Dislcaimer: Don't own 'em

Setting: After FN

A/N: So this didn't really post the first time I did it so I just deleted it out and am putting it back on. So for those who reviewed the first time I THANK YOU SOO MUCH! (Jo, ilovealec, spaceboi's pixie, and Moite) n e ways hope you enjoy it.

A/N 2: Hey All! So I'm back with a new story. Don't worry for all readers to 'Remember Me' I am going to finish, I'm just having major writers block with it. So I'm posting this chapter against my better judgment because I like to be able to go back and change things, but I'm itching to know what people will think of this. Anyways I read a story once with an author that called herself a Review Junkie, and I am in complete agreement with her. I love reviews, good, bad, or just plain okay. Anyways, I hope that you like this. I know where its going but I still could use some encouragement. Thanks all!


Chapter One: A Close Call With Death

Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick

That damn clock just goes so slow, Max thought to herself as she waited for Logan to show up.

It had been only three months that they had all been holed up in Terminal city, but it seemed like it had been forever.

The day of the flag raising had been the most promising one since today. It had been hard, especially for her, with running everything. There was food supplies, housing, housing supplies, paperwork for the government, organizing jobs, keeping everyone busy and not bored, and of course, as Alec would never let her forget, the booze supply.

Ugh. He was such a pain in the ass. Now more than ever since his supply of 'blond bimbos' was more than diminished. In the first month he had succeeded in pissing off 250/263 of the women.And Max wasn't even in that category, Yet. She chuckled to herself thinking back to two weeks into the siege. Alec had been slapped by 8 different women for leading all of them on.

Disrupting her thoughts an ancient blue Aztec pulled up and the tall gangly man driving it stepped out grinning like a maniac.

"What took you so long?" Max said hauling herself off the railing she had been perched on.

"Ran into a little troubled getting through Sector 8, but overall it was relatively smooth." Logan replied as he finally stopped directly in front of her.

He stood there, still grinning like an idiot until Max finally said, "So, you going to tell me what's so important that you would risk your life in coming here?"

"Max, they signed it today." He replied, simple as that, as if that cured every problem in the world.

Max, confused and just a little pissed of grudgingly asked, "Come on Logan, I don't want to play twenty questions. What did they sign today?"

"The bill giving all transgenics citizenship."

"But there is not such bill. I would have definitely heard of it if there had been."

"Max, they kept it quiet so they didn't have any opposition. They passed it today at noon. You are all free now, they are in the process of making laws against killing transgenics."

"Are you serious? Oh my god, we have to tell everyone." Max said as she turned on her heel and attempted to briskly walk towards Headquarters.


Max turned around slowly, confused, then she thought. Of course, there's always an exception.

"Max, they already know. It was on the news at 5." Logan raised his wrist, "its 5:30, I'm sure everyone is celebrating by now."

"Logan. Did you have anything to do with this?" She asked tentatively.

"Well, maybe there was a little nudge from Eyes Only. Okay, Okay, fine there was a major push when he handed over everything he knew about Manticore and Ames White. Needless to say he won't be on your trail for awhile, his 'breeding cult' has a few questions of their own to answer."

"Oh, Logan!" She said throwing her arms around him before she realized what she was doing. Like he had burnt her she pulled back, hoping nothing would happen. But Logan started to turn flush, and fell weakly to his knees.

Grabbing her cell phone she dialed Alec.

"Yo! Maxie, I assume you've heard the good news." He yelled over the roar of the crowd in the background.

"Alec, I touched Logan! Get the medical team to the apartment as soon as possible." She screamed frantically, hoping that the noise level wouldn't drown her out.


Alec came back on the phone, "Don't worry Max we'll be there in a minute, he's going to be okay."

This was replied by the click and dial tone signifying Max had hung up.

Max had been waiting exactly 62 seconds when Alec and the Med Team had shown up. They hurriedly put Logan on the stretcher and took him off to the Hospital Ward as fast as humanly possible.

Max couldn't move, she just stood there long after they were gone staring in the direction they had taken Logan. She didn't realize how long she had been there until Bigg's had come looking for her.

"Max." He approached her cautiously, he knew sneaking up on her could land you with a swift kick in the family jewels.

Her unfocused eyes snapped to attention, "Is he okay?"

"He's going to be fine, but I need you to come with me."

"Okay." She said and silently followed him.

She watched through the glass as Logan lay on the hospital bed and Alec sat at his side. The transfusion must have been going on for a while now because Alec was starting to look drowsy and his head was beginning to dip down and he was now staring drowsily at the monitor that was hooked up to Logan.

Logan's facial features were starting to return to their usual form. He was less red and the bumps were swelling down. But Alec kept giving more blood, until Gem walked in and without asking tore the needle out of Alec's arm.

She then lifted him up and threw his arm heavily over her shoulder as she walked him out the door.

"Max…" Alec said weakly, "He's going to be okay, I promise."

Max stepped forward just as Alec's knees gave out and caught him, "Oh, Alec! Why didn't you stop when he had as much as he needed? You could have killed yourself."

