Survivor: Feudal Japan

Survivor: Feudal Japan

Jet Black is standing just outside the Bone Eater's Well on the Higurashi shrine, with a whole bunch of characters lined up at the well, waiting to jump in.

"Welcome to Survivor: Feudal Japan," Jet announces. "These 16 characters from 8 different anime series are about to attempt to outwit, outplay and outlast each other in order to win a large sum of money. They are about to enter the Bone Eater's Well and be sent back 500 years to Feudal Japan, where all sorts of dangers await them. Which one of these players will be able to outlast all the others, and become the sole survivor?"

The Survivor theme song "Ancient Voices" plays, showing all the characters of the series, who are:

Asuka Langley Soryu, from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Shinji Ikari, from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Makoto Kino, from Sailor Moon

Ami Mizuno, from Sailor Moon

Sasami, from Tenchi Muyo

Tenchi Masaki, from Tenchi Muyo

Ash Ketchum, from Pokemon

Brock, from Pokemon

Orihime Inoue, from Bleach

Toshiro Hitsugaya, from Bleach

Sango, from InuYasha

Kagome Higurashi, from InuYasha

Alex Louis Armstrong, from Fullmetal Alchemist

Edward Elric, from Fullmetal Alchemist

Naruto Uzumaki, from Naruto

Temari, from Naruto

Note: When a character speaks to the camera in a confessional, it is noted in italics; any confessional statements are assumed to be made later in the day and not heard by any other character; they are edited portions of the program meant to show the characters' thoughts at that particular moment.

Where Are We, Anyway?

Day 1

The 16 characters all make it over to feudal Japan, joined by the host, Jet Black. All of them are anxious to find out which tribe they will be part of.

"Okay," says Jet Black. "Our first tribe is the Jurai tribe, which consists of Asuka, Shinji, Makoto, Ami, Sasami, Tenchi, Ash and Brock!"

"What?!" Asuka shouts. "I have to be with him? Oh, this is so unfair!"

"Are you meaning me?" asks Shinji.

"What are you, stupid?" Asuka asks. "Of course I'm referring to you! I just can't believe I'm going to be forced to work with you again!"

"Yay!" Sasami says. "I get to be with Tenchi!"

Jet tries to calm down the chattering Jurai tribe. "All right, all right," he says. "Now obviously our other tribe- the Seireitei tribe- is made up of the remaining players- Orihime, Toshiro, Sango, Kagome, Armstrong, Edward, Naruto and Temari!"

"I'm happy to be able to work with you, Kagome," Sango says.

"Yeah, especially without that annoying InuYasha around," Kagome replies.

"I don't care who's part of my tribe- I'm going to win it all, believe it!" Naruto shouts.

"All right, all right, let's settle down," Jet says, motioning with his hand. "I am giving maps to the places at which your tribes will set up their temporary homes. Now who wants the maps?"

It is a poor decision by Jet, as every single character is clamoring to be given the map for their tribe.

"Okay, never mind that," Jet replies. "I'll just choose myself who gets the maps… Mr. Armstrong, you shall take the map for your tribe!"

Jet hands the map to Armstrong. "Thank you very much," Armstrong tells him. "With these muscles, there's no way this tribe will go wrong!"

Jet then looks over to the other tribe, looking to see to whom he should give the map. "Ami," he announces. "You shall take the map for your tribe!"

"Thank you, sir," Ami says, taking the map.

"Why don't I get to lead?" Asuka asks Shinji. "You know who that girl reminds me of?"

"Who?" Shinji asks.

"That Wonder Girl Ayanami!" Asuka replies. "All quiet and thinking she's so much better than everyone else! Oh… it annoys me so much!"

Jet also hands large barrels of rice to Tenchi and Toshiro to carry.

"Let me take that," Armstrong tells Toshiro, taking the barrel of rice off the short Soul Reaper. "These muscles can easily handle this barrel while I direct this team!"

"Okay," Jet says in a louder voice. "Now we are all ready for Survivor: Feudal Japan to begin! Just remember, you'll be getting a reminder tomorrow about the immunity challenge in a couple days. Until then, good luck!"

Jurai Tribe

Ami is leading the pack of players, with Makoto standing close behind her, helping her with the instructions. In the back of the pack, Asuka is complaining about something to Shinji, while Ash is talking with Sasami.

"What kind of Pokémon is that?" Ash asks Sasami, referring to Ryo-ohki, which she is holding. He pulls out his Pokédex.

"Information not available," the Pokédex says. "Creature not a Pokémon."

"I don't know what a Pokémon is," Sasami tells Ash. "This is Ryo-ohki!"

"Meow!" Ryo-ohki says.

"Oh, well, this is a Pokémon here," Ash responds, showing Sasami his Pikachu. "It's Pikachu!"

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu says.

While Tenchi watches Ryo-ohki and Pikachu talk to each other, Brock has something entirely different on his mind. He walks up to Makoto and grabs her hand.

"My heart has led me to you," Brock tells her. "A beautiful girl like you is perfect for a man like me."

"What's your problem?" Makoto asks, stepping away from Brock, who finds his ear being pulled by Ash.

"Boy, I'm used to having someone else do this for me," Ash tells Brock. "I didn't know I was going to have to make you behave."

Ami continues to lead the pack of players on the way to their destination. As they walk, they come up to a large floating snake-like creature.

"Wh-what's that?" Sasami asks.

"I don't know, Sasami," Tenchi replies.

"It would appear to me that we have come across a demon," Ami announces.

"A-a demon?" Sasami says. "Protect me, Tenchi!"

"Don't worry!" Ash states. "Pikachu will help us. Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Pi-ka-chu!" Pikachu says, letting out a large Thunderbolt attack against the demon. However, it does not collapse.

"Well, Mr. Hero," Asuka tells Ash, "what are you going to do now?"

Brock reaches into his pocket and pulls out his only Poké Ball. "We were allowed one comfort item, and this is mine! Go, Onix!" he shouts.

Brock sends out his Onix. Onix wrestles with the demon, as the two wrap around each other.

"Go ahead, Ash," Brock tells Ash. "Have your Pikachu attack again. It won't hurt my Onix, because it's part Ground-type."

"Right," Ash responds. "Pikachu, use Thunder!"

Pikachu launches its Thunder attack at the demon, causing it to collapse to the ground and disappear.

"Is that all?" Makoto says. "If these enemies at this place are that easy to defeat, without Ami or I even having to transform, then this competition is going to be a cinch."

Seireitei Tribe

The tribe members are following Armstrong closely, hoping that he is leading them in the right direction, something that Temari begins to doubt.

"Let me see that thing," she says, taking the map off him. "Yeah, as I thought- we're going the wrong way!"

The other players groan, while Armstrong scratches his head. "Hmmm… I can't believe that these muscles would actually be wrong!" he states.

"Muscles? I don't get it," Temari replies. "I guess I'm going to have to lead, because Macho Man here doesn't know what he's doing."

In the back of the pack, Toshiro is talking with Orihime.

