The Browncoat Wizard

Summary: Firefly xover. Harry Potter finally did it. He beat Voldemort. And then something strange happened. Hit by a spell designed by Voldemort to kill him, Harry is transported through time to an unlikely set of new dilemmas and a set of strange new people.

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters I am merely using them to further my own plot ideas.

Chapter Two: Waking Up

Simon poked and fiddled with the contents of his medicine cabinet, making a quick note or two here and there of what would need to be restocked once they finally reached Persephone. The kid had unfortunately ended up using quite a bit of their tranquilizer and a few of their less used medicines for his nerve damage. Closing one of the cupboard Simon turned around to glance uncomfortably at the boy who lay innocently on the medical bed.

Simon was not going to lie to himself and say that how Jayne had described the boy appearing out of thin air did not make him uncomfortable. They had been in space for almost two weeks now with no stops, so either the boy had been very good at hiding his presence on the ship, or Jayne was right, he had literally appeared out of no where. Neither option left Simon's nerves in any better shape.

Simon sat down in a chair that he had drug into the infirmary. It was his turn on watch. The tranquilizers that he had given the boy had warn off hours ago, and now the boy rested in peaceful slumber. Mal had tried to insist on waking the boy in order to ask his some questions, but Simon had been able to persuade him to see that whatever the kid had gone through appeared to have been traumatic, and it was better to let the kid's mind work on healing itself before thrusting themselves onto the kid.

Luckily, Mal had subsided and had left Simon to wait in the infirmary until the kid woke up.

It wasn't until two hours later that Simon finally started to see some signs of the boy waking up, or at least having heightened mental activity. The kid had begun to twist and turn in his bed, and Simon was almost afraid that he was going to fall off the medical bed, but as quickly as the boy had started to become restless, he stopped and opened his eyes.

"Good morning." Simon said quietly as he looked down at his patient, but his patient did not seem to be focused on him just yet.

The boy's eyes slowly looked around the room and took in his surroundings before his eyebrows scrunched together and the boy's weary hand rubbed at his brow. "Another hospital," Simon heard the boy mutter to himself, "why is it always hospitals."

Simon frowned just a bit at this but decided to persevere. "How are you feeling." Simon asked him, slightly surprised when the vivid green eyes snapped up to his.

"Like shit," the boy replied bluntly as he tried to sit up, only to wince and decided that it was better to remain laying down.

"That was a bit expected. I'm going to take a look at your vital's," Simon replied as he drew out some instruments and began to press them to the boy's chest.

"Do you know if I beat him?" the boy asked suddenly.

"Beat who?" Simon replied in confusion. The boy was far more lucid than he had expected him to be, and he was not sure that was a good thing. All of his vitals were strangely high also.

"Voldemort." the young man replied, as though that would explain it all.

"Never heard of him." Simon replied as he stood back from the kid, "but, all of your vitals are where they should be."

"Never heard of him?" Harry replies in confusion, before sitting up and taking a better glance around. "Damn," boy began to mutter to himself, 'muggles. Should have guessed with the lights.' Simon barely heard, but he supposed it didn't really matter anyways, it had made no sense to him. "Do you know where I was found then?" the boy asked suddenly as he looked over at Simon.

"Well, you found us. You just appeared out of no where onto our ship." Simon replied a bit nervously as he sat back down on his chair to watch the boy. It sounded like crazy talk.

"Oh." was all that the boy replied before being quite a moment. He was about to open his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted as the door to the infirmary was pushed open and River walked in. Simon could tell that the boy recognized her from before, and he was not very pleased about that since the last time River had been in the boy's presence all it had managed to do was upset River. "Can I speak to you alone?" Simon heard the boy ask River.

"Absolutely not." Simon replied quickly for his sister before she has a chance to say anything for herself.

"And why not?" The boy replied in slight agrivation.

"Because she is my sister."

"I see." the boy replied. Simon watched as the boy turned back to look at his sister. "Is Voldemort dead?"

