(That's What You Do)
When You Love Someone
Chapter Eleven
A Playful First Date
Gabriella didn't know what to do with herself. She felt so giddy and excited. Her heart was beating like crazy, but she was also very nervous. Her hair was done beautifully in curls, and her make-up was perfect. Her mother had helped her choose her outfit; she had wanted to go for kind of sexy, but not too revealing or anything, so she had ended up with something classy and sophisticated. It didn't matter. She knew it would be enough anyway. It would no matter what.
It was Friday. It was five thirty three and Sharpay would be there in five minutes to pick her up for their date. Their first date.
Gabriella couldn't sit still, she kept on glancing out of the kitchen window.
"What's wrong with your leg?" Rosa asked, and glared towards Gabriella's leg, which she kept on moving up and down – she had to do something, or she would lose her mind.
Gabriella ignored her and kept on moving.
"She's waiting for Sharpay to come." Elena explained to her youngest child as she poured some milk into her glass; the two of them were eating dinner, and she was slightly amused by Gabriella's actions.
Rosa didn't look too impressed, "I'm waiting for Sharpay too, but I don't sit like that, Mamá." She said, as she chewed her dinner.
"Well, Gabriella's excited for their date." Elena just said, and then turned to Gabriella, "You will come on over after, right? I mean, Sharpay can stay the night, I'd like to hear all about it."
"No you won't." Gabriella just said, and right then she heard a car pull up in their driveway. And since Sharpay was the only one they expected, it could only be her. Gabriella jumped off of her chair and took in deep breath, "Phew, I was losing my mind." She whispered.
The doorbell rang and Gabriella almost flew into the hallway to open, while she ignored Elena's attempt to be funny while wishing her good luck. She just pulled the door open with a wide smile (she couldn't help it), only to come face to face with a stunning Sharpay. The blonde was wearing a short, black cocktail dress. Her hair fell down beautifully, her make-up done the smoky way. A golden purse was thrown over her shoulder, and in her hands she held a bouquet of red roses.
"Here you go," She said, and handed Gabriella the flowers. There was about a dozen, "and you know I'll love you 'till the last one dies."
Gabriella gave her a nervous look, "One of them is plastic right?"
"Good." Gabriella giggled, as she took in Sharpay's appearance again. She felt like nothing compared to her – but that was only because she was so in love. She knew she cleaned up good too, "I'll just-" she motioned for the kitchen, "I'll just go put these into water and we can go."
Sharpay nodded and Gabriella turned to leave, the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach like never before. She could feel Sharpay's eyes on her back until she turned the corner, and that didn't make it any better. She really hoped Sharpay liked her dress. Herself, she had chosen a red dress. Longer than Sharpay's, but a bit more tighter. And where Sharpay's showed a good amount of cleavage, Gabriella's was cut down on the back.
She went into the kitchen and couldn't hide the huge grin from her mother, "She gave me flowers!" Gabriella whispered, and held the bouquet out so Elena could see it.
"Wow, bella." Elena said, and got off of her seat, to look at the flowers; she couldn't help but smile when she saw how happy her daughter looked, "They're beautiful."
"Take them," Gabriella said, and carefully gave her mother the flowers, "put them in some water, please. We've better leave."
"Sure, Gabby." Elena said, and studied the roses carefully – they were really beautiful. They must have been expensive. She didn't think much of it though, she knew Sharpay had money, "Say hi to Sharpay and have fun, okay?"
Gabriella nodded and went into the hallway again, her small black heels clicking against the floor. She was greeted by Sharpay, who pulled her in for a small peck on the lips, "You look amazing." she whispered, as she pulled away.
Gabriella smiled happily, "So do you." she told her girlfriend as they went outside and closed the door behind them. Sharpay laughed happily and grabbed her hand, even though the car was only a few steps away. Gabriella couldn't help but smile girly at this – she had never felt this way before; it was an amazing feeling.
"I hope you like Italian." Sharpay said, as they got into her pink car, and she turned on the engine, "I figured we'd eat something other than Spanish today."
Gabriella laughed and leaned back in her seat, enjoying everything. So far, their first date had been nothing but amazing. And it hadn't even started for real yet.
