Okay, so, I lied. My editor sent this to me like two seconds after I uploaded the last chapter. I hope you all enjoy this.

Four Months Later

Mari sat in her room, working at her desk. She had a few open files and some evidence next to her laptop.

…And she fell down in front of everyone with the lunch all over her. Elle and I couldn't stop laughing.

Titan opened Mari's door, walked in, and laid down next to Mari's chair. Mari scratched his head and went back to typing.

So far, being the Titan's leader is going okay. My dad keeps trying to tell me what I should do, how I should train the guys. I think he's just upset that I'm doing a bit of a better job then he was when he started.

Elle keeps walking around with her sketch book. She keeps promising that we will have our uniforms by the end of the month, but she keeps making changes. She says that she keeps having creative visions. Whatever!

Mom and Dad say that in a couple months, Ry can move out to Jump with us. They also say that the team can live here at the Tower while they stay at the house with Ryan and Lily. I'm so excited! That pretty much means I'm living without my dad's stupid rules. Oh yeah!

Kevin is working on a bunch of new things like a new set of communicators for us. That way, we can have our own way of talking to each other. Plus he said that he came up with something to help us with school. A lot of explosions are coming from his room. I'm a little worried.

We have to come up with a slogan that can be put on all of the signs when you come into the city. I came up with one, but I don't know if it will win. It might be too long. "Welcome to Jump City. A place of new beginnings, and new heroes."

Soon, a red light started to flash and a loud noise filled the room. Titan jumped up while Mari grabbed her mask and ran to the door. Joey opened it up as she grabbed her skateboard and belt that was tilted up against the wall next to her door.

"Plasmus," he said. Mari pulled on the belt and ran with Joey through the hallway. Yep, this is definitely going to be the start of something really great.

So this is it. The end of Apple. I have been waiting for this moment since I started writing this story. My first chapter story is now complet! I did find a little thing in the story that ties the teens to their parents. If you can find it, well, then you're a smart cookie. Be on the look out for me. I will be posting up things soon! Happy belated 4th of July all. Live long and prosper. See y'all soon. Y'all come back now, ya hear!