A/N-- Huge thank you to all of the readers, especialy those who reviewed: glowie, Nathan5th, hanazono, maya93, lollerpoop, my heart is an icebox, chyan, LucidLucifer, elfspirit7, krugern, Bleeding Hopes, Maruka17, silverice90, nolensvolens, Evil Detective, gurjhime, chum-sa, Keiko-chan2000, Harley Quinn Davidson, yui1808, mimi1992

And especially to my really cool beta Omni-Obiter

Hope this keep you giglling :D

Chapter 6: Valentines

Natsuki fidgeted as the boring old man talked about the drop in sales about something in the West. Whatever, she had more important things to think about other than her multi-million dollar corporation.

She had a girlfriend.

Natsuki would admit to herself only, that she was a little frustrated.

Frustrated because of sex.

She and Shizuru had made it a custom so far to kiss and get to intense make-out sessions practically everyday, but she was starting to get these strange signals from Shizuru. Shizuru wanted more.

Natsuki would get hot and bothered and she had contemplated going all the way with Shizuru before, but to her it was kind of fast.

Sure, it was annoying how for the past month and a week she's been here they always get some sort of interruption: unwanted phone calls, the stupid TV going loud cuz she sat on a remote by accident, or even fan girls watching wherever they were in public.

Besides that, she was a little afraid and she was taking the interruptions as signs to slow down. She was only a normal girl after all, who wouldn't be a little afraid of losing their virginity? (Well, there may be some people like Shizuru who are afraid that at this rate THEY WON'T lose their virginity...)

It didn't help because she was starting to get absolutely sure that Shizuru was getting annoyed whenever interruptions came (you think Kuga?), and not to mention the pressure Mama Fujino was giving off (ok, sympathy for that one).

But Natsuki had come to a conclusion. Next week would be February 14th.

Valentines Day, the perfect day to lose your virginity to your long time girlfriend and even longer fiancée, who was extremely hot and who you were in love with since living together for a month.

Yes, Natsuki would confess to Shizuru on Valentines Day that she was in love with her, and then they could have awesome sex! No interruptions!!


Shizuru had no more doubts. Natsuki had been back in Fuuka for only a month, their relationship perfect (except for the annoying constant unwanted interruptions...)

Currently the person who she wished was with her so they could make out, was attending a meeting at work for the evening. How unfair.

Shizuru decided exactly what she would do to occupy time. She needed to get some sisterly bonding done with her cute new sister.

She grabbed Reito and they both happily left last period to go kidnap Nao from school.

Shizuru adored Nao, she was the cutest little girl ever! And the best sidekick too... She wanted Reito to meet her so they could take her shopping and spoil her.

After abducting her from her math class, Shizuru and Reito took her straight to the mall.

"Nao-chan, meet Reito-chan."


"Pleasure to meet you Nao-chaaan!"

Reito was very happy when it came to shopping: very happy.

Shizuru took Nao to one of her favourite stores.

"Nao-chan, Reito-chan and I usually pick out clothes for each other to try on. So pick something out for us, while we pick something out for you!"

Nao blushed and looked around the store for possible clothes.

She spent 10 minutes grabbing random things, not bothering what she was picking out and went to the back of the store where the change rooms were.

Reito and Shizuru joined her soon after.

She handed them random clothes and was immediately pushed into a change room by Shizuru.

She looked at the clothes and decided to try them on.

"KAWAII!" the first thing Reito and Shizuru said when they saw her.

She had jeans on that fit nicely, but were too long at her feet, and she had a t-shirt with a butterfly on it.

Nao blushed, and Reito already liked her. He was also thinking about how many dates he could score with the whole 'she's like my little sister' thing if he took her around more with him.

"Ara, Nao-chan I think I'm going to have to take you shopping more." Shizuru looked at herself in the mirror; she had worn the clothes Nao handed her. A jeans skirt with stylish rips, and a t-shirt that emphasized her juicy mangos pretty damn well.

Nao blushed.

"Shizuru-chan! You look hot girl. Kuga's gonna want some of that." Reito remarked and whistled at her attire.

That was all that was needed to say before Shizuru decided to buy it. Anything that would make Natsuki want her was worth the penny.

"I agree with Shizuru though Nao." Reito looked at his own attire, he had the male version of Shizuru's t-shirt and jeans the same colour of hers also stylishly cut. They looked kind of like twins.

After trying on a couple more outfits, Nao was more comfortable hanging out with her new older sister and her queer friend. They had laughs and she was treated to ice cream (wasabi flavoured) and they had bags of clothes and Shizuru even bought new china tea-set. She also got her mother some new shirts and a nice pair of earrings.

