Here's the next chapter! Hope you like it!

I don't own Pokemon or anything that Nintendo does except for assorted games and consoles.


Digging through May's pile of girl junk- pink Mp3 players, CD players, CDs of boy bands, and assorted makeup articles, Ash finally managed to find her light blue Juke and input his cell phone number. Pressing the call button, he lay back on May's bed, mentally chanting, "Pick up, pick up, c'mon!"

-This is Ash Ketchum, I'm either training my Pokemon to do things or stopping them from doing things I had taught them. I'll probably get to you when I'm a master. Leave your message at the beep!-

Ash grimaced - it had seemed like a nice message taker when he was in possession of the phone, but now it just seemed childish.


"May, May, are you there? May? Hello? Pick up! Hey!"


Pikachu's ears perked up, curiously listening to the voice coming out of the phone. He had dig Ash's pants out of the laundry hamper again searching for money that his trainer might have forgotten so he could spend it on the new Super Smash Bros. Brawl game, and had found the cell. It was strange listening to "May" calling for May on Ash's phone.

"Pika pi?"


May was pinching herself all over, to make sure it wasn't real.

Pinch! "Ow!"

It was.

Sitting in Ash's pajamas, the formerly-brunette-girl-turned-raven-haired-guy stared in shock, hoping just staying still and concentrating would break through the illusion.






Still nothing.

--5 minutes later--

225, 226, 227,

Nothing changed.


May stood up, and "her" pants promptly dropped off.


Pulling them back up, she turned her attention to Ash's room.

What a mess, she thought.

Her female instincts kicked in, and she began cleaning up his room.

Finally finishing, she remembered Ash's Pokemon. Looking around, she spotted 6 Pokeballs, but noticed that one was empty.



Pikachu had snuck out the front door, past Delia Ketchum's watchful eye. It was close - she had almost spotted Pikachu when he grabbed a couple of ketchup packets for the walk.

Slurping them up in the first 5 seconds, he continued the 5 minute walk (for humans, it was a 2 minute walk, and for Pikachu on ketchup, it was a 30 second walk) to the Maple household. Plodding up the driveway after the rush had worn off, he jumped and rang the doorbell, and Norman Maple answered the door.

"Hey, what?" he said as he looked around and saw nothing. Pikachu walked right between his legs without him notcing a thing.

Wow, he's gotten fat, Pikachu thought as he walked under him.

He ran up to May's room, where "May" was still futilely trying to reach "Ash".

"Pikachu! Hey, buddy! How's it... uhh, I mean, hey, I know you! You're Ash's Pikachu!"

"Pika pika!" Running up and hugging "May", "May" realized it was the hug that Pikachu reserved for Ash alone.

"Pikachu," Ash began slowly, like the way he did it in the show, only this time, it was ruined by May's higher voice.


Pikachu nodded, and jumped onto "May"'s shoulder like he had done with Ash.

"Well," Ash said. "I guess I can get through this if I have someone to help me and hear me out."


End of this chapter! Review again. Did it suck? Was it OK? I know there's not much of a plot yet, but that will come in the later chapters. R&R! Oh, and tell me, do you want me to show scenes where Ash "looks" at May('s body parts) and vice versa? And if I do, will I have to change the rating?