After some screaming (on the part of Risa) and a lot of confusion (on the part of both Risa and Argentine), the two realized that neither was effectively getting their point across to the other. They gave up when it started raining. Risa hurried inside, skirting carefully around Argentine. He followed, closing the French double doors when they were both safely in the tower.

The glass from the shattered vase was scattered all over the floor, and now that Risa had calmed down she wasn't about to walk on that. It was a wondrous miracle that she hadn't cut open her feet, running back and forth between the staircase and balcony like she had.

Argentine seemed to read into her concern. In one swift motion, he had rematerialized the vase, just as he had the rose. Holding it in both hands, he walked calmly to its little table and set it back in its place. Risa stared at him as if he had three heads, side-stepped away from him, and headed straight for the bed. She curled her legs up under her in a controlled position, trying to create an illusion of safety for herself. Argentine stalked quietly to the other side of the room and took up residence on his piano bench. He watched her silently, face stiff and eyes expressionless.

Risa tried hard to ignore him. Something else was on her mind. She had been out for days, even though she didn't know it, and was now realizing how hungry she was. She grimaced slightly and clutched at her stomach. Across the room, Argentine looked at her intently. "Is something wrong?" he questioned, breaking their silence.


The boy seemed unconvinced. He started to stand, but stopped when he saw Risa Cringe. "Are you ill?" he pressed.

Risa glanced at him. There was something in his voice… Worry? Because of what he said? She wondered. That he needs me? "No, really, I'm just hungry," she muttered inwardly. She felt foolish, though she couldn't say why.

"Oh," Argentine looked as if he hadn't realized it would be a problem. He glanced at the balcony as if he was thinking about leaving. But he didn't move. Finally, slowly, he stood and took a few steps toward the doors. Giving Risa a quick glance, he asked, "If I leave, will you stay in this room until I return?"

"… Where would I go?"

Argentine took this as a yes. He stepped out onto the balcony and took off without another word.

Risa slowly pulled herself off the bed and trotted silently out to the railings of the balcony. She looked down at the raging ocean, catching sight of rocks between the waves. It gave her a strange mixture of two emotions: fright and sadness. She stepped up onto the railing, but couldn't seem to let herself fall.

If you fall, you will be destroyed, Argentine's voice echoed in her head. You will be destroyed. You will be destroyed. You will be destroyed.

Risa made a pitiful noise like a frightened animal and hurriedly dropped… back onto the balcony. She was almost crying she was so scared and ashamed. "Alright," she muttered to herself. "I'm not gonna try that again."

She slipped back into the room and pulled herself up on the bed. The rest of what Argentine had said, "Humans are so fragile," ran through her mind. It was true, she was fragile. A porcelain doll. If you touched her she might break. She suddenly felt as if she were a doll, held in the hands of some inhuman creation with no regard for her except that he wanted her help. When he found out that she couldn't help him, what would he do? She didn't know. She didn't want to know. Just thinking about it made her squirm. Holding her knees up to her chin, she tried to push the thought away and replace it with something else.

Dark. She could concentrate on him. Closing her eyes, trying to picture him in her mind, Risa knew somewhere in her heart that he would come to find her and rescue her. He was her brave knight, coming to the aid of his damsel in distress.

'I can't wait to hold him again,' she thought with a soft smile. 'He's coming for me.'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud gust of wind rattling the doors. Argentine landed gently on the balcony, and the wind subsided as he straightened himself. Opening the door slowly, he stepped inside and closed it behind him. In one hand he held a paper bag. Approaching Risa, who leaned away involuntarily, he held it out toward her. Slowly, tentatively, she reached out and took it from him.

"Tell me if that is not sufficient," he muttered, not looking directly at her. He stalked off to his piano and sat down on the bench.

Risa opened the bag slowly and pulled out a typical Japanese boxed meal. This surprised her for a reason she did not know and could not explain. She ate slowly, taking very small bites.

She could feel Argentines eyes on her, and when she looked up it was almost as if he were laughing at her. "What are you looking at me like that for?" she asked.

The boy almost smiled, but maybe it was a smirk. "You eat like a rabbit."

Risa gave him a look like he was out of his mind, blushing heavily and biting her lip to keep from screaming in exasperation. From then on, she swore, she would always try her hardest to never look like a rabbit.