Shizuru dropped Reito off at school because he 'had to get ready for a few dates' and took Nao back home.

Nao would officially move into the house with Mama Fujino in two days, and Natsuki wanted her to go to their school next year, but for now she would continue at her own school.

Shizuru and Nao had a bit of difficulty dragging in their shopping, but managed anyways.

"Nao-chan, why don't we go outside?" And outside they went, into the lovely hot tub to have sisterly bonding time and drink grape juice.

Shizuru thought of being in a hot tub with Natsuki.

She added it to her to-do list.

"Hey, Shizuru?" Nao looked at her sister strangely.

"Yes?" Shizuru looked at her while stretching her arms, causing her juicy mangoes to be emphasized.

Nao blushed, and Shizuru giggled.

"um...I don't know how to say it...uhhhh"

Shizuru watched in amusement as her new sister fumbled shyly with a problem that she was embarrassed to ask.

"You and Natsuki are like a couple, right?"

Shizuru nodded her head, wondering where this was going.

"Well, I can't really tell Natsuki this... but..." Nao grew redder, and Shizuru wanted to hug the cutie.

"Nao-chan can tell me anything." She nodded to get her point across.


"You were wondering how I knew I liked her?" a shy nod from Nao told Shizuru she had guessed right.

"Hmmm, let's see...well I've always liked her as a person, but you mean romantically, am I correct?" Another nod allowed Shizuru to continue.

"To be honest, when she got back from the States, I found myself very attracted to her. So, I acted upon my attractions and what I felt was right. Eventually I found that I just... like everything about my Natsuki" Shizuru went into dream land.

"Um..." Nao was still flustered.

"Oh," Shizuru stopped her mind from that thought of Natsuki handcuffed to her bike, "well, when I'm near her my heart races every time and I want her close and she smells nice and she's so sweet and her kisses are like heaven..."

Nao went red as her sister told her things meant for no other human ears.

Shizuru realised where she was going but decided to compose herself and cleared her throat.

"So, who is it?" Shizuru asked her with a wink.

"What? How did...how did you-" Nao was a little tomato.

"Ara, Nao-chan forgot that her big sister knows... quite a bit."

Nao sighed and decide to spill the beans to her sister.

"Well, you know how Natsuki took me to meet some of her friends?"

Shizuru gave her a nod.

"Um... well... her friend Mai is...pre-pretty and really nice." She mumbled loud enough for Shizuru to hear.

"KAWAII!" Shizuru clasped her hands together and celebrated what she knew of as Nao's first crush: Mai Tokiha. Nao predictably blushed.

Shizuru and Nao were now lying in lawn chairs as Shizuru read a magazine and Nao filed her nails.

Just then, a ball came out of no where and hit Nao on the head.

"OUCH!" she yelped and Shizuru just giggled, she received a glare but giggled more in response.

Nao picked the ball up and walked to the fence separating the Fujino mansion from the mansion next door.

She looked across to find a 10 Year old blonde girl with a dog.

"Ara, Alyssa-chan, how nice to see you again." Alyssa blushed at Shizuru's gentle tone and her gorgeous bikini clad body.

"Shizuru-san" the blonde girl gave her elder a smile after the blush wore off.

"This your ball?" Nao asked with a scowl. It had hurt.

Alyssa gave her an amused look, "So what if it is?"

Nao clenched her fist. Was that a challenge?

"Well, maybe next time you should take care of your TOYS so they don't hit people on the HEAD" she tossed the ball back over the wired fence.

"Well, It's not my fault some heads are SO BIG that a small ball ACCIDENTLY hits them."

Nao growled and stomped off into the house before the blonde annoyed her any further.

Shizuru smiled. Young love, how cute.


"You bought me a shirt?" Natsuki looked at the garment in her hands. It was a simple black t-shirt with a Chinese symbol for tiger. It was pretty nice.

"Yeah, I went with Reito and took Nao-chan along."

"Oh...thanks. Did you have a good time?"

Natsuki collapsed back onto the bed where she had been doing some work on her laptop.

"Yeah... How was the meeting?"

"Boring, I wanted to shoot myself." Shizuru giggled as Natsuki got back up to go the bathroom.

Five minutes later, Natsuki emerged from the bathroom wearing the new shirt Shizuru got.

"I like it." She commented and indeed, it looked very good on her.

"Natsuki looks good in black." Shizuru stared her up and down.

Natsuki blushed slightly from the compliment.

Shizuru was serious when she said it though, no teasing could be traced.

