Healing a Lonely Murderer

Itachi Love Story

You woke up to a tongue FURIOUSLY licking your face.

"AHHHHHHH! OK I'm UP. I'm UP!" your cat just gave you one last lick and jumped out of your bed. He obediently stood at the foot of the bed waiting for you to get up. You knew that if you didn't get up, he would start to bite your nightshirt and drag you. So you got up.

"Gosh. I really need an alarm clock. Since I broke the 5 hundred million other ones…" you mumbled as you got up from your queen sized bed. Your cat just 'meowed' in response. The bed was blue and purple, which just happens to be your favorite colors. Your room was simple. A dresser, a bed, a closet, a night table [with no alarm clock because you broke it yesterday and a bathroom. You live in a 2 bedroom apartment along with your cat, Mickey. Mickey has always been overprotective of you [Especially when guys flirt with you. Don't even get me started. The male feline has a beautiful coat of white hair and green eyes. Strolling over to the bathroom, you checked yourself out in the mirror. You just hmm'ed as you looked at yourself. Yes, you're hot and you know it. You were skinny and looked fragile but you can easily kick anyone's ass if you felt like it. After finishing up your morning routine you put on a light blue ninja dress and brushed your light brown hair until your hands hurt. You walked down the hall and into the kitchen. Grabbing 2 muffins, you walked out the door. You threw a piece at Mickey.

"Okay! Lets go!" Mickey ate the piece and followed you. [Did I mention he trains with you?

Hmm. Let's see how many attractions I'll get today. You thought. Right then a man passed by you and whistled. Ooooh. Bad mistake. You punched him in the stomach and gave him the meanest glare you can think of.

"Looks like your having a bad day." You yelled back at him as you walked away. You left the man laying on the ground twitching as other people walked by him and shook they're heads. Almost everyone knew not to whistle at you. He was one of the unlucky ones. Mickey was about to bite him when you picked the kitten up and left. After a few more minutes you hit your destination- Tsunade's office.

"Hello Lady Tsunade. Do I have a mission today?" Tsunade was one of the few people you respected in this village. Along with the other chuunin and jounin.

"Yes Mayu-san. This is a C-Ranked mission. All you have to do is patrol the outskirts of Konoha. There's been talk about unwanted intruders coming. If you see anyone suspicious, I want you to follow him or her to find out more information."

"Hai" You said as you dismissed yourself from her office. "Are ya hungry Mickey?" Mickey took the hint and ran in the direction of the Ramen Bar and you follow him. Guess who you see?

Team 7 with Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and that little Uchiha. You were good friends with the team and often went with them on missions.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Mayu!" said all of them enthusiastically but Sasuke with a little more sarcasm and less energy.

Naruto was the first to speak up, "Mayu, do you wanna jo.."

"Less talk. More eat!" You said cutting him off and you and Naruto went right down to business. Naruto eating 15 bowls [which isn't a lot compared to his appitite and you eating 10. Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke just stared in shock. Sasuke's eyes starting twitching when Sakura tried to glomp him.


"Oh god…"

Sasuke's POV:

i Wow, Naruto and Mayu have the same face when they're eating. It's kinda scary. /i Just then I felt an arm glomp mine. "Oh god" I thought out loud as I knew it was Sakura who did it. My right eye started twitching. When is she ever gonna get that I don't like her? She better stop obsessing soon before she gets hurt. I thought as I pushed her arm away. Sakura looked away blushing.

Mayu's Pov:

I saw Sasuke twitch and I couldn't help but give an inside laugh. I was about to reach for a 11th bowl when I remembered my mission.

"Crap! I gotta run guys. And thanks"

"Thanks for what?" Kakashi asked.

"This" I said as I disappeared in that fog of smoke Kakashi likes to use. I could only imagine the team mentally slapping themselves for having to pay for my share of the food. I wish I could of seen they're faces. I appeared inside the gates of Konoha with Mickey.

"Hey!" I waved to the guard. Izumo was currently the guard for the Konoha gates.

"Hey Mayu. Are you still gonna pick me up on that date…?"

"Umm Izumo. I gotta go. I'll see you later!" I dashed out the gate doors with my lightning speed feeling slightly guilty that I didn't take his offer. It's not that I don't like him. It's just that I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now.

I wandered through the forest. I knew this forest all too well. Too many times have I had to pass it to get to the neighboring villages and to train. I hopped in a tree to rest. Suddenly I heard two voices.

"Itachi-sama, what are we doing here again?" said a tall ninja carrying a Samehada.

"Just to observe the Leaf's Village progress in trying to find us" said the shorter ninja with black hair and threatening red eyes.

I gasped mentally. They must be from Akatsuki. No doubt about it. The straw hats, red and black cloaks. Yup it was all there. One of them looked like a fish out of water and I made a mental note to call him fish boy if I ever met him. But fish boy's friend was a real hottie. Long black hair and dazzling red eyes. How pretty! Suddenly a kunai hit the area on the tree right next to where my head is.

"You can come out now" said the black haired boy. I hopped down from the tree and stood around 20 feet from where they were standing. Keeping a safe distance from them.

"Who are you?" said the one with the blue hair and skin.

"That depends. Are you here to kill anyone?"

"Not today." Answered the hot one.

"Good! My name's Mayu Yamanashi. And who are you?" even though I knew damn well who they were. Itachi Uchiha. The man who killed his whole clan except for Sasuke so he could have a little fun. And fish boy, better known as Kisame, he was one of seven swordsmen of the mist.

"We should at least tell her our names before we kill her" Kisame said to his partner, grabbing his katana.

Itachi turned from his partner back to me. "You know who we are. As for you" pulling out a kunai. "What are your last words?" I smirked making a shuriken appear in my hands. "Goodbye fish boy and weasel-kun!"

Itachi got mad and tried to put me in an illusion but I gathered chakra in my hands and made it explode--- thus ending the illusion.

"Okay. This is going to be more amusing than I thought." He mumbled with a smirk.

I made some hand signs and Mickey turned into a full-grown leopard. I had an evil grin on my face [much like Deidara's Time to have some fun.