"Now I just want to let you know, that you must leave all the fighting to me," he tells her. "Ichigo was adamant in telling me this before we left."

"Ichigo?" Orihime asks, with a bit of a blush on her face. "That's good to hear."

"What I'm more concerned about is the paperwork that's going to pile up in the Squad 10 barracks," Toshiro replies. "Because I know for sure that Rangiku isn't going to do it…"

Meanwhile, Sango and Kagome are talking about their friends.

"I really hope InuYasha doesn't do anything stupid while I'm gone," Kagome tells Sango.

"I wouldn't worry about him," Sango replies. "What I'm worried about is that monk… if he dares touch another woman…"

"Oh no," Kagome says. "What if InuYasha decides to go through the well and visit my family while I'm gone? I can't have him bothering my family and friends like that!"

"Trust me, InuYasha will be fine," Sango responds. "He and Miroku just need to take good care of Shippo."

Meanwhile, Naruto is running around, trying to get people's attention.

"Hey! Stop ignoring me!" he is saying, with an annoyed-looking Edward Elric staring at him. "I'm going to be the next Hokage! Believe it!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but all I can say is that you better not get in my way," Ed tells him. "You probably don't know the power of alchemy."

"Alchemy? Huh? What's that?" Naruto asks.

"Give me your comfort item," Ed tells Naruto.

Naruto hands Ed a shuriken.

"Watch this," Ed tells Naruto.

He claps his hands together, then touches the shuriken. It is transformed into a miniature metallic statue of Naruto.

"Wow! How did you do that?" Naruto asks.

"The law of Equivalent Exchange," Ed explains. "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost."

Naruto is scratching his head, looking at Ed in a confused manner.

"Yeah, sure," Naruto says.

Ed then claps his hands again, touching the statue, turning it back into a shuriken.

"Here you go," he tells Naruto.

"Wow, thanks," Naruto replies.

Temari continues to lead the tribe along the way, passing through a forest and beside several streams as they do. Along the way, Temari accidentally kicks an unsuspecting Jaken.

"What was that for?" Jaken asks her.

"Oh, sorry, little toad," she tells him. "But you better stay out of my way."

"Stay out of your way? You're passing through Lord Sesshomaru's territory!" Jaken shouts. "Lord Sesshomaru will not be happy with you! I'm going to tell him right away!"

"Yeah, yeah," Temari replies, ignoring him.

The tribe continues walking through the forest, getting very close to the place marked on the map. All the characters are still talking to each other, not really paying attention to their surroundings, until Temari walks right into Sesshomaru.

"Where are you going?" he asks coldly.

"Uh, sir, we have to reach our tribe's home base," Temari answers him. "It's for our competition."

"This is my territory," Sesshomaru replies. "You shall not pass."

"Hey, are you sure we went the right way?" Ed asks Temari. "Maybe Major Armstrong was right all along."

"No, I'm sure this is the path we're supposed to take," Temari answers Ed. "This guy is just standing in our way."

"You shall turn around and leave this area," Sesshomaru says.

Sango and Kagome then step up to Sesshomaru.

"This is part of a game we're playing," Kagome explains to him. "We're not trespassing at all- in fact InuYasha's far away from here."

"So I see," Sesshomaru replies. "I don't trust some of the people I see before me- especially that white-haired pipsqueak."

"Hey, I'm no pipsqueak!" Ed shouts. "I'm not that short! You stop insulting me because of my height! You'll pay for saying something like that!"

"I wasn't speaking about you, boy," Sesshomaru replies. "But come to think of it, you are pretty short."

Ed's face turns red, as he becomes absolutely furious. Meanwhile, Toshiro steps up to face Sesshomaru.

"Is there a problem?" Toshiro asks.

"I believe there is," Sesshomaru replies. "It's you."

"I don't want to have to fight you, but if I must, I will," Toshiro says. He prepares to pull out his zanpakuto.

"Don't dare pull out that blade," Sesshomaru tells Toshiro. "If you do, I will have to kill you."

"I'm sure that wouldn't be the case," Toshiro replies.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Kagome says. "We don't need a fight here! We're only here as part of a game, and this boy is no threat to you, Sesshomaru."

"If this boy wants to fight, he is going to get one," Sesshomaru tells Kagome.

Kagome walks over to Toshiro and whispers something in his ear. Toshiro then reluctantly takes his hand off his zanpakuto.

"Fine, then, there will be no fight," Toshiro states. "We only want to get through to our home base area."

"As you wish," Sesshomaru says. "But I warn you- if you even think about attacking me, I will be forced to destroy you."

"I understand," Toshiro replies.

Sesshomaru then steps to the side, allowing the eight players to walk past him, along their way to their home base.

Jurai Tribe

Asuka is becoming increasingly impatient with the progress of the tribe's journey towards their camp.

"What is it with blue-haired quiet girls who think they know everything?" she asks Ami angrily. "Excuse me, Wonder Girl, but do you know where you're going?"

"Yes, according to my calculations, we are on the correct path," Ami responds.

"Well, it seems like it's taking an awfully long time to me," Asuka replies. "And I don't think we would have run into those things had we been on the right path."

Makoto steps up to Asuka. "Leave her alone," she tells her. "I'm sure Ami knows what she is doing."

"Now we just must travel approximately 300 yards to the northeast," Ami says. "Then we shall reach our camp."

Asuka crosses her arms angrily. "Can you believe this?" she asks Shinji. "Some people always think they're right."

This statement causes Shinji to laugh. "What's so funny?" Asuka questions him. "Something funny about what I said?"

"Oh, nothing," Shinji replies, continuing to chuckle about Asuka's hypocritical statement.

Meanwhile, Sasami, Tenchi, Ash and Brock are watching Ryo-ohki play with Pikachu.

"Pikachu makes friends pretty quickly," Ash says.

"Ryo-ohki looks like she's having fun," Sasami adds.

"Our camp!" Tenchi exclaims, seeing that Ami has led the tribe to their camp area.

The tribe members are excited upon finally reaching their camp. It is a wooded area near a stream, with lots of bushes and trees surrounding them. They immediately go to work on building a shelter for themselves. Brock and Ash begin picking up as many logs as they can and bringing them over to Tenchi, who begins to put things together with the help of Makoto and Shinji. Sasami and Ami begin to gather fruits from the nearby wildlife, hoping to get enough food for the tribe to eat. But Asuka just sits in the shade, not working at all.

"Hey, aren't you going to help?" Shinji asks Asuka.

"Are you dense?" Asuka asks. "I'm a girl. You men should be doing the work for me!"

"It's a team game. Everyone should help," Brock says. "Even Ash's Pikachu and Ryo-ohki are helping pick up small logs."

Asuka watches as Pikachu and Ryo-ohki struggle to lug a log over to the pile of logs near Tenchi.

"That isn't the type of work a girl should do," Asuka responds.

"Even the other girls are helping!" Ash protests.

"Well, I guess they aren't very ladylike," Asuka replies.

"This girl shouldn't be hard to vote out right away," Ash says.