"Who?" River asked in some confusion as she glanced over at Simon.

"Who is Voldemort?" Simon asked at almost the same time. Who was this boy, asking if someone was dead. He didn't like it and he wanted him gone once they got to Persephone, despite the fact that River wanted to keep him.

The boy was staring at River. "You use Legilimency like it were breathing air, but you don't know who Voldemort is? Where am I?" The boy asks slightly angrily before throwing a glare at the girl. "Will you stop that!"

Simon looked between River and the boy in confusion, the boy was clearly agitated and River looked like she might break down and start crying at any moment. Simon didn't know what to do, this had to stop.

"Why can't I see anything." River asked slightly panicked, her voice wavering with uncertainty. Simon stood up and moved over to where River was and took her hands in his.

"River." He said softly.

"I can't see anything..." River trailed off as she continued to stare at they boy. Simon looked down at River in worry, before glancing back over his shoulder at the boy.

"I am occluding my mind. What sort of witch are you? You can use Legillimency like a play thing but you have never run across someone who can feel your probes?" The boy said as Simon watched him climb slowly off of the medical table.

"A witch?" River asked slowly as she looked around Simon.

"Your not a witch?" the boy asked in shock.

"You, stop talking" Simon said in aggravation as he looked at the boy. "You are upsetting her." he said before he turned back towards his sister and looked her in the eyes "River, you are no witch."

"She sure acts like one." Simon heard the boy mutter.

"Look I think we should start over. My name is Simon, this is my sister, River. Who are you?" Simon said quickly.

"Harry." the boy responded.

"Alright, Harry. Drop the witch thing, or whatever it is you are talking about. We are going to the kitchen so that we can get you something to eat."

Harry followed Simon and River out of the infirmary, dressed in a pair of pants and shirt that Simon had been kind enough to lend him. Apparently his old clothing has been discarded, due to the fact that it had apparently been soaked through with blood, and cut up in a number of places.

As they walked down the hallway, Harry took in his surroundings, the metal hull echoed dully as they clambered through it, up and down stairs and an occasional ladder. He couldn't figure out the two people that he was following. Neither of them had ever heard of Voldemort, and one of them was a natural legilimens. It didn't make sense. Why had no one ever confronted her about her ability. Sure the ministry would have contacted her about it before now.

Harry idle climbed another set of stairs while wondering why this 'ship' was not even sway the slightest on the water. He couldn't imagine that where ever they were was having -that- calm of waters.

The man, Simon, was talking, pointing out little things along the way, while the sister walked serenely behind him. Harry was not paying much mind. He picked up some things here and there. The bunk with all of the lights belonged to a girl named Kaylee. Mal was someone of importance. He didn't get much else out of Simon's talk before they reached the kitchen.

They walked in, Harry entering last. There was another man sitting at the table, polishing what looked to be a muggle gun. What surprised Harry was his reaction once he looked up and saw him standing there.

"Hell! What is he doing up!" The man yelled as he pointed his gun at Harry.

Harry had the good sense not to make any sudden movements, but he did eye the weapon warily.

"He was felling up to getting something to eat." Simon said mildly as he stared at the gun. "His name is Harry. Harry, this is Jayne." Simon said as way of introducing as he walked over behind a counter.

Harry continued to look at the man called Jayne. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Yeah, well, it ain't no pleasure to meet you again." Jayne replied gruffly as he began to pick his things up off of the table.

"Again?" Harry asked curiously, but Jayne didn't say anything.

"Jayne was the one that found you." River said calmly as she sat down across from where Jayne was standing.

"Oh. I see." Harry replied.

"One of the freakiest things, besides Reavers, that I have ever seen." Harry heard Jayne mutter to himself. What were Reavers?

"We have some food bars." Simon said, as he handed over a rectangularly packaged bar of food.

"That's fine. Thanks." Harry replied as he ripped open the packaging, and took a cautionary bite out of it. "Not as bad as it looks."