"Wh-why don't we go out tonight? It's been a few days since we went out...alone." Natsuki felt glad when her girlfriend nodded her head and moved to the closet.

"Can Natsuki give me a few minutes to get ready?"

Natsuki nodded and grabbed her keys, facing the other way as Shizuru changed clothes.

She was still too shy, they hadn't gone past intense kissing and feeling...

Shizuru changed quickly to save Natsuki's torture. When Natsuki turned around, she was greeted with the outfit Nao had chosen for Shizuru earlier.

Oh. My. Sweet Juicy, Juicy, JUICY mangoes.

Natsuki's mind rolled with perverted thoughts.

Shizuru grinned, that was the reaction she had hoped for.

Nice choice indeed, Nao.


Natsuki and Shizuru decided on a casual pizza place, where they were unaware with the presence of...

Kaichou's fangirls: the top 5.

#1: Marguerite Tomoe

#2: Clochette Miya

#3: Woods Irina

#4: Adean Lillie

#5: Alter Yayoi

Natsuki and Shizuru were oblivious to them of course, and accidently sat near them; close enough for the girls to hear what was being said.

They all had small heart attacks when they saw what Shizuru was wearing.

Juicy mangoes, my friends, juicy mangoes.

"So, how was hanging out with Nao?" Natsuki asked.

Fangirls perked their ears. Nao was a new topic, and they had to know everything about their Kaichou.

"Ara, Nao-chan is very cute." Shizuru giggled upon remembering.

Fangirls got jealous.

Natsuki rolled her eyes at her girlfriend, "I was asking because, well, Nao was really weird last time. She was all... mumbling and blushing..."

Shizuru was very amused; Natsuki was oblivious that Nao had been overwhelmed with Mai's very own juicy mangoes.

"She's fine now, no worries... Natsuki, let's share the deluxe pizza, I'm rather hungry."

Natsuki agreed.

When the waiter came, he predictably flushed at her juicy juicy mango-ness, trying hard to stop a nose bleed.

"Oi!" Natsuki wanted to punch anyone who dared look at her fiancée like that.

He snapped his head up, blushing in embarrassment. Natsuki gave him the order and glared at his back as he walked away.

"Natsuki..." Shizuru would be lying if she said she didn't' enjoy Natsuki getting possessive, but the fact that Natsuki was now holding her hand as if trying to tell everyone near 'that's my hot girlfriend with the juicy juicy mangoes!' made her even more happy. As long as Natsuki wasn't violent, she was happy.

Natsuki started caressing Shizuru's hand and they unwillingly broke contact when they had to make room on the table for the food.

That was fast...

Fangirls glared daggers at their hands that re-intertwined underneath the table.

To everyone else, it was cute.

Natsuki went with her free hand to pick at the food.

"Ouch! It's hot!" She glared at the pizza as she nursed her burnt fingertips. She tried to glare away all the heat, it just did not work.

Shizuru blushed when she thought of something, but the blush quickly left before it was noticed. She took her hand and carefully ripped a piece of hot pizza and blew on it, before putting the cheesy goodness to Natsuki's lips.

Natsuki's glare softened and she flushed while instinctively opening her mouth, letting the food in and the tips of Shizuru's fingers.

Shizuru repeated the gesture again as Natsuki finished chewing and she licked the grease off her own finger in a sensual way.

She had Natsuki right where she wanted her, and her mangoes helped.

Fangirls fainted when she licked her fingers, and all decided to give Kuga revenge for stealing their Kaichou and having her hand-feed Kuga's stupid ass.

Natsuki kept eye contact with Shizuru, and held hands under the table the whole time.

Eventually after 20 minutes of no talking and all eating, Natsuki spoke.


Then she had brain fart.

Then, Shizuru giggled because it was incredibly cute to watch Natsuki have a brain fart.

The giggling brought Natsuki out from her small malfunction and she gave Shizuru a small glare.

Shizuru giggled even more, but found her giggles muffled when a delicious piece of pizza was forced into her mouth.

Only, it was a very large piece of pizza.

She gagged at the large piece and gave Natsuki her own glare, Natsuki in response simply looked smug and gave her a wink.

Shizuru blushed. She took the pizza out from her mouth and decided she would ignore Natsuki as she ate her own meal in peace.

Natsuki watched Shizuru intently as she ate her pizza with a knife and fork.


Natsuki was ignored, and the childish act from Shizuru made her smile.

"Shi-zuuuu-ruuuu" She was trying to annoy Shizuru as much possible.

"Shizuru, Shizuru, SHIZURU."

Shizuru gave her a glare and Natsuki could tell she was trying hard not to laugh.

