Epilogue: 12 years later

Epilogue: 12 years later.

I got some great reviews from my loyal fans. Here it is, the epilogue. After this, I will post the bio for the twins.

It was a beautiful spring day. The Hokage looked out from the balcony of his office. Naruto Uzumaki was dressed in his Hokage robes he got from Hinata for his birthday 3 years ago. He was watching over the village. He smiled and went back to face his greatest enemy…paperwork. He sat down and ruffled his hair. Now it was longer and a little more tame but still spiky. Hinata walked into his office carrying in some rice balls tea for him. She put the tray down on the desk and smiled.

"What are you thinking about Naruto-kun?"

"Huh? Oh, hi Hinata-chan. Just going over the new team assignments for the new Genin teams. I am amazed you know. Hikari was one of the top Kunoichi and Minato ended up being just like me." Naruto said.

"Really? How did Minato end up like you?"

"He has bad chakra control, yet I was able to teach him the Kage Bushin. He only failed the graduation exam once. He really shows promise. I'm happy since they both made Genin."

"They've both made us proud. Hikari has developed her own gentle fist style and Minato wants you to teach him the Rasengan."

"I will teach him to use it soon enough…"

The door flew open to reveal the Uzumaki twins. They had earned that name by reputation. They had outdone their father in the line of pranks. They had developed a prime addiction to ramen. Even Hikari had started to crush on Kiba's son. It was a nice thing to see.

"Daddy, who is on my team?" Hikari asked. She became daddy's little girl. Naruto spoiled her a lot. He also spoiled Minato as well. Naruto taught him how to use the Kage Bushin at age 7 and taught Hikari how to use it at age 7 as well. Though Minato picked up quicker than his sister.

"Dad, why can't I be on my own?" Minato asked.

Naruto rose out his chair and approached the twins.

"Minato, Hikari, I may not have had the childhood you two had, but I was grateful for my team. Without them, Not only would I not be here today, I would not have become who I am. My teammates showed me everything. Even when team 7 had disbanded, the friends I was teamed with taught me more. Kakashi, Iruka and I discussed it. Hikari, you will be on Team 10 with Shino's daughter and Kiba's son. Minato, you will be on Team 7 with Lee's son and your uncle Neji and Aunt TenTen's daughter. That is the end of it. I will see you two at home later for dinner. We are going to Ichiraku's for dinner."

"Wow, thanks daddy." Hikari squealed. Naruto either made a foolish or reasonable choice.

"Thanks dad. Cousin Raven is a great choice. See you at home. Bye mom and dad."

"UZUMAKI TWINS, VANISH!!" The twins said together and with a snap of there fingers poofed away in a cloud of smoke. Hinata walked up to Naruto and enveloped him in a hug.

"You made the right choice my love."

"I know I did. Hinata?"

"What is it, Naruto-kun?"

He looked out the widow one more time. He saw the Rookie 9 and there kids all training. Hikari and Minato as well. He saw them becoming strong Shinobi someday.

"Naruto, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong my love. Everything is going to be just fine."

And with that "Children of the Knucklehead" is truly finished. I just wanted to leave you all some closure. My new series is in production and I should start having them up soon. The series will be done by summers end. As I said, I will take requests. Just PM me with a coupling from Naruto and a plot. No Yaoi, please. If you really want it, it will be friendship only. Well, my fans. I bid you all a fond farewell. Until next time, I'll see you around Konaha.