Author's Note: This isn't supposed to be good at all. It just made me laugh. I haven't read DH yet--I KNOW, GASP--so my friend gave me the worst/most hysterical ending in the world to try and encourage me to go read it.

Haha. I decided to write it.

Harry bit his lip in anxiety, his heart beating fast as he thought of his next endeavour. He didn't know if this was going to work, but it had to.

Dodging out from behind the bust of a scatter-brained looking elf he'd been using for shelter, he aimed his wand and yelled as loudly as he could.

A Charm exploded from his trusty wand, dashing its way towards Voldemort whose eyes widened in horror as he was engulfed by it. With a small yelp, Voldemort fell backwards, the Charm attacking the entirety of his shriveled, slit-eyed body.

Harry licked his lips as he stared hesitantly at the prone body of Voldemort on the ground. He stood up cautiously and walked over, keeping his wand ahead of him constantly. He reached Voldemort and laughed triumphantly.

It had worked.

Voldemort had a dazed, happy look on his face. He smiled giddily as he stood up and chuckled. He threw back his head laughing hard, tears coming from his eyes. He laughed like he was being tickled by a hundred hands; he laughed like a little boy at a party. As Harry looked at Voldemort laughing, he couldn't help but have his face twitch with a smile.

Voldemort walked off, giggling as happily as a young schoolgirl. He climbed onto a conveniently placed unicorn nearby and mounted it, continuing to laugh in bliss as he rode off into the distance on his majestic white steed.

Harry wiped his sweaty brow with the back of his hand.

Behind him, Ron stood with his mouth agape. He closed and opened it so rapidly that he looked like a goldfish.

Harry dusted off his hands on his robes and looked at Ron.

"I guess we better thank Professor Flitwick for teaching us Cheering Charms."

Author's Note: Okay, so it's not accurate. It's not supposed to be. The sad thing about this story is I believed it until my friend started laughing hysterically.

I wrote this really late, so whatever. Flame if you want; I'll just remove the story I guess.


Fred Weasley: So you save Voldemort, but you can't save me?