Their meal was amazing. Gabriella tried a lot of different things she hadn't eaten before, but it wasn't as much the food as it was the company. Sharpay was just amazingly funny to be around. Gabriella had already known that, of course, but when they were only friends she was usually just funny and whiny and sort of caring – and she ate a lot. But now when they were dating… Wowsie. Sharpay was still funny and whiny and she also still ate a lot. But she wasn't just sort of caring. She was very caring. She kept on glancing at Gabriella like she was the most amazing creature to ever walk this earth. She kept on moving her hand across the table to just play with Gabriella's fingers. She was very romantic and said the most beautiful things to Gabriella throughout their meal. And Gabriella herself didn't know what to do; she was so amazed by all this and by this new side of Sharpay that she hadn't seen before.
"This tastes so yummy." Gabriella mumbled, between bites of ice cream. It really did taste good. She didn't know if it was anything special, since Sharpay had asked the waiter to 'surprise them', but it definitely looked expensive when he gave it to them.
Sharpay smiled widely, as she scooped the last piece of ice cream into her mouth, "I'm glad you like it," she smiled and placed her spoon on the plate again, "I really hope you've enjoyed this date. I've done everything I could to make it perfect."
Gabriella couldn't help but feel loved (which she knew she was), "Don't worry," Gabriella reassured her, "I'm loving this date. But it doesn't matter… All that matters is that it's you and I." she paused for a second, as she thought about it in her head; she knew that all that stuff didn't matter. They could have gone to Wendy's and it would have been perfect to her, "Really. I just want to be with you Sharpay."
Sharpay sneaked (not so secretly) her hand across the table and grabbed Gabriella's free one, "I'm really glad to know that." she whispered delicately, her pink, kissable lips forming into a smile.
Gabriella leaned across the table, partly enjoying the view of Sharpay's low-cut dress, while she whispered, "How could you not have known that?" she wanted to know.
"I guess I just can't hear it enough." Sharpay settled for saying and then leaned slightly forward, planting a short kiss on Gabriella's lips. She pulled back and sat in her seat, a happy smile on her face, "Mhm, you taste of ice cream."
Gabriella shook her head and giggled. That was just so Sharpay. Going from a romantic moment and then she made some comment about food; well Gabriella should have known that. Sharpay does eat all the time. And she loved that about her. It was one of the things that made her so Sharpay. And she wouldn't even change it about her – she was perfect with all her imperfections.
"So what do you wanna do later?" Sharpay questioned, as Gabriella went to finish her ice cream. She had very little left.
She licked her lips and shot Sharpay a playful grin, "I think you know what I wanna do." She just said, and then bent her head, to make sure she had gotten everything off of her plate.
"Gabriella Montez!" Sharpay explained, her voice low, but also slightly amused, "I am appalled! How can you even suggest that? I did not know you had it in you!" she nudged Gabriella with her food beneath the table, and the Latina lifted her head to lock eyes with the blonde, "But I'm also…" Sharpay trailed off and lifted an eyebrow slightly, "…intrigued."
Gabriella laughed again and pushed her plate slightly away since she was done, "Hey," she said, "I like you."
Sharpay giggled again and pointed first at Gabriella and then at herself, before she mouthed 'bathroom'. Gabriella's mouth formed a slight 'o' as she shook her head. Sharpay just nodded and moved to stand up, but Gabriella shook her head again. 'No!' she wildly mouthed.
"Aw, why not Bri?" Sharpay sighed and gave up.
Gabriella gave her a funny look, "I have a perfectly fine bedroom at home. Mamá said you're more than welcome to stay the night."
Sharpay seemed to think about it for a few seconds as she playfully bit her lip, which made Gabriella absolutely crazy, "Mhm," the blonde mumbled, before she smirked at her girlfriend, "Do you have a 'do not disturb'-sign we can put on the door?"
"I think that could be arranged." Gabriella said, and before she knew what had happened, Sharpay had left her seat and grabbed her hand. She dragged her towards the exit, but stopped on the way, to tell the manager, to put their dinner on their father's monthly bill (apparently Amy and Vance dined here quite a lot – also with business associates). Sharpay then dragged her out of the door, but when they reached her car, she stopped and pulled Gabriella in for a long, deep kiss.
"I miss you." she said, when they pulled apart.
Gabriella kissed her nose, "I'm right here." She assured her, loving how completely mushy and romantic Sharpay was being. She just couldn't get enough of the blonde bombshell right now. It was amazing how much she actually loved her. Sure, she loved her mother and Rosa too, but this was such a different love. It was a weird, but very good feeling. Gabriella never wanted to let it go.
"Yes, and thank you for that." Sharpay jokingly answered back, before she opened the door for Gabriella to let the Latina get in. Gabriella smiled at as she closed the door again, and went around the car to get in herself. When she was in, she leaned over and gave Gabriella another kiss, before she turned on the engine with a huge smile, and drove out of there.
