A/N: ok I know it's stupid to get come out with new fanfics when you still have others going the only problem is I have these massive idea that I have going through my head and if I don't get it out then I'm at risk of loosing it

On my agenda of things to do there's

Blood filled night

Seas be ours

A tale of woe

All The art I need to update

A story that I'm working on

A Manga idea that latterly just popped into my head

This fic which I am about to start

And of course Homework so people please bear with me.

This story has A few OC characters all OC's Belong to me and I will hunt you down if you steal them.

DISCLAIMER: No I don't own Naruto


Chapter 1

I can no longer live here

Naruto walked down the cold streets ignoring the leering Glances of the people around him. Sure it was illegal to talk about the Kyuubbi But that didn't stop parents from telling there children to stay away from him, calling him a demon.

He was heading to the Hokage's tower. He was told that Tsunade had wanted to talk with him about something. And by the way the messenger had said it he knew it was not a good thing. He was becoming sick and tired of the village he so long called home. Over time though he didn't tell anyone he was giving up hope on his dream of becoming Hokage, It was a foolish dream for someone like him. Like a fish dreaming to fly.

Turning the corner he reached up his hand just in time to catch a rather large stone that had been thrown at his head. He looked up just in time to see a few kids no older then six run around the corner. Naruto just shook his head.

He wanted to scream and rip the livers out of the people who made his life a living hell, but he ignored those urges. Instead he kept up his constant facade Of Happiness and sheer stupidity, it seemed to make the people around him more comfortable in the thought that the demon that they feared was nothing but a dumb idiot. But it was just a façade, Naruto was far from stupid and he was far from happy.

Reaching the Hokage Tower he quickly entered inside to get out of the cold. He met no resistance except for the leering looks that both the guards gave him. However outside the Hokagas office he did meet a little resistance.

"I was Asked to come Here" Naruto Angrily When the two ANBU Guards Stopped him outside her door.

"The Hokage is in a meeting right now" One of the Guards said Harshly Pushing Naruto away had enough that he hit the wall on the other side. "So you will have to wait here."

Naruto didn't answer just walked away, He could here the two guards snickering behind him and he knew that they were probably just keeping him out for there own amusement. Once out of site of the two guards Naruto climbed out a near by window, sneaking along the roof Until he came to the window that he knew led into Tsunade baa-chans Office. He was about to jump through the window until he heard many arguing voices.

"Hokage-sama. We can't continue allow The Jinchuuriki to continue to walk the village freely, It is to Dangerous." Naruto eyes grew wide. So Tsunade was in a meeting. And it was about him, He wondered how many times these meetings that the Hokage was always so busy with was about him.

"Hitsuga-san" (A/N: totally came up with that on the spur of the moment) Naruto heard Tsunade Counter." Naruto would never allow His body to be taken over by the Kyuubi There is no need to worry."

"I agree with Hitsuga-san" Another voice called out "besides Hokage-sama you are in no place to disagree with what the council has decided. The Jinchuuriki will be kept with in the village with 24/7 Guard It is two Dangerous not only for this village and many others that the demon Remains Sealed. We can also not allow The Akatsuki to get a hold of it."

"But…" Naruto Heard Tsunade try to continue her argument but it was clear the council will have none of that.

"We are Aware of you feelings for the thing" One of the council Members said harshly. Naruto winced at being called a thing.

"I'm not a thing" Naruto muttered to himself darkly cursing the council.

"He will no longer be aloud on missions and will stay in the village. He will be watched over constantly"

"Why don't you just put a seal on him Like the Hyuugas Do" Tsunade seemed to mutter, Naruto couldn't see what was going on in the room but he knew for a fact that she probably had one pissed off look on her face. Naruto smirked Hoping the council was shivering in there seats just like so many people did when stared down By Tsunade.

