
By: God of Insanity

Summary: Fresh out of high school and having to deal with the recent death of his father, Sesshoumaru gets a job as an intern at a prosperous business in order to support his sister. Of course, that doesn't stop the business firm's boss from molesting him...

Pairing(s): Naraku/Sesshoumaru, (Surprise)/Sesshoumaru

Future Warning(s): AU (Modern), Heavy Yaoi, SesshUKE, Lemons, Original Character, Language, Oral, Angst, Maledom, D/s, and WIP. (Other warnings will be added if they are applicable to the chapter.)

Chapter Warning(s): Angst

A/N: I wrote this for my e-mail buddy and reviewer, Sessho Lord, who requested this, so this makes it a challenge fic. I wrote this prologue and the first chapter about a year ago, maybe. Due to…very bad circumstances, I wasn't able to write her more chapters or update my other stories. Sessho lord has been very patient and I commend her for it. Fortunately, I am better now and I have lots of ideas and I plan to update some of my old fics. Unfortunately, I have to read through them, which means I will be correcting any nagging errors that I see.

For any of you that are fans of my older work and have been waiting forever for updates, I offer you a sincere apology and I will try my best to update them. But for the time being, I want to finish this story and maybe get another new Nara/Sess out there. I have tons of ideas...

I also would like to THANK all of my reviewers. Thanks a bunches.

Disclaimer(s): I do not own any of the InuYasha characters, but I do own my original characters.


"Rin. Get up, now. Its time for school." A smooth voice drawled from the doorway of the little girl's room. A click was heard accompanied by the bright light which diminished the darkness of the room. A messy black head immediately popped out from underneath many vibrant layers of blankets and covers. Bleary, sleepy ebony eyes blinked slowly, desperately trying to adjust to the intense light and a groan ensued from small lips.

"Five more minutes, Sessho? Please?" The little girl named Rin whimpered and rolled over, burying her face in her fuzzy white pillow, which looked suspiciously like a furry version of a boa.

A tall, elf-like being strode briskly through Rin's room until he reached her bed. He flung all of her covers and blankets off of her until her small, clothed form was revealed. He stared down at her with one dark eyebrow lifted and a slender, yet strong hand rested on the side of his hip.

"If you don't get up now and get ready for school, I will be late for work. And if I'm late for work, I won't be happy." The young man said quietly even though his tone was laced with warning. He had wanted to stay in bed, too, but he couldn't afford to do that and neither could she. Well, she could probably get away with it, but he knew he couldn't.

Rin didn't bother to protest or even rebel against him. She hopped out of bed without any enthusiasm and began to prepare for another dull day of elementary school.

Sesshoumaru's cold, amber eyes looked very tired and almost lifeless. The little girl actually remembered a time when his eyes had been warm and energetic. But that had been before the accident. Now, she barely recognized her own big brother. He had taken the role of the parent and it was exceedingly difficult. It was either ship her off to foster parents or raise her himself. Obviously, he had chosen the latter of the two. There was no way in hell he would let some strangers ruin her life when he could care for her himself.

Even though she was only eight-years-old, Rin tried her best to help out and not cause any problems. She was a very intelligent and perceptive child; she knew life was hard for them both now and she sought to make it more bearable. She often did the laundry, fed herself, and cleaned the house the best that she possibly could when Sesshoumaru was at work. He appreciated it, even though he never mentioned it. She could tell he was grateful by the look in his weary eyes when he came home at night to find a clean home.

Sometimes if he wasn't too worn out, he would read a bed-time story to her until she fell asleep. Those nights, when he read to her, she felt as if she had her brother back again. She tried not to be selfish, but she couldn't help it. She was a child; she needed love and comfort, but he couldn't give her that. She suspected that he needed solace as well, but there wasn't anyone (that she knew of) that could offer him any. Sometimes, Rin really wished that he had a wife.

She knew he was a mess inside, although on the outside, he stood tall and mighty. He barely ate or slept, and he worked long, hard hours. He seldom spoke to her anymore, yet when he did speak, it was only simple commands or questions. He wasn't one for conversations anymore.

Fragments of his former self still remained within him, but it wasn't the same. Her brother had changed drastically and it looked as if this was a permanent change. Hollow and aloof, her brother was doomed to stay this way. This bitter life was not of his own making, no, it wasn't his fault.

Rin didn't like to admit it, but she felt as if her brother had died along with her parents. This husk of a person couldn't be her big brother. It just couldn't be, but it was.

It was in the dead of the night that the little girl would more often than not, clutch her stuffed dog and whisper three words before she fell into a dreamless sleep. And said words were never uttered for her dead parents.

"I miss you."