Title: Black moonlight.

Summary: Sesshomaru has lost the love of his life to the hands of Vampires. His hearts grows colder and more evil than before. 500 years later he spots his mate Kagome who is a vampire, his sworn enemy. Can he forget his cold and wretched past and find a new one with Kagome, or does The Balance have something else in store for them?


Bloody bodies filled the western lands, the thin strain of alliance between Vampire and Werewolves had finally snapped giving way to the most sadistic and bloody battle in all of history. Warrior of the west fought hard to suppress the invading enemies from the castle. Only one fought with true cause.

Sesshomaru the newly kinged lord of the west, fought with determination and ease against the vampires that dared to trespassed on his land. Multiple vampires rushed him appearing out of thin air from different angles; still he was able to kill them off quickly with his whip of light and deadly sword tokijin.

As he turned around and sped back to the castle, he hadn't realized that he was so far from his palace, from his mate. Sesshomaru cut down his enemies that stood in his way and barely even glanced at his brother Inuyasha giving orders to the warriors. His thoughts remained on his mate, Kagome. She had begged him not to leave to go off to war; she wanted to be close to him, in his arms. Earlier events replayed through his mid as he swung his sword, decapitating three vampires at once.

His servant Jaken, rushed to his room yelling at the top of his lungs. "Lord Sesshomaru. The vampires call for war!!!" Jaken through his door open and quickly shut it apologizing outside the door for his rudeness.

He caught Sesshomaru on top of his mate Kagome, venting out his sexual need and lust for her. Sesshomaru growled menacingly at the disruption, but he slowed his rhythm and stopped completely until his mate regained her breath. Kagome whimpered in need for him lifting her legs around his strong waist.

"Don't leave" She said in a soft voice.

"I have to my love; the vampires have declared war upon us." He ran a finger over her cheek but that didn't settle her.

"Then send someone else to do the fighting, just stay with me tonight" Her eyes pleading.

He leaned up pulling her legs from his waist she only forced them tighter knowing it wouldn't hurt him none. Sesshomaru looked down on his mate her raven hair tossed about the sheets, her bright brown eyes wide in worry and fear.

Many nights ago she had a dream about a war in the western lands, a war so violent as this, only at the end of dream she died or maybe he did she didn't know precisely who it was but she could feel the connection between them dissipate and that alone is what she feared. She couldn't live without him.

Sesshomaru caught her lips in a passionate kiss wrapping her small body in his arms. The smell of tears assaulted his senses, Kagome had never cried before the foreign substance tracking from her eyes. Sesshomaru felt the sudden need to protect his mate to ease her worry of this dream that haunted her for months.

"My love, you mustn't worry about such trivial things especially a dream" he buried his nose in her hair and purred. "I will forever protect you, love you and cherish you"

Kagome pouted like a little child being punish as she slid of his body onto their massive bed. He placed another kiss upon her soft lips. "I love you"

He left the large room clouded in the scent of their lovemaking, his Retainer Jaken nearby hung his head low. Sesshomaru walked down the hall and entered the room full of generals and lieutenants.

"I love you and be careful"

Sesshomaru finally reached his castle; side of the building had been blown to a pile of rubbish. Vamps ran in his domain killing everyone that came in their path. He growled furiously erupting a deadly power of blades from his sword killing everything in his path. He made a clear break for the castle.

Kagome knew it was true, her dreams never lied. She knew her destiny now it was her that was meant to die. She lay in the puddle of her own blood seeping from the wounds she sustained from this unknown man before her. He had long wavy black hair and black evil eyes. His fangs glistened with her blood where he bit her multiple times among her body, places where only her mate was to touch.

Tears welled in her eyes but she refused to let them fall, she would remain strong for him, For her Sesshomaru. Her mark pulsed in anticipation, he was near he would save her, but she knew this would not be true her dream told her that. The tall man stood in front of her again ready to assault her with his hands and fangs. He gripped a hand full of her hair and brought her to her feet. She never once screamed as he bit into her mark the pain she felt, her heart was breaking.

"Naraku!" My mate has come!

This Naraku turned around revealing the bruised body of his Kagome. Sesshomaru eyes bulged in anger and he moved quickly to tear Naraku into pieces. Naraku quickly gripped Kagome neck in his hands ready to snap it into two.

"I don't think so dog" Sesshomaru stopped and his red eyed returned to their normal color. He didn't want to risk her life and that was his downfall.

"Let her go, Naraku" He was talking to Naraku but his eyes remained on Kagome.

"I don't think so, Sesshomaru you have taken something very precious to us and now I shall take what's most precious from you" He licked Kagome's cheek his tongue touching the long cut placed there. "My father sends his regards"

Sesshomaru saw the glint of fear in Kagome eyes but it passed as soon as it came. In its replace was sadness and warmth. "I lov-

Naraku snapped her neck. Her small body hit the floor in a thud and her murderer vanished into thin air his laugh echoing through the castle.

Sesshomaru was immobilized. His mate was dead before him; he pulled her lifeless body into his arms, her neck limp from her shoulders. He failed her, a chilling roar covered the land and everyone shuddered in fear. A large Dog demon burst through the ceiling of the already falling castle. From that point on, the warm and softhearted Sesshomaru was known as the cold and evil lord of the west.