Natsuki bit her lip and smiled, Shizuru was incredibly adorable when she tried to act pissed off. Natsuki had this sudden urge to leap over the table and hug her fiancée while smothering her in kisses.

After the dinner, Natsuki had yet to hear Shizuru acknowledge her. She paid for the meal and decided to take Shizuru to the next stop on their date.


"What movie you want to see Shiz?" Natsuki smirked when Shizuru stubbornly kept quiet and ignored her. Natsuki stared at the box office and decided to pick her choice.

"Two tickets for..." Natsuki looked to her left, keen on witnessing Shizuru's reaction to her choice, "Pokémon Movie."

The guy at the box office gave her an amused look but charged her for the tickets nonetheless.

Shizuru tried really hard not to do something to Natsuki, whether it be tease her for her choice of movie or kiss her for being so incredibly cute about it. But she had to stay strong: she would not lose to Natsuki.

When they went into the theatre, it was empty near the back and packed with kids and their parents near the front. Natsuki had one large drink and popcorn to share with her girlfriend, who was still ignoring her since she had stuffed a pizza in her mouth and laughed.

Little did Natsuki and Shizuru know that they had been followed by the 'fangirls top 5' into the cinema.

The movie went on and Natsuki surprisingly got really into it, and when Shizuru saw how focused Natsuki got, she giggled.

The fangirls loved the sound of her giggle.

Natsuki blushed when she realised the situation but lost interest in the movie when she looked at Shizuru's face, lit up with the screen light in all the right places.

Shizuru smirked when she noticed how Natsuki adored her, and she took a piece of popcorn between her lips and ate it sensually.

Well, as sensually as anyone could eat popcorn to try and seduce their girlfriend away from a Pokémon movie...

Natsuki was turned on. Shizuru took their pop and put the straw to her lips, taking a sip.

Natsuki started eating the popcorn as if she was into a movie.

Shizuru then put the drink to Natsuki's lips and smiled when Natsuki sipped it.

She moved in for a kiss, the fangirls gripped their seats.

Natsuki finished the movement and they were lip locked, only 15 minutes into the film.

Good thing all the little kids were in front of them, so they didn't have to worry about anyone watching their affection. Well, they didn't know about the 5 fangirls currently in depression behind them, but they didn't count.

Natsuki dropped the popcorn tub as Shizuru climbed over the armrest so she was sitting on Natsuki's lap as they kissed.

Natsuki gripped both sides of the armrest as Shizuru cupped her face and kissed her deeply.

"So," Natsuki whispered in between kisses, "you still mad at me?" She blushed cutely and Shizuru gave her another kiss.

"Maybe." Shizuru whispered back and her hands moved down from her face to encircle her neck.

Natsuki moved her own arms around her waist and they kissed for the whole movie.

The fangirls behind them were shocked at their beloved Kaichou! The Kuga bitch must be controlling her!

They fled the theatre in fury and with broken hearts.

Meanwhile, the credits rolled, and Natsuki and Shizuru reluctantly stopped arguably their best make out session yet when the cinema lights turned on and the excited little kids talked about their favourite Pokémon.

Shizuru was flushed in the face and brushed off her clothes while grabbing her purse to exit, not even looking at her blushing fiancée who was still trying to understand the situation.

Outside the theatre, Shizuru waited patiently for Natsuki to come out, and when she did Shizuru went back to her previous childish behaviour of ignoring her girlfriend.

Natsuki for her part was amused: Shizuru was still playing with her like before, even after they made out for practically 2 hours.

She found it cute, still.

They walked around the streets, enjoying the fresh air, and on instinct Natsuki and Shizuru just held hands.

Natsuki kept looking to her left at her fiancée who was purposefully staring straight ahead, maintaining ignorance, despite the fact that they were holding hands.

Natsuki was starting to get annoyed, how would she get Shizuru to forgive her? She even forgot what she was supposed to be sorry about...

Oh yeah, she stuffed a pizza in Shizuru's face and laughed.

Just remembering it caused Natsuki to laugh out loud, and Shizuru to spare her a glance inquiring her odd behaviour.

Natsuki blushed from embarrassment and gave a sheepish grin, to which she earned a giggle.

Natsuki smiled in triumph, the blush continuing to grace her cheeks as she decide to move her hand from Shizuru's hand to her waist, pulling her close.

Shizuru was surprised from the action, and decided that Natsuki was too comfy and cuddly to stay pretend mad at.


Natsuki glared at the television, watching it intently as she thought hard.

How the hell should she set up Valentines Day, which was in TWO damn days!!

"Oi, Natsuki." Nao was in their dorm drinking Pepsi and eating wasabi flavoured chips.

