Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. Damn it all!

A/N: Just a idea of how Bulma and Vegeta grew up in a A/U. They're still the same. See as they come together and learn to love one another. No Goku and Chi Chi get together thing. No Offense!

When we were young
Chapter 1: Reminiscing

I can remember just like it was yesterday. Well it was only a few years ago. We've grown and tried to forget our past. I on the other hand always have these memories that will never leave me and will always haunt me. Haunt me and tell me that there is something between me and my friend and will always be. I always knew he was different, yes biologically and physically, but emotionally? Let me explain....

Many years ago, a war occured between Frieza, a ice-jin tyrant and a feared man of the galxay, versus Vegetasei. A planet inhabited by Saiya-jins. Saiya-jins were a race of elite people, with the love to fight coursing through their entire being. A misunderstanding took place, resulting in the war starting. Vegetasei was so desperate for help that they came to the Chikyu-sei and recieved help, by force. In the end when the war was over and Vegetasei provailed once again, they united with Chikyu-sei resulting in the Vegeta-Chikyu-sei Alliance. We were two planets combined. Alterations were made and the planets were brought together physically. Technology was worked to the core trying to create a wall or covering to cover completely Chikyu-sei and Vegeta-sei. Of course they're was a tunnel in between so people could travel from one planet to the next. So technically if you were in space and you saw Vegetasei and Earth combined for the first time, you would have thought that we were a bone or something. But anyway life has been sweet since.

And that was 50 years ago. Well enough with the history lesson. Let me introduce myself. I'm Bulma, Bulma Briefs, young genious. Hard to believe? I'll prove my intellegence to you! If you dare! Let me continue before you walk off, and leave me hanging. I'm here to tell you of my life. Don't think I'm so full of myself or anything. This is just something you should know. I was born into a very highly respected family. My father was a scientist and my mother....well...let's not go into details shall we. He He... *cough*.

I would naturally become something succesful in my life and make my family proud.... or so I thought many years ago. My family lived on the right side of the CP (Connected Planet), the side where Vegeta-sei was located. Since I lived in a wealthy and respected family I lived in the area of the elites and went to school with the elites. When I say area, I mean the palace gardens. Palace?? What palace? I forgot to mention that after the war ended, Vegeta-sei had most of the control. So there was royalty. A King, a Queen, and a Prince. I'm getting tired of the small details, onto the larger details...........

9 years ago.........



Bulma rose from her bed and gave a well earned stretch. For a 15 year old teenager, she works real hard on inventions. Last night she completed a invention that she poured her time and heart into. She wasn't going to reveal it to anyone, even her father. She was eager to tell her friend though. It was finnaly complete. Bulma filled with a energy that even she couldn't identify, filled her every being. She danced out of her bed and to her bathroom. She washed up and prepared for school. Bulma then proceeded to her closet and put on her school uniform, only wealthy, respected, elites and up wore uniforms to school. Bulma didn't mind though. Bulma put on her shoes then proceeded to her dresser. She placed on her make-up and nessicites and was about to head out of the door. She leaned her ear against the door and sure enough she heard her friend. It was kind of him to wait for her. The one thing she hated about being out in public with her friend, was that people allways hated her for being with him. I mean being a princes friend is a privelage. Bulma thought of it as a gift. Vegeta, a prince, with a ego the size of both Vegeta-sei and Chikyu-sei combined. He was very handsome, it ran in the family blood. Bulma didn't care about his title, she cared about their friendship. It was as though it was getting stronger with each passing day. Maybe this was the reason she was more content with life now? Who knew? She opened the door and was greeted by that trademark smirk of his that would make any other woman tingle, Bulma was no ordinary woman. Vegeta knew that for a fact!

"What kept you woman?"

"Well good morning to you to Vegeta!"

"What are you so happy about?" Vegeta asked.

"I finished a project I've been working on for a while!"

"Yeah whatever!" Vegeta replied.

"If I were you I'd be eager to know what I completed!"

"Oh please!"


Vegeta sighed sadly.

"Fine then! Spit it out woman!" Vegeta grunted through clenched teeth.

"Very well! I've been doing research on a special power that existed many many years ago. This power was
so strong that it could heal people, bring them back from the dead, bring world domination..."

"World Domination?" Vegeta asked curiously. Bulma knew that would strike his interest.

"Oh but of course. You could have also wished for Immortality!"


Vegeta stopped in his tracks and stared out into space with a clueless expression on his face. Bulma noticed
that they're journey to school was cut short. She turned back and waved her hand in front of Vegeta's face.

"Vegeta hello! Vegetasei to Vegeta!"

Vegeta grunted from his state.

"What your saying is true?" Vegeta asked.

"Well yeah! And this power only occured when you collected 7 items. Dragonballs they were. And once you collected them, you got any wish of your desire."


"Stop sounding so happy! I hate how you care for the most silliest things!"

