Hey everyone this is Kataanglova8 back with yet another Kataang story! Only this time it isn't a oneshot, it's a full out chapter story. I don't know exactly how many chapters yet but I guess that will come as the story progresses. This also contains Tokka and maybe Maiko so if you don't enjoy those shippings, I suggest you don't read this story. Other wise, enjoy this story and I can't wait to start writing the ideas I came up with I believe are fun and original. I am even experimenting with dialog which I usually don't do much of, so you're in for a treat. Oh and lastly it is told in Aang's perspective, but I might write it from others too as the story progresses.
Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender or any of its characters for that matter (no matter how much I wish I did).
On with this rocking story ………………………………………………
You would tend to believe that after a colossal war that saved the fate of the world from the evil clutches of a tyrant, everything would be alright.Wrong. The real account of this perilous story is that the distress and turmoil we all faced didn't exactly come to fruition as I and all my comrades had hoped. The real trouble was only just beginning.
I, Aang, the almighty Avatar (or some seem to believe), thought I had my work cut out for me. But, the result was exactly the contrary to others beliefs.
Along with my loyal friends and allies from around our world, which was falling apart piece by piece, we invaded the Fire Nation once and for all. It was the evening before Sozin's Comet was to arrive that we sneak attacked the one nation who believed they were superior to all others and that all nations, excluding themselves, were so feeble in mind or spirit they knew it was their duty to destroy them. So, they planned to show their superiority to the surrounding nations by taking control of their lifestyles and manipulating them for their own benefit. Well, as you all know now, this was not the case. They destroyed the lives of innocent bystanders and our only hope became myself.
I was thrust into all of the deceit and lies before the mere age of twelve. I went on a downward spiral into chaos, and before I knew what plan was formed in my peculiar mind, I was gone from the face of the earth. I swallowed whole by the sea, barley surviving in my own personal prison, an iceberg (I constructed myself while in the Avatar State). I was found one hundred years later to find that my world was gone, my culture destroyed and my people forgotten. I was alone in this icy hell with no way out but to face this dilemma head on.
So, I traveled the world with my new acquaintances and mastered the elements all the while falling in love with the most extraordinary young woman, Katara. But, I had to put my own selfish needs behind because of my duty and commitment to the task at hand, salvaging the little pieces of the world and everything I once knew.
On that fateful day that we assaulted the Fire Nation, I fought for my lost race, my old world, that no matter how hard I begged and pleaded I could never get back once again, and my new life; the life I was living for today and might not be living the day after. The fate of the world rested in my hands and this time I wouldn't let the world down. I wouldn't back away from my mission to conquer this vicious, vile man and defeat him once and for all. I owed my people that much, even if I couldn't save them from being slaughtered and vanishing from the world they held so dear.
It was an intense battle of will and determination, that lasted for what seemed like days. But in the end, I was the victor, our hero. I could finally be relieved of this stress that had pushed to my breaking point on several occasions. But, this, unfortunately, was not true.
The world had years of healing to accomplish and needed to learn to live in harmony once more. I, being the link between the spirit and physical worlds, was forced to aid it along on its journey to a peaceful union. But at times, this crisis deemed more difficult than the last.
Strikes and rebellions broke out among Ozai's past followers and the one who was forced to deal with the trauma of it all, was myself. But, I was not alone. For three years our gang traveled together once again. We fought and solved the annoyances thrown our direction or when the tensions between the four nations boiled over we were there to clean up the mess of it all. But after a while, we went our separate ways.
Toph needed to reconcile with her parents and Sokka was reluctant to let her go by her lonesome. So, he joined her on the journey to pick up the pieces of her past life and join it with her new one that we all participated in making together, which now left Katara and I.
My best friend, and secret love wanted to be reunited with her family, and as I now reflect back 3 years from this ordeal or 6 years from the fall of Ozai(which ever you prefer),I was only so happy to comply until we reached the island of Kalimaya ,but if I would have known the outcome I wouldn't have even ventured a foot on that firm, Earth Kingdom ground . Nothing in the world, could prepare me for what happened next, absolutely nothing.
It was a blistering hot day during the most brutal summer in Earth Kingdom history, or at least that's what the town elders kept feeding the civilians, even though I begged to differ. However, had it not been for Katara's aloe cream, we both would have suffered greatly from severe burns and other illnesses that came from this majestic but brutal giver of life we call: the sun.
We had just run out of supplies and Appa was beginning to slow his pace, as the heat took effect on his flying abilities. I spotted a small Earth Kingdom island and on part of my quick thinking, we slowly descended upon it to gather what necessities we needed to make our perilous journey to the isolated tundra Katara called home, the South Pole.
As soon as we entered this ancient town known as Kalimaya, we were bombarded with fans and people who were all grateful for our saving of the only home they had left. We paid our respects to them, but this had become routine and to tell you the truth Katara and I at some points found it to be more of a nuisance rather than praise for our determination to set them free from the once hazardous, now perished, dictator Ozai.