The angry tribe members ignore Asuka and continue to work. Tenchi begins building things together, with Makoto and Shinji's help, while Ash and Brock gather branches. Eventually they put together a pretty nice shelter, complete with branches full of leaves as coverings over it, and a firm foundation. Sasami and Ami bring over a large pile of fruit, placing it underneath their shelter.

"Okay, now what we need is a fire, so we can cook the rice," Tenchi says. "Let's gather some logs and build a fire."

Tenchi, Ash and Brock begin gathering logs together, making a nice large pile of them.

"Now how are we going to start the fire?" Shinji asks.

"That's easy enough," Ash replies. "All we need is a spark. Pikachu, give us some electricity!"

"Pik-a-chu!" Pikachu says, giving some electricity to the pile of wood. A fire starts immediately, and all the other tribe members begin to clap- save for Asuka.

"Well, it's a pretty good start," Makoto says. "All we need to do now is prepare for our immunity challenge."

Most of the players begin to rest, while Tenchi begins cooking some rice, as the sun begins to set.

Seireitei Tribe

"We're here!" Kagome exclaims happily, upon reaching the camp area.

The camp area is very similar to the Jurai tribe's area, only with more rocks surrounding this one.

"Thanks to me, we're here," Temari says. "And no thanks to Macho Man."

"Are you insulting these muscles?" Armstrong asks. "I think you underestimate their strength!"

"Yeah, yeah," Temari responds.

"Okay, now to go to work on building us a shelter," Toshiro mentions. "This may take a lot of work."

"Not really," Ed replies. "Gather me a large amount of wood, and I'll do the rest."

So the tribe members begin to gather together as many logs and branches as they could, putting them in a large pile. Only Armstrong knows what Ed is planning to do with them; the others are confused on how such a short person such as Ed can do. Toshiro expresses his doubts to Ed personally.

"You're shorter than me, and you think you can put this altogether by yourself?" he asks Ed. "Let the strong man do it."

"Are you calling me short?" Ed responds to Toshiro. "I think I'm taller than you!"

"I don't think so!" Toshiro argues.

The two then begin stanaing on their toes, trying to stand above the other. Both continue to argue over which one is taller than the other, while the rest of their tribe members continue to gather a large amount of wood.

"Hey, want to help us?" Naruto asks the arguing short characters.

"Sure, in just a moment," Toshiro replies.

"By the way, I think I'm taller than both of you," Naruto adds.

This causes both Toshiro and Ed to grow angry, as both of their faces turn red and they start yelling at Naruto.

"Hey, hey, I'm just saying," Naruto states.

The players then go back to putting logs and branches in the pile. After a large enough pile of wood is gathered, Ed tells the other tribe members to stand aside.

"Watch this," he says.

He claps his hands together, then touches the ground in front of the pile of wood. Within seconds, the wood is transformed into a log cabin. The other characters besides Armstrong all look at it with amazement.

"Wow!" Orihime exclaims. "He uses magic!"

"This is alchemy," Ed responds. "A simple matter of Equivalent Exchange."

Some of the tribe members run inside the cabin with excitement. Armstrong, Ed and Temari, meanwhile, take a smaller pile of wood that was left out of the transmutation, and with a little help of Ed's alchemy, are able to start a fire.

"Now I'll cook the rice for the rest of you," Armstrong says.

"That's nice of you," Temari responds.

"These two would be the perfect two members to begin an alliance with," Temari says.

Ed and Temari join the others inside the log cabin, where the tribe members decide to try to get to know each other.

"My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya," Toshiro says, "captain of Squad 10 of the Soul Society. And I'm definitely taller than that pipsqueak."

"I think not," Ed responds angrily. "My name is Edward Elric, and I am a State Alchemist. And currently cooking our rice is Major Armstrong, whom I work with in the military."

Naruto walks into the middle of the room, in order to get the most attention. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki," he says, "and I'm going to be the next Hokage! Then everyone will have to stop disrespecting me and treat me like I'm somebody! Believe it!"

Temari rolls her eyes. "My name is Temari," she says. "I'm from the Village Hidden in the Sand. I have a couple of brothers…"

She is cut off by Orihime. "What's the big fan for?" Orihime asks.

"This is my weapon," Temari responds. "We were all allowed to bring one comfort item, and I decided to bring along this, so I can fight against any opponent I may come up against."

"Oh, okay," Orihime says in her usual carefree style. "I'm Orihime Inoue, and I am a student at Karukura High School. I really like cooking… maybe I'll be able to cook something for everyone!"

"That sounds nice," Kagome replies, not knowing anything about Orihime's bizarre food preferences. "I'm Kagome Higurashi, and from what I'm told, I'm a reincarnation of the priestess Kikyo, who was in love with InuYasha, and…"

Kagome's voice trails off as she begins to sniff, feeling jealousy over Kikyo's love for InuYasha. The other characters besides Sango look at each other in confusion, not understanding anything of what she just said.

"And I'm Sango, a demon slayer," Sango says to the tribe. "I use this boomerang for the purpose of killing demons."

The tribe members are interrupted by Armstrong.

"The rice is ready!" he announces. "These muscles have prepared the meal!"

Armstrong begins to serve the other members of his tribe small bowls of rice.

"This guy's pretty nice," Kagome says. "I hope he stays around for a while."

Jurai Tribe

It was now nighttime, and the contestants are sitting around the fire, introducing themselves to each other. They are seated in this order, clockwise: Asuka, Shinji, Tenchi, Sasami, Ash, Brock, Makoto and Ami. Most of them are chatting quietly to each other, before Asuka decides to stand up and get attention.

"I'm Asuka," Asuka announces. "Asuka Langley Soryu. Charmed, huh?"

Shinji looks embarrassed as all the other tribe members give Asuka cold stares.

"So, what makes you so great?" Makoto asks Asuka.

"Why, I'm an Eva pilot!" Asuka exclaims. "I pilot Eva-02, and I'm clearly the best at it, although this boy Shinji here is always trying to be the hero. And then I'm forced to work with that Wonder Girl… oh, I can't stand it!"

The other players look at each other in wonder, having no idea what this "Eva" thing is. Meanwhile, Shinji sits with his head resting on his knees, feeling quite annoyed from Asuka's boasting.

"So, you work with Asuka?" Makoto asks.

"Yes," Shinji replies sheepishly. "I don't like it, though. I do it because I have to… it's my way of proving my worth to my father."

"Your father doesn't think you're worth much?" Ami asks.

"He only calls for me when he has a use for me!" Shinji moans. "I hate him!"

"Sounds a little harsh to me," Ami replies.

"You don't understand!" Shinji whines.

The entire tribe goes silent for a minute, making it a very awkward moment for everyone involved.

"Okay…" says Tenchi. "I guess I'll introduce myself… I'm Tenchi Masaki, and next to me is Sasami, with Ryo-ohki."

"What is Ryo-ohki?" Brock asks Sasami. "Is it a cat, or a rabbit, or what?"

