A/N Sorry about the wait...

Last time...

Hermione and Draco reunited in the orchard, but she is still living at the Burrow. She is no longer sick, though has lost a lot of weight and isn't eating right. Draco is becoming frustrated that she won't come home. Narcissa is having trouble dealing with killing her husband and as a result she, too, isn't eating much.

Hermione growled angrily and joined the rest of the Weasleys plus Harry at the kitchen table. She scowled as the front page of the paper stared happily at her. On the front page was a picture of her and Draco eating at a muggle restaurant. They had been celebrating, so to speak, her new breasts and it had taken her nearly an hour to convince him to go to a muggle restaurant. She thought they would be safe there, away from the wizard reporters so intent on getting the truth behind her and Draco's marriage. The image on the paper was taken just after Draco had learned that they would have to wait twenty minutes for their meals, unlike the ones at wizard restaurants, where five minutes was consider a long wait. He had a dirty look on his face and was gesturing angrily down the road in the general direction of the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley. The accompanying article wove a story of an abusive pureblood Draco ashamed that his muggle born wife would disgrace him by bringing him to a muggle restaurant. It went on to suggest a separation was imminent and a source close to the couple was quoted as saying that he hardly came and saw her in the hospital during her recent stay. It was also alleged that Narcissa had warned Hermione to stay away from her son and that she was no longer happy with the union, now that Hermione had shown her true colours. That Narcissa had killed her own husband for the greater good was conveniently forgotten.

Arthur, who was reading the paper, quickly put it away when he noticed Hermione at the table.

"Utter rubbish," he muttered and smiled reassuringly at her. Hermione forced a smile back and stood again to help Molly dish out dinner. The older witch smiled at Hermione, grateful for the help.

She was surprised when Draco and Hermione had returned from the night in the orchard a week ago obviously in love, but neither had mentioned Hermione moving back the manor. Molly knew that he would have her back with him in an instant if Hermione let him but she was stubbornly digging her heels in, determined to have a bit of independence and time to herself before she recommitted herself to a relationship with Draco.

"You alright, Hermione?" Ron asked, picking up on her mood. He had learned to detect the slightest change of mood in her after years of being yelled at. He might not have always paid attention to his brain screaming at him not to bother her, but he was, at least, always aware.

"I'm just frustrated. I went to three job interviews today and all of them, every single on informed me that Mr Malfoy had put out a general notice that no one was to hire his wife as she was still recuperating after her illness. They all wanted me, they just couldn't have me."

"Oh, I'm sorry dear," Mrs Weasley said, laying a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Hermione shot her a grateful smile for her silent support. "Perhaps you can talk to him about it."

Harry and Ron both snorted.

"What's so funny boys?" Mrs Weasley asked looking between the two boys, giggling like four year-olds.

"She's not going to 'talk to him about it.' She's going to tear him a new one." Harry and Ron dissolved into laughter at Ron's explanation. Hermione managed an amused sigh that her best friends were so excited about her husband getting a verbal lashing.

The next morning Hermione awoke to yet another headline, this one speculating pregnancy. Word had gotten out the Draco didn't want his frail and fragile wife working and had demanded that no one hire her. Thoughts of abuse and control were forgotten, replaced with a caring and loving Draco, simply looking out for the mother of his unborn child.

Hermione cried out in frustration and threw the paper into the fireplace were it crackled and burned until all that was left was a smouldering pile of ash.

"Nothing interesting in the paper this morning?" Harry asked, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

"Don't be cute with me Harry Potter, I'm not in the mood."

Grabbing a piece of toast Harry shot out of the line of fire and out the back door.

Mrs Weasley bustled around her kitchen, making breakfast, all the while keeping an eye on Hermione out of the corner of her eye. People came and went, eating their breakfast and then heading off to work. And still Hermione sat there, pushing her food around. Mrs Weasley's brows furrowed together. The poor girl was so thin and frail she worried that if she didn't start eating soon and putting some more weight on she would be back in hospital.

"Why don't we go shopping?" Mrs Weasley suggested when everyone was gone and the kitchen was clean. Hermione raised her head, her interest piqued.

"I do need some new clothes," Hermione said, growing more and more interested. "Everything is falling off me and I uh, need some new undergarments." She gestured to her new, bouncy chest. "They're bigger then they used to be."

In a rare show of the girl she used to be, Mrs Weasley giggled and in a matter of minutes, the pair were ready to go.

They moved from store to store, starting in Diagon Alley. Hermione happily spent Draco's money, purchasing new clothes, books, gifts for everyone and anyone she could think of. The theory behind the spending was that if Draco wouldn't let her have a job, it stood to reason that the only money she had to spend was his. And spend it she did. The woman collapsed into a table at the Leaky Cauldron at lunchtime. Once they ordered, they quickly shrunk away all their packages into two neat little bags for them to carry over to Hogsmeade. Mrs Weasley kept Hermione talking all through lunch and before she even realised what she had done, Hermione's plate was cleared and for the first time in months, her stomach was full.

