Note: "comlink"

"Starscream! Report to the command center, now!" Megatron yelled over the comlink.

Said seeker leisurely made his way down to the command center, knowing all too well what was to come. He stopped before the door, 'Why do I always mess everything up? It's always me. Then I get punished for it too. I understand the beating, but humiliation in front of all the Decepticons is simply too much. Being that my ego is bigger than Cybertron itself. But I will not let Megatron take advantage of me again, I will not show weakness. I won't… I can't.' He thought as he finally opened the door and quietly slipped in.

"Ah Starscream, how nice of you to show up." The Decepticon commander snarled. "Do you know what your actions have earned you?"

Starscream looked down, refusing to speak.

"Do you never learn?! Now, you will get what you deserve…" Megatron raised his cannon, and fired full blast.

The shot earned a few snickers from the large group of Decepticons standing by, but Starscream did not yelp in pain as expected. Thundercracker and Skywarp exchanged worried glances. After all, the victim of Megatron's wrath was their fellow seeker. Even Decepticons had some sort of compassion for an equal with closer bonds than the mere Decepticon title. Not only the seekers, but the Cassetticons and Constructicons also had a certain level of care among themselves.

Megatron's optics narrowed. He stalked towards the downed seeker— harshly lifting him up off the cold floor— and let his feet dangle in the air. Glowing energon trickled down Starscream's wounded body. "You worthless coward. Not even trying to fight back? You're pathetic." Megatron propelled him across the room until he fiercely collided with the seemingly unbreakable wall.

Starscream grunted as he hit the floor again, whimpering softly. He looked up, but his vision was blurred, one optic had cracked during the impact.

Megatron growled, "Leave him here to rot. Everyone is dismissed. Get back to your shifts immediately, am I understood?"

The Decepticons nodded and scurried to their stations. After throwing one more disgusted look at Starscream, Megatron left to his quarters. The room was left empty, save for a broken second in command struggling to rest against the wall.

Skywarp suddenly appeared in front of him, "Hey 'Screamer, you alright? Looks like the boss-bot was a tad more outraged than normal."

"You don't say." Starscream muttered.

The door opened with a hiss to reveal Thundercracker. "You gotta stop doing that 'Warp, or at least give me a warning before you disappear into thin air."

The purple seeker shrugged.

"Now c'mon, let's get 'Screamer to the med bay, before Megatron finds out we're not on duty."

Skywarp and Thundercracker stood on each side and carefully lifted Starscream to his feet, making their way to the med bay.


"What do you glitches want?" Hook asked gruffly.

"Starscream repaired, short and sweet." Skywarp snapped back.

Hook shook his head, "Megatron get to you again, did he? Pretty bad this time too…"

The air commander did not acknowledge the Decepticon surgeon, or even that he had spoken.

"Fine, just set him over there." Hook pointed to a table not far away. "And you two get outta here. Especially you Skywarp, I don't want you trashing the place again! Now out!" He shook his fist in annoyance.

"Can't ya just the feel the love in here, TC? It's just great." Skywarp taunted.

"Just shut it will ya 'Warp?" Thundercracker exasperated as he left the med bay.

"Pfft, you're no fun." He warped to the communications room.

Several kliks past and Starscream never spoke. He simply stared at floor, allowing the surgeon to slowly repair him. Not once did he flinch at Hook's ungentle touch.

"There, you're finished. You'll be sore for awhile, but that's not my problem." Hook shooed him away.

Starscream limped to his quarters, ignoring the unfriendly glances shot his way. He barely made it to the berth before his knees buckled. Putting his head in his hands, he tried to forget the day's events. The seeker began to wonder why exactly he still sided with the Decepticons, all except Skywarp and Thundercracker hated him. Then he remembered why…


"You, what is your name?" A tall silver mech asked, looming over the smaller seeker.

"St-Starscream, sir." The large mech had startled him.

"Starscream, you look like the capable sort. I am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. And you will swear allegiance to the Decepticon cause. Am I clear?"


"That was not a proposal, that was a command… soldier." Megatron made sure his arm cannon was clearly visible.

The seeker took a step back, but nodded nevertheless.

Megatron suddenly advanced and pinned Starscream to the wall, making the young mech flinch. "And just to be clear, there is no disobeying me. Or you will get what's coming to you."

.:End Flashback:.

That was many mega-cycles ago. The war had hardened Starscream, he hadn't always been so cruel… so evil. He remembered one time when he had tried to escape the Decepticons and this Primus-forsaken war, but he was caught by Megatron, and the insensate leader nearly offlined him.

That's when he realized he would never be free of them, of him, until the Mighty Megatron was defeated. Since then he'd been trying to overthrow Megatron, so the pain would stop, so the humiliation would stop.

The humiliation… he would make them pay, for laughing at him while he was struck.

Thundercracker and Skywarp would stand by his side, Starscream knew that. They would help overthrow Megatron, and the rest of those aft-kissing Decepticons if they defied him. He could destroy Megatron to alleviate his agony. No. He would destroy Megatron and become leader. Even if it cost him everything… he would.

Hope you enjoyed it, my first actual fic other than a poem, so no flames. Please let me know what you think.