Meet me behind Lordly Tailor on October 1st at 1 AM. Dress appropriately. Your possible refusal will result in your downfall."
The paper in between my gloved fingertips quivered. The letter was short, too short. Its simplicity twisted my guts into a tight knot. I could barely breathe.
Is that it? Unbelievable!
Nothing but the note was sent. No maps, no diagrams, no charts… just the clear-cut request intricately folded and gingerly slipped into the envelope addressed to me. I expected more from my anonymous cohort. Then again, I was used to receiving package after package of valuable data, data almost worth as much as the item in question.
But this time there was no item, no prize to seek, no award to win… or was there? The letter did indicate that I was to meet my unspecified partner tomorrow, and the only noun of interest was "me." Although the individual who was assisting me while unashamedly blackmailing me was efficient, I was never informed of their identity.
Yet they were wholly aware of mine.
A shiver raced down my spine. I always wondered how I was so fortunate to become indirectly acquainted with my accomplice. After all, without them, I would have never been able to sustain my marriage.
Speaking of which.
I turned, cramming the letter into my pocket in the process, and grinned. "I'm over here, Dessie."
The brunette beauty sashayed into the room, that small yet irresistible smile on her face. My arms instinctively opened, and she slipped into them gracefully. Wrapping them around her perfect frame, I sighed peacefully and rested my head against her velvety shoulder. Slender fingers trickled down my back, sending ripples of honest affection through me.
The hugs she gave me were tender reminders of how much she needed me, how much she cared. The hugs I returned held just as much devotion and the promise that I would do anything to see that precious smile.