Natsuki frowned, "what?"

"You do realise you're watching... nothing, right?" Nao gestured to the TV which was actually off.

"I-I knew that!" Natsuki had her 'embarrassed' face and crossed her arms while huffing at her recently adopted sister.

"Riiight."Nao was obviously not buying it.

After Nao had finished the bag of wasabi yumness, she decides to give some wise advice.

"Why don't you just buy her... like, something?" The words of a genius.

"Um, Nao, yeah that' fine but..." Natsuki blushed. She couldn't tell her 12 year old sister that.

Nao frowned, in thinking mode. Wasabi chips gave her brain thinking momentum.

"Ohmygod!" She exclaimed. For a 12 year old, and considering she hung around Mama Fujino a lot lately, she knew what Natsuki was flushing about.

Natsuki only blushed more.

"You...hahahahahaahahahhahahhahahaahaha" Nao could only laugh.

"Shutup!" Natsuki smacked her on the head.

Nao effectively shutup, but continued to hold back some laughter. Then she gave actual wise advice.

"Look, I have no experience with that kind of thing since I'm like 12, but um... you should just go for it. You know, have some confidence."

Okay, Natsuki could do that. Possibly.


Shizuru was having difficulty paying attention in her English class, considering all she could think about was tomorrow and Valentine's Day and how would finally get her Natsuki how she wanted her (naked in bedsheets).

Yes, it had been the unspoken rule between the two that Valentine's Day would be THE day for them, Shizuru could sense that Natsuki wanted that and the sweet gesture made her want to find her girlfriend and ravish her right now.

Many people would think it was silly to want to lose their virginity on Valentine's Day while some may find it romantic or cute. Shizuru knew that the day meant something for Natsuki, because Natsuki had mentioned to Shizuru how her mother cherished the holiday and loved getting gifts for it.

It had been celebrated between their families the same way. You give a gift to anyone you love, whether romantic or platonic, and show your love. Natsuki and Shizuru usually had given each other chocolates and soft toys, but this year was going to be sooo very different.

Shizuru giggled upon remembering how every Valentine's Natsuki would blush, no mater what. It was always adorable, and she expected no less this year.

In fact, during the Grande finale, Natsuki should burst from blushing.

Ironically, the thought evoked a blush from Shizuru herself.


Intermission: Mama Fujino returns with... Nao Kuga!

"Yo, Mama Fujino in the house!"

(Crowd cheers hysterically)

"Yo, Lil' Kuga here too"

(Crowd continues cheering for the new addition)

Mama Fujino pounds Nao's fist and they do a ghetto pose before addressing the audience again.

"I know you are all anxious for the upcoming smex..." Nao starts to speak.

"And, we all now my Shiz-chan and my Natsuki-chan are going to rock each other..."

"SENSELESS!" Everyone yells together.

"But, poor little ladies need some time to gather their wits." Mama Fujino pulls a big clock out of nowhere for emphasis.

(Crowd upset, they want ShizNat smut NOW NOW NOW!)

"SO, to fill in time," Mama Fujino puts the clock on her neck like a huge necklace, "Let's talk about..."

"My adoption!" Nao exclaims in excitement.

(Crowd loves Nao and all, but come on, they want shiznat on the bed...)

"So, you see, Natsuki-chan brought little Nao-chan home one day and said she would become a member of our family, and I got myself another cute daughter."

Nao blushes and is crushed in a hug by Mama Fujino, the blinged out clock necklace makes it hard to breath...

"I was a very happy Mama. I'll be happier when my daughters finally get laid though..." Mama Fujino trails off, and the crowd agrees whole heartedly.

Everyone will be happier when Natsuki and Shizuru get their groove on.

"Anyways, Natsuki-chan was my god child and so I have been her guardian since Sa-chan and Fuji-kun left. Nao has been the sibling Natsuki and Shizuru never had, and I love my Nao-chan just as much as I love them"

Nao and crowd in tears from the deep words of Mama Fujino.

"It feels as if Nao has always been in the family, and I can already picture Nao's own engagement and wedding..."

"WHAT?" Nao blushes, she had not thought about getting married or ENGAGED for that matter.

"Ah yes, in fact I already chose the perfect suitor!"

"WHAAAAT!" Nao never heard of this!

"Hmmmm, I think Nao-chan and the next door neighbour Alyssa-chan would be great together! I can already sense the young love between you two!"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" Nao could not believe her ears.

(Crowd whistles in approval)

Nao can only blush and fume. Her and Alyssa? No way padre, no way.

