AU. Brooke Davis is a new student who befriends all-star Lucas Scott and his group of friends. When the two meet, they cannot seem to get along. When something happens, do they see each other in a different light or will the drama continue? Major Brucas with Naley and Jeyton.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in the story except my characters.

The young brunette pulled up to her new school in her blue Volkswagen beetle. She eyed the place she considered "hell" before stepping out and heading towards the office. She rolled her eyes once she entered the warm room. There were papers everywhere and the woman behind the desk seemed to be confused and slightly frustrated. The girl walked up to the desk and knocked on the wood to get the old woman's attention.

"Oh!" The woman exclaimed. "I'm so sorry. How may I help you dear?" Brooke just handed her the paperwork and waited patiently while she looked over the papers. "Welcome to Tree Hill Mrs. Davis!"

"Thank you." Brooke muttered angrily. She didn't want to be here and wouldn't have to if her parents weren't so demanding and annoying. "I'll probably be needing help around the school since I'm new and everything."

The old woman nodded and looked at the computer before making a call and turning to an anxious Brooke. "Yes dear, I already have someone coming up." Brooke smiled politely and took a seat on one of the uncomfortable office seats. She looked around the small room, noticing the basketball pictures and trophies stood out among the rest. 'Figures' Brooke thought.

Brooke began to look around for something else to take her mind off of the craziness that had been going on lately when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She stood up and turned around, ready to blow some steam off on whoever decided to hit on her or talk to her.

"Listen here buddy-" She began fiercely before closing her mouth at the sight of the young man in front of her.

He laughed before shaking his head. "Someone's a little tired this morning." He held out his hand. "Lucas Scott." Brooke just rolled her eyes at his comment and ignored his hand before turning back around to sit down. He tapped her shoulder once again and she turned back around, getting ready to tell him to back off.

"What do you want?" Brooke hissed.

"I'm your "escort"." He said using finger quotes. She just shook her head and handed him her schedule. "Okay, so first period would be with me and Hales." She just ignored him as he talked to her or tried to talk to her. "Come on." She noticed that he began to walk away and she followed right behind him. "So where did you transfer from?"

She just looked at him before averting her eyes to her fingernails. He sighed before turning a corner and walking into a class. She followed behind him before she lost him and walked in the same classroom he had. 'Great' Brooke thought as everyone's eyes were on her and the annoying boy in front of her. Lucas walked up to the teacher and handed her the schedule before leading Brooke to a seat next to his.

He had tried to make conversation with her the whole class period but failed. She just wasn't in the mood to make any friends right now. Hell, she didn't even opt to come here; she was forced without any idea as to where she was going until she got here. She was angry at her parents but she knew she would have to make friends sooner or later; it would get lonely considering that she lived alone in this small hick of a town.

"Do you want to sit with me at Lunch?" Lucas attempted at conversation yet again on the way to second hour.

She sighed before finally talking to him. "Sure." Lucas smiled but Brooke looked bored as they made their way to another room of torture. Once Brooke had gotten through all four periods, it was time for lunch. Lucas had met her outside of her class and together they walked to the cafeteria.

Brooke noticed the table they sat at had about seven other people that looked like either jocks or cheerleaders. Brooke sat down uncomfortably as everyone stared at her; to them she was just the awkward new girl.

"Hey everyone, this is Brooke Davis." Lucas introduced her and she smiled with a little wave. They all figured she was non-threatening and loosened up a bit. The blond and brunette smiled while the few guys waved back. The only one Brooke guessed was still a little intimidated was the redhead but she figured it would pass.

"Hi, I'm Haley and the blond is Peyton. The redhead grouch over there is Rachel. My boyfriend is Nathan." Haley pointed to the cute black-haired one. "That's Skillz, Mouth, and Bevin over there." Brooke just smiled before laughing on the inside at the odd nicknames some of the people had.

"Nice to meet you all." She voiced to the whole table.

Lucas raised his hands and laughed. "She speaks!" Everyone just laughed along with him before returning to their conversations.

"Hey, don't worry about them, they are all just too busy in their social lives." The girl named Peyton said to her. Brooke just laughed and knew that her and this Peyton person were gonna be good friends. "So new girl, where did you transfer from?"

"L.A." Brooke replied with a laugh as the girl's eyes shot up in surprise.

"I've always wanted to go their. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in this old town but it does have its perks." Peyton mused as she looked at her group. Brooke also stared at the tiny group that was closely knit. She wished she had friends like this but since she moved so much she rarely had time to do so.

"Yeah, well I consider you lucky." Brooke confessed.

Peyton looked at her curiously. "How so?"

Brooke looked around the group before turning to the blond. "I've never really had any good friends. Maybe there was a few people who I liked but since I was always moving so much I guess I never had anyone close." Peyton sympathized the girl sitting in front of her before smiling and giving the brunette a small hug.

