A/N: Yes, it took very long to write this measly chapter but I am not sorry because it would have sucked even worse than it does now if I rushed it. Please tell me otherwise. Haha. The suckage part, I mean. I hope I'll be able to post the rest of my stories soon.
That game we played last night really did a number on me. I couldn't sleep a wink because all I could see were those bloody, little girls yowling and crawling towards us. As I rode the elevator up to the office, I wondered how the others reacted to the game. The Cullen's looked like nothing could really scare them but Loomis's game must have freaked them out too. Miller actually sounded like he shit his pants when he was stabbed by that freaky boss.
Finally, the elevator doors dinged and opened. When I stepped out, I saw that the office that was usually abuzz with the morning rush was now subdued and the people were morbid than usual, or maybe ever?
"Hutch!" someone cried in the direction of the executive offices. It was Loretta, Miller's secretary. She ran over to me and grabbed me while crying, "Oh, Hutch! It's horrible!" Looking at Loretta, I knew I shouldn't have but I had to ask.
"What happened?" I asked as I pried myself away from her and headed towards where the people were all gathered. That's when I noticed that those people weren't my officemates. They were the police.
"What's going on? Miller!" I called out hoping my boss would answer me, but I knew that somehow, he wouldn't. I pushed my way towards his office but two uniformed officers grabbed me and pulled me away.
"This is a crime scene. You're not allowed here," said one of the officers.
"What are you talking about? That's Miller's office. I just talked to him a few hours ago."
"Sir, please…" I didn't want to listen to the person talking. I kept pushing until I saw what was inside Miller's office. Miller was sprawled on top of this desk with his throat cut.
"Oh god!" I cried and then turned away trying to suppress the bile that was pushing its way up my throat. I didn't notice the tall dark man wearing a suit standing next to me.
"Son? We have to ask you a few questions," he told me. "My name is Detective Thibodeaux."
"Malleus Malefica.. Malefico..Oh, what the heck.." I was standing in front of my bookcase which was filled with fictional and historical literature that depicted the dark arts, whether in magic or folklore. I was looking for folklore. The Legend of Garouge piqued my curiosity. I couldn't stop thinking about it since last night.
"Aha! There you are!" Finally, I found it. The Witch's Hammer. Anything that dealt with a horrific legend about a woman could be found in this book. I hadn't actually read it because I bought it last year on Ebay and forgot about it because I was reading a new book about vampires who sparkled in the sun. Yeah, right. Who would even believe that crap? I should have read this one instead.
"What's that?" asked Loomis. He was hanging out at the shop because that was what he usually did almost everyday. Who could blame him? The guy was rich and played video games for a living. Where else could he possibly go? Probably to a comic convention or something.
"Malleus Maleficarum," I whispered as I browsed through the gruesome images and words jumping out at me from the book. It wasn't different from watching a car crash. Somehow, I just couldn't take my eyes off of it all. Women were hanged by their toes as their throats were cut, little girls were tied together and dragged through the streets like a bunch of recently killed wild game and there were numerous drawings of women who were being burned at the stake in different ways, each one more terrifying and more painful than the last.
"Wow," Loomis said as he looked at the book over my shoulder. "So that's the kind of literature you read." I hit him with the book and went over to the counter and started flipping the pages, looking for The Legend of Garouge.
Loomis went back to tinkering with his laptop while I continued to scan the book. I couldn't find any trace of it, but then I remembered that the game said that all public accounts were stripped from the public's eyes or something.
"Huh.." I muttered to myself. The games storyline could either be true or not but there were other bits of information I could still find. Then I saw a name that stood out from the Mathildes and Rowenas. Countess Elizabeth Bathory.
It said in the book that she was accused of killing 600 virgins and then using their blood as her beauty bath. Eew, I'm goth not emo. That is so not my thing. I kept reading and ended up on a painting of Elizabeth Bathory. She was gorgeous! With her auburn hair that looked like flames contained in her aristocratic bun, and her luscious red lips that sparkled as though the image was alive, just looking at her made me think twice about how I really felt about Hutch! Okay, this is not the time to think about Hutch.
I expected to find a horrible picture of her being scrubbed with steel wool or something but all the book showed was a field of stone houses with a high tower at the very back. When I read the text, I gasped in shock. Not only were the stone houses not houses but tombs, they were said to be the tombs of the six hundred girls that Elizabeth Bathory allegedly massacred. And the tower was Elizabeth Bathory's final resting place. And she was alive when they locked her inside.
I suddenly felt hand on my shoulder and I screamed. And I also threw the book at the face of whomever it was who touched me.
"What the hell, October!" Phin cried out in pain as he swore while holding his forehead. "Did you forget you medication again?!"
I probably looked like a goldfish, opening and closing my mouth, hardly able to say anything.
"I…I thought…I mean I'm…I'm sorry!" I blurted out. I couldn't actually say that I thought you were Countess Elizabeth Bathory come to exact revenge on a girl she hardly knew because she died oh, almost four hundred years ago!
"Too much coffee," I finally said. Phin was still rubbing his head and cursing as he headed for the consoles to boot them up.
"What was up with that?" Loomis asked, his eyes on his laptop, now that the show was over.
"I said I had too much coffee." I said a little strongly. Loomis held his hand up and continued what he was doing.
"Where's the blonde girl!?"
I couldn't help it. I screamed again. Right in front of the counter, where I was facing a second ago, the guys we played the video game with were standing looking pissed off and I had no idea how they got there.
"October, what the fuck is your damage today!!" Phin screamed from inside the shop. And that's all that I remembered before everything faded to black.
A/N: Follow me on Twitter and check out my new Blogger page. Also I'm active on Facebook now. The links are on my profile page. Thanks!