Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. Damn it all!

A/N: Just a idea of how Bulma and Vegeta grew up in a A/U. They're still the same. See as they come together and learn to love one another. With the Goku and Chi Chi get together thing. No Offense!

When we were young
Chapter 12: Mine!

Last time: Vegeta finnaly returns, he and Bulma make love! Awwww

*...* Mean thoughts

"..." Duh?

/.../ Mean a quote from a character that someone is thinking.


~ ~ ~ ~

Vegeta sat in his chair on the ship, he gripping the arm rests to the breaking point. Everyone filed in and sat down and started up the engines of the ship. Vegeta was going to settle this, once and for all. he was sick of this shit that was suffocating him and his family.

He really wanted to blast the ship into an oblivion. Did everyone think he was to be defied, that he wasn't strong enough? He was sick of this! Sick of it all! The warrior in him has had to much.

"After that ship!"

Everyone nodded and shot after it.

~ Cooler's ship ~

Bulma was in a small cage in Cooler's cockpit of his ship.

"Are you asking for a deathwish? Vegeta will kill you?"

"Not with you around!" Cooler yelled back.

Bulma clutched her baby tighter, Trunks began to cry.

"Shut that things up!" Coller yelled.

"Why are you doing this?" Bulma asked.

"Simple my dear. Vegeta has taken everything from me and my family. All saiya-jins have. Saiya-jins wouldn't be the pests they are without the technology of earth. By destroying the alliance and capturing you, I can die with a piece of him. I'll win, and he'll lose."

Bulma growled and glared at Cooler. Cooler looked up when he saw the radar pick up an incoming ship.

"I see he's on his way to save you"

Cooler turned on his heals and walked out the door leaving Bulma behind. Bulma hmphed and looked the other way. Cooler opened the door to the dark abyss that was space. He chuckled who heartedly when he saw Vegeta's space cruiser right in front of him. He jumped out, startling Vegeta's crew on the ship.

"Your highness, what do we do?"

Vegeta jumped from his chair and towards the door. He opened it, not caring if the otehrs flew out due to the strong pull. He walked out anf faced Cooler. He looked to Cooler's ship knowing that his everything were in there.

*Don't aim for the ship* Vegeta told himself.

"You ice-jins never quit do you? Any more pests I should be aware of?" Vegeta asked.

"No, just me, I shall avenge my people and my family" Cooler yeld.

Cooler lunged for Vegeta's neck but Vegeta simply put his arm up. he screamed and the flames of his energy englufed his being. Cooler did not know Vegeta was a super saiya-jin, with increased speed, he could go into the ship, rescue the family and Cooler wouldn't be able to tell.

"Look Vegeta, I can help you rebuild the alliance?"

Vegeta hmphed and punched him in the gut. Vegeta floated over towards the ship, but didn't see Cooler take out a remote and pressed it.

"To bad we couldn't see eye to eye Vegeta"

Vegeta looked up and zoomed towards the ship.

And so, just as Cooler predicted, Vegeta rescued me and my baby before he could celebrate his supposed victory. After Cooler was defeated, We all returned home for the celebration of him becoming king, I his queen, and our son the next prince of the planet. He's been a wonderful king, husband and father, and even through all the tough binds we've faced, I know he still loves me, and that love sprouted

When we were young...


Yes this is the ending. Bulma told her tale, and it came out with a happy ending. Thanx to all the readers and reviewers. Toodles!

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