"She's a cabbit," Sasami answers. "She loves carrots… right, Ryo-ohki?"

"Meow!" Ryo-ohki responds.

"Can your Ryo-ohki do anything special, like my Pikachu?" Ash asks.

"Oh yes!" Sasami replies. "Watch this!"

"Sasami, no!" Tenchi exclaims.

Tenchi lunges toward Ryo-ohki, trying to stop Sasami, but it is too late. Sasami throws Ryo-ohki into the air, and she turns into a spaceship.

"Wow!" Ash exclaims. "That's amazing!"

"Very impressive," Ami states.

"Hmmph, such a showoff," Asuka says.

Shinji looks worried. "Um, is that thing ever going to come down?" he asks.

"Oh, sure!" Sasami responds. "Look, Ryo-ohki, I have a carrot here!"

"MEOW!" Ryo-ohki cries, quickly turning back into her cabbit form, coming down to the ground, whereupon she quickly begins munching on the carrot.

Makoto then turns to Ash. "So, tell us about yourself," she says to him.

"I'm Ash Ketchum, and I'm going to be the world's greatest Pokémon Master!" Ash declares proudly. "And this is my best Pokémon, Pikachu!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu says.

Brock then wiggles his way over towards Makoto. "I'm Brock," he says, "and I'd just love to be your boyfriend… or even better, your husband!"

Makoto quickly stands up and walks over to Tenchi, sitting down on the other side of him, away from Brock.

"You stay away from me!" she tells Brock. "I'd rather sit by Tenchi!"

"Anything for you," Brock replies, with hearts in his eyes.

"So, what about you two?" a rather embarrassed-looking Tenchi asks. "What are your names?"

"I'm Makoto Kino, and this is Ami Mizuno," Makoto speaks up, with a bit of a blush. "And we- um, well, we're, uh-"

"We're middle school students," Ami breaks in. "There's nothing else to say, really."

The other players look at each other, wondering if Ami is really telling the truth. Asuka, in fact, gets angry about their comments.

"If there's nothing special about you, then why are you even here?" Asuka asks.

"I don't know, maybe we're just lucky," Makoto responds, not knowing what to say.

"I can't let them know our secret," Makoto says. "Even if it does make us look sort of bad."

Tenchi yawns. "Well, I'm going to sleep," he announces.

"Me too," Sasami adds.

"We might as well all go to bed," Ash says.

The characters all return to their shelter, hoping to get some sleep.

Seireitei Tribe

The tribe members are all lying inside the log cabin, and thanks to Ed's alchemy, they all have blankets and pillows made out of bunches of leaves and grass.

Orihime lays there, worried about their earlier meeting with Sesshomaru. "Is the big mean white-haired guy going to come after us?" she asks Toshiro.

"Don't even worry about him," Toshiro responds. "If he does, I'll kill him."

"But he seemed very powerful," Orihime adds.

"His spiritual pressure was very low," Toshiro replies. "He wouldn't last very long in a fight against me."

While the other characters go to sleep, Temari is silently strategizing.

If I team up with Macho Man and the pipsqueak, that would be three votes… but the question is, who else could I get to join our alliance? she thinks. Maybe I could work on that stupid orange-haired girl… or maybe even Naruto… if I'm desperate…

Day 2

Seireitei Tribe

The tribe members wake up to find their fire put out, and apparently intentionally: the logs are all drenched with water.

Toshiro immediately puts the blame on Sesshomaru. "I knew that guy was up to no good," he says. "Why does he stoop to the level of simply annoying us, instead of just fighting me? I'm willing to give him a fight, if that's what he wants."

"Whoever it is, let me fight them," Armstrong states. "There's no way anyone could beat these muscles!"

Ed, meanwhile, is trying to transmute some of the logs in order to produce a fire, but he finds them to be too wet to do so. "This is when the Flame Alchemist could come in handy," he mutters.

Temari walks over to Ed, showing him her fan. "Maybe this could help dry off these logs," she says.

She begins waving the fan back and forth, trying to get the water to evaporate from the logs. In the meantime, Toshiro is looking all over, hoping to find Sesshomaru, in order to fight him. Sango and Kagome look on, worried about a potential attack from Sesshomaru.

"If that boy attacks Sesshomaru and loses, he's going to come after all of us," Kagome states.

"I know," Sango replies. "We can't let him do that."

"He doesn't seem like the type to be stopped…" Kagome mutters. "He's too much like InuYasha."

While Toshiro is off hunting through the forest for Sesshomaru, Naruto questions Orihime about her hair clips.

"Those are nice hair clips. Where did you get them?" he asks her.

"My brother gave them to me… before he died," she answered sadly.

"Oh… that's a shame," Naruto responds. "But do you see this headband? That means I'm a ninja! And I'm going to become better and better, and then I'm going to become Hokage of my village! Believe it!"

Temari and Ed are finally able to get the logs dry enough in order for Ed to perform a transmutation. He does so, and a new fire is created on the logs.

"We work well together," Temari says to Ed.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that," Ed responds.

As the others relax around the cabin, Toshiro continues searching through the woods, hoping to find Sesshomaru…

Jurai Tribe

The Jurai tribe members also wake up to controversy, as they find that all of their fruit that they had collected has been eaten. Immediately the blame is placed on two suspects: Ryo-ohki and Pikachu.

"You just couldn't keep your little mouse under control, and now look what it did!" Asuka yells at Ash.

"Hey, you refused to even help us… I don't think you even deserve any food!" Ash replies.

"Sasami, do you think Ryo-ohki may have eaten the fruit?" Tenchi asks. "You know that she always seems to be hungry."

"I don't know, Tenchi," Sasami replies. "Maybe."

Tenchi then finds Ryo-ohki passed out, looking very satisfied.

"I think we have our culprit," he announces. "Ryo-ohki was the one who ate it all."

"How stupid!" Asuka exclaims. "We'll never survive if we have to fight that thing for our food!"

"Now, now, there is nothing to worry about," Ami declares. "Mako and I will gather some more fruit to replace what we lost."

"And I'll watch Ryo-ohki carefully from now on," Sasami says.

So Makoto and Ami go to gather more fruit. Asuka is still a little upset, while the others forget about it quickly. Brock begins cooking some of the rice, while Ash is allowing Pikachu to run around and exercise.

"We're going to have an uphill battle if our food keeps getting eaten by that cabbit," Brock says.

Tenchi, meanwhile, is talking with Shinji, who looks pretty depressed. "So, Shinji," he says, "tell me more about yourself. How is your life?"

"Terrible," Shinji replies. "I'm forced to do something I hate, but if I don't do it, I don't get any respect from anyone."

"I see," Tenchi says. "So the only way to get respect is to do something you don't like, but you do like respect, so in a sense it's worthwhile."

"I guess," Shinji replies. "I don't like talking about it, really."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Tenchi says. "Well, how about another topic… is there anyone you really care for?"

Shinji thinks about it for a moment. "I care a lot for my guardian, Misato," he responds. "She takes care of me, although she lives a rather strange lifestyle. Have you ever seen anyone drink too much alcohol?"