The ride to the Montez house was short, so they didn't speak much. Gabriella just leaned back in her seat and watched as Sharpay concentrated on driving her precious car. She got all cute because she thought so much about it; she didn't want to make a mistake. And Gabriella loved watching her. But there was something about this particular night, though. Maybe it was because she was so happy herself, or because it had gone so well – Sharpay just looked even cuter this moment.
Ten minutes later Sharpay turned off her car, and sighed happily, "So yeah, welcome home, Ms. Montez." She smirked at Gabriella and pointed at the house jokingly, "Should I be a bad first date and spent the night already?"
Gabriella nodded excitingly, "I really think you should."
"Well that's good then." Sharpay said and turned over, so she could get something out of her backseat. Gabriella couldn't help but giggle loudly when she saw Sharpay's overnight bag, "I packed some extra clothes." She winked.
"You're crazy, Evans." Gabriella mumbled, as the two girls got out of the car, and made their way towards the front door. She had no idea what would happen tonight between the two of them; if they'd do anything, or if Sharpay wanted to wait. And if they did anything, she had no idea how far they would take it. But she didn't care. She just wanted to be with Sharpay, and whatever happened would be alright with her – they had time. They had all the time in the world.
Sharpay hit her lightly across the arm, "I should say right back at ya', but that would be mean." She just replied, and opened the door for Gabriella to get through, and Gabriella couldn't help but notice – Sharpay had done nothing but that all evening; she was a far better date than Troy had ever been.
"It really would have." Gabriella just replied, as the two of them got off their high heels, both happy to be out of them. Gabriella was hoping they might be able to sneak upstairs without her mother seeing them, but of course they had no suck luck. She just really wasn't up to talking about the date – not with Sharpay there. It would be too weird. She wanted to tell her mother all about it once Sharpay left the next morning.
Elena stopped in the doorway from the living room, Rosa right behind her, "Hi girls!" she said, and shot them a huge smile.
"Hey Elena." Sharpay smiled, and Gabriella admired her for keeping her cool, even if she just wanted for them to be alone too, "And hi Rosie." She added.
"Did you girls have fun?" Elena wanted to know, as she crossed her arms across her face and studied them both closer; she seemed very happy and excited about this – she probably just wanted to know how it went. Gabriella couldn't blame her, even if she thought it was annoying.
"Did you kiss!?" Rosa just wanted to know, as she shot them her cutest smile, which made Sharpay giggle wildly; she had such a soft spot for that little girl.
"Not your business, Rosie." Elena said, and gave her youngest child a look, before she nervously looked up at the older one, afraid of what her reaction would be to that comment. She had a feeling earlier that Gabriella was perhaps a bit nervous because of this date, and that if you annoyed her, she'd snap. "Are you sleeping over, Sharpay?" she asked the other girl, instead.
"Yeah, if that's alright." Sharpay smiled and leaned herself closer to Gabriella, her shoulder softly touching Gabriella's bare back.
"It's always alright, Sharpay, you know that." Elena said, and was about to continue, when Gabriella interrupted;
"Yes, Mamá, Sharpay does know that." she said, her voice quick and her eyes giving her that certain glare, "We're going upstairs, do not disturb us, okay? We want to be alone."
Elena nodded, a bit taken aback by the tone in her voice, but she knew how it was being a teenager. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to disturb them – she had no idea what they would be doing. She had to add something though, "Alright, but I'll be saying goodnight in about an hour. Rosie and I will finish our movie and then go to bed. Is that okay?"
Sharpay butted in before Gabriella could say anything, "Of course it's okay, Elena. We'll see you later." she said, before she grabbed Gabriella's hand and dragged her girlfriend with her upstairs.
Gabriella felt relieved to finally get out of there, and glad that Sharpay had rescued her before she said something she would have regretted. She was quiet until they reached her room, but when she closed the door behind her, and leaned up against it, letting go of Sharpay's hand and then she sighed happily.
"You know," Sharpay begun, her brown eyes playful, "I was only joking about the sign." She paused and stuck out her tongue, "I mean… you do know that , right?"
Gabriella gave her a look, and crossed the floor, sitting down on her bed, "Yes, I do know that, freak." She paused then and looked up at the blonde girl, "Sorry I got kind of bitchy downstairs."
"I think it's your mother you should be apologising to." Sharpay replied, and sat down next to her, placing her head on her shoulder, before she added, "I think she knows why though. She's so cool – your mom."
