A/N: I don't really like this story... but i gave it toa friend and he she told me that it was so cute and i should upload it... so i just did it So Have fun reading this ... this... thing xD

Cold lips Tezuka was packing his belongings when he heard the door open, he turned around and saw Ryoma going to his locker and puting all his things into his bag. He then turned around, focusing his attention on packing his belongings. When he wanted to leave he noticed Ryoma being ready to go as well. He pushed the door open and stepped outside, closely followed by Ryoma. It was a beatiful, but cold evening in January. There was high possibility that it would snow tomorrow, and if it snowed practice would be much harder than normal. Neither of them spoke up throughout their journey to the gate. Tezuka promised his mother he would go to the supermarket after tennis practice ends, so he went in the same direction as Ryoma. From time to time he threw a glance at the younger boy, then he saw that Ryoma was shivering.

"Ryoma, you are shivering... are you alright?" Tezuka asked Ryoma concerned.

"Hai, hai, buchou, daijobu! I just feel a bit cold" Ryoma said through clapping teeth.

Tezuka stopped in his tracks. Ryoma, startled by this sudden action, stopped too and turned around to look at tezuka.

"No, I don't think you are okay, see, your lips are as blus as the jersey you are wearing. And you are shivering violently. But I think I know something that will warm you up..." He didn't said anything else, but bent towards the younger and placed his lips on Ryomas.

He noticed that Ryoma stopped shivering eventually. He then broke the kiss, took off his jersey to wrap it aroung the smaller frame.

xxxx Ryoma's P.o.V xxxx

Ryoma just stood ther, doing nothing, being surprised by his buchou's sudden actions. He didn't know what he should do, nor how he should fell, but when he felt Tezuka hugging him he realised what he wanted, and that was Tezuka. He pulled tezukas head down and kissed him. When they took a well needed break, gasping for air tezuka whispered to Ryoma: "See, now you are okay" and Tezuka actually smiled! Then he bent down and kissed Ryoma again.

´Well, sometimes it is not that bad to freeze, but only if tezuka is around to warm you up

Ryoma thought and smiled.


And? How was it? Bad? Please leave me some reviews... or flames... or whatever you like