"Time for what everyone's been waiting for! Time for the Valentine's luuuuuving! Mama Fujino: OUT!" Mama Fujino does another ghetto pose and disappears with Nao.

(Crowd cheers for what must be the best event of their lives)

Nao passed out from blood loss when she accidently thought of her and Alyssa doing naughty things, the kind that you are about to read with Shizuru and Natsuki.


Natsuki twiddled her thumbs as she waited for Shizuru who was in the bathroom. They had their romantic candle light valentines dinner in their kitchen which Shizuru had insisted on cooking. She paced back and forth, her nerves acting in every part of her body.

So far so good. The dinner was nice, and the gifts were as well. Natsuki gave Shizuru a silver necklace with amethyst plus a rose, and Shizuru gave Natsuki a special motorcycle cleaner and mayo chocolates.

She knew Shizuru was also nervous, despite how confident she appeared through the whole night. Blushing when she unconsciously stared at the bed, Natsuki shook her head and entered the tiny dorm kitchen.

She needed water. Her sports coaches in the states always told her that proper hydration was essential for exercise.

Damn, there she goes and blushes again.

Inside the bathroom, Shizuru was actually a little nervous, but much more excited. She was finally going to lose her virginity and make her mother proud. (Yes, because only Mama Fujino would be proud of that...)

She gave herself the once over and winked at her gorgeous body in the mirror. She knew Natsuki had a lingerie fetish, and with her sexy black bra and matching panties, she was hoping to expand that fetish. She had a robe over them that was silky and clung to her body in all the right places. Rowr.

Shizuru let a rare blush take over her cheeks, but instead of embarrassment, she grinned at herself in confidence, and the blush left. Kuga Natsuki, beware of you horny girlfriend.

Getting out of the bathroom quietly, she peeked around to see that Natsuki was walking back and forth in front of their couch, mumbling something about "going in and doing it."

Giggling at the cute site, Shizuru dimmed the lights and successfully got Natsuki's attention.

Natsuki whipped her head up, and a ferocious blush crossed her cheeks when she saw what her fiancée was wearing.

"Shizuru!" She focused her eyes on Shizuru's face so she didn't seem so perverted.

Shizuru gave her a gentle smile, "Natsuki, don't be so nervous."

She walked up to her and gave Natsuki a nice comforting hug, knowing that her perfume was helping Natsuki get in the mood, and that her ample cleavage was poking out.

Natsuki tried to steady her breathing, the perfume smelt so enticing and Shizuru was so comfortable that it ached. She wanted more. She wanted to touch her more.

"I know, I'm sorry," she whispered into Shizuru's ear. "I can't help but be nervous..."

Shizuru started to rub Natsuki's back gently and nuzzled her neck.

"I'm nervous too, so let's take it slowly, okay?"

Feeling Natsuki nod, Shizuru cupped her cheek and kissed her gently. Natsuki started to reciprocate. Kissing really did feel good.

Natsuki started moving her hands around Shizuru's waist and back, this was starting to get easier.

Shizuru gasped when Natsuki grabbed her ass like it was her beloved mayonnaise and squeezed. That felt very nice.

If things continued like so, they were getting less nerve racking!

Shizuru pulled her girl back towards the bed. Natsuki eagerly followed, actually unaware what was happening until she collapsed on top of Shizuru on the soft bed.

Shizuru quickly rolled them over, and admired the beauty of her fiancée underneath her. Kissing her once again, Shizuru moved down to her neck.

Natsuki started to moan and let her hands wander to Shizuru's robe belt. Tugging at it, Shizuru smiled at successfully arousing her little pup and helped Natsuki get it off of her.

With the silk robe discarded somewhere on the floor, Natsuki looked at the frame of her fiancée for the first time without feeling embarrassed. Sure, she was blushing, but it was more out of awe and excitement.

"Shizuru, you really are beautiful."

Shizuru blushed form the actual sincerity Natsuki used and smiled fondly while stroking her hair.

"Is that French styled lace from St. Mariaz lingerie? The September catalogue had a spread on it!"

Ok, way to break the sweet moment Natsuki.

Shizuru rolled her eyes and decided to get back on task. She practically ripped the tank top off of Natsuki and eagerly started attacking her chest and smaller cleavage with her skilled mouth.

Natsuki forgot about the fantastic St. Mariaz black lingerie that Shizuru wore as soon as pleasurable sensations went through her system. This was starting to look better than the intense make out sessions.

Shizuru moaned; Natsuki seemed to have a thing for her ass considering she wouldn't stop feeling it up.

