Disclaimer: I so don't own them. If I did there would be a season 5, not on nick, and oh yeah, way more slash.

A/N 1: There's some fluff and oooooooooh some ahem kissing. :) If you don't want to read about them kissing or anything else, then do not read this chapter. Of course, if you didn't want to read about that then you probably wouldn't have read this fic period.


Nobody Knows But Me

Josh took a cab from the airport to the house and saw that one of the cars was there. He took his stuff up to the room and grabbed the extra set of keys to the car and went to where Drake was playing.

He wouldn't let Drake know he was there. No, this was a surprise. He watched from afar, smiling at the way Drake looked, played, acted, sounded. He loved it. He could watch him do this all the time. If he had the choice of doing anything this would be it, well okay, almost anyway… it comes in second, he thought. He knew it was almost over so he left and hurried back home.

He took a shower and got ready. He made sure the bathroom was just the way it was when he got there so Drake would have no clue anything was going on. He hid his bag and then himself when he heard Drake pull up. After Drake came in their room and got the pajamas he was going to change into and he heard the water from the shower start, Josh took the light bulbs out of the light in their room. He wanted it dark so there was no chance of Drake seeing him before he let his presence known.

He heard the shower turn off and sent a hurried text. "Nobody knows but me" is all it said. He blocked his number so Drake wouldn't know it was him.

He heard the sink and knew Drake was brushing his teeth and then heard Drake's phone beep with a message. He heard Drake say "what the" and could only imagine what colorful word was said after.

He heard footsteps coming so he got behind the door. Drake opened it and tried to turn the light on. Obviously it didn't work. Drake just shook his head wondering what other weird thing was going to happen tonight as he shut the door. He figured he could actually make his way around the room in the dark.

He turned to walk further into the room when he felt someone grab him and push him against the door. He didn't know what was happening at first and it was happening so quickly that he couldn't think. His arms were pinned above his head and he felt lips on his before he could respond.

He knew then. He knew who was holding him, he knew who was kissing him, he knew who messaged him. He knew then that he did actually click the wrong button this time, but apparently it worked out to his advantage. He threaded his fingers through Josh's as they lingered in the kiss, deepening it. If he had his eyes open they probably would have rolled in the back of his head.

Josh's body pressed closely against his causing him to moan, and causing Josh to press even closer and kiss even harder. Josh released his hands and moved them down his sides to grip his hips. He put his arms around Josh's neck and hand in his hair.

Even though both had thought about this neither one of them knew of the power it would hold. Josh broke the kiss leaving both of them breathless this time for a different reason.

"Josh," Drake whispered, in between breaths.

Josh couldn't help it. When he heard his name being whispered he touched his lips to Drake's once more. He didn't want to stop. He didn't want to do anything but this. To him, and to Drake this was the best idea he ever had.

He moved his hands up and down Drake's sides and then reached inside his shirt and across his lower back causing Drake to make a sound to what Josh seemed like a whimper.

Josh broke their kiss again and moved Drake's hands from around his neck, to which Drake protested and Josh smiled.

"Is that what you were talking about?" Josh said.

"Uh, yeah… it was," Drake said trying to find words.

"I wanted it too you know," Josh said walking to the bed and laying on it. Drake followed.

"I never knew," Drake said.

"Yeah, well, nobody did, except me… right? Same as you," Josh said.

Drake climbed beside Josh and Josh started brushing his hair with his fingers.

Josh looked Drake in the eyes. "I miss you. I need you, I want you, and I love you too Drake, I can't believe you didn't know," Josh said and kissed him softly. "That's how I would have responded".

Drake laid his head on Josh's chest and was silent just listening to his heart beating and trying to comprehend that he was really here.

"I saw you tonight you know," he told Drake.

"You did?" Drake smiled.

"I did. You looked and sounded amazing. You always do. I miss that. I miss watching you," Josh said.

"I miss you being there. It's so different. You left and I thought… I don't know that you just kind of maybe outgrew me or whatever," Drake said.

"God, never Drake. I could never outgrow you. I left and thought about how you acted when I left and thought maybe you were happy I was gone," he said.

"No way. How could I be? You know us. You know how we are. I have been putting on a very good front. I am good at that you know," Drake chuckled.

"Obviously. You aren't however good at knowing which button is delete and which one is send," Josh kissed Drake's head "for which I am very thankful".

"Yeah," Drake whispered.

"So, anyway what's this about a dream and the bed and well what was it?" Josh asked.

"Like I'm going to tell you. It's embarrassing enough that you know I had one," Drake blushed. He moved his head off of Josh and lay back on the bed.

"Oh you're going to tell me. I didn't come all the way home on a Friday night with you being the only one here all night just to play out one of your fantasies. You owe me," Josh said. He climbed on top of Drake and grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head. "Besides Drake," he whispered in his ear "How can I make it come true if I don't even know what it is"?

"Okay Josh," Drake said looking into his eyes, even though they couldn't see very well. Drake did tell him the dream and Josh made it come true, not leaving out even one detail, and just as Josh suspected, the details were almost exactly the same as the thoughts he had.


The next morning before anybody got home Drake drove Josh to the airport.

"You coming back soon?" Drake asked.

"It depends… You gonna send me another e-mail like that soon?" Josh replied.

"If I think you deserve one," Drake teased. Josh smiled and gently grabbed Drake's wrists. "Just kidding," Drake smiled and Josh released his grip.

"You know I'll be back soon. I can't leave you for long Drake, not now, especially not now," Josh said touching the side of Drake's face.

"I hope not. I can't stand you being gone, especially now," Drake smiled.

"We just need to find a way to make them go away a lot. The more they're gone, the more I'll be there," Josh said, "I mean I want to see them too but you know, there are things I don't want to do while I see them and don't want them to see, right"?

"Oh yeah. I'm good. I can arrange that," Drake said.

Josh looked at him and raised his eyebrows smiling. Drake closed his eyes as if it would hide his blushing. While his eyes were closed Josh kissed him. He returned the kiss. It was like the goodbye they should have had, if they had to have one at all.

"I love you Drake," Josh said.

"I love you too Josh," Drake whispered and looked him in the eyes.

On the plane back to college and on the drive back home both of them thought of the perfect night they shared and how they knew they would make it happen again.

The best part of the night, they both thought, was knowing that nobody knew… nobody but them.

-- End --

A/N 2: Well it ends there, but I wonder how long it would take them to get caught, who would catch them, and what they would say… just a thought. I hope you liked.