Things you will never hear Maximum Ride characters say.

AN. Okay everyone, let me get this straight. This is a parody! Every one is ridiculously OOC! That is the whole point! Do not take offense! It is meant to make fun of Maximum Ride characters! Now that we've got that straight,

Disclaimer: Do I look like JP? ...Don't answer that.

Claimer: I own a couple of really cool CDs, a excellent sense of humour and a pet rock named Bob. -Grins and holds up Bob.-

The Gasman: Excuse me.

Angel: Blood! Muahahahahahacoughhahah!


Iggy: Eww, girls have cooties! Yucky!

Max: I can't do it! I can't do it! (Sobbing)

Iggy: Yikes! An explosion! Mommy!


Fang: …And than she was like "no wai" and I was all like ohmigod totally, and she was like LOL, and I was like…

Max: Then I fricasseed the courgette in a soy mélange and sautéed it with a bit of truffle oil and voila!

Gazzy: Gee, blowing things up is getting old. Maybe I should build things instead of destroying them!

Iggy: Waaa! I hate being blind! I'm going to throw a screaming tantrum now!

Angel: Goo gah! Goo gah! Waaaah!

Fang: When you said that, it really hurt my feelings. You made me feel like I wasn't worth anything. I think you should be careful when you say things like that.

Ari: Come here Fang, I want to give you a big hug.

Jeb: Gee, maybe these experiments are inhumane! Maybe I should stop!


Max: I can't do that. Can you big strong men help me? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Angel: Do you think we are all giant noodles from planet Zarcomfle?

Iggy: I think we are giant noodles!

Max: ladi la li la. You think that's an Eraser? Nah, it's just a really hairy person!

Gazzy: EMC2, the capital of Nepal is Katmandu, and Mississippi is spelled M.I.S.S.I.S.S.I.P.P.I.

Nudge: I really talk a lot, don't I?

Max: Ah! I broke a nail! (sobsobsob)

Fang: I love you Max.

Max: I love you Fang.

AN. I love Fax, actually. There is no chance that they will randomly blurt that out, though. Except if they're on Valium...

Review for Max's virtual cookies!