Returning back to Natsuki's mouth, Shizuru shifted her body so that her hands could down get to Natsuki's pants. She smiled into the kiss when she found and undid the button.

Unzipping them, she was rolled over by her blushing Natsuki. Natsuki kissed Shizuru with such intensity that when they broke off, Shizuru was also blushing and grinning like a love struck idiot. Her airy giggle managed to make Natsuki grin and return to kissing her again.

But Shizuru wanted to get those pants off her Natsuki. She put a hand down the back of Natsuki's pants, she had a very nice and firm a-

"Ah" Natsuki gasped suddenly, breaking the moment.

"Natsuki, what is it?" Shizuru reluctantly removed her hand and pouted.

"I twisted my arm..."

Shizuru sighed as Natsuki rubbed her apparently twisted arm. Then with firm resolve, she grabbed the back of Natsuki's head and pulled her back down for a kiss.

Natsuki forgot that her arm hurt.

Shizuru resumed her right hand back to its previous position down the back of Natsuki's pants, her other hand entangled in Natsuki's blue locks.

Natsuki was supporting her weight over Shizuru with both of her hands on either side of Shizuru's head.

She let her right arm move and felt her hand glide over the soft skin it discovered with touches.

Wow, Shizuru was so smooth and soft it amazed her.

Shizuru started to giggle into their kiss.

"What?" Natsuki demanded when Shizuru snorted.

"Sorry Natsuki, that tickles," Shizuru continued giggling like a moron, so Natsuki decided to kiss her neck.

Shizuru continued giggling, but it soon turned into moans. She put her hands on the waistband of Natsuki's trousers and tugged them downwards.

Damn pants wouldn't come off! Natsuki stopped kissing Shizuru's neck when she realised Shizuru was no longer moaning, and seemed very tense.

"Shizuru, what's wrong?" She looked down and was startled to be glared at by her girlfriend.

"Natsuki your stupid pants won't come off!"

Natsuki blushed when she looked over her shoulder to realise for the first time that Shizuru had a hand down her pants which wouldn't come off, and apparently pissed off her girlfriend.

Looking at the angry Shizuru apologetically, Natsuki jumped up from her position and took off her pants as fast as she could, tripping in the process.

Once Natsuki was pant-less, she pounced back on Shizuru and resumed where they left off.

Shizuru was effectively a happier person now that Natsuki's fucking pants were gone. In the heat of enthusiasm she rolled Natsuki back over and sat on her belly.

They were both breathing heavy and flushed in their faces. Shizuru started to stroke Natsuki's tummy which caused her to growl. Oh Shizuru found that cute.

"Aw Natsuki's so cuute!"

"Eh?" Natsuki frowned, things were getting good and Shizuru had to go and call her CUTE of all things?

"Shouldn't you say I'm sexy?"

Shizuru stopped her strokes and realised her comment hurt Natsuki's feelings.

"You are sexy, my little Natsuki." She tried to make Natsuki feel better and get back into the mood.

Natsuki crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.

"But that's contradicting because you said I am sexy, but then you called me 'little'!"

Shizuru sighed in defeat, she decided to resume to stroking Natsuki's stomach.

"Natsuki, can we PLEASE just continue?"

Before Natsuki could agree or say anything, Shizuru attacked her lips, and started moving her hips so she was grinding Natsuki's waist.

Now, that was hot.

Natsuki propped herself up on her elbows, trying to push herself more to Shizuru. Shizuru went for Natsuki's bra, and unclasped it so fast that Natsuki only realised it was gone when she felt a sudden chill.

What the fuck?

Shizuru moved on from Natsuki's mouth to her exposed boobs, doing things to them that Natsuki was too hazy to recognize.

Shizuru started to leave searing wet kisses down Natsuki's slim abdomen, her hands moving to play with the hem of her underwear.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god, her hands her hands her hands. Uhhh this feels so goooood.

Natsuki moaned when Shizuru's hand actually made contact near her most private part.

Shizuru sat up so she could properly dispose of the last clothing that kept her from pleasing her Natsuki. Whipping it off faster than she did the bra, Shizuru couldn't help but blush when she saw all of her fiancée.

She slowly touched 'it' with caution which hid her true excitement. Natsuki, for her part, was blushing like mad, and nervously waiting for the first touch.

Shizuru touched her curls and fingered the skin slowly.

"Natsuki, hentai!" she couldn't help but say it when she saw how wet Natsuki was.

Natsuki glared at Shizuru and slapped her hand away, to which Shizuru pouted.

"Shizuru! You're probably the same if not wetter!"

Shizuru sniffed.

Oh no, Natsuki, don't fall for it! (doesn't she always?)

