"I know," I told him. "But unlike Peter, I have a choice. I choose this." It's far from Never-Never Land yet when I'm close to Edward, I know that everything will turn out right.