Gabriella knew she was right. Her mother was absolutely cool. She hadn't even questioned one time that Gabriella decided to go out with a girl. Not like Sharpay's mother who had freaked out on her. Luckily enough she had come to her senses. Gabriella had been so afraid of meeting her. But Sharpay guessed that either Vance or Ryan had talked to her about it, after she had dropped the bomb, because otherwise she wouldn't have been so open-minded; she would have given Gabriella a hard time. She had just taken one look at her, they'd traded a few sentences and she had went back to her food. Gabriella had been very relived at that point, and Sharpay had been happy too.
"I know." Gabriella said and turned her head slightly, which caused Sharpay to lift hers too, so they were on eyelevel, "How come people around campus call you the bitch, and yet you still make me a better person?" she wondered aloud, her lips brushed Sharpay's slightly as she spoke, since they were so close together.
"Well that's because I love you and I don't care about them." Sharpay simply answered, complete adoration shining through her half-closed eyes.
"How come when you say something that mean you still sound cute?" Gabriella then wondered, continuing her train of thoughts, as she tried her best not to kiss the other girl. She wanted to, but she wanted Sharpay to answer first; she never got tired of having this banter with her.
Sharpay didn't need to think about that either; being Sharpay she had an answer right up her sleeve, "That's because I'm just naturally cute. You can't do anything about naturally cuteness."
Gabriella couldn't hide her smile as she took in the words Sharpay had just said. Even when saying something like that – she still sounded cute. Gabriella didn't know how she did it, but she just did. It was unbelievable. She gave Sharpay a funny look and leaned just a tad closer if that was even possible, "You're so funny." She whispered, before she placed her lips on top of Sharpay's and pulled the blonde closer by her shoulders.
Sharpay responded immediately. Her arms snuck around Gabriella's waist as her tongue worked through her lips, starting a fight with the other girl's. Gabriella closed her eyes tightly as she took in every touch and every scent that were Sharpay's. She could feel one of Sharpay's hands sneak beneath the fabric of her dress, since it was so cut in the back, and as Sharpay's hand trailed around Gabriella, she pulled her down too, so the Latina was lying on top of her on the bed.
Before they knew what had happened, a loud wail was heard from the bed and the two girls jumped apart, only to realize that Sharpay had almost squeezed Princess Cutie to death.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Cutie." Sharpay baby-talked and picked up the kitten, quickly giving it a kiss on the forehead, "I didn't mean to squeeze you. Please don't hate me."
Gabriella, even in this state, couldn't help but laugh. She had Sharpay's lipgloss all over her face, and she was slightly out of breath, but Sharpay still made her laugh – which didn't help her to breathe more properly.
"You don't hate me, do you Princess?" Sharpay continued to ask the kitten, as she got her settled in her lap and started stroking her fur, happy to hear a slight purr starting.
Gabriella reached a hand out to stroke the kitten too, "Nah, I don't think she does." She whispered, still slightly out of breath, but much better than before.
Sharpay looked up at her, and their eyes locked, "What a shame." She said, with an arched eyebrow, "Not that I hate your cat, but she just interrupted a very good make-out."
Gabriella nodded understandingly; she knew exactly where Sharpay was coming from, "We'll just continue that one later. Perhaps after Mamá has been in here too."
Sharpay laughed. Her laugh was such a joy. It was kind of over exaggerated at times, but Gabriella still loved it. One couldn't help but be affected by it and just giggle along. "I like that idea." Sharpay just then said.
They were silent for a few seconds just listening to Princess Cutie as she purred, when Gabriella remembered something she wanted to say to Sharpay. She had been thinking a lot about it, and knowing the blonde, she would be very flattered if Gabriella did this, so she wanted to – she just wanted to make her happy, "Hey girlfriend?" she couldn't help it; that word tasted so good in her mouth.
Sharpay looked up, a glint in her eyes, "Yeah, girlfriend?"
"Do you remember when you wanted to see my French paper?" Gabriella continued, as she tried to hide her smile, "And we joked about Mrs. Tautou and my dirty sex fantasies?"
"Oh yeah…" Sharpay nodded understandingly, but then turned serious as she looked at Gabriella, "I never got to hear those sex fantasies. Now when we're dating, I have a slight feeling that I might really have been in there."
"Sharpay!" Gabriella said and hit her lightly across the head, "I did not write about my sex fantasies." She paused, when she saw Sharpay's face, then she just had to add, "…and if I had, you would've been in there no doubt."
