A/N: This fic is AU. I don't want to divulge every single reason right now as that may ruin parts of it. It takes place after "The Sweet Far Thing" and Kartik is alive for it. There are many other things about it that don't exactly make it canon-friendly, but I'd say it could be taken as a canon story written after "Rebel Angels" instead. (I wish I had had the idea for it then, as it's compliant to RA, but not TSFT. It takes place in the summer of 1896, however, so keep that in mind. Everything has been settled as far as the real plot goes, but changes have been made, such as Kartik not being dead/trapped in a tree.)

The Wedding: A Novella

by Kate (daysandweeks)

Chapter One: The Intruder Kartik

I feel a bit intrusive spying on Gemma like this. It's not like me to invade her personal space in such an unreasonable fashion. I can't help but keep thinking that this will be the last time I see her in such a situation, though. And so I watch her brush her hair from behind the screen carefully placed in the corner of her room. It shields me from her view, but the forbidden though of her noticing me sends a nervous, excited tingle up my spine as I watch her say goodbye to the room in her grandmother's London home for the final time.

"I can't believe it," she murmurs aloud, and her whisper startles me. For a moment, I think that it is me that she is talking to—she's discovered me after all! But no, she hasn't. She is just speaking to herself as she brushes her thick red hair. In truth, I can't believe it either. This beautiful, intelligent, feisty, passionate, clumsy, clever girl—woman—that I've gotten to know so well over the past year is to be married.

Gemma puts her brush down and stands up. She gazes at herself in the mirror for a moment, seemingly displeased with the reflection before her. I am not at all sure why. Perhaps it's that her nightgown is a bit girlish—too youthful for a woman preparing to be wed. I wonder if she'll wear something a bit more mature on her wedding night.

She turns around and my heart leaps in my chest at the stirring, forbidden prospect of her discovering me. She doesn't, though, and instead focuses her attention on the lamp before her. In an instant, it is out, and I hear her climb into her bed as my eyes adjust to the dark. Soon, I can see the contours of Gemma's body outlined below the thin sheet that covers her.

Nearly an hour passes before Gemma's breathing slows and steadies to the comfortable rhythm of sleep. She shivers once, but then settles back into a relaxed state. I note this, and step out from my hiding place to cover her with her quilt. I wonder if she will bring this or any other belongings to the marriage bed with her.

With a final gossamer kiss to her hair, I take my leave, departing through her open window. There's a certain bittersweet quality to this moment, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

She is my love, and I shall always remember that.

A/N: Yes, Gemma is to be married. No, I will not tell you to whom in this chapter. However, now that you've read, please review. This story will be five chapters long and told from fives points of view. Gemma's will be the fifth and final one. Again, please review!