Hello again! I must apaologize for my last update, as I found spelling errors that shouldn't have been there. It seems that faster updates ment sloppier updates too. I'm sorry. This story is now coming to it's end, and I'm actually a bit sad to let the last chapter be...well the last. I have an idea about another oneshot (Felix/Piers of course), but I want your opinion about it as it contains a fair amount of Alex-bashing. I like Alex a lot but...he just came to be the bad guy in that oneshot. Please tell me if you want it posted.

Disclaimer: Don't own. Get it?

Minikimii: Nope, I'm not from America, but I actually don't know how it's spelled. It was a while ago that I played it and I took for granted that it was spelled like that. I apologize if I've been wrong. Good that you noticed. As for the pincushion-man, I think he had it coming, hadn't he? I'm glad that you liked it, and I'm so happy you give me such long reviwes! Thank you!

Rikku1993: Hahaha, don't worry about it! I'll wait patiently for it to get uploaded. I'm very flattered that you've stuck with this story to the end, and I must agree with you that Piers would be quite cool as God-Piers...I send you a bunch of hugs for the review!

Lunar Assassin13: Thanks that you noticed! I don't mind speling corrections at all, after all it's just plain irritating to not have them fixed ne? So don't worry, I'm not mad XD Thanks for the review!

To all of you who liked this story and read it, added it to a list (or me for that matter) or sent me messages: I couldn't have done it without you. Lotsa' love and bye for now!

Felix wasn't sure that he wanted to show Piers what he'd done. It wasn't as if they hadn't killed other beings before, their journey had been loaded with fights, but this…this was nothing like those combats. This was more like an execution. He didn't want that on the Lemurians conscience.

But, he reasoned, what else could he do? He couldn't hide it from him, that'd just be wrong…he wasn't one to decide what Piers was allowed to see and what he could not. So he slowly turned around to face the brute-now-made-ice-sculpture, almost holding his breath as he felt Piers' muscles tense up.

"There was…one more man. What…did I do to him?"

Felix was shocked at the calmness and lack of emotion in the Water Adepts voice. "This way." He turned again, walking slowly towards the woods.

The ice was gone now, only the butchered remains of the psyenergy-user laid on the crimson-stained grass.

"What…happened to him?"

"Ice. And lots of it."

"…Let's go. Could you heal me please?" The tone the Lemurian used was beyond arguing.

"If you say so…Cure." Felix let warm psyenergy flow from his body to the other, and carefully helped Piers to stand.

The Mercury Adept slowly began to walk towards the forest, only stopping to pick up his dropped sword.

"Piers…" Felix began, but was cut short as he saw the rigid posture of the other and the silent tears running down tanned cheeks. "…It was nothing. Let's be on our way."


The trip back to the ship was fairly calm, aside from the obligatory random battles against wild beasts. One wild seagull managed to get a lucky scratch at Felix. Piers 'ice-berged' it five times until Felix kindly told him that it'd died at the first strike, and they reached the boat without any further accidents or mishaps.

Night had fallen hours ago before they'd cleared the ship from the monsters that'd inhabited it for the time that they were gone.

"I think that was the last one…we'll set sail first thing tomorrow." Felix sighted and sheathed his sword.

"Yes, I think that'd be an excellent idea…right now I'm just too sleepy…" Piers stumbled forward towards the door to their room.

The Venus Adept watched his movements worriedly. "How's your head? Still hurts?" Felix frowned. Piers stumbled around like a drunkard.

"Hm…? A little bit, but s'okay…just need to sleep." Piers shook his head to make the world stop spinning.

Foreseeing what would happen; Felix quickly stepped forward and caught the Mercury Adept before his legs gave out beneath him.

Piers smiled gratefully. "Thanks…I don't think I'll do that again."

"No…not that I mind having you in my mercy, but I'd prefer if you could stand upright and walk properly without me having to catch you all the time." Felix smirked mischievously and flung Piers arm around his shoulder.

"Hey! I can walk fine thank you!" The Lemurian fought back.

The Earth Adept snickered. "Consider this as payback for that branch you so nicely smacked in my face."

Too tired to argue any further, Piers walked/hung/stumbled down the stairs with Felix by his side, and they reached their shared bedroom. The room was simply decorated, two large bookshelves crammed with maps, old books and other rarities they'd found on their journeys took up most of the western wall while a small window let the soft moonlight illuminate a desk at the opposite side of the entrance.

Piers let go of his supporting boyfriend and flopped down on the bed with simple white sheets. He felt all the stress of the day come rolling over him and he closed his eyes in fatigue. With closed eyes, he rather felt than saw Felix lay down beside him when the mattress dipped down slightly and the gentle warmth of another body softly pressed up against him. Some rustle, and the comfort of heavy blankets surrounded him, and after a moment a pair of slender but strong arms wrapped themselves around his waist and back.

"Piers…what exactly happened back there?" Felix couldn't let it go. He had to know what'd caused the usually calm swordsman to become a coldblooded killer. He felt a slight shiver run through Piers and he tightened his hold.

"I actually can't say for sure…but I think I somehow merged my psyenergy with the rivers natural power." The Water Adept talked slowly, as if he had to choose his words carefully. "I think, somewhere in our oldest scripts resurrected from old Lemuria, something is said about Lemurians have a closer bond with Mercury and the element of water than other Adepts. I can only guess that it's somehow connected with the curse, or blessing if you will, that Mercury herself has casted upon us. It mentions mixing psyenergy with nature-based energies and I think that's what I did. I did not even know I could, my instincts probably went on auto-pilot."

"…Seriously? I never knew you could do such a thing. Why didn't you tell me?" Felix was amazed.

Piers looked ashamed. "I didn't actually believe that it was true. We have many legends and stories in Lemuria, and it's hard to tell where a myth ends and truth begins. Most of them turn out to be quite useless anyway."

"You yourself is a living legend, and you certainly have proven yourself to be much more than just useful."

Suddenly Piers found himself lying beneath the Venus Adept, as Felix had rolled over to straddle him. He smiled coyly as sleep quickly was forgotten. "How do you define useful? I don't think I'm being very useful right now."

Strong thighs tightened their grip around his midsection as Felix leaned forward. "Somehow, I think I can change that…"

Piers only answered with a soft moan as calloused hands strayed up under his blue shirt and warm fingers splayed out over his caramel toned stomach. A sudden warm and wet sensation on his neck made him gasp and look down to Felix face.

A smug smile graced the pale lips as Felix pink tongue darted out again and licked his collarbone. "You know what?" He asked huskily.

Piers only shook his head.

The grin widened. "You do taste good." He leaned over and put his mouth by the Water Adepts ear. "And you're mine. I won't anyone hurt you like that again. I promise you."

Piers arched his back and grinned. "I know you won't. You're mine, as much as I'm yours. I love you."

Needless to say, neither of them slept very much that night.

It got all corny in the end! I guess that proves that you shouldn't write endings at 04.00 am...I'm beat so I'm off to bed. Please tell me what you think both about this last chapter and the idea of a oneshot. I can't thank you guys enough for reading this! Press the blue button one last time now!