"I believe I have," Tenchi states.

"She drinks beer non-stop," Shinji responds. "I don't understand how she is able to do her job."

"Anyone else who is important to you?" Tenchi asks.

"Well, maybe Ayanami…" Shinji answers. "Yeah, I'd have to say Rei Ayanami."

Asuka, meanwhile, has been sitting close enough to hear all of this, but she keeps her mouth shut over his comments… in public, that is.

"Ayanami?! That's who he cares for?" Asuka says. "Not the girl who gave him his first kiss? Not that I like him or anything like that… no, not that, but I just can't believe that stupid Shinji would care more for Wonder Girl than me… oh, it's so insulting!"

Brock then interrupts the others to tell them that the rice is ready. As the players eat, it seems that all of them are talking pleasantly, getting along with each other- except for Asuka.

"I can't believe all I'll be eating is stupid rice!" she states. "There's got to be something better than that!"

"Well, my Pikachu can go see if he can catch some fish," Ash responds. "That's a possibility."

"I also have an idea of how to catch fish," Brock says. "It shouldn't be difficult for us to expand our variety of meals."

Seireitei Tribe

Seven of the tribe members are sitting in the cabin, talking to each other and having a good time, although some of them are concerned about the one tribe member who is not- Toshiro Hitsugaya.

"Why is he doing this?" Sango asks. "The last thing we need is Sesshomaru mad at all of us."

"I just hope he doesn't exhaust himself in the process," Temari says. "The last thing we need is to allow the other team to have an advantage against us in the immunity challenge."

"Don't worry, he'll be all right!" Orihime exclaims happily. "He's very powerful, or at least that's what Ichigo tells me. I'm sure he won't get hurt!"

Off in the forest, Toshiro has run into Jaken. He is holding him by the neck, asking him questions.

"Did your master put out our fire?" he asks Jaken angrily.

"I don't have to answer that question!" Jaken says defiantly.

"Answer me, you little toad!" Toshiro yells.

"Who are you calling little?" Jaken responds.

"Why, you-" Toshiro starts to say.

"Let him go," a voice says.

Toshiro turns to see Sesshomaru approaching, along with Rin and Ah-Un. He then drops Jaken to the ground.

"Were you the one who put out our fire last night?" Toshiro asks angrily.

"It was not I who put it out," Sesshomaru replies.

"Don't lie to me!" Toshiro yells.

"The one who put out your fire was Jaken," Sesshomaru replies.

"And did you approve of it?" Toshiro asks.

"That is of no concern to me," Sesshomaru responds. "It was his choice, not mine."

Toshiro is becoming angrier and angrier, preparing to draw his zanpakuto. Sesshomaru begins to walk away.

"Are you too scared to fight?" Toshiro asks him.

"I just don't want to have to kill you in front of Rin," Sesshomaru answers.

This makes Toshiro even madder, but he decides not to attack Sesshomaru and instead return to the log cabin. He is greeted happily by the other tribe members, who are all glad that he is all right.

"It was that toad that put out our fire," Toshiro announces to the tribe. "Trust me, I will do what it takes to protect us from any future problems."

"It's okay!" Orihime exclaims.

"We don't want a fight with Sesshomaru," Kagome tells Toshiro. "He's a very powerful demon who could cause us lots of problems."

"That may be so, but I would have no problem destroying him," Toshiro replies.

The tribe is interrupted by Jet Black, who comes up to their cabin to deliver them a piece of paper.

"So, this is what you've built," Jet says. "Very impressive."

"Why are you here?" Naruto asks.

"I'm here to give you a message concerning tomorrow's immunity challenge, and a map of how to get there," Jet responds. "I hope everything's going fine so far."

He hands the piece of paper to Armstrong.

"We've had some problems with a demon," Toshiro tells Jet. "Apparently you put our camp area on his territory."

"Oh, yes, Sesshomaru?" Jet says. "Well, there have to be certain challenges, and I thought a good one would be putting you right in the heart of his territory, so you'll have to survive him as well."

"You did it on purpose?!" Toshiro responds angrily.

"Hey, I'm the host, and I set the rules around here," Jet replies. "Well, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Jet leaves, with the tribe members looking at the paper given to Armstrong, and Toshiro angrier than ever.

"I guess I'm going to have to kill that guy, one way or another," Toshiro says.

"So, what does it say?" Naruto asks.

"I'll read it," Ed replies.

"For this first immunity challenge

You will do something very hard;

You will be forced to collect

Three of five sacred jewel shards."

"Sacred jewel shards?" Kagome says. "This shouldn't be too hard, actually."

"Not at all," Sango says, smiling. "We have a secret weapon on our team."

Jurai Tribe

Several hours later, after Makoto and Ami have gathered a bunch of fruit to replace the amount they lost when Ryo-ohki ate it all, the Jurai tribe is joined by Jet Black.

"Hello, how are you doing?" he says to the tribe.

"Pretty good," Tenchi says.

"Speak for yourself," Asuka comments. "This style of living just doesn't suit me."

"Well, perhaps you'll have the chance to be sent home if you don't win this challenge," Jet responds. "And I have a paper describing the challenge right here."

He hands the paper to Ash Ketchum.

"I'll see you tomorrow for that immunity challenge," he tells the tribe. "Until then… have fun, I guess."

He walks away, while the tribe members gather around Ash to see what the paper says.

"It's sort of a poem," Ash says. "It goes like this:

For this first immunity challenge

You will do something very hard;

You will be forced to collect

Three of five sacred jewel shards."

"Sacred jewel shards? What are those, Tenchi?" Sasami asks.

"I don't know, Sasami," Tenchi replies.

"Ha! Only three out of five? How hard can it be?" Asuka asks. "Shinji and I have done a lot harder things than that, right, Shinji?"

Shinji just looks at Asuka worriedly.

"I have a feeling this challenge will be of a higher difficulty level, to test our skills early," Ami remarks.

"I just hope it doesn't make us test them that much," Makoto responds, referring to her and Ami being forced to transform, though none of the other players catch on to what she means.

Seireitei Tribe

It is now later in the evening. The tribe has already eaten their second helping of rice for the day, and now they are sitting around the fire, rather bored. Armstrong tries to start a conversation.

"So, do any of you have someone special in your lives?" Armstrong asks.

The statement immediately makes Toshiro, Kagome and Sango all begin to blush. Armstrong laughs.

"Well, it looks like we have a few," he says. "What about you, Toshiro?"

Toshiro struggles to talk. "Well, I have… a friend…" he says, "one who- well, she and I go a long ways back-"

"And what is her name?" Armstrong asks.

"Momo," Toshiro says. "Momo Hinamori, lieutenant of Squad 5… she means a lot to me… I must protect her."

"Oh, so I see," Armstrong responds. "What about you two girls?"

"No one really," Kagome says in a fast voice. "I mean, I really would be fine without him. It's not like he means that much to me. It's not like I miss- InuYasha!"

