A/N: A multitude of you have asked me to continue Burning Wind, and if I do I hope you'll bear with the possible long update time between chapters, but more than that. If I continue, there will be some changes to the story.

Believe it or not, I wrote it nearly four years ago. Since that time, my writing style has changed and I realized that there were some problems with the characters – namely some Mary Sue elements – so they have been adjusted accordingly. I would also be switching from a First person narration to a Third person narrator that follows the Avatar and her group. I also understand that some of you are a little upset/confused about the replacement of Katara with Kimiko. If you so desire it, I may change that back.

This is the short list of changes:

-1st Person to 3rd Person narration

-Tweaking of character personalities

-Kimiko becomes Katara sister to Sokka

-Sokka/Toph pairing (I always thought they were adorable)

If you all want these to happen, or would like to request something to happen please message me or leave it in a review of this chapter. This story was the stepping-stone in my writing; it seems a shame to leave it unfinished.

Thank you for reading the first part. I hope the second won't disappoint.