"I'll be your new best friend." Peyton laughed as Brooke smiled and hugged her back. Brooke felt comfortable with this girl and she needed a friend; maybe it would do her some good.

"Well thank you then." Brooke teased as she laughed at their joke. During her conversation with her newest friend she noticed she had forgotten about her cute escort. She looked around and found him chatting with a few guys from their table. He looked up for a moment and caught her eye which she immediately looked away from. She heard Peyton laughing and turned towards her.

"What?" Brooke asked, bewildered.

Peyton rolled her eyes and gave her a 'are you serious' look. "Flirting with Lucas?"

Brooke just scoffed. "Please, he's cute and all but he's not my type and besides I just got here." Brooke was amazed at how comfortable she was with Peyton and how easily she told her stuff.

"Yeah, well don't get too hopeful." Peyton said knowingly. "His psycho girlfriend won't have it."

"I take it you don't like her?" Brooke proposed.

"Nobody does and ever since they started dating, it's like he's been more of an ass." Peyton said sadly as she stared at Lucas.

"He seemed nice to me earlier." Brooke offered.

Peyton just rolled her eyes. "That was so he would look good in front of the teachers, no offense. Wait until you get to know him and he'll become more of an ass. Bitch incoming." Brooke looked over and saw a pretty blond heading towards the table. "Hi Jessica."

Brooke figured it to be Lucas' girlfriend. The girl turned to Brooke and made a disgusted face before looking at her nails. "They are really going low on who they accept to this school nowadays."

Brooke just scoffed. "Yeah. I mean they let you in right?" Brooke laughed on the inside as the girl's face contorted in surprise and anger.

"Don't test me new girl." Jessica threatened. Brooke just looked her up and down before laughing loudly.

"Don't make it so easy." Brooke retorted and everyone sneered as Jessica huffed and went to Lucas to tell on her. Everyone looked at Brooke and smiled at her.

"Good job." The one named Haley said. "We all hate her anyways." Brooke just nodded and turned towards Peyton who's mouth was open.

"Wow! Never expected you to be the bitchy one." Peyton laughed as Brooke just shrugged. Brooke noticed her escort heading towards her from the corner of her eyes. She groaned inwardly; she did not want enemies on her first day here! She just wanted to get through the year peacefully but yet again the fates had seemed to deal her a bad hand.

"Why did you have to be so rude to my girlfriend?" Lucas blamed. Brooke just rolled her eyes and turned to him.

"Can you not give me crap on my first day please?" She asked nicely before smiling and turning back to Peyton. She felt him grab her shoulder and turn her back to him. "Don't touch me!"

"Then don't harass my girlfriend Davis." Lucas said harshly. By now, Brooke was about ready to scream at him for blaming her on her first day. Brooke removed his hand from her shoulder and pushed it away.

"Then tell her to stop being so bitchy. I didn't do anything. She was the one being rude." Brooke replied angrily. She knew she shouldn't be so mean but she hated people who assumed things that weren't true.

"Yeah right. She wouldn't be rude to a new student." He defended. She was glaring at him now and he was staring at her defiantly. Their table was watching intently as the two people argued over someone they didn't even like.

Brooke just laughed. "I would re-check your girlfriend's personality."

"No, I would re-check yours. How can you blame her for being mean?" Lucas yelled angrily. The whole cafeteria had silenced by now. Everyone was waiting to see what would happen between their star and the new girl.

"How can you blame me? You don't even know me!" Brooke yelled back. Lucas just stared at her cruelly.

"I believe her well enough to know that she wouldn't lie to me." Lucas yelled in her face.

Brooke just glared. "I suggest you get out of my face now or so help me god I will hurt you. I don't care if it is my first day here and I'm not gonna fight with you over someone who insulted me. I don't even know you or your trashy girlfriend and right now I don't particularly like you so I would just back the fuck off." Brooke said calmly before sitting down. "Oh and I know what they mean when they say your an ass." Lucas just stood shocked. No person, let alone a new girl had ever stood up to him and he didn't really know what to do about it so he just walked off and grabbed Jessica before leaving the silent cafeteria.

"Go Brooke!" The boy named Nathan told her. She just smiled before Peyton squealed and hugged her.

"You go new best friend. No one has ever told him off like that. He's probably having a fit." Peyton laughed and Brooke joined in. Even though she had a rough start she figured that she would have a fun year with the people at the table.

Brooke: Did you see that?
Peyton: What?
Brooke: Nathan just gave her the nod.
Peyton: What nod?
Brooke: The "lets hook up after the game" nod. Wanna know what I think? I think Nathan likes tutor girl. But I think tutor girl likes Lucas. And I know I like Lucas. And I don't know who the hell you like anymore. This is all turning into one big loveā€¦ rectangle plus one, whatever that is.
