Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter, neither the beautiful characters J.K. Rowling has created. I can be very jealous, but that won't help a shit, so that's why I just try to borrow them from time to time.

Warnings:Again, this is slash! SB/RL, my favourite… Don't like it, don't read it.

A/N:Oh man, I like it to write one-shots! This'll be one in dialogue form, and I think the rest is quite clear.

Summary: A small dialogue is passing between Sirius Black and Remus Lupin… Slash. SB/RL. One-shot. Rated K.



'What are you doing?'

'I'm trying to do my homework, Paddy.'

'Oh. Then I guess "trying" is in good use here…'

'What do you mean, Padfoot?'

'I mean, that I'm not going to let you study all the noon. It's such beautiful weather! The birds are singing, the sky is clear and blue, the flowers are blowing… Perfect time for a snog!'

'Not now, Sirius.'

'Why not?

'Stop pouting like that.'

'Why not, Remmy?'

'I'm busy right now, okay…'

'Pleaaase? Because it's me?'

'Do you think I'd ever snog someone else?'

'I hope not… For you.'

'Well then, then we've got all the time of the world to "snog" later.'

'Remmy! That's not fair! I want to kiss you right now!'

'But I don't. You see, I can't always make time for you.'

'… You can't?'

'No Sirius, I can't. Now, go play outside like a good boy and let me do my homework.'

'Oooooh, someone's irritated!'

'I'm not angry, Sirius, I'm just…'

'Remmy's irritated, irritated Remmy!'

'Oh, shut up, you.'

'Remmy's irritated, irritated Remmy!'

'I warn you for the last time: shut up and go away!'

'Remmy's irritated, irritated Re- Hmmpfff!'

'Wow, great. I never knew you could stuff a pillow so far in someone's mouth.'

'Gfet itf oft! Gfet itf oft! Cfokfing hfere!'

'Will you stop being annoying then?'

'Yeafh, I pwomwise! Now please gfet itf oft of my moufthf!'

'Here you go, Siri. Hmm, what you all can do with a bit of magic…'

'That wasn't funny, Remus.'

'Oh, it was for me.'

'I could've choked!'

'Then I finally could've finished my homework…'

'I'm serious, Remmy!'

'Yes, you are.'

'What? … Oh, stop making fun of my name! Just go on doing your homework!'

'Okay. Whatever you want, Sirius… I'll just go on then, and stop paying attention to you…'

'Yeah, great plan. That's what you should do. Just go on, I'm outside.


'… Hey! …'