We were to leave town the next day, enough time to rest our war torn, exhausted bodies but still be able to make our way to Katara's home to meet up with Sokka, Toph, and even Katara's family. But that all changed when she meet him, the cause to the shredding of my heart ,which left me with a hollow shell of a body with no emotions except for the cold, hard feeling of hatred.
As we approached a jewelry stand, Katara was lost to all of its beauty. The endless exquisite jewels overwhelmed her but I couldn't blame her for it. They were gorgeous and so rare that some were the last of its kind in our now healing world. But she was taken aback when she glared into his eyes.
Katara being the 17 year old woman she had become, could only do that much. He stood about Sokka's height with shaggy red hair and green eyes the colored of emeralds. On all of our travels, we had never come across someone with the exotic looks he possessed and so all she could do was gawk like a four year old. He was well built and she became intoxicated by his splendor at once.
As I reflect back on it now, she was completely and utterly lost at that point. She had fallen under this cloak of what she wanted to see, anything but the truth. He was the perfect gentleman, polite and full of charm. That's exactly what he wanted to her to believe and she fell for his deception.
Only I could perceive his true nature. He was a manipulative, snake who would only use her to achieve his goals and have bragging rights with his friends. She was swirling down the path of lies and deceit at a faster pace then even I, as her best friend and confidant, could save her from. But she would never see the truth; it was the situation with Jet once again. How could she be so blind to his games? How am I supposed to rescue her from danger once again?
"How are you folks doing on this fine day," he, whose name I later found out was Chin, uttered with unearthly suaveness. As he had voiced the word fine, he glanced at Katara from head to toe which had caused a blush of bright crimson on her part.
"Fine, but it would be better if you would be as so kind to accompany me to dinner tonight," Katara said so quickly I doubt even her mind processed the information.
Chin was a vile excuse for a man and so his answer was obvious enough to the average onlooker. "Pick you up at eight, Honey," Chin said, but then he was off to God knows where and I didn't want to find out, Katara gazing at his back all the while until he was out of sight.
I was so infuriated and depressed all at the same time, I didn't know what to do with myself. How could she do this to me? I was in love with her and even though she didn't return my feelings, the least she could do was have some self respect or stay out of reach of the selfish pigs like Chin.
"You seriously aren't going out with him are you, Katara," I exclaimed "He is foul but most of all, he won't respect you, Katara!" Was she completely delusional?
"What were you saying Aang," she said coming out of some trance he had some how managed to put her in. "I will see you later. I need to get ready for my date with Chin!"
Just like that she left, and I was stopped mid sentence in my attempt to convince her not to consider this scheming, twit of a man. I was left to ponder on my thoughts and wander the streets of the busy town aimlessly for hours. Once I returned home however, I found Katara had already left and so I was all by my lonesome once more.
When she returned, she begged and pleaded with me to stay a few additional days in order to spend time with Chin. I foolishly complied and that was only the beginning of my misery.
Each day, she would go on yet another rancid date and come home with gifts fit for a queen. How could I compete with this? I was just a simple monk who just happened to be the avatar. I wasn't exceptional but I knew that this excuse of a boyfriend she had found didn't deserve her. She was kind and compassionate with eyes that held the depths of oceans as they ebbed and flowed. Her beauty could only be measured as a goddess who walked among mere mortals. She was perfect and no matter how much effort or determination I put into every task I accomplished, I would never deserve her. She needed someone extraordinary and I just happened to not be that someone, the one who could hold or caress her or maybe even have a chance to kiss those rose petals for lips. No matter what I did, nothing would amount to me being able to be her someone, no matter how much I begged and pleaded with the spirits for that mere fact to be untruthful.
So, that night I packed my bags and wrote Katara a parting gift, a letter that confessed my love. I set it on the counter at the house we were sharing, but in the rush to get out I decided against it. On my way to board Appa however, my life was stopped short and changed forever. Now, as if I wasn't emotionally distraught enough, my very core of by being, my soul, disintegrated and left me an empty shell not capable of feeling love or compassion. I became an alter ego, not the fun, carefree young man I once was, but an emotionless lump that had lost all sense for living. My love, Katara, could never be mine again.
As I stepped out into the strong moonlit night, my world was forever turned upside once again all because of the same woman. All I saw was a flash of a blue surface with intricate details carved into it and a tangled mass of bodies on the ground. It was enough to make my heart stop.
At first I couldn't comprehend what I had just seen, but finally it all came into focus. The shiny blue surface was glinting in the moonlight on Katara's neck attached to a silk navy blue ribbon. The only problem was that the designs weren't familiar territory. They were a new intricate pattern from her old one which was always stationary on her neck. Her grandmother's engagement necklace was now replaced with her own, the only problem was that this pendant was not my own.
