

Krimzon Flygon

(A/N: I'm baaaaaaaaaack! I hope I do good with my first Sonic X fanfic. Well, here goes...)

Disclaimer: I own Nebulous and Rowan, but nothing else.

Chapter 1


Miles "Tails" Prower slowly opened his eyes as his senses returned to him. He felt something wet against his face and he quickly sat up, the book on jet propulsion he had fallen asleep on plastered to his face with his drool. It slipped off and hit the table with a soft thud. Normally he would have chuckled at this, but he didn't even manage a smile. It was not surprising, considering what had happened to him.

It had been three years since Cosmo died.

Tails' eyes filled with tears as he thought of his one true love, the beautiful plant girl who had sacrificed herself to destroy the Metarex, a horrible cyborg species of alien who had planned to wipe out all animal life forms in the universe. His heart burned as he remembered his last glimpse of his other half as she vanished into the light generated by the sonic cannon.

The cannon. Tails actually grinned this time, a dead, emotionless grin. The cannon was gone, dismantled. Tails knew it was stupid to get rid of it, but he actually was able to get to sleep once Cosmo's destroyer was no more.

But he knew that it wasn't all the cannons fault. He was the one who hit the trigger. He was the one who killed Cosmo...and himself.

There was one thing keeping him alive, really. He smiled as he looked over at the blooming rose in a small brown ceramic pot on his desk. The rose had grown from a seed Sonic had found after the explosion. He reached out and softly stroked one of the small green leaves on it. For a second, he felt something stir in his heart, but then that feeling too disappeared. A tear fell from his eye and dropped into the soil, and was absorbed instantly. Suddenly Tails heard a knock at the door. He stood and walked over to it, peeking into the eyepiece in the door. Standing on the other side, from what he could see, was a giant green eye and a big grin. He opened the door. "Hey Sonic." He said.

"Hey Tails!" Said Sonic. "I just bought Halo 3, so you wanna go over to my house and play it?"

Tails looked away. "Yeah...okay..."

Sonic raised an eyebrow. "Tails, you okay? You don't look so good."

Tails shrugged. "Yeah..." He looked up. "You know what happened three years back, right?"

Sonic sighed. "Tails, I know. I miss her too, but you can't let this rule your life. Cosmo wouldn't want that for you."

Tails glared at him. "Thanks to me, we'll never know what Cosmo would want, will we?" He said icily.

Sonic frowned. "I doubt she would want you to blame yourself either. She loved you too much for that." Tails fell to his knees and began to sob. Sonic had never heard such pain coming from the young fox. He slowly backed away, knowing Tails would not want to be interrupted. Maybe it would be better for him to get all this emotion out. Tails looked up at the sky.


A blinding light lit up the void of space, as a large craft came out of hyperspace. It was large, streamlined and silver, with red stripes running on the sides of it. It was the Nightshade, the cruiser belonging to the most feared man in the galaxy. However, the most feared man was having a bit of trouble currently...

"ROWAN!" Roared a green and black alien. This was Nebulous, the most feared assassin in the entire galaxy. He was young, very young, only about 18. His long, jet-black hair flowed down to his shoulder, and a lock of it covered his left eye. But his most distinguishing feature were the two black wooden 'horns' growing from his head, and the amethyst on his chest; that's right readers, Nebulous was a Seedrian! He stormed up to the Nightshade's main console, hitting a button. A monitor glowed and a face appeared. "Yes, master Nebulous?" He asked.

Nebulous pointed to an open hatch on the computer. "Rowan, what is that in the disk drive?" he asked the AI.

"I do not know, sir."

Nebulous took a deep breath through, and tried to speak calmly. "Rowan, look at the disk drive and tell me what you see."

Rowan looked at it. "There is a slice of bologna in the disk drive, sir."

"Right!" Said Nebulous. "Now could you tell me exactly why that is?"

"I do not know, sir."

"ROWAN!" Shouted Nebulous. "Was the disk drive WITH YOU all day today!?"

"Yes sir."

"Did you put bologna in the disk drive?"

"Yes, sir."

"How?" Shouted Nebulous. "You're a face on a screen!"

"I do not know sir."

Three years of being stuck on this junkyard of a ship having conversations like this and you were ready to punch the monitor in. Nebulous sighed and pulled the stale lunch meat out of the disk drive, then began to clean it with a wet-nap. "Fine, Rowan. Just tell me when Dad calls, I need to give him a status report."

"He is currently holding on line 2."

Nebulous slowly looked up. "How long has he been holding?"

"Three and two fifths hours sir."


"I am so sorry, Dad. Rowan was being a knucklehead again." Said Nebulous to the figure on the screen.

"Do you have ANY idea how long I've been on hold?" Even with his green mask on, it was more than obvious that the leader of the Metarex was cheesed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Dad. But I have good news...I found it." Nebulous said eagerly. "I finally got a lock on her gem signature. And the best news is I'm right near her; she won't escape this time."

"That's what you said on the colony, Nebulous. You didn't get her then." Said Dark Oak.

"I know, Dad. The thing is, though, I've been tracking this kid for three frinkin' years." Said Nebulous. "And now, I've got this kid right where I got her. And when I get my hands on her..." In a blinding movement, he whipped his arm in a crescent arc. A glass of coffee fell in half, cut in two by the scythe in Nebulous' hand.

Dark Oak gave an invisible smile. "Good. Oak out." The screen went blank, and was replaced by Rowan.

"Were are we going, sir?"

Nebulous held up his scythe and ran his finger lovingly down the sharp blade, cutting himself. "Mobius." He said. "But first, stop at that gas station. I kind of got in the moment during the conversation with Dad and...uh..." He held up the cut glass sheepishly. "Me need coffee."

"Excuse me, sir?"

Nebulous took a huge swig of the latte in his hand. "What?"

"Do you own that big silver and red ship?"

"Yeah, that's the Nightshade. Why, are my lights on?"

"No, but it just took off just by itself."


(A/N: If you are reading this, you have successfully completed this chapter. Please Review. Thank you.)