She begins to cry, and Sango tries to comfort her.

"She's having some trouble being separate from InuYasha," Sango explains. "As for me, I can go a pretty long time being separate from my fiancé, the monk Miroku… mainly because I'm so used to his touch… in places he shouldn't!"

Her face becomes red with anger, just thinking of Miroku's "hand" problems, and not of the wind tunnel type. Armstrong then looks around at the others. "Anyone else?" he asks. "It's okay to say so here… no one will find out."

"Well… I sort of, uh, like… Ichigo Kurosaki," Orihime comments. "But don't tell him that!"

"Yeah, it's sort of similar for me," Ed says. "I really like Winry Rockbell… she's the best automail mechanic I know."

"Hey, what about me?" Naruto asks. "I like Sakura… although she likes that stupid Sasuke… it's always about Sasuke… Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke… what's so great about him anyway?"

"What about you, Temari?" Armstrong asks.

"Well, speaking of Sasuke…" she says, beginning to blush.

"So it seems a lot of you have someone you really like," Armstrong says. "Very interesting."

The tribe members go to sleep just a short time later, most of them still thinking about the ones they really care about.

Day 3

Jurai Tribe

Makoto wakes up before any of the other tribe members, finding Ryo-ohki eating the fruit again.

"Hey, get out of here!" she says, pushing Ryo-ohki away from the fruit.

"Meow," a sad Ryo-ohki replies.

"We're never going to get by with this thing eating everything in sight," Makoto says. "If voting Sasami off first is the only way to stop this from happening, then so be it."

Later in the morning, Makoto tells the others how Ryo-ohki was eating their fruit again, although this time, not as much.

"Ryo-ohki, you have to behave," Sasami tells Ryo-ohki.

"Meow," Ryo-ohki says.

"I think I'll watch Ryo-ohki tonight," Tenchi says. "That way, I'll make sure she doesn't eat our fruit again."

"If there is a tonight for that thing," Asuka says. "If we lose, that girl and that cabbit might be the first to go. But what am I saying- we won't lose!"

The tribe eats their rice for lunch a little earlier in the day than they did yesterday, then they split off to pass the time before the immunity challenge. However, there are some members with the idea of starting an alliance. Ash and Brock meet together with Tenchi and Sasami.

"We've got to get rid of that annoying Asuka," Ash says in a low voice to the other three. "I can't stand her."

"Much agreed," Brock says. "Are you two in on our plan?"

"What do you think, Tenchi?" Sasami asks Tenchi.

"Uh, ha ha ha ha," Tenchi nervously laughs, in his usual wishy-washy way, putting his hand behind his head.

About a half-hour later, Asuka and Shinji see Sasami and Tenchi playing with Ryo-ohki, and go over to talk with them.

"So, we've, uh, we're, um-" Shinji struggles to say.

"Oh, let me talk, stupid Shinji!" Asuka breaks in. "Look, I'm used to working with this guy, so he can be a little shy, but what he means is that he and I want to start an alliance, and we want to start it with you two. We thought that we could go after one of those Pokémon guys."

Sasami looks at Tenchi with wonder. "Do you think we should join them, Tenchi?" she asks.

"Uh, ha ha ha ha," Tenchi nervously laughs again, putting his hand behind his head, still unable to make a decision.

Makoto and Ami are talking to each other away from the other six- although not about voting strategies.

"We can't let them see our transformed selves," Makoto tells Ami.

"I would prefer that they do not see us like that as well, but what if we have to?" Ami asks. "How much would it hurt if they found out who we really are?"

"We just can't," Makoto replies. "You never know if some of these people here are spies for Queen Beryl or what."

"I think it will come down to the situation," Ami comments. "We may be forced to do so, whether we like it or not."

Seireitei Tribe

The Seireitei tribe members eat their rice for their lunch meal. After they finish, Temari goes over to Armstrong and Ed.

"You two are very strong," she says. "I would like to team up with you."

"We already are on a team!" Armstrong replies. "And with these muscles, we can't lose!"

"No, no, not that," she responds. "I mean, when it comes to voting… I want to vote for the same person who two vote for."

"Okay," Ed says. "That sounds easy enough. But who for?"

"Well, I was thinking…" Temari says...

Meanwhile, Toshiro is talking with Kagome and Sango about Sesshomaru.

"You know that creep?" he asks.

"Yeah, he's sort of- well, not our enemy, but not our friend either," Sango replies.

"How do you know him, then?" Toshiro asks.

"He's InuYasha's brother," Kagome answers.

"InuYasha? Is that your boyfriend?" Toshiro asks.

"I guess you could say that," Kagome replies. "The two of them don't get along very well."

"They're known for fighting each other even when they need to be working together," Sango explains. "But Sesshomaru has become a little nicer ever since the girl Rin began following him around."

"So he's not all bad?" Toshiro says.

"That's right, he has some good in him, so to speak," Sango explains. "But I wouldn't cross him… he's very, very powerful."

"You don't worry about me," Toshiro comments. "If he dares to attack you two, or Orihime, I'll kill him without a second thought. He doesn't know the power of a Soul Reaper."

Naruto is bragging to Orihime about all his achievements as a ninja. Orihime just goes along with him, not understanding anything about what he is talking about, but thinking he must be pretty important.

"So you do a lot of important work?" she asks him.

"Well, of course!" Naruto replies. "I'm a ninja, and as a ninja, I have to carry out important missions to protect my village! Believe it!"

"Wow…" Orihime says, without even knowing what he means.

Jurai Tribe

It is now later in the day, and the tribe is eating their second meal early, because they know that the immunity challenge is upcoming. Notably, Ash and Brock sit quite a bit away from Asuka and Shinji, as the two small alliances have already begun to put up a wall between each other. As Makoto serves the rice to Sasami and Tenchi, Sasami asks Tenchi where they should sit.

"Should we sit by Ash and Brock, or by Asuka and Shinji?" she asks Tenchi.

Tenchi responds with his usual nervous laughter, not knowing what to say. And in typical Tenchi fashion, he decides to sit at a point exactly the same distance between both the Pokémon trainers and the Eva pilots.

"We must be prepared for the challenge," Ami tells everyone. "We don't want to be the first ones to lose."

"What are you, stupid?" Asuka asks her. "Do you actually think we're going to lose? Come on, have some confidence! You're so much like that Wonder Girl… no confidence at all!"

Seireitei Tribe

The tribe members are just about to head to the immunity challenge, as Temari is prepared to lead them along the way. Toshiro is talking to Orihime about Sesshomaru.

"Listen, if that demon dares do anything to us while we're on our way to the immunity challenge, I will not hesitate to kill him," he tells her. "If I begin to fight, I want you to stay with those two girls, Kagome and Sango… you'll be safer with them. Do you understand?"

"Sure!" a cheerful Orihime responds.

The tribe begins walking behind Temari, heading toward the immunity challenge spot. As they do, a vigilant Sesshomaru watches them from the forest, unseen by Toshiro or any of his tribe members.