Alec's eyes shifted and were unfocused on a single object. The he mumbled something about, "Had to…Logan…okay…you…lose him."

Then he passed out, and much to Max's annoyance Gem had left her to carry him to a hospital bed.

Luckily, Logan was doing fine. But he had been sitting up in his bed for two hours wondering where Max was and demanding that she come and see him.

Gem and Biggs both had to push him down on the bed and remind him that just twelve hours ago he had almost died because Max had touched him.

"Yo, man cool it. You need to give your body some rest. Right now you are really vulnerable to any viruses, and whose to say that if she breaths the same air as you that it won't kill you right here?"

"I realize that you are concerned for my health and safety, but I need to see her. Now." Logan answered in a determined voice.

"Okay, Okay, but I'm not giving my blood to you if you can't wait at least another 6 hours until you see her." Biggs spat angrily at Logan.

Alec on the other hand wasn't doing so well. Max had been in his room for the past twelve hours waiting for him to wake up.

Come on Alec. What are you doing? You know I hate it when you scare the shit out of me like this. God when you wake up I'm so kicking your ass. Scratch that. First I'm going to thank you for saving Logan's life, and then I'm going to kick your ass.

Biggs walked in for the fourth time in the last two hours.

"Any change?"

"No." Max said, and left it at that.

"Logan is still asking for you, he's starting to piss everyone off." Biggs said, hoping to get a reaction from her.

No reply. She simply remained staring at Alec's face, looking for even the slightest movement in his facial features. An hour ago his eye had twitched, Well, I think it did. Sure looked like it to me.

Biggs reached out and put his hand on Max's shoulder, "Max, he's going to be okay. He's bound to wake up soon, his body is just replenishing his blood supply."

"Yeah…" she replied softly, her eyes full to the brim with tears.

How have I managed to critically hurt the only two men that I care about in my life. Woah! What was that? Care about? Okay, fine, so I do care about Alec, but it's so not like that. I love Logan, but I can't face him right now. Staying here with Alec keeps my mind off of things.

Alec opened his eyes just a wink. He's been awake for about ten minutes, but felt too dizzy to open his eyes. He could smell her, she was sitting right there next to him. But what he couldn't figure out was why she wasn't in Logan's room. Then it dawned on him, because she thought she was going to kill Logan.

Alec noted that her eyes were full of tears, and that she was staring at his face as though he were someone else. Great, she waits for me to wake up because she can't be with Logan

Gathering up his courage, he opened his eyes and blinked to focus the room. "Max…is that you?"

"Alec, are you okay?" Max reached desperately to grab his face.

"Mhmm. How's roller boy doing?" He asked, his attempt at a joke but it was only met with a glare.

"Alec, you were out for 13 hours, we weren't sure if you were even going to live." Max said seriously.

"Oh Maxie, you know its going to take a lot more blood than that to knock me off." He said raising his lips in a smirk that would, by normal standards, make a girl's heart melt.

This was met with the reply of a rough punch to the shoulder.

"Ow! Jeez Max, I'm just kidding, aren't you not supposed to hurt the already wounded?"

It was at that comment that Max snapped. "Alec! What the hell were you thinking? You almost died! I've been worried sick that both you and Logan weren't going to pull through. Why in the hell would you pull a little stunt like you did? You have no idea how much trouble you are in!"

Alec coward a bit before he spoke, "Max, relax. I'm fine. Logan's fine, wait is Logan okay?" He said, desperately hoping he could succeed in changing the conversation.

"He's fine. But you haven't answered any of my questions." Max said.

Alec sat up, suddenly he was feeling incredible, must be all that damn transgenic blood that just wouldn't let him live anything down.

As soon as he stood Max began pummeling him all over. In one swift movement he grabbed her around the middle and threw her over his shoulder.

She kept pounding his back but he just waited, he knew that eventually she would have to stop. It took about two minutes until she did.

"Alec! Put me down!"

"Uh uh, not unless you promise to stop beating up on me."

"Fine, I'll stop beating up on you, for now." She replied reluctantly.

He sent her gently down on the bed and sat himself down in the chair that she had previously occupied.

"What did you ask now Max, I was too caught up in your kicking my ass for doing a good thing to listen." Alec said with a devilish grin plastered to his face.

"Doing a good thing? In the process you almost killed yourself! How stupid can you be, I should kick your ass here and now for that." But she decided it wasn't the best way to go, so she remained sitting on the bed.

"Whatever Max, I thought you'd be happy that Logan's alive, go see him. I'm sure he's banging down the doors to see you. We definitely don't want a repeat of last time." As Alec said this he walked towards the door and mockingly turned around and tried to cover his ass.

Max waited until Alec was out the door until she gave herself the satisfaction of laughing at what she had found to be hilarious.

I can't believe I was that worried for nothing. He seems perfectly fine. Why was I so worried? It's Alec, he's going to be around for another 50 years bugging the shit out of me.

As she sat on the bed she felt the warmth underneath her. Hesitantly she reached out and touched the pillow where his head had laid. There was a deep imprint which was radiating warmth. She had a strong urge to lay down, so she did. She placed her head in the imprint and within two seconds she was sleeping soundly.