"That's all I'm askin'." Sharpay quickly chipped in.
"Because!" Gabriella continued, "Because you remember my subject, right? Write about something that makes you happy." she paused and got off of the bed and crossed the floor. She grabbed her paper from the stack of returned papers on her table and went back to the bed, handing the paper to Sharpay, "So you are… in fact, in there."
Sharpay stared at her with wide eyes for a few seconds, before she lowered her eyes to the paper and scanned over the words there. She couldn't read French, but she could recognize her own name when she saw it. She looked up at Gabriella again, and felt a little mushy. She couldn't believe Gabriella had actually chosen her for the assignment. She had even tried to help her, and she ended up being chosen herself. That was just so sweet – there were many reasons she had fallen for Gabriella, and her sweetness was just one of them. "I'm your something?" she whispered, lips moved into a pout.
Gabriella sat down next to Sharpay, tugging a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear, "Yeah, you really do make me happy." Gabriella whispered, "Not just now, you always have. And writing that paper about you was so easy." She paused, "You're more amazing than anyone I know."
Sharpay reached a hand out and stroked Gabriella's cheek a few times, before she knew what to answer her, "You make me so happy too." She whispered, and then she remembered what she had to do too; she had something for Gabriella and it was very important that she got it, "Oh, I've got something for you!" she mumbled and got off of the bed to find her bag. She unzipped it and started digging through it, Gabriella watching in curiosity. She wondered what was in it. She knew Sharpay hadn't given her all of her birthday present yet, so it would probably be the last part.
Sharpay turned back around to Gabriella, a small box in her hand. Gabriella immediately knew that it held jewellery – it couldn't be anything else, and she could feel herself getting excited; she wanted to know what it was now. "I hope you like it." Sharpay continued and stopped in front of Gabriella, who was still sitting on the bed. She opened the box and held it out for the Latina, who stared in awe at the ring sitting in there.
It was very simple, but also very beautiful. It was a golden band with a butterfly on top. Small red stones were very carefully placed on its wings along with a bigger white stone in the middle. It didn't look over-accessorized as many jewelleries did; it was perfect. "Is that for me?" Gabriella questioned and looked up, catching Sharpay's eyes.
"Mhm," the blonde nodded with a huge smile, "and it's engraved too. For you."
Gabriella's face broke into a wide grin as she picked the ring out of the box and turned it over to see what was written inside. Sharpay still held onto the box as she watched her, butterflies soaring in her stomach as she hoped Gabriella would like it. Gabriella did like it. On the inside was written GM & SE in curly letters along with a small heart. Gabriella didn't know when she had bought the ring, obviously before her birthday, so she must have taken it back and changed it the day after they got together; it was amazing how quickly they had done this.
"Thank you." Gabriella said and looked up at Sharpay again, who now looked really relieved, "I love it. It's perfect."
Sharpay sighed happily as Gabriella slipped on the ring and held her hand out for herself so she could watch the ring shine in the light coming from the window. Sharpay reached forward to take a look at it too, but managed to drop the box on the floor instead.
"Shoot!" she mumbled and bent down to retrieve the box from the floor. And just that very moment, Elena knocked on the door before opening it, peeking inside. When she saw that nothing she wasn't supposed to see was going on, she stepped inside, and smiled at the two girls, as she took in the sight in front of her.
It looked… weird.
"What's up?" she nervously asked, because this looked like a bad romantic comedy where someone had just asked someone else to marry them.
"The ceiling's up." Sharpay replied, just as she looked up from the floor, where she had finally gathered the box from beneath the bed, where it had managed to slide underneath.
"Oh yeah," Gabriella replied, and bent her hand down so her mother could see the ring, "and Sharpay just asked me to marry her."
Sharpay saw Elena's wide eyes and nudged Gabriella in the side, "Shut up, Bri!" she said and then turned to give Elena a reassuring smile, "Don't worry Elena, I won't take her away from you just yet."
Elena smiled in relief.
"But she did give me a ring." Gabriella said and crossed the floor so her mother could see it better. Elena grabbed Gabriella's hand and studied the ring for a few seconds, before she let the hand fall to Gabriella's side.
"It's beautiful." She said.
Sharpay stood up too and crossed the floor, to stand next to the two other women, "Then I did do something right." She joked and placed an arm around Gabriella's shoulders.
Gabriella lovingly kissed her cheek, "You always do something right Sharpay."
