Get it out!

We don't own RENT

A/N We wrote this to explain the incident when Angel gets her hand stuck in the toilet. And yes we know two of Angel's middle names are the actor that play her's name (the third one she gave herself)

"LET GO, MIMI!!!" Angel screamed, kicking her legs, as Mimi had a tight gasp on her arms.

"NO! NOT UNTIL YOU GIVE IT BACK!!!" Mimi yelled tightening her grip on Angel.

"NEVER!!" Angel yelled.

"Fine. Then you give me no choice but to…" Mimi stopped. "YOU LOST IT DIDN'T YOU???!!!"

Angel closed her eyes, and nodded.

"ANGEL WILSON JERMAINE TOMIKA DUMOTT SCHUNARD, YOU LOST MY BRACELET!!!" Mimi screamed. Angel was surprised; Mimi had NEVER used her middle names before.

"I'm sorry," Angel said squealing with pain from Mimi's tight grip. Angel winced getting ready for a sharper pain, when Mimi let go.

"Sorry Ang, I guess I got too mad,"

"I'll say, geez that hurt,"

Mimi stood up walking out of the bathroom. Angel went to run her hands under cold water when…she slipped. She stuck her hand out to grab something then…Plop! Her hand fell into the toilet, and went into the big hole.

She tried pulling it out, but it wouldn't budge.

"MIMI!!" she screamed, still trying to pull it out.

"What?" Mimi asked running into the bathroom. "OH. MY. GOD! How did you get your hand stuck in the toilet?" Mimi started to crack up.

"IT"S NOT FUNNY!!" Angel yelled.

"Okay, I got an idea. We'll call Mark, have him film this, and send it to America's Funniest Home Videos!"

"I'm glad you're enjoying this,"

"Okay, I got another idea, why don't we try flushing the toilet, cuz' maybe it will over flow, and your hand will come out,"


So Mimi flushed it, and let's just say BAD IDEA.

"OH GOD I'm GONNA GET SUCKED UP!!" Angel yelled getting drenched by toilet water. Then they heard the door open.

"Angel?!" they heard Collins yell. He walked into the bathroom. "Angel! What happened?!"

"She got stuck," Mimi said. Angel spit water onto her.

"Yeah, I got stuck,"

Collins looked like he was going to turn blue from laughing so hard.


"I got an idea, we'll use butter!"

"Okay I'll get it!" Mimi ran in to the kitchen, and then came back with like a pound of butter. Collins was about to start putting it on Angel's hand , when Angel interrupted;

"Wait! Butter and water, isn't that like an oxymoron?"

"A what?" Mimi asked.

"Two things that contradict each other," Collins blurted out.

"Okay, let's go with that,"

They put the butter on Angel's hand. Angel tried pulling it out, but she couldn't. So then Collins and Mimi started pulling on her arm. Then who should show up in the doorway but, Roger with Mark following him with his camera.


"No I swear I didn't,"

"Yeah called them to tell them to get there white asses over here," Collins said.


"Sorry, it was just to damn funny,"

"Well if you're gonna be here at least help,"

Roger started pulling on her arm with Collins and Mimi, and Mark filmed it.

After a lot of pulling, Angel suddenly flew backwards knocking them into the cabinet.

"YAY! IT WORKED!" Collins exclaimed. Angel stood up shaking her sore hand

At Mark and Roger's the next week…

They all sat on the couch and flipped on the T.V. The only station that came was showing America's Funniest Home Videos.

After watching for twenty minutes, a video came on.

"This was sent into us by Mark Cohen," the host announced.

"IT"S NOT FUNNY!!!" they heard in Angel's voice. And sure enough it was the video. Angel turned completely pale. She turned her head towards Mark.