"Hogsmeade?" the older woman suggested and they were off again. They had just finished up at their first shop, the apocathary when the first one approached her as they were crossing the street.

"Mrs Malfoy, any comment about this mornings report? Are you pregnant?" the reported questioned. Hermione stopped to stare at the little man, disgusted. He was a short, balding little man. A little goatee of black tufty hair stuck out from his chin and Hermione resited the urge to yank on it.

"Not that it is anyone's business but our own, but no, Draco and I are not expecting our first child."

Hermione continued on, her head held high and naively convinced she'd seen the last of the reporter.

When she exited the next shop, there were three reporters waiting for her.

"Do you feel guilty after deceiving now only your friends, but your husband as well?"

Hermione tried to ignore him.

"Did you seek out the Malfoy heir as part of your plan or had you always harboured a secret longing for the pureblood?"

"'Harboured a secret longing?' Who are you, Danielle Steel?" Hermione mocked the reporter; the other two laughed.

The reporter, embarrassed, lashed out verbally. "Being a muggleborn, what is your position on the archaic traditions and rituals still performed by extremist pureblood families?"

"No comment," Hermione said. Mrs Weasley watched on anxiously, not sure whether to intervene or not. The reporters, seven of them now, had circled around Hermione, preventing her from leaving without force.

"Well what do you have to say to the rumour circulating that Blaise Zabini loved you and you two were having a secret affair?" the newest arrival asked.

"Couldn't have been too secret," Hermione joked. She attempted to push through but they held steady.

"What do you say to rumours that it was Mr Malfoy, himself, that organised the meetings between you and Mr Zabini? And that its not a Malfoy heir you carry, but a Zabini one?"

"I don't know what you are talking about or where you get your information from but my husband and I are very happy, though we are not currently expecting a child, any extra edition to our family would be a welcome blessing. Blaise and I were friends and though I miss him dearly, we were nothing more. I have no further comments. Now if you please, I'm trying to have a relaxing day out. I'm sure your editors and the public would love to hear how you were harassing a woman only a few weeks out of hospital."

The next morning a story ran in the Daily Prophet about how Hermione and Draco were having trouble conceiving a much-desired child. Another publication told of Hermione's heartbreak over the death of a beloved lover. Another featured and article about the sex parities, quoting Hermione's 'no comment' and taking it to mean that though she didn't admit to attending them, she didn't deny it either. Which was exactly right, but there was something about seeing it in print…

Hermione rolled her eyes and again pitched the paper into the fireplace.

"Don't worry, I didn't want to read that," Harry said from next to Hermione. He had been reading over her shoulder and was beginning to find the whole thing amusing, selfishly happy the spotlight wasn't on him for once. He regretted his blasé attitude as Hermione turned on him.

"Oh, you're loving this aren't you?" she demanded. "The Boy-Who-Lived gets a break and you don't care that its at the expense of your sickly friend!"

"Oh come on, Hermione, don't be like that." Harry watched, nonplussed, as Hermione grabbed her cloak and stalked out the door.

"I'm going out!"

Hermione stomped through the yard and out through the gates and the wards. With a quick look around, she turned on the spot and Apparated to the Manor. She was desperate to speak to Draco. Surely, he could put a stop to all these ridiculous articles. Wasn't he always claiming that his family had more connections then any other pureblood family?

"Hermione!" Narcissa called when she spotted the young woman storming angrily up the path to the front door.

Hermione turned to see Narcissa seated under a tree, a magnificent breakfast spread out before her, a house elf standing not too far away.

The elegant older woman beckoned her over and Hermione was obligated to attend her.

Hermione grumbled to herself as she made her way across to lawn to Narcissa, wishing she had dressed more nicely.

Narcissa gestured to the house elf to conjure another chair for Hermione and to set her a place. Hermione smiled graciously and took a seat, glaring at the stack of newspapers and magazine sitting on the table. Narcissa followed her gaze and laughed lightly.

"You and Draco are the same. We had planned to dine together but he took one look at those," she lazily waved her hand over the articles, "and went to get some people fired."

Hermione smiled tightly, she was still angry and couldn't quite see it as funny just yet.

"But never mind," Narcissa continued as the house-elf dished out some breakfast for Hermione. "We can have a girls' morning."

Hermione didn't fell much like eating but some company would be nice, and seeing as how Draco wasn't even here, she smiled to her mother-in-law and made a show of eating some eggs.

Hermione hoped they would move onto trivial topics like the grounds or the weather or something equally flippant but Narcissa wasn't yet finished with the articles. The one regarding Blaise seemed to be of particular interest to her.

"It was funny they picked Blaise of all people to attach to you," she said, watching her daughter-in-laws reaction closely. Though her eyes stayed blank, a muscle in her jaw ticked.

Hermione remained quiet for a moment. Should she talk to someone about it? Draco already knew, so it wasn't as if Narcissa could rat her out. But she didn't want the woman to hate her. Cautiously, Hermione proceeded.

