Temperance Brennan nervously chewed her lip as her colleague, Jack Hodgins, to awaken in the back seat of the car that they were currently trapped in- underground. She was on the verge of breakdown as all of the missed opportunities flickered through her mind like a slide show. She should've told them; she could've told them. Now, it was too late. Now, they would remember her as a socially awkward and emotionally distant squint who couldn't relate to normal human beings. Some eulogy that'll be, she thought wryly as her sarky and cynical side took over. I can hear it now, "Dr. Brennan was a driven and determined young woman who would sacrifice human interactions just so that she could identify human remains that were thousands of years old."

She couldn't help but crack a smile at yet another ironic aspect. I was always buried under my work.

A groan brought her from her thoughts and caused her to look at the now waking figure beside her in the back seat. She looked over with a gentle softness in her blue eyes that silently told him to be calm.

"Dr. Brennan?" his voice cracked. "Where are we?"

"He got us, Jack. We're buried."

She softened her gaze further when panic overtook his face.


"I think that we have about fourteen hours of air left."

"Why aren't you freaking out?"

"I'm trying to creep you out," she deadpanned. It took him a few seconds before he got the humor and started to chuckle softly.

Booth was beyond the point of losing it. He had already threatened multiple techies and was now faced with the most irritating man alive. Seeley Booth hadn't bothered to remember his name; he just sat at the table and stared him down.

"Well, even if you did pay ransom you still wouldn't be able to reach them in time," the man said. Booth had heard enough at this point, so he stood up abruptly and stormed out of the room, leaving a tense silence in his wake.

Brennan and Hodgins were now sitting upright next to each other in the back seat in silence. They had just run through their supplies and now they were each lost in contemplation as their situation suddenly became very real to both of them. Just spit it out, Bren.

"Dr. Brennan-"

"I'm not who you think I am," she blurted out and then winced. Way to go, MORON!

"Huh?" Hodgins squeaked as he tilted his head to look at her.

She took a deep breath.

"I work for the FBI."

"Well, yeah," he laughed, relieved. "we all do."

"No," she shook her head in slight frustration. "I work for them not with them."

"So, you're like an agent?"

"Well, I used to be. I was a profiler," she took a deep breath and then began her story. "You know that I was put in the system at fifteen, but I never told you that I was put through abusive after abusive foster parent- each one worse than the last- and finally I got out with a full ride scholarship to the college of my choice."

Hodgins listened to his boss run through her life story- one that had remained hidden and secret up until that moment when she released everything. His boss never told anyone that she had joined the Marines after college; that she had been one of the top profilers at the FBI; that she actually got all of those jokes that everyone (excluding Zach) cracked at the Jeffersonian; that she didn't actually dress like the "eco-warrior" that they thought she did. No, Temperance Brennan was definitely not who they thought she was. By the time she was done, all of his questions boiled down to one.

"So, what are you really like?"

"Well," she took a deep breath. "I drink a lot of coffee, I hate paperwork, I pull a lot of pranks on people I work with, I make weird noises when I'm bored or frustrated, I'm pretty sarcastic about everything, I make jokes about really gruesome cases and situations, I love watching TV, I often run around in the rain, I can assemble a M14 sniper rifle faster than anyone I know, I'm pretty good with car chases, I've been injured a lot, I prefer cold foods, I cook a lot when I'm upset about anything, I hold liquor excellently, and I often burst out into random song and dance at random times in the day."

Hodgins was silent as he mulled all of this new information over.