Dear diary,
Today, it was our first day of school. I'm already in 1st year college, Buttercup is in 2nd year college, and Blossom is in 3rd year college. I was very excited! I love to meet new friends, and see cute boys! In fact, college boys! Yay! But I'm not flirty though. I'm a type of girl who looks innocent and shy and loves to draw and flowers and nature. Boys, I think, don't have interest in me. But my sisters kept telling me that boys kept staring at me, even if they tried to get a boyfriend, all the boys did was stare at me. I didn't even notice. Maybe I was too busy daydreaming who would be the right guy for me. I'm not very smart, I'm just average. Blossom is the smart one. And I'm not really strong, Buttercup is the strong one. Everyone just kept saying I'm just the a cute little face. I hate it... We went inside the school. I wore my aqua blue mini skirt, and my blue tanktop with a logo of bunny on the center. My sisters left me as they looked for new friends. I'm glad they did. That means less teasing. The principal came to me and showed me my locked. I thank him and opened my locker. I put some of my stuff and sticked my mirror inside also. Just then a boy came to me, smiling flirtishly. "Hi there Babe, it looks like you're alone" he said. I looked at him and remember that navy blue eyes, and blonde spiky hair (His new hair that HIM gave him). "Boomer?!" I said, my eyes widened. Boomer looked at me, suprised. "Bubbles?! WHat are you doing here?" he asked. "I came here for college" I said as I closed my locker. "What?! We're in the same school!" he said. I nodded. Too bad. I don't want him to be my schoolmate because there are two reasons:
1) He's a rowdyruff and a villian 2) He's mean

"Eww! Why the heck would i flirt you? You're too ugly" he said, crossing his arms. I blushed of embarrassment. "What?! How dare you?! That's it! I'm outta here! I'm going to tell my sisters the bad news!" I said angrily as i stormed off. I told my sisters and they looked suprised. They told me that I should just keep alert. Great. My first day, trashed. The bell rang and we went to our respected class.

"Good morning class. I want you all to know welcome back to school. And it seems that we have a few new students. How about you little girl? Why don't you introuduce yourelf?" the teacher asked me. I nodded and went infront. "My name is Bubbles Utoniom and I just moved here with father and sisters. I love to draw a lot and have my own garden" I introduced myself. Just then, I realized that Boomer, was my classmate! "How childish. So retarded" Boomer said loudly and everyone laughed. I glared at him and blushed of embarrassment. He doesn't have to be like that! The teacher told them to keep quiet and made me sit down. Damn I hated him! It was recess time and I sat at my chair, with my sisters. Both of them were chatting while i eat my sandwich quietly. Just then, a boy came. And it was Boomer. I shot him a glare. "What do you want?!" I said harshly. "Nothing. I just want to know how's Baby Retarted Person going" he said, smirking. I got annoyed. "Which is you!" I said and looked away from him. I know he got irritated. "Whatever" he said as he left. I sighed.
Diary Owner,
Bubbles Utonioum

Boomer's POV:
When I flirted a girl and realized it was Bubbles, i was extremely shocked. Not because she was here, its because she was so damn hot! How could a girl like Bubbles have a great figure! Damn it! When our class came, Bubbles introduced herself. I stared at her evilly. But deep down, I wanted her. I teased her and everyone laughed. I just tried to be cool because I'm the 3rd most popular in school. Butch was 2nd and brick was 1st. In recess, I was about to apologize to her, when I saw many girls stared at me. So i changed my mind and teased her again. I guess she hated me even more right now.