"Have you ever been with another man, besides Lucius?"

Narcissa looked down at her still full plate, pushing the food around. She put down her fork and folder her hands in her lap.

"I'm sure you know that before I was a Malfoy, I was a Black. Two noble, pureblood families. Our match was, of course, arranged. I was brought up the perfect pureblood daughter, with the proper coming out, of course. I was married to Lucius two months after graduation and I assumed my title and my position with dignity and grace. But I hated it. I hated him. I envied Bella her love match and I even envied Dromeda. She had been disowned, brought shame on our parents, but she was happy. I don't think she even cared." Narcissa paused for a moment as memories of the past washed over her and for a moment she wondered if Tonks and Narcissa had ever even met. Narcissa shook her head and Hermione waited patiently for her to continue.

She cleared her throat and continued, "I did everything that was asked of me. For five years I went to every party, every event. I slept with the men my husband told me to and I did it with a smile on my face. I think Lucius did like me those first few years, though there wasn't much of a relationship to speak of.

"When it was decided by our parents that it was time to produce an heir, I stood up to him. The first time ever. And the last, until… well, yes. I told him, I would not have my body being used like a common whore if I were to carry the Malfoy heir. I deserved respect. He slapped me, told me I would do what I was told." Narcissa laughed then, a soft smile on her face. "I sent him flying twenty feet across the ballroom. I used a spell Andromeda had taught me, many years before. I think Sirius taught her. They were always close. Do they still talk?" Narcissa queried.

"Occasionally, I think. Her daughter, Dora, dates Sirius' friend, Remus Lupin and they're quite friendly."

"Oh." Narcissa nodded her head.

"What happened when you hexed him?" Hermione prodded gently.

Narcissa laughed again. "When he woke up in St. Mungos three days later, he respected me. But he angry, too. He conceded that I didn't need to go to any more after-parties, but he said if I ever defied him again, those parties would seem like heaven compared to the hell he would put me through."

Hermione gasped.

"Don't get me wrong, Lucius was a dangerous man, not to be trifled with, but he had that charm-"

"The Malfoy Charm," Hermione said with a knowing smile. "You may hate them, but you can't help but love them too."

Together, the women laughed.

"No, you can't. And I did, one year later, by the time my son was born, I loved him. And he loved me." Narcissa's eyes glazed over as she again went walking through her memories. Hermione left her to her quiet moment and put her head back, watching the sun as it playfully danced through the leaves in the trees over her head. She kept her eyes averted as Narcissa began again. "We were happy, the three of us those first few years of Draco's life, I think. You-Know-Who had just vanished and somehow Lucius had kept himself out of jail. But where I hated those awful partied, Lucius loved them. Everyone knew I never participated but they were still expected to give up their wives. Both our parents had passed and Lucius had inherited everything and wielded a considerable amount of power.

"I knew it wasn't me. That he wasn't trying to get away from me. It was just what you did and he had fun doing it. But it hurt all the same. I remember one night Severus had stopped by to drop something off, some potion or something." Narcissa swallowed and Hermione chanced a look at her, but she was looking at something only she could see. "Lucius was at another party, someone silly and unimportant, but he never did need much of an excuse. I asked Severus if he wanted to stay for tea and though he hesitated, he accepted. Though I wasn't attracted to him, I was lonely, so lonely. Draco was in bed, put there by the nannies and I was once again alone. I – I remember I touched his shoulder; asked if he wanted some brandy or Firewhisky. He grabbed my hand and asked me what I was doing. He wasn't angry, just curious. I waned to. I wanted to hurt Lucius as he hurt me but at the same time I loved him and I couldn't do that to him. I apologised to Severus and asked him to leave. He's a good man. He did, with no dramatic airs or harsh words, just left. Never mentioned it again.

"I loved my husband and I knew he loved me but what we had was never great, passionate affair; I accepted that and moved on. I dedicated my life to my son. I fired the nannies and raised him myself. Taught him good values, to be faithful, to respect woman, to put your family and the people you love first, above all others. He was still a pureblood, but he at least had a heart. Lucius was so busy trying to beat him into manhood, he didn't even see that Draco was already there."

Hermione frowned at this; the Draco she knew in school wasn't exactly filled with heartfelt sentiments.

"I know what you're thinking," Narcissa said, her turn to smile knowingly. "But school and teenage years are trying on anyone. By that age Lucius was taking an interest in Draco and he was desperate to please his father. But then he married you and it seemed all those lessons I taught were finally being put to use." She smiled at Hermione before her expression turned serious. "So to answer your question, yes, I was with other men. Did I cheat or have an affair? No, I simply did as I was told. Can you say the same?"

If you're thinking that I didn't mention anything about her killing her husband, there's a reason for that, she'll talk about it at another time...

So did you like it? Did you like the backstory I gave them?

The next chapter will feature flash backs, and will hopefully explain more about Blaise and Hermione's relationship.