New format: Acknowledgements at the top, Disclaimer at bottom

HOLY CRAP I'm sorry. When's the last time I updated this thing? 3 months? XD well I'll try my best to work quicker, and this chapter was hard to write XP any way, hope you enjoy it after 3 months of waiting!

All past acknowledgements apply here. But in case you forgot who it was, They are: -InsertSmileyFace-, kristle-kun, and Silver Shields

Chapter 4: We Are Nobody

Sonic was bored and was playing "Feel Good Inc." by the Gorillaz on his bass guitar. He now wore a black leather vest torn at the sleeves (like Sally's) but still no pants. It's been very quiet in Mobius City ever since Eggman's last attack a few years back. He was thinking about disbanding his team when suddenly the phone rang. Sonic answered the phone. "Hey, Sonic!" He recognized that voice. It was Knuckles the Echidna. It's been a really long time since he's seen him let alone heard from him. "Knux! How long has it been!?" "Look, we don't have time! Meet me at the Station Square!" "Wait, but how do I know what you look like? I mean, it's been like 3 years!" Before Knuckles could answer, he hung up. Sonic dropped his bass and ran out the door.

Tails landed in front of the hospital door. He walked inside and checked in as a visitor. "Miles!" called out another familiar voice. Tails turned and saw Mina Mongoose walking towards him. Instead of wearing her usual black tank top and black-and-green skirt, she was now wearing a nurse's uniform that she really (I mean REALLY) looked good in. also, she had cut her hair short to her neck, which added to her beauty (for lack of better wording) She is one of the few people who still call him "Miles" but it's only to make him feel mature (but it only makes Tails feel more juvenile) Mina wanted to be a nurse or a doctor, so she was getting a mentorship at the hospital. 'Hey! Mina looks nice!' (Keep in mind that this is Tails. "Hot" and "sexy" are not in his vocabulary!) Tails was sweating bullets when she finally came up to him. He used to be about 5 inches shorter than her, but thanks to puberty, they were the same height. "Hey, Miles! Are you here to see that girl?" Mina greeted Tails happily. "Yeah." Tails followed her to the room.

On the way there Mina asked a question, "Do you have a long lost twin sister or something?" "No, why do you ask? Well, there's no real way to know for sure." "Well, it's about the girl… we found that her name was Melina and well…" They walked in the room. Melina was sitting up in her bed, with only two major injuries on her (a broken arm and a severe blow to the head, and for future reference, the head injury didn't affect anything). Had there not been the red flower in her ear, anyone could've mistaken her for Tails. Both Melina and Tails stared at each other wide eyed and their mouths dropped. Melina got out of her bed and went to Tails. They started moving as if they were checking to see if there was a mirror in front of them. "There's no mirror in the room, guys," said Mina. They both screamed. Mina covered her ears. 'I guess the screams are different,' thought Mina. 'This is going to be a long day…'

So Sonic arrived at Station Square first (he is the fastest thing in the world, right?) There was nothing wrong around here, so why did Knuckles call him here? He waited. He saw a figure in the distance. It was Knuckles. But when he came closer, Sonic noticed something odd about him. "I'm glad you made it, Sonic. I called you here because-" "Are you wearing a skirt!?" Not only was Knuckles wearing a skirt, but he was wearing the full classic schoolgirl uniform. As if Knuckles thought there was nothing wrong with it he responded, "What's your point?" Sonic couldn't stop laughing to answer. He then felt a punch to his face.

"WAKE UP, YOU LAZY BASTARD!" Knuckles yelled at him. Sonic woke up. He had fallen asleep. It was all a dream. 'Thank goodness,' thought Sonic. He looked around. Station Square was a mess. "Thanks for the help, hotshot," said Knuckles sarcastically. Knuckles hasn't changed much in appearance. He still wore his favorite gloves with the spikes embedded in them and the red shoes that matched his fur color. "How did I sleep… through all this…?" Sonic asked. "That's what I was wondering. Now come on! They're heading downtown!" "Who they!?"

When they finally arrived at the scene, Bunnie and Amy were fighting off some people dressed in white. Bunnie had learned how to transmute and had her robotic arm as a sword. Amy had abandoned her Piko-Piko hammer and replaced it with an ax. The ax was still the same color as the hammer was (pink and red, with yellow frills) and no, they did not match the nature of the ax. "About time you got here!" she yelled out to the others. "Well, we're here now!" said Sonic. Amy had barely changed in appearance as well, but now instead of a dress, she wore a jumpsuit of the same colors (like the one she wore in "Sonic Riders"). Bunnie wore a blue hoodie and a purple shirt with the word "Coyote" in it underneath. Her favorite ten-gallon hat was behind her head, and a shark tooth necklace hung on her neck as well.

The white people were bouncing all over the place; literally. Amy was swinging her axe at one of them, but each time it bent itself into impossible contortions to dodge them. Knuckles had attempted to hit one, but (as Tails's attacks had) they went right through it.

Bunnie and Sonic were the only ones who made any progress. They found this out later, but apparently those things can change their atomic structure at will, able to dodge every hit they saw coming. They used that to their advantage. So Sonic confused them with his speed, and Bunnie followed up with a good slice to the head before they could recover.

Eventually, the area was cleared. There was some damage, but no casualties; nothing that would take much work to fix. Sonic and Bunnie high-fived. Amy had been hit in the eye at one point. "They put up a good fight…" she said, walking towards Sonic covering her injured eye. She suddenly changed mood and victorious stance and said, "but we won!" Sonic chuckled and the party started to leave. Sonic bumped into a wall, but there was no wall. It was like a glass wall, but when they touched it, a light radiated from it and there was a quick shock. "Stay on your feet, everyone," Sonic said cautiously. They heard some slow clapping. There was swirling. Black specks started appearing and they swirled into a portal behind the party. From it came four hooded people. Their apparent leader (characterized by a silver "X" on his cloak) was the one clapping. "Congratulations," he said ominously, "you've successfully moved our plan forward."

