TPC: Teen Pregnancy Club

TPC: Teen Pregnancy Club

-a Headstrong.Crazii.Daize story-

DISCLAIMER: I disclaimed in all my other stories, why not this one?

SUMMARY: Gabriella, Taylor, Sharpay. Strangers to each other, but they all have one thing in common… their pregnant their junior year at the same time. Troyella, Chaylor, Zekepay.


C14: Chapter Fourteen

ABP: After Birth Plans

Troy and Gabriella woke up suddenly when they heard Miracle start crying.

"Troy, it's your turn," Gabriella said drowsily.

"I got her last time," Troy said as an excuse.

"Get your daughter," Gabriella said. Troy couldn't see her face, but he knew her teeth were gritted and her eyes were scrunched.

Troy reluctantly got out of bed and walked over to the crib. He gently picked her up and started rocking her.

"Troy, if she wakes up in the middle of the night, she either needs her pamper changed or a bottle. Is she wet?" Gabriella said.

"I… uh, I don't feel comfortable checking to see if she peed," Troy said.

"Troy, just see if she feels wet. You're not molesting her," Gabriella said.

Troy handed Gabriella the baby. "Just this time?"

Gabriella gave him another one of those looks. She checked to see if Miracle had wet herself.

"Get me a pamper," Gabriella said. "By the way, you're changing her, so keep the pamper and take your daughter."


"Zeke, you get Prince, I'll get Princess," Sharpay said.

"What if I have to change him?" Zeke asked.

"Then… you change… him," Sharpay said.


"If he just peed, take the dirty pamper off and put a new one on. If he boo-booed, take his pamper off, get a wipe and get all of it off of him, then put a new pamper on him," Sharpay instructed.

"Got it," Zeke said.


"He doesn't want to lie down," Chad mumbled.

"Then pick him up," Taylor said.

"But then he'll be spoiled," Chad pointed out.

Taylor moaned and got her son. "Chase, you have to lie down sometimes."

Chase opened his eyes and stared at his mom. His eyes were beautiful. You really couldn't tell the color. Sometimes they were gray, sometimes they were green, other times they were brown, but they were big.

"Chad, I'm glad you decided to stay with me the first month," Taylor said.

"Yeah. I didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night unless it was to my baby," Chad said.

"You know Troy and Gabriella are getting married? I think it's too early. By the time they're married, they'll be seventeen," Taylor said.

"I thought that, too. I didn't want to say anything, though. I didn't want me and Troy to stop being friends because of that," Chad replied.

"I wish them the best," Taylor concluded, putting Chase back in his crib.


"I didn't get any sleep last night," Gabriella said, finally getting a break. Miracle was sleeping in her bassinette.

"Chase doesn't want to lie down," Taylor said.

"My twins feed off the others' cries. If Prince cries, Princess does, too, and vice versa. I'll be glad when they start sleeping all night."

"We need a getaway. Not just a getaway. The getaway," Gabriella said.

"But to where?" Sharpay asked.

"I heard Myrtle Beach in South Carolina was cool. Why don't we check it out?" Taylor suggested.

"We're in New Mexico. South Carolina is on the east coast! That would be a long trip!" Sharpay exclaimed. "And who's gonna drive?"

"A chauffeur, Sharpay. I'm pretty sure there's some generosity deep down somewhere in your heart," Gabriella said.

"Is it the only to get down there?" Sharpay asked.

"Yeah. Gabriella has a fear of airplanes," Taylor said.

Sharpay rolled her eyes and sighed. "I guess. But who's gonna watch the kids?"

"I'm sure Troy, Chad, and Zeke can take care of them," Gabriella said.

"I think they are, too," Taylor agreed.

"I guess they are. But when are we gonna go?" Sharpay asked.

"When the babies are six weeks. We could go as a six week celebration vacation!" Gabriella said.

"Yes! By six weeks, we need a vacation," Taylor said.

"We better get to work on this 'Six Week Celebration Vacation', then," Sharpay said.

As I said, this is a set up chapter for ABC: After Birth Club. I don't know when it'll start, but it'll be soon. Thanks for the awesome reviews! I don't think I've had one flame! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story!

P.S. Look out for 'I Am My Worst Enemy' the third in the 'Worst Enemy' series (the sequel to My Worst Enemy May Be Wife Material).

P.S.S. The 'Ryan Confession' and 'Interracial' thing were just to make the chapter longer. I guess I could've put a bit in there about Ryan to make it make sense.

P.S.S.S. I'll try to start East Northumberland Classical Academy again. I kinda had writer's block (Darn that disease!). Also my musical oneshots (V, Another Side, and Insomniatic). I'll attempt to do Breakout by Miley Cyrus on the Hannah Montana section of FF (don't be shocked if I don't. It uses CDVU, and my computer will start acting up). It'll probably be Moliver or Jiley, don't know which one. I might do half 'n' half where songs 1-6 are Jiley and then 7-12 are Moliver or vice versa. I'll also start Identified by Vanessa Hudgens (probably not on July 1st, but we'll see).

-Headstrong.Crazii.Daize (I might change my name to Partii.on.tha.Mune after the Vanessa Hudgens 'Party on the Moon' off her latest CD, Identified)