"Do not doubt that we have not thought of that…" Naruto's smirk was Immediately wiped from his face, as he fully began to asses the information. Confined within the village Guarded at all times. Naruto Shuddered at the thought, No he wouldn't allow it, Naruto Knew sooner or later that it would come to this.

Jumping down from the roof to the ground He quickly ran the streets heading to his apartment. Upon reaching it, he pulled a pack from the closet, and began stuffing supplies inside, he did have a few Black outfits, those would have to hold him till he could earn some kind of money that he could add to the funds he already had. After clothing he stuffed Packs of ramen and other Non-perishable foods. Once every thing was packed Naruto looked around his apartment one last time. He doubted he would ever see it again.

There was one last thing he knew he had to do, He couldn't leave the village without giving some kind of goodbye. He scrawled a note addressed to the Hokage. Then taking of his Headband He gently laid it onto of it. Just then He realized his promise to Sakura to bring Sasuke Back to the village, but at that moment he didn't care about Sasuke. It was his choice to leave the village and it was probably a good choice to do now that Naruto thought about it.

Looking down at the Necklace that Tsunade had given him Naruto ripped it off in disgust like it had burned him dropping it along with his headband on top of the letter to the Hokage, Naruto walked out the apartment Door, not even Bothering to lock it And Headed to the Gates Slipping out silently. Naruto walked Away from the place he once called home…he didn't look back.

In the Hokage's Office

Tsunade Sat back in her chair. The guards at her door had told her that Naruto Had come when she was talking to the council, she had told them to let him in the moment they saw him. The guards told her that he had just walked by and that he didn't even stop…Tsunade knew they were lying but she had to Big a headache to through them out her window now. So she just sent a messenger to go find the blond haired boy and bring him to her office.

The Hokage didn't want to be a barer of bad news for the boy that she had begun to love almost like a brother. She expected that he probably would come into the office with a bad mood which would only get worse once he learned what the council had decided for him.

What she didn't expect was the messenger to come back with a note in one hand, And Naruto's head band and the necklace she had given him in the other.

"What Is going on" Tsunade asked the messenger Harshly as he Handed the contents of his hand to her.

"Uzumaki's Apartment door was unlocked…Going in I found this sitting on his bed…As for Uzumaki the boy is no where to be found."

Tsunade Had stopped listing to the messenger as soon as she heard that the boys door was left unlocked. She knew Naruto was Careless but not so much.

Ripping open the note clearly addressed to her. She began to read.

Dear Tsunadebaa-chan

I can no longer live here.

I heard the conversation you had with the council members

And I refuse to be locked up like some animal.

So I leave My Headband and the Necklace to you

Give the Necklace to some other kid who would be more suited for the job of the Hokage

One that isn't hated by the people around them

Please tell my friends good bye for me

I know it's cowardly not to do it myself but

But I couldn't bring myself to do it.

By the time you get this letter

I'll probably be long gone

And just know that when I left

I didn't look back.

Good bye Baa-Chan

-Naruto no longer the Future Hokage

P.s most likely I'll be declared a missing-nin

Go ahead send all the ANBU after me you want.

All of them will be unsuccessful.

And if it comes to it I won't regret killing them.

Tsunade Re-read the messy written note over and over again making sure that the note actually Said what she thought it said.

Naruto left…and he had no intention of ever coming back. Just like Sasuke but for a less noble but definitely less sadistic reason.

A/N: Hurray the first chapter is done. Hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Second chapter should be coming soon.

So here are a little bit of few notes. Emo- bastard (sasuke) will not be appearing in this fic. Why? Because there is no place for him. I'll probably mention him a few times but he won't see any written time. No offence to the people who love him I like the little emo boy too he jut doesn't fit in where this fic is going

Second there will be a little romance in here just a smidge maybe more depends on my mood the day write it. There also might be a little OC X character romance once again depends on my mood.

Naruto's Friends will Make an apperence… they are a big part of the stories plot…just not yet.

Hugs and cookies for all

--Truth filled lies