"Wh-what do you mean?" asked Knuckles. "That is our business," the leader said. "But you, boy, will—" he stopped. He looked around and saw that whom he was looking for wasn't there. "My apologies," said the man with a bow, "It seems we've dragged out the wrong hero." At that, they turned to leave into their portal. However, Amy stood in their way. "Wait just a minute!" The group's leader noticed a pendant that Amy was wearing. It had a strange symbol on it, but the leader recognized it. 'She must be with the Warriors of Dawn,' he thought. 'Then she must know where he is…'

"You didn't think we would let you lead an attack on Mobius City and get away with it, did you?" said a cocky Amy. "Of course not," said the man. He took his hood off. "I was actually hoping you would say that." They all looked in surprise at the man. He was a hedgehog, with silver fur and quills that curve upwards. "Silver!?" The party yelled in unison. The rest of the cloaked people took off their hoods. One of them, who turned out to be a girl, had crimson red fur and brown hair that went to her neck. "Fiona!?" "Miss me?" she said, winking at Sonic. Amy crossed her arms. Another one, who seemed to be the oldest of the four, was a bird, a hawk to be exact, with green feathers and goggles on his head. " 'Sup?" he said. "So, left the Babylon Rouges, did you, Jet?" said Sonic. "The Organization offers much more than the Rouges ever did," replied Jet. The last one was the only new face; He had dark brown fur and platinum blonde hair with bangs dyed red and covered one eye. "Name's Zexion," he said.

Fiona took out some knives and they charged with electricity. Jet took out two recently polished, long-barreled guns. Zexion's hands glowed with magic. And Silver's hands spawned two blue laser swords. (Imagine light sabers fused with his hands) Amy ran over to the others and assumed battle stance with them. "Don't think just 'cause we know you," said Amy, "means we're going to hold back! Right, Sonic?" Sonic just stood there. Amy rolled her eyes. "I thought we went through this already!" said Sonic to Silver. "Our reasons are different now," he replied. "In fact, whether or not you win won't change anything. But a little training won't hurt." "What are we to you, training dummies!?" snapped Knuckles. "Yes," said Zexion, "as far as 'dummies' go." Knuckles charged at Zexion, but Bunnie stopped him and turned him around. "Sorry, Knux, but I think you'll have better luck against Jet over there," she said. Knuckles groaned but he nodded. The group broke up into four one-on-one battles: Knuckles vs. Jet, Bunnie vs. Zexion, Amy vs. Fiona, and Sonic vs. Silver.

Amy's pendant glistened in the sun. Fiona looked at it endearingly. "Oh I must know where you got that pendant," she said jokingly. "Sorry, Fiona," said Amy, playing along, "But this thing's one of a kind!" "May I look at it?" "Heck no!" Fiona threw a knife in Amy's direction. "I just wanna see the engravings on it," she said, in a tone that was half joking, half serious, and her expression was evil yet seductive, her lips bending in that crooked smile you would expect a fox to make, not knowing their true intentions.

Jet and Zexion talked telepathically while fighting. Where's Lomyxl? Asked Jet. She ran off as son as we came to this place days ago, he replied, But I got a message from her yesterday saying something about finding the boy. "What? She found him?" No. She just said that she was going to start looking. "What was she doing for the last week then if she wasn't carrying out the mission!?" Who knows? We're supposed to be looking for the—Zexion was interrupted by a blow from Bunnie to the face. "So you wanna play dirty, huh?" he said to himself. His eyes glowed blue and his jacket started flowing like water as he floated slowly into the air.


Tails had caught sight of smoke downtown. Trouble, he thought. "Sorry I have to go now," he said to Melina, who was sitting in her bed, hands on her lap. "Mina," he said, turning to her, "Will she be okay?" All of them thought the same thing at that point: What a dumb question. "Um, yeah," said Mina, trying to sound convincing. Tails walked out the door, but not without looking back at Melina. The sun had started to set and Melina's head was next to the sun (from Tails's perspective). There was something about the scene that made Melina beautiful. Maybe it was the way the flower in her ear was situated, or the way the bright orange light of the sun complimented her fur, or the innocent expression on her face, or the way she sat, or maybe even all of it altogether. Melina smiled innocently. To Tails, it wasn't hard to imagine a tropical scene, with the waves softly crashing on the shore, the clouds making beautiful patterns in the sky, and Melina, standing a few feet before Tails, as if waiting for Tails to—"Miles!" said Mina, noticing the way he was looking at Melina. "Saving the town ring a bell?" she said with an unintended amount of impatience. "Oh, sorry…" he blushed and ran out the door. Mina looked at Melina who looked back at her, and at the moment she did, Mina looked away. "Um… just buzz if you need anything." She walked out of the room. Am I getting jealous?

So we finally see a bit of a relationship between Melina and Tails. How'd you like my descriptions? And I put in a hint to another one of Tails's admirers (duh you know who that is if you read the whole thing) Please review, especially since I haven't been here in a while! There's also my other stories that were left with no recent reviews so please! look at them. Also, if you can guess who Lomyxl is or what they (The Organization) are after, I'll give you a cookie! 3 and spoilers if you want them :P (I'll give you a complete background of their new members, to be specific it's actually quite interesting, especially the origin of—ok I said too much XD)

Disclaimer: I own no one except Melina. Appearance of Zexion belongs to a character of Silver Shields', named Dex, from his story "A New Family", but I hear he might change the name so… yeah lol