* That's right woman! You're one of those silly things. * Vegeta thought.

"Go on!" Vegeta asked.

"Well, ALL of your desires couldn't have been made."

"Do tell." Vegeta asked.

"For example, if your father died of a natural death, and you never got the chance to kill him, and you wanted to wish him back to life, you couldn't. With the dragonballs you could only wish back people who were killed."


"Nani??" Bulma asked.

"I do want to kill that bastard. Don't say that ever again! Just the thought of me never getting the chance to kill the old man sickens me!" Vegeta yelled.

"Sorry Vegeta! You know I didn't mean it." Bulma reasured.

"Fine then! Can we go now!"


The rest of the walk to school was silent. Vegeta was contemplating his many thoughts, and Bulma wondered what was eating Vegeta.

Bulma and Vegeta first met when Bulma was 5 and Vegeta was 6. Since they were so diffrent from everyone else, but so much like each other, they became friends automatically. Bulma technically was Vegeta's only true friend. Any shit that occured in the palace, Bulma was the first to know. Same thing with Bulma. Any new things and news she discovered, Vegeta would be the first to know.

*flasback* 10 years ago.......

"Brat! Get out of my site! Killing ANOTHER tutor just because he sneezed is not a good enough reason. Leave!"

"With Pleasure Father!"

Vegeta left the throne room and headed out into the gardens to think. If only he were stronger and older, he could get rid of the one thing holding him back in life. His father. Vegeta entered the gardens and sat down on the side of a grand fountain.

* Damn Laws! Why can't I kill him now and become king? So I have to be 18 to be able to kill him, I don't give a shit! * Vegeta thought.

Vegeta's thoughts were stopped by a noise. Vegeta with his saiya-jin ears determined it was a child. A girl. She was humming a tune of some sort and giggling like there wasn't a care in the world. Vegeta wanted to know who could have been rubbing in they're happiness while he was in mourning. He actually wanted to kill this person. Vegeta floated up and above the splashing of the water. He looked down and gazed at a young girl. Possibly one year younger than he. She had curealean blue hair aswell as curealean eyes. She was wearing a sundress, picking petals off of flowers, and humming that tune.

* Freaky *

"Hey you!"

Bulma looked up and saw Vegeta in mid air.

"Yes you girl!"

"I have a name you know!"

"Tell it to someone who cares!" Vegeta replied back.

"My name is Bulma you spiky troll butt head!" Bulma yelled with disgust.

"How dare you girl? Yelling at royalty will get your ass killed!"



"You said a naughty world!" Bulma cooed.


"You said you were royalty, what are you?" Bulma asked.

* Obviously she doesn't know. I'll educate her a bit *

"I'm the prince of all saiya-jins."

*yawn* "That's nice!"

Vegeta began to growl.

"Geez! You can't take a joke!" Bulma replied.


"How about you sit with me! Obviously you have nothing to do."

Vegeta didn't have anything to do except fume to himself.

"Fine then!"

Vegeta sat next to Bulma and continued to hear her hum that tune.

"What is that that you're hummming?"

"I'm not telling!" Bulma pouted.

Vegeta grolwed.

"Then why are you here! You must be of some importance to my father that you live in the Palace

"You're right! My daddy is the head of the science department."

"Good for you!" Vegeta said in a sarcastic tone.



"Do you want to be my friend?"

"Whatever" Vegeta replied.

"Oh come on?"


"Pretty Please!"

"If I say yes will you shut up?"

"Yes." Bulma replied.

"Fine then!"


Bulma was so happy that she hugged Vegeta so hard and unexpectetly that they both fell in the water of the fountain.

"GIRL???" Vegeta growled.


Vegeta began throwing water at her.

"Ooh I'll get you!"

Bulma through more water at Vegeta and for the rest of the evening, Bulma and Vegeta had a water fight, until the guards seperated them for the night.

*end flashback*

Bulma and Vegeta were on they're way to school. They had homeroom together. They're was only 100 of them in the whole school. So they were in the same homeroom. (It isn't THAT big of a number. There was plenty of room) Bulma entered homeroom and sat with her friends aswell as Vegeta.

"Hi guys!"

"Hey Bulma!"

"Bulma, have you hooked up with the prince yet?" Asako asked.

"I'm so sick of you guys asking me that question every single day!" Bulma screamed.

"Well we have to know. You two DO make such a cute couple." Chi Chi replied.

"Whatever!" Bulma replied.

On the other side of the room, Vegeta was having that same argument with his friends.

"Seriously Vegeta! Haven't you slapped that ass yet?" Murdoc sneered.

"No you imbecile, she's just a friend!"

"Sure she is!"

"Shut up Kakarott!"

"Well are you going to take her to the dance?" Sho-ji asked.

"I don't know."

That's about it for now. What will Vegeta's decision be? Will he go through with it? What will Bulma do?