A/N: I may almost be done. Maybe. I have no clue how I get back to the storyline of the last chapter! HAHA! And now I don't like it anymore because this chapter is too cliché! Hahaha! I did a part of this story for my English essay. So I might get slammed for plagiarism for my own story. wow. that would be sad!
Leggo ma Eggo!
Raito looked at the blond. Sighing, he dragged himself up and over to the boy. He draped his arms in front of Mello's chest; elbows resting lightly on his shoulders; hands folding and mingling together. Mello looked up at his face as best as he could without letting him fall forward.
"What's on your mind, Raito-kun?" Mello asked quietly. He didn't feel like ruining a second relationship so he trod lightly and kept his voice a quiet monotone. Raito laid his chin on the blond forehead.
"You're miserable. I can see how much you miss Matt. Can I help?"
"And get it fucked even worse?"
"Hey, that was your own fault. You have to admit, you were pretty blatant. You should really apologize."
"But I did nothing wrong."
"You don't think you did anything wrong, but you did. I'm not saying it again. And I'm only doing this because I ... l-love you."
Raito held his breath. He didn't mean for his feelings to slip out the way they had. It was very unlike him. Mello gazed into his soft eyes. He snuck his face closer and pressed his lips to Raito's in an awkward Spider-man re-enactment.
"I love you, too, Raito-kun."
He allowed himself to be dominated slightly as Raito pushed him back on the bed. Their lips locked in hott passion. Mello chuckled slightly under his breath, pushing Raito up a little, much to the brunettes disappointment.
"Wow. Do you not think this is all kinda quick and cliché? We both just randomly state our love for each other. haha."
"W-what are you trying to say, Mello?"
"I'm just saying. haha I'm not meaning anything bad by it."
"Well, then,"
Raito pressed his lips back to the blonds. He laughed as he realized just how cliché they were.
"Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaarr!" Matt screamed from the freezer door that slammed shut as he turned around in anger. "Where'd my Eggo go?!"
Near looked up as the fiery red head burst over to the table he was sitting at. He nibbled contently on the small remainder of the waffle in his hand.
"Neaaar! Leggo ma Eggo!"
"You don't have to yell. I'm right here. And I don't have any Lego. I'll i have here is my robot. And my bear."
"No. Not Lego. Eggo. As in that thing in your hand."
Near held up his left hand, holding the robot.
"Not that hand. the other one. Eggo waffles. Ring any bells?"
"Oh. You want this? Here."
Near held out the crumb that was once a strawberry (YAY! my heroin) waffle. Matt stuck up his nose in detest.
"No. I don't want it anymore," he stated snobbishly. He grabbed a red robot from the table and began twiddling with it.
"You were up all night playing that Luigi's Mansion game all night again, weren't you?"
"It must have been you who left my living room in chaos. Empty Monster cans everywhere. I think you need to pull your own weight around here Matt."
"Awwww. But, I'll behave. You can't kick me out, can you?"
"I have every right to, but i could never. You are my friend, Matt. I value my friends. Even if they get on my nerves or make me mad, I stick by my friends. I don't let foolish arguments ruin a perfectly healthy friendship."
Matt looked at the albino, knowing full well that he had been the boys first true friend and they had never had a foolish argument before. The red-haired boy hung his head.
"You're talking about me and Mel, aren't you?"
Near continued fiddling with his blue robot. Matt poked at him to make him look up. His face was set in a hard grimace to make sure that the younger boys speech hadn't affected him.
"M-Mello chose this, not me. I would gladly go back to him right now. Not saying that I prefer him over you. I just miss him. You understand, right? You understand that he was my first friend. He's been there for me all this time. He is ..." Matt allowed his voice to trail off once he seen how Near was looking at him. So many emotions welled up in those once monotonous eyes.
"DO you celebrate Christmas?" Near asked suddenly, breaking the quick, awkward silence.
"... Yeah. Why?"
"Oh, no reason. I was just wondering."
A smile played across the small boys lips.
"Come on. We're going to be late for class."
"Will this really work?"
"It better. I can't stand it anymore."
"So it's all set then?"
"Yes. All we have to do is make sure it is coherent. It must seem perfect. They are both very smart people."
"But, maybe they will be so caught up in it that they won't notice a tiny mistake."
"No. I think they may be suspicious."
"Why? Has he been asking any odd questions?"
"No. I just doubt he would allow himself to get too overwhelmed before he heard the news first-hand."
"Would he really care? Should he not be ecstatic?"
"I'm not sure. He may just blow it off."
"True. Only time will tell then."
"Yes. So we meet back here after class. Make sure he doesn't follow."
A/N: -hand to mouth- Who was that now? Oh, you never know. Well, you probably doooooo, but whatever. haha Review! And maybe i may get back to you! Oooooh! Spooky! haha god i suck haha