I reached my quivering hand into my pocket to check if the beautiful memoir of my love to her, that I had constructed years ago, was still there. I had dreamed about the romantic moments I was capable of providing her and how that would be the instant that we would remember for the rest of our long lives together, the day I proposed. I would kiss her passionately would every ounce of love in my soul and experience the joy of our union as one. But, that would never happen now because she was never to be mine; she belonged to him now and him only for eternity.
For I had longed for that moment they were sharing together at this very minute to be my own ,since she had broken me out of that iceberg those three long years ago.
I couldn't move at this point. It was if someone had knocked the wind out of me and my icy feet were frozen to the earthy ground beneath me. I struggled for words but couldn't manage any. I was utterly dead inside and there was nothing I could do to turn back the clock and take action sooner. She had played with my tender heart on a string and now mangled it beyond repair. Now I realized that I couldn't go on; I would spend the rest of my life alone with no lover and soul mate to comfort me or be my shoulder to cry on. I would have to walk the winding path of life alone and for myself.
At this point, Katara had realized my presence and was also at a loss for words. The silent tears were streaming down my face before I could even realize or control my emotions. The sheer look of shock on her face was probably in part due to my expression and the choking the sound that escaped my trembling lips.
With that note, I jumped on Appa despite her screams and plead in protest. I ran away like a coward, which seemed to be a reoccurring theme in my short life, first, to my duty of being the Avatar and then when I couldn't handle the pressures and stress thrown way. They all led up to the fact that I abandoned the situation when I came to my breaking point. This was no exception and so I disappeared into the black abyss of the night with only Appa and my glider by my side.
End Flashback
Now three years after the ordeal, I still sit here in the Fire Nation royal palace distraught. I went about my business as usual, helping put down any riots or rebellions that started but mostly just helping repair that damage that had been done. I went about my days with mere small talk, just barely surviving. At one point, I didn't think my heart was even beating or that I had one anymore for that matter. I became a living stone, doing only what was required of me but nothing else.
At first Zuko was so worried about my well being, he sent the best doctors from all the nations to examine me, but the verdict was all the same, I was perfectly fine. Now the only emotion I can manage to feel is pure, bloodcurdling hatred, for both him and her, the destroyers of my once existent life. But as of today, that is all set to change.
Toph and Sokka have sent me constant letters which I refused to reply to with each new amount of urgency them put into them. Zuko has told them of my state and all I can think is that is they only knew the truth, not the lies he had supplied them with. If them are all so damned worried about me, why in these past three years have they not once come to visit me? Explain those things to me because I can't even begin to grasp the answer to this dilemma and any others thrown my way these days. Today seemed to be different though, I was feeling rather positive, though still dreary (at least I was managing to talk today). I was at a stage where I was beginning to get sick of having absolutely no contact with the outside world, especially with my best friends, or ex-best friends, which ever you decide to call them.
So, on this very rare day I actually wrote back to one of there letters, which along with all of the others in the stack in the corner of my bed chamber had been dubbed urgent.
Dear Aang,
Please buddy, answer our letters! We haven't had contact with you in 3 years. We all wanted to do something special for your big 18th birthday coming up, so we are throwing you a bash here at the South Pole! You can come if you choose to, but we are not forcing you by any means. Gran Gran is becoming ill and would like to speak with you before she dies. Katara's a mess Aang; she has been this way for years but Toph and I are beginning to wonder if she can handle this whole Gran Gran trial without going completely mad. She needs you Aang and so do we! So please come, we really miss you and we want the Gang back together. We need you; it has never been same in your absence.
Reply to this as soon as you can,
P.S. Toph says that if you don't get you butt down here Twinkletoes, she will pound your puny ass into the next century.
Well this is wonderfully convenient. I have been gone for three years and they tell me I have to come save the day, once again. That is such typical Sokka behavior. I guess I have to finally face this challenge head on, like an earthbender (right Toph). I have to put my own needs aside for the benefit of others, as always, but they actually sound as if they need me, especially if Gran Gran is coming into her last days.
After six years away, I, Aang, the almighty Avatar, will have to finally return to the place it all began and start a new chapter in my life. It might be trying at times, but it will surely be one hell of a ride. I hope I can confront this test of my will once and for all. I can accomplish this and maybe even win my girl back in the process. But what am I going to finally face when I arrive to the perilous, icy village we call the South Pole. All I can expect, though, is everything to go exactly contradicting to what we all desire to occur.
Thanks guys for reading this first chapter. I know it wasn't that interesting, but believe me the next chapter is just the beginning of the fun. Please review, it will be very much appreciated and I want constructive criticism on how I can improve this story. Now go click the little button at the bottom of the screen please! I will give you all chocolate kisses (jk)-Love you all-
If you want to know the gang's ages here they are:
Aang-17 turning 18
Katara-19 turning 20
Sokka-21 turning 22
I will post more peoples ages if you need me to later.