"That's the right answer and you know it." Sharpay just replied, but kissed Gabriella's nose just the same.
Elena smiled happily and decided that she had to break up their happy moment; she had to get to bed, "I just wanted to say goodnight though, girls." She told them, "I just tugged in Rosie. She fell asleep on the couch right before the movie was over. She hopes you girls will spend some time with her tomorrow."
"Oh, always!" Sharpay excitingly said, and gave Elena that award-winning smile she had, "I never really quite found out what Barbie was up to, you know."
Gabriella nodded in agreement, "We should do that tomorrow."
Elena chucked by their goofiness and thought to herself that they were a cute, but very weird couple. "Goodnight girls." She said, and turned around, closing the door behind her, with a chuckle more.
Gabriella and Sharpay turned to each other again, their foreheads resting on the other's, "Thank you for the amazing gift." Gabriella whispered.
Sharpay giggled, "You're welcome." She said, and kissed her long and deep on the lips. She pulled back and licked her lips lightly, "…where were we on the make-out session?"
Gabriella looked thoughtful for a mere second, before she grabbed Sharpay by the hand and rushed to the bed, pulling the blonde down on top of her, and placing her lips on top of hers, to get that kiss started.
Four hours later, the two girls were lying close together in Gabriella's bed. The light was out and the clock was striking two. They were tired and ready to sleep, but none of them really wanted this night to end yet. It had been a perfect first date. Gabriella was amazed by everything that had happened. Not only tonight, but these past two weeks. She had no idea how quickly things could change like that. She had never thought, just a week ago, that she'd lie like this with Sharpay. A week ago she had been crushed because the blonde hadn't shown up at her birthday party.
She felt so lucky to have gotten the one thing she really wanted for her birthday.
"Remember our song?" Gabriella whispered, her mouth slightly buried in Sharpay's blonde mane. Their legs were tangled together and Sharpay's head was resting on her chest.
"We have a song?" the blonde tiredly mumbled.
Gabriella nodded, "Yeah, that love-one. By Bethany Dillon."
Sharpay just managed to chuckle in her tired state, "That's our song." She confirmed, and then softly hummed the chorus of the song, "That's what you do when you love someone, That's what you do when you love someone." She lowly sang, very off-key, but to Gabriella it was beautiful.
They were silent for a few minutes, and Gabriella could feel her eyes closing quicker; her brain stopped thinking about anything but Sharpay and how happy she was. She could feel that she was entering dreamland very quickly now, and she knew she would only have pleasant dreams. She was holding back a yawn, when Sharpay spoke again.
"You know Bri," she whispered, "I still can't believe your French paper was about me." She paused for a second, and Gabriella didn't have the strength to answer, "I'm gonna write something about you someday too. I really want to. It's such a beautiful gesture. I bet Ms. Farber will give us an assignment like that someday. In, y'know, Creative Writing."
Creative Writing. That rang a bell in Gabriella's head. What was it about Creative Writing and Ms. Farber…? She felt as if there was something she had forgotten. There was something about Sharpay and Creative Writing. And was she involved too? There definitely was something… What had she forgotten? Had she read something of Sharpay's once upon a time, or was she totally crazy for thinking this? Sharpay could have done an assignment or a partnered project or-
Gabriella's breath caught in her throat when she remembered. "Shar!" she exclaimed and sat up in bed, which caused the blonde to fall onto the floor with a thud and look up at her with surprised brown eyes. Gabriella turned her head to the side, and stared down at her, panic shooting through her. They were handing it in on Monday, how where they going to get it done on time? She freaked, "What are we gonna do about our project!?"
I'm so sorry about the delay guys. I've not been feeling too good lately because of my sickness, and these past days it's been really bad, so I couldn't really come to the computer or write properly. I'm feeling a bit better now, and my fingers were itching to write, so I just had to get it done; I hope you can't tell my mind was completely fogged.
With that being said, I really hope you guys like this last chapter. I sort of tried to put a 'funny' spin on the ending, by bringing up the project they never got done. I hope you liked their first date too. And just that – you overall liked the story.
Please tell me in a review. I'd love it if you reviewed one last time, that's for sure. I know I'll be back with some more Gabpay before too long. I've got two ideas in process, but I have a bit of other things to do first. But yeah – you'll see more Gabpay from me soon enough. And also – I'm posting a MaddiexCorrie one-shot from Suite Life very soon. I just need to write the ending, so I hope you'll check that one out too.
Disclaimer; I do not own HSM or 'When You Love Someone'.