"So, Lord Sesshomaru, shall we plunder their cabin?" Jaken asks.

"Quiet, Jaken," Sesshomaru replies. "I will do what I must."

Immunity Challenge

Jet Black greets both tribes as they arrive in a large field for the immunity challenge.

"Welcome, everyone, to our first immunity challenge!" he says. "So, how have you all been doing?"

"Pretty good," Makoto replies. "Except for some problems with protecting our own food."

"We've had our own problems," Toshiro adds. "Just with a demon who's been deciding to bother us."

"Speaking of demons, that's part of today's challenge!" Jet announces. "My assistant Koga here will unleash the demons."

"Koga?" Kagome asks.

Koga steps out from behind Jet, then immediately runs up to Kagome and grabs her hand.

"Kagome, if this challenge gets out of hand, don't worry, I'll rescue you," he says. "You can count on me, unlike that mutt."

"Thanks," Kagome replies embarrassedly.

"All right, all right, get back over here," Jet tells Koga. "You're going to unload a bunch of demons, five of which will be holding sacred jewel shards."

"And our job is to collect those jewel shards?" Ami asks.

"That is correct," Jet replies. "Of course, you won't be able to do so without first defeating the demons that hold them. I should also point out that the shards held by Koga's body are off-limits."

"He has shards?" Brock asks Ash, of course not able to sense the shards in Koga's body.

"The first team to collect three sacred jewel shards wins the immunity plushie," Jet continues. "Here's what you're playing for."

Jet holds up Kon, who is squirming and trying to get free.

"You put me down!" Kon yells. "I'm not just a toy!"

"Actually, you are," Jet responds. "Just remember what you'll be getting if you decide to play nice."

"Some time with Rukia," Kon says. "Oh, I think that's worth it… hey, Orihime, please win for me!"

Orihime looks at Toshiro in confusion. "Is that stuffed animal talking?" she asks.

"It's actually a modsoul," Toshiro explains. "Don't worry about it."

"Okay, so does everyone understand the challenge?" Jet asks.

Jet gets a bunch of half-hearted nods and "sort of"s from the players.

"All right, for immunity!" Jet announces. "Survivors ready, go!"

Koga releases the top of a jar, whereupon hundreds of snake-like demons come flying out. All the players look at the demons in confusion, not knowing where these sacred jewel shards could possibly be, except for Kagome.

"I sense a sacred jewel shard!" she exclaims, as always.

"Don't let the other team know!" Sango replies.

"Oops, sorry," Kagome responds. She then pulls out her bow and arrow and fires an arrow towards a demon that has a shard. However, she misses very badly.

"Just tell me which one has the shard, and I'll throw my boomerang at it," Sango whispers to Kagome.

Kagome whispers to Sango the demon that has the shard, and Sango fires her Hiraikotsu at the demon, defeating it, and releasing the shard. Naruto immediately sees the jewel fall out of the demon, and he rushes to pick it up.

"Hey, how can they tell where the jewel shards are?" Ash asks.

"I guess we're going to have to just beat as many demons as possible, and that's how we'll find the jewel shards," Brock says. "Go, Onix!"

Brock sends Onix out of its Poké Ball, while Ash tells Pikachu to begin attacking the demons. Onix's tackling and Pikachu's electricity bring down some of the demons, but they do not find any jewel shards.

"Where are they?" Ash asks angrily.

Toshiro, meanwhile, is slicing demons left and right with his zanpakuto, having no idea whether any of them have any jewel shards or not. One of them that he slices ends up having a jewel shard in it, and Temari quickly picks it up.

"That's two," Temari comments.

"Come on, you two, destroy the right demons!" Asuka yells at Brock and Ash.

"Why don't you do something for once?" Ash yells back.

"I don't have my Eva with me, or I would!" she screams at him.

Makoto and Ami silently contemplate transforming, but both decide against it, given the fact that merely defeating the demons does not seem to be enough. Armstrong, meanwhile, is picking up demons with his bare hands and ripping them apart.

"These demons are not too strong for these muscles!" he says.

Ash sees one rather-large looking demon and tells Pikachu to use its Thunder attack on it.

"Pi-ka-chu!" Pikachu says.

The demon bursts open, and out come three sacred jewel shards. However, they fly right towards Orihime, who has just been standing idly by. She sees them fly to her, and she grabs them all.

"Seireitei wins immunity!" Jet Black shouts.

"What happened?" Ash asks.

"What are you, stupid?" Asuka responds. "Your stupid mouse allowed the other team to get the rest of the jewel shards! You should have waited until it was closer to us!"

"At least I did something," Ash replies.

Jet walks over and hands Kon to Orihime. "This is for you," he says. "Your tribe is immune from voting for tonight."

"Oh, Orihime!" Kon says happily, as Orihime squeezes him tight to her chest in celebration.

"Both tribes, you can head back to camp," Jet tells everyone. "Jurai, I'll see you tonight at Tribal Council… just follow your first map back to where you started from, because that's where it is."

The Jurai tribe members walk back towards their camp upset, with Ash, Brock and Asuka all arguing with each other as they go.

Seireitei Tribe

The tribe members arrive back at their camp in the late evening to find their large barrel of rice missing, and their fire put out- again.

"I'm going to kill that demon," Toshiro seethes.

"Why would he do this to us?" Kagome asks.

"This is terrible! What now are we going to eat?" Naruto says.

"I guess we're going to have to hunt for fruit," Temari suggests.

"Come on, we've got to try to start this fire again," Ed tells Temari.

While Ed and Temari work on starting the fire again, Toshiro heads off into the forest, hoping to find Sesshomaru. He walks back toward the same spot where he found Jaken before, but he does not see anyone at first, until he hears a voice from behind him.

"Are you looking for me?" Sesshomaru asks.

Toshiro turns to face Sesshomaru, with his face full of anger, and one hand ready to pull out his zanpakuto. "Just tell me one thing," he says. "Why did you do it?"

Sesshomaru stares at Toshiro coldly. "You're in my territory," he says. "You play by my rules."

"As long as I'm here, you're not going to continue to bully our tribe," Toshiro replies. "What did you do with our rice?"

"It's right here," Sesshomaru says. "But as far as I'm concerned, it belongs to me… as long as it remains in my territory."

Toshiro gets even angrier. "I'll give you one last chance," he tells Sesshomaru. "Either you give me that barrel and agree to stop bothering us, or I'll be forced to fight you- and you will lose."

"I don't know if you'd be able to carry it," Sesshomaru replies. "You look a little small to do that."

"That's it!" Toshiro yells.

But right as he is about to draw his zanpakuto, he is interrupted by Kagome.

"Sesshomaru!" she says. "Please, we don't mean to interfere with your territory… we know it's yours, we just need that rice to survive… it's all part of our game."

Sesshomaru stares at Kagome, who looks at him pleadingly, then over at Toshiro, who is still ready to fight.

"As long as you don't give any to him," he tells her. He then walks over and gives her the barrel.

"Thank you, Sesshomaru!" says Kagome, who then begins to walk away with the barrel.

