Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, logos, etc. I'm just playing with them for a bit. : )

Summary: Even though his actions seemed cold, he knew that within their team, everyone knew the truth. But even so, he'd continue to call her annoying. Well, because she was. DRABBLE ONESHOTS, SASUSAKU

A/N: So, here's the third chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it!


Annoyance, Chapter Three: Word Count: 444


Sakura glanced around her, but couldn't see anything but the gloomy shadows of the trees that surrounded her. She hugged herself uncomfortably, jumping when the thunder roared over her in the dark, foreboding skies. Her bright green eyes widened nervously, but she clenched her fists and straightened her back proudly. She was a shinobi, and should not be afraid of storms! But as lightning flashed overhead, her courage was lost and she took off down the path.

Inner Sakura was furious. Getting lost? You're supposed to be the smart one, Sakura! And don't forget, your mother warned you about the storm!

Tears sprang to Sakura's eyes as more lightning flashed, followed by the rumble of thunder. Her blurry vision did nothing to help her position, and she soon found herself under the thick branches of an oak tree. She shivered beneath the tree, angry that she had been so foolish.

"What were you thinking, you idiot? Going out into a storm…"

"My guess is that you weren't thinking."

Sakura let out a sharp gasp and jerked her chin up to see a boy with onyx eyes and spiky black hair standing in front of her, dressed in white shorts and a blue shirt.


"Hn." He jerked his head back toward the path. "Saw you running while I was out training. Though I never would've expected that Sakura Haruno could get lost…" He smirked playfully, and Sakura's face took on features of indignation.

"I-I wasn't lost!" She struggled to keep her voice from breaking as the thunder crashed right over their heads. "I was…I was training too!"

The Uchiha stared at her skeptically for a moment, but then he shrugged. He turned to leave, but before he could go anywhere, Sakura's shaking hand lashed out and clenched his sleeve.

"Wait! Don't go!" Tears threatened to spill onto her cheeks as the wind grew louder, but her pride held them in. Sasuke looked down at the hand that held his shirt and noticed her white knuckles. He gently grabbed her hand and held it reassuringly as they walked back to Konoha. When they reached her house, he let go and Sakura flashed him a shaky smile.

"Th-Thank you, Sa-" Sasuke poked her forehead bluntly, interrupting her.

"Don't go out into storms anymore," he said. "It's annoying to have to go out and look for you." He turned and disappeared without another word. Sakura stared after him. Wait, did he just say he looked for me?She smiled, heading into her warm house to get some rest. The storm didn't really bother her so much, because she could still feel Sasuke's warm hand on hers.


A/N: How was it? Too long? Anyway, tell me what you thought of it!