"Shiz, come on, don't cry..."

Shizuru grinned, her fake crying act thrown out the window, and returned her hand to her prize.

"Shizuru!" Natsuki had been played, again.

Shizuru silenced her with a kiss and thrust her finger into Natsuki.

It was on.

Natsuki took a sharp breath in and bit her lip while Shizuru kissed down her collarbone.

"Shiz..." Natsuki mumbled, but Shizuru kept her finger thrusting, enjoying the feel of being inside her fiancée.

Shizuru started to pick up her pace and she felt Natsuki moan and groan, in pleasure and in a bit of pain.

Clutching onto Shizuru's head since it was the closest thing, Natsuki pushed her deeper into her neck as Shizuru kept on fingering away wherever she could to make Natsuki gasp.

Shizuru felt Natsuki's walls tighten around her finger and she heard as Natsuki voiced her very first orgasm at the hands of Shizuru.

As Natsuki relaxed, Shizuru brought her finger out, dragging it across Natsuki's hip, a smile on her face.

Natsuki was no longer a virgin! Now, it was her turn.

Natsuki regained her breath and laid there.

That. Felt. AWESOME.

With both girls on their backs grinning, Natsuki turned to her side to look at Shizuru.

Shizuru bit her lip when she saw Natsuki's flushed face and messy hair. She wanted her turn.

"My turn!" Shizuru grinned, and Natsuki blushed even more.

How could Shizuru be so straight forward like that?

But Natsuki decided to give Shizuru the loving she deserved.

Pinning her down with her weight, Natsuki kissed Shizuru's mouth with unrushed passion. She kissed down her neck and felt every inch of skin that came into contact with her fingers.

Shizuru gripped her hair and moaned, letting Natsuki know she was doing a very good job.

Natsuki was encouraged and decided to unhook Shizuru's bra to get further.

"OW!" Shizuru yelped, "Did you just snap my bra?"

"I was trying to be smooth!" Natsuki defended herself.

Yes. Real smooth, Natsuki, real smooth.

Natsuki huffed but returned to Shizuru's tempting lips and this time successfully removed the St. Mariaz black bra from Shizuru's juicy mangos.

"Natsuki?" Shizuru opened her eyes when she realised Natsuki had stopped her ministrations.

"Wow, it's softer than I thought it would be. That's why I love St. Mariaz, this is what is called good quality! And the lace is very intricate, the details are amazing."

Shizuru's jaw dropped. What the fuck?

Natsuki stopped her rant when Shizuru ripped the bra from Natsuki's hands and threw it somewhere forgotten in the room.

"Shizuru! That was a very-" she was cut off with a fierce kiss from Shizuru and led back to their previous position.

The bra was forgotten.

Natsuki put her hands on the waistband of Shizuru's panties; Shizuru eagerly lifted her hips so they would come off quicker.

Finally, she was about to lose her virginity.

Natsuki surprisingly didn't hesitate and went straight for the kill. She rubbed the skin around Shizuru's sex and slipped her finger in before Shizuru could moan.

She was fast, knowing that she just had to get it over with.

Shizuru was blushing like mad and thrashing on the sheets. Natsuki was unknowingly talented.

As she built up, Natsuki thrust harder to push her further. There was no teasing.

Well, who knew Shizuru was a screamer? Natsuki found out.

Lying on their back and catching their breaths, they smiled again.

Natsuki got up and pulled the covers over their naked bodies so they were warm.

Shizuru could have danced, she finally lost her virginity! YAY! All was good in the world!

"So," Natsuki started, "that was sex..."

Shizuru's grin grew wider, Natsuki was such a cutie.

Humming her consent she moved closer to Natsuki and hugged her.

Natsuki of course blushed when she realised that they were naked.

"I liked it."

Shizuru smiled at that comment, and started to play with Natsuki's tummy.



"I love you."

"Really?" Natsuki sounded like she would if someone told her she just won a million dollars.

Shizuru giggled, "yes, really."

"Shizuru, I... I love you too."

Shizuru blushed and buried her face into Natsuki's neck.

"Really?" She asked, if only to mock her fiancée.

"Hmm," Natsuki nodded, "I'd do anything for you."

Awwwww Natsuki, you're so cute!

"Anything?" Shizuru was very touched.

Natsuki nodded her head enthusiastically.

"How about round two?"

They both grinned and Shizuru giggled when Natsuki kissed her neck.

Round two it was.

A/N And there you have the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it :D

i bumpe dthe rating up to M just to be safe, but that wasn't too explicit and it was my first time writing a sexual scene

Please let me know your thoughts -.-

until next time,