"I'll be in my bunk." Jayne said, as he just finished up getting all of his things together.

"Bye." Harry said as he watched Jayne make his way towards the door only to be stopped as yet another man entered the doorway.

"I see our patient is up." the man said, his voice sounding displeased. Harry gulped down the food that he had in his mouth and watched the man warily. "Simon..." The man said, dragging out every last syllable. "What did I tell you about him?"

"To get you when he woke." Simon said, Harry saw Simon cringe back a little bit.

"Right, now why is he standing in the kitchen?" The man asked.

"They were feeding me." Harry replied, before Simon was able to say anything. The man turned to Harry.

"I see. And just who are you?"

"Harry, Harry Potter."

"And what are you doing on my ship?" the man asked coldly.

"Well, I didn't really intend to be on your ship. It just happened that this is where I ended up."

"And where did you intend to be?"

Harry cringed slightly himself, "Expecting either in a hospital or dead." Harry watched as the mans face went from cold uncaring to looking a bit surprised, but the emotions were quickly shut down.

"I see. So why were you expecting to be six feet under or floating in the black? Alliance troubles? 'Cause we already go enough of those, and we don't need you adding to them."

"Alliance?" Harry asked in confusion. There was no declared alliances. At least not any that Harry would have to run from. Goblin treaties, and treaties with magical creatures, but no alliances.

Jayne, who had ended up standing in the doorway listening to their conversation was now staring at Harry with a look of confusion. "You aint never heard of the Alliance? What freakish backwater planet did you come from?"

"Earth?" Harry said weakly, he somehow just had a gut feeling that he was a lot further from home that he had ever been in his entire life. Everything was too strange. This was no sea-faring ship and these people were too strange to be regular muggles.

It was Mal's turn to look at Harry strangely. "Doc," he said slowly as he glanced over at Simon. "Are you sure you checked his head out properly?"

"Yes." Simon replied as he stared at Harry also.

Harry looked back out nervously at all of them, even River was staring at him. "Um...right. That is where we are, right? Earth?"

"Did you hit your head really hard?" Mal asked as he peered at Harry.

"I don't think so..."

"Because the only Earth I know is the Earth-that-was." Mal continued.

"Earth...that...was?" Harry repeated slowly before sitting down. This couldn't be right. There was no way -anyone- would joke around about that. Right? "Where am I?" Harry asked softly as he looked down at the ground, unable to bring himself to look at the people around him.

"On our way to Persephone, I think I told you that." Simon replied as he looked worriedly at Harry.

"But where is that?"



"It's a mid-planet. Not totally in the core, but not all the way out into the black."

"A planet." Harry repeated again. It was all a bad dream. He surprisingly felt himself wanting to be back out in the field with Voldemort, rather than sitting here with these strangers. At least he knew what to expect out of Voldemort.

"Yes. Are you sure you are feeling all right?" Simon asked.

"Can I see outside?" Harry asked suddenly as he looked up at the man who had yet to introduce himself, but he was assuming that this was going to be Mal, the man of importance that Simon had mentioned earlier.

"I suppose." Mal said as he looked down at Harry cautiously. "We can go up to the bridge."

Harry stood up to follow the man out, and wasn't surprised that everyone else was going to follow them up to the bridge. He heard Jayne whispering quietly to Simon, but he couldn't quite make out what they were saying. River who had been quiet the entire time continued to silently watch him, and Mal said nothing as he lead the way.

Harry anxiously followed Mall up the stairs, all the while hoping that his sneaking suspicion that he was somewhere he wasn't suppose to be was incorrect. "Well this is the bridge," Mal said as he walked into a large room filled with buttons, switches, control panels, blinking lights and screens.

But the thing that caught Harry's attention was not any of the controls, but the window that lead to the outside. It showed an inky blackness that was splattered with points of light. It was space, and Harry realized that he was without a doubt not on an ordinary boat, but a space ship.

"I can see it clearly now." River said quietly as she stood behind Harry. "You are not now. You are past."