Toshiro watches Kagome walk away, then gives Sesshomaru one final dirty look, before following her back to camp.

"What does this Sesshomaru have against me, and why is he bothering our tribe so much?" Toshiro says. "And why does he listen to Kagome?"

Jurai Tribe

Tensions are building among the Jurai tribe members, particularly between the Pokémon trainers and Asuka.

"You and that stupid electric mouse!" Asuka screams at Ash. "You just go around destroying demons randomly, and then you shoot the jewel shards right to that girl on the other team! What's wrong with you?"

"I didn't see you even attempt to help us," Ash replies. "That's worse, in my opinion."

"Excuse me, but you are at an advantage, getting to bring your mouse along with you," Asuka snaps. "I wasn't allowed to bring my Eva with me… for some reason Commander Ikari doesn't trust me to take the Eva away from NERV headquarters."

"That's your problem," Ash says.

"Yeah, if you're going to complain, you better do your part," Brock adds.

Asuka looks at Shinji, who is just staring at her blankly.

"Are you dense? Aren't you going to defend me?" she asks Shinji.

Makoto walks up to the arguing players with the map to Tribal Council.

"Come on, we have to get going," she tells them. "Ami will lead the way."

"Wonder Girl #2?" Asuka asks. "I have to follow her around? Oh, it's so unfair!"

The eight tribe members head on their way toward Tribal Council.

Tribal Council

After a long walk, the eight players arrive at Tribal Council, where Jet Black greets them warmly. There is a large fire burning in the middle of the area, with places for the tribe members to sit on one side.

"First things first, you need to collect your torches," Jet tells them. "Each of you has a torch, so find yours in that line over there and light it up."

As the players do so, Jet continues to talk.

"In this game, fire represents life. When the fire on your torch is gone, so are you from this game," he explains.

"What if it rains?" Makoto asks.

"Hey, let's not think about this too hard, I'm trying to be a little poetic here," Jet replies. "Now set your lit torches back over there."

The players set their torches back over where they collected them.

"Okay, so let's talk a bit," he says. "Your tribe is the first to have to come here. I'm sure no one wants to be here, am I correct?"

Asuka, Ash and Brock all raise their hands in protest.

"What, do we already have some inner problems?" Jet asks.

"Yeah, we're both sick of Asuka," Ash replies.

"Oh, so tell me about this," Jet says. "What is this argument about?"

Asuka, Ash and Brock all start talking at once, causing Jet to wave his arms in order to stop them.

"One at a time please!" he laughs. "Asuka, why don't we start with you?"

"The stupid kid with the electric mouse cost us the immunity challenge," Asuka responds. "If not for his mouse pretty much giving the jewel shards to the other team, we may have won."

"But you didn't help us out at all!" Ash yells at Asuka.

"Yeah, Ash and I were the only ones to do anything!" Brock protests.

"Wow, so we have a problem within the tribe already," Jet says, with a bit of excitement in his voice. "What about the rest of you?"

"Well, that cabbit creature has been eating our fruit," Makoto says. "It's a little annoying."

"I'm sorry… Ryo-ohki can't help it," Sasami responds.

Jet rubs his hands together, seemingly more excited. "So one of the pets brought along as a comfort item is causing trouble by eating your food?" he asks.

"Yeah, but I'm going to watch Ryo-ohki more carefully from now on to make sure it doesn't happen again," Tenchi answers.

"It better not happen again," Ami says.

"Oh, what are you talking about, Ayanami?" Asuka breaks in.

"Excuse me, but my name is Ami, not Ayanami," Ami replies.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Jet says, waving his hands. "Clearly there are a lot of problems within this tribe. Perhaps ousting a member will help solve a few of those problems. It's time to vote."

As the Tribal Council theme "Tally the Vote" plays, the players walk over to the voting booth one by one, writing down their votes, and giving their reason for voting.

Ami goes to vote.

Ash goes to vote.

"I'm voting for Asuka," Ash says. "As if she isn't lazy enough, she's trying to blame me for the team's loss in the immunity challenge."

Asuka goes to vote.

"My vote is for that Ash kid," Asuka says. "He's so stupid!"

Brock goes to vote.

Makoto goes to vote.

"Sorry, Sasami," Makoto says, "but we won't be able to survive if your cabbit keeps on eating everything."

Sasami goes to vote.

Shinji goes to vote.

Tenchi goes to vote.

After all the players come back from voting, Jet Black announces, "I'll go tally the votes."

He walks over to the voting booth, counts up the votes, then places the pieces of paper in a certain order in a bucket. He then comes back over to the players.

"Once I read the votes, the decision is final, and the person voted out will be asked to jump into the Bone Eater's Well immediately," Jet explains. "The first vote is for… Sasami."

Sasami looks pretty worried upon hearing her name read.

"The second vote," Jet says, pulling it out. "Asuka."

Asuka shrugs her shoulders.

"The third vote," Jet says, "Ash."

Ash looks on, a little nervous.

"Our fourth vote," Jet continues, "is for Sasami."

Sasami wiggles over next to Tenchi, holding on to him nervously, with Ryo-ohki looking up at her with a confused look.

"The fifth vote," Jet says. "Ash. That's two for Ash, two for Sasami, one for Asuka."

He then pulls out the next vote. "Asuka," he says. "We now have two for Asuka, two for Ash, and two for Sasami."

Ash and Sasami both look pretty nervous right now, although Asuka does not show any signs of being worried.

Jet pulls out the seventh vote very slowly. "Ash," he says. "That's three for Ash, two for Sasami, two for Asuka."

He then pulls out the final vote. "The first person voted out of Survivor: Feudal Japan," he announces, "is Ash Ketchum."

Ash gets up sadly, with Pikachu on his shoulder, and goes over to pick up his torch. He then holds it out before Jet.

"Ash," Jet tells him, "the tribe has spoken."

Jet snuffs out Ash's torch, then Ash and Pikachu go over to the Bone Eater's Well and jump in it.

"Only three days in, and this is clearly, a tribe divided," Jet says. "I think you all have a lot to think about. Take your torches back to your camp… good night."

As the Survivor theme plays, the players grab their torches and begin their long trek back to their camp.

"It is what it is," Ash says. "I hoped to at least make it past the first vote, but it wasn't to be. I guess Tenchi and Sasami decided to betray Brock and me… I just hope he can make it past the next vote. I also hope someone gets rid of Asuka as soon as possible!"

(Who voted for whom:

Ash- Asuka

Asuka- Ash

Ami- Sasami

Brock- Asuka

Makoto- Sasami

Sasami- Ash

Shinji- Ash

Tenchi- Ash)

Scenes from our next episode:

A very painful reward challenge awaits the players:

Soi Fon looks at the players in a very stern way. "Your rice will not last long," she says.


The immunity plushie gives advice to one of the players:

"The big guy and the pipsqueak and the ninja girl all want to vote you out!" Kon exclaims. "They're making an alliance against you!"


And a certain someone causes trouble around the Jurai camp:
