A/N: Final chapter, people! The aftermath is really doing a number on poor Dr. Reid..
Four months had passed since the event in Michigan
Four months had passed since the event in Michigan. Reid had recovered from his injuries, but was still on sick leave. Hotch felt it best if the youngest member of his team returned in full health to the BAU rather than in a partially well state.
He had been in therapy since the incarceration in the underground cell, dealing with his trauma. It had been a condition he had to agree with if he wanted to return to the FBI at all; and the young agent willingly complied. A lot of issues had risen inside him after the time he spent in the cell, and he had a strong need to work them all out.
His team had visited him in his apartment numerous times, making sure he was all right and had enough food in his fridge. The young agent was terrible at eating properly, and sometimes needed to be reminded when he had forgotten a meal.
Gideon and Morgan had been the most frequent visitors. Morgan came around a couple of times a week to check up on his 'brother from another mother', as he called his young colleague, and always brought a pizza or some other food for them to eat while watching a movie or just talking.
Gideon also visited Reid a couple of times a week. The two talked for long periods; the older agent still feeling insanely guilty about what happened to his protégé. Reid appreciated the comforting conversations with his mentor, finding them more helpful than the sessions he had been having with his psychologist.
Having been told the story behind his abduction, Reid did not place any blame on Gideon for the actions of the obviously disturbed woman. Understanding that his older colleague had done nothing to cause Sienna's outbreak of irrational feelings, he assured Gideon that it wasn't his fault. However, the young agent had a feeling his assurance meant very little to his friend. He knew Gideon would curse himself for a very long period of time for this.
The therapy had been going well, and Reid had just been cleared to return to work. The young agent felt more than relieved as he got the paper in his hand. Going back to work was just what he needed. Four months of recovery and talking to a shrink he didn't particularly like had left him bored and restless, and he couldn't wait to get back in the bullpen.
Packing his satchel for his first day of work since the incident, he made sure to place a bottle of water among the papers and books in his bag. Just in case, he thought.
Putting away the dishes from the dinner with Morgan the night before, he ever so carefully placed the two glasses in the far back of the cabinet. Keep them safe...
As he stood by his closet choosing what to wear, the young agent felt a sudden twist in his stomach.
I need more clothes...!
Pulling out three pairs of boxer shorts from a drawer, he put on every single pair before slipping into a pair of brown slacks. The two pairs of socks made his shoes too tight, but it didn't bother the young agent.
A t-shirt under his striped shirt and a sweater vest; followed by a grey tie. Looking in the mirror he saw the scar under his right eye – and remembered.
The darkness; the pain; the humiliation; it all came to him in a single flash of light, making him throw his hands to his head, shutting his eyes tight. It's over, I'm not there anymore! he yelled at himself inside his head.
And the memories went away…for now, anyway.
Looking up at the mirror, he looked into his own eyes. "I can't do it..." he mumbled to himself and turned away. The young man had so much doubt in his mind about his own capacity, even though his friends had been working on building his confidence.
"Yes, you can, Reid. I know you can. I believe in you"
Hearing the soothing voice once again inside his head, the young doctor calmed down. He could do it.
Turning back to the mirror he avoided to meet his own look as he adjusted his clothing. In his mind, he looked okay. Running his fingers over his head, he felt the still short tests of hair slowly growing back. He couldn't wait to have his protecting mane back.
As Reid walked out into the hallway he tried to remember if there was anything he had forgotten. Nothing coming to mind, he pulled the long trench coat over his arms and grabbed the satchel waiting on the chair. His Volvo awaited him outside.
Walking through the glass doors leading into the BAU, Reid felt as if he was coming home. The cup of coffee in his hand almost burnt the inside of his hand, but it didn't bother him. It was a feeling he was used to from his years as a caffeine addict.
A small smile rested on his lips as he saw Morgan and Gideon standing in the bullpen discussing something intensely. He was home.
As the young agent made his way down the small flight of stairs, he was noticed by his older colleagues.
"Reid!" Morgan gave him a huge smile and approached him, placing a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Welcome back, man."
Gideon nodded at his young co-worker. "Good to have you home, Reid."
"Thanks. It's really good to be back." Reid smiled at his friends and colleagues. Spotting Emily moving towards them, he shot her a winning smile as well. "Hey Emily!"
"Hey, tiger; welcome back!" Emily wrapped her arms around the young agent, him not being able to respond in kind due to the coffee in his hand. He gave her a one-arm embrace, then pulled away.
"Thanks Emily. I've missed this place, oddly enough."
"Hey, home is where the heart is, right?" Morgan lightly jabbed his colleague on the arm as he gave him another bright smile. He was happy to have the resident genius back in the building. The last four months had been a real drag; no one to mess with. Sure, there was Emily and JJ, but it just wasn't the same. Gideon was not to be messed with, and Hotch... well, Hotch was Hotch, no need to say more.
"Reid!" JJ had spotted the small gathering in the bullpen and came over to greet the youngest member of the team. The smile plastered on her face could melt an iceberg. "It's so good to see you! I didn't think you'd be back until next week?"
"Oh, I got my release yesterday, and I'm sick of sitting at home." Reid looked a bit awkward, having not even had the chance to take his coat of or put down the cup of scolding hot coffee down on his desk. "Besides, wild horses couldn't keep me away from you guys."
The warm feeling inside the young agent's chest was enough to keep him in a good mood for a long time; just seeing the smiling faces of his friends and co-workers made him want to never stop smiling. It did feel good to smile again.
"Well, it's a good thing you're here. We have a new case that needs all of us. Conference room in five." JJ smiled. "Oh, and Reid?"
"Welcome home."
"Thanks, JJ."
As the team made their way up towards the conference room, Reid took a moment to put his coat down over his chair. He was sweating like a horse in his overly dressed manner. He didn't notice Hotch coming up behind him.
"Hello Reid."
The young agent jerked and spun around, nearly spilling his coffee. The surprised look on his face quickly transformed into a smile as he saw his superior. "Hello, Hotch!"
"Oh, sorry; I didn't mean to scare you."
"No, no, I was just a bit startled. How's it going?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"
"I'm...fine? I got my release yesterday."
"I know, I got the papers this morning. Figured you'd show up the moment you were cleared, so I was expecting you." Hotch smiled at his subordinate; a small smile, but a smile nevertheless.
"Yeah, well, you know..." The young agent trailed off as he shrugged and smirked.
"I know." Hotch placed a hand on his youngest colleague's shoulder. "Are you ready?"
"I'm ready."
Hotch nodded proudly. "Let's go."
Walking up to the conference room, Hotch never let his hand leave the shoulder of his subordinate. He was very proud of the young man; even though he didn't directly show it, he hoped that Reid knew.
And Reid knew.
Closing and locking the door behind him, Reid leaned against it. Three days in the field profiling a serial arsonist in Burbank had taken its toll on him. It hadn't been the hardest case they'd handled, but even still; it was the first case he'd been on in four months and all he wanted to do was to sleep.
Dropping the satchel on the floor beside the shoe rack, he hung the trench coat on a hanger before shuffling into his apartment.
I'll just eat something, take a shower and go to bed.
After a pre-packaged pasta salad from the nearby gas station, Reid was in the bathroom getting ready for a shower. As he stepped into the tub and grabbed the shower head he caught a glimpse of his wrists. It was a sight he preferred not to see.
The wounds were healed, but the white, smooth and quite broad scars still protruded slightly from his skin. Looking at his wrists, he thought about how lucky he had been that his team had arrived when they did. Ten minutes later and...
He shook the thought out of his head. He was here and he was alive, that was all that mattered. Turning on the water, the young agent stood still under the wonderfully hot pouring over his naked body. Sticking his face straight into the streaming water, the heat flowed over his skin, making it tingle and sting. It felt amazing.
Looking down at his lanky form, he could see the old bruising fading on his chest and arms. The cuts on his thighs had left ugly scars that made him look away. The young agent couldn't stand looking at the dreadful jagged lines running down his scrawny legs.
His body had slimmed even more after he returned home from Michigan. He was slender before, now he was just skinny. He had been very sloppy with his meals, forgetting and ignoring them. The young agent had been told he was a terrible eater about four thousand times in the last months by everyone on his team. After a while, he learned to ignore them.
The young doctor felt his arms burn like fire. He clenched his teeth and pushed the pain away. He didn't even want to look. The fresh wounds covering the insides of his lower arms hadn't scabbed up quite yet, and the pain caused the young agent to wince.
At least he was clean. Both on the inside and the outside. He always felt clean after he "purified" himself. It hurt like crazy, but that only made him more aware that he was alive. And he wanted to feel alive. Pain was good.
Drying off, he went into the bedroom, slipping into a pair of simple white cotton boxers. He had changed his bed linen that morning, and he could smell the fabric softener in the entire bedroom. Reid loved the smell of fabric softener. He loved all smells that didn't originate from the human body.
His bed was so soft, so wonderful. The pillow shaped himself after his head as he pulled the thick cover up to his chin. A smile came over him as he smelled the lavender on the fabric.
Leaving the nightlight on, the young agent was fast asleep, sleeping calmly in the warmth and security of his own bed.
"Time to wake up, Dr. Reid."
The soft voice making its way into the young agent's head was so familiar. Not opening his eyes, he frowned and wrinkled his nose. Voices again... I'm dreaming...
He felt something on his forehead. Something soft and warm. It almost felt like the touch of a hand. Turning his head to the other side, Reid gave a slight moan. He hated these vivid dreams.
The feeling on his forehead moved down to his cheek and over his head. Then it disappeared. Good, the young doctor thought. No more dreams.
Suddenly, he felt a light nip on the tip of his nose. It made him inhale sharply and open his eyes. The sight that met him chilled him to the bone.
Sienna sat on the side of his bed, looking down at the young agent; smiling.
Reid shot up, trying to get away from the bed, but the object in Sienna's hand made him stop short. The large and very sharp kitchen knife rested in her grip, and the blade was pointed straight at Reid's stomach.
Panic raced through the young agent's body, making the adrenaline rush to his head. Reid could practically feel his heart trying to beat itself out of his ribcage. He couldn't breathe; the fear had left him completely incapacitated. All he could do was stare at his tormentor sitting before him, smiling at him.
"Good morning, Dr. Reid. Did you sleep well?"
As no answer came from the terrified man before her, Sienna continued.
"I thought I should pay you a small visit, just to make sure you made it back okay from Michigan."
Reid's chin was trembling as he felt tears rising in his eyes. His mouth was wide open as he listened to the disturbed woman sitting on his bed.
"I went to see you at the hospital too. You were asleep then. Agent Gideon was sleeping in the green armchair by the window. I had to check up on you after your friends finally found you. Lucky for me they didn't find the bug on Cate's laptop, right?" She laughed at her own words.
Finally, Reid had found the courage to speak. "W-w-why?"
"Why? Why what?"
"W-why are you d-doing t-this?" Holding his hands up in front of him, he feared what Sienna would do to him; remembering his private hell in her torture chamber.
"Why? Because I want to. Because he deserves it."
"Who? Gideon?"
"But he didn't..." the young doctor didn't have the time to finish before a vicious backhand silenced him.
"Listen here, Dr. Reid. I'm not here to have a nice conversation with you. That's what dates are for. I'm here because I wanted to let you know that this is not over. Not by a long shot."
Holding his now bleeding lip, Reid looked at his assailant in utter fear, no longer having the courage to try and talk.
Sienna continued. "As you can see, I can get to you at any time. I know where you live, I know where you work, I know where you eat, and I know where you buy your coffee - all six cups a day. And Dr. Reid; what you're doing to your arms – that's not a sane thing to do."
Terror bubbled in Reid's veins. How does she know...?
Sienna never stopped smiling as she leaned forward towards the frightened agent. "You know, under other circumstances..." She traced Reid's cheekbone with her fingers. Reid could feel her breath against his lips. "...you would have been quite a catch. Maybe next time we'll have more fun."
She gave him a smile and never let her eyes leave his as she pressed her lips against those of the young agent.
Reid felt nauseous, both from the fear and the repulsion of having this woman violate him all over again. A tear fell down his cheek as he squeezed his eyes shut.
Releasing the young man from her lips, Sienna sat back on the bed, looking at him. "I have to go now, I have an appointment. Just know this, Dr. Reid; we will meet again. That's not a threat – that's a promise." She smiled at him as she stood up, still pointing the knife at the young doctor.
"Don't forget to always look over your shoulder, Dr. Reid." With that, Sienna turned around and left the room.
Reid was paralyzed with fear lying on the bed. He could hear the door slam shut as the young woman left the apartment. The young agent's mind was a complete blank. Oh, God...
As he regained his ability to move, he reached out towards the cell phone on his nightstand, and tried to dial. But his fingers were trembling so badly it took him three tries before he got the digits right. Still crying in pure fear, he pressed the phone against his ear as he curled up into a ball on top of his pillows.
"Reid? Hello?" Morgan answered the phone, slightly disoriented. "Reid, man – what's wrong?!" All he could hear was his young colleagues frightened crying.
"Morgan..." he managed to force out. "She...was here!"
"Who? Who was there? Reid!"
Reid cried violently into the receptor. "Sienna... Sienna was here."
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know..."
"I'll be right over. Lock the door and grab your gun. It's gonna be okay, I'm coming."
Reid dropped the cell beside him on the bed. Holding his knees, he pulled them up to his chin, trying to hide under his own limbs. The young doctor was terrified; shaken to his very core by the promise spoken by the deranged woman.
His nightmare wasn't over; it had only begun.
Voiceover by Gideon
"Yet he did not put the sons of the assassins to death, in accordance with what is written in the Book of the Law of Moses where the Lord commanded: 'Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sins'. 2 Kings 14:6."
The end?
A/N again: As this story has now ended, I shall tell you all a secret. The UnSubs, Sienna, Cate and Tracy - were actually -dum dum dum!- US! AddictedArchangel, editor frog and tellygirl! We used names matching our initials and kidnapped Reid. We planned this whole thing together. I - Sienna - did all the dirtywork, Tracy - tellygirl - was our technical expert, doing the wiring and other electric things (she also helped with the whumping) and Cate - editor frog - was the main plan maker and getaway-creator. We had a blast during this kidnapping and we will DEFINETELY do this again - soon. Until then, over and out from Sienna, Cate and Tracy!