HI! –glomps-

This is my first fan fic, so sorry if it sucks… or if it's short. I wanted to start with something relatively simple, and something that I read a lot… So I might as well write a DeiSaku… Although I'm not actually for that pairing… 'cause Dei is mine D

But let's stop at that before I get screeching fangirls in my reviews D

And I had the hardest time coming up with a name for this…

Oh oh! And I should probably put this…

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. Although I like to pretend that Deidara is mine. But alas, 'tis not true. TT


Why it's rated M: for language. Probably. And I might have some smut later. Maybe. 3

Lurve: won tawn


Accidental Love

Chapter One- On the Trail

The sun beat down on her cheeks unevenly as she ran through the trees, a sense of urgency pushing her as hard as she could go.

The trail had been so hard to find, they couldn't loose it now. They had worked for years to find any trace of his trail.

Through the corner of her eye, she could see her teammates. Naruto, the ignorant, loudmouth blonde. Kakashi, the mysterious, perverted, semi-masked man. Sai, the socially challenged artist.

And all of them were her boys. She would trust her life in any of their hands.

Sasuke was close. She could feel it in her gut.


Deidara sighed in annoyance. This trail was too easy to follow. Surely the 'great' Sasuke Uchiha could tell that he was being sloppy. And most likely, the Jinkuriki and his team would notice that too. Any half-assed ninja who was determined to follow this would. Was the Uchiha trying to let his old team catch up?

Pathetic. Deidara thought with a smirk. Did little Uchiha still have a soft spot for his friends?

"Sempai…" the annoying masked man said.

"What do you want Tobi, hmm?" Deidara used Tobi's name as if it were an insult.

"Why are we following Uchiha's trail again..? I forgot."

"Baka, hmm" Deidara said quiet enough that Tobi wouldn't hear. "We're following Uchiha's trail because the Jinkuriki will probably be following it as well, hmm."

Even with only seeing Tobi's one visible eye, Deidara could tell he was confused so he added, "And we are under orders from Leader-Sama to capture the Nine-Tailed, hmm."

"Ohhhh. Riiiiiight. I remember now. Thanks Sempai. You're so smart." Tobi replied with the utmost respect.


"Sakura. I think we should stop. You're tired." Kakashi indicated at her heavy breathing without breaking pace.

"No. I'm fine. Let's just catch up to Sasuke." She replied stubbornly.

Kakashi gave her a glare that said that what he had said was an order. Not a suggestion.


All four ninja stopped. They dropped down to the ground from the high tree branch.

Naruto settled with his back against a tree, using his small ninja pack as a pillow. Sai also rested his back against a tree, though he pulled out a sketch pad and rested it on a knee that was pulled up close to his chest. Kakashi crouched in the middle of a clearing, trying to start a fire.

Sakura landed on a low-hanging branch, her feet dangling. She hadn't even realized that darkness was staring to settle in. With a small sigh, she hopped off of her branch and walked over towards Kakashi.

She crouched down next to him. "Need some help?" she teased.

"Nah, I'm all good." He teased back, "Besides, you'd probably burn something down."

"Fine. No medic care for you." Sakura said, perking up the perverted ninja's mind, if for only a second.

"Ha-ha. Very funny." He said flatly.

"Come on. Kakashi-sensei. You know you love my evil sarcasm." She said before sticking her tongue out at him.

"Of course Sakura. As much as you love noogies." Kakashi said just as he reached around her shoulders to keep her from running while he ground his knuckles into her pink-tinted hair.


"What. The. Fuck. Hmm." Deidara mumbled, seeing this display through his scope.

A while back, he had decided to simply wait for the Jinkuriki's team to catch up. It was a lot less work that way. A smirk played against his mouth. He zoomed up on the Jinkuriki's face. It was flooded with jealousy. Perhaps this was a weakness he could use.

A plan started to unfold itself in Deidara's mind. He had no doubt that the boy would give up chasing this girl. As determined as he was to find Uchiha, he would worked twice as hard for this kunoichi. He knew the Jinkuriki could not stand to lose another of his friends.

Deidara's smirk grew even larger, if that was even physically possible…


YAY! How did you like chapter one? Sorry It's so short!!!

It was short, right?

REVIEW! Be as harsh as you wish D

I need the constructive criticism. I need to make my stories even better P

HAHA! I have the plot unraveling in my head right now O


And thank you so much to everyone who reads, favorites, watches, or reviews this 3

♥lurve♥ won tawn.