I've always wanted to do a Prince of Tennis fic, especially one with the Thrill Pair. I was thinking of the Pillar Pair or the Royal Pair, but maybe I'll just work those in.

DISCLAIMER: I really don't own this anime. I can barely play tennis that well. There's no way anyone on any of the teams would listen to me.

"Look at that..."

"Ochibi looks so cute, nya!"

"Saa, he does, doesn't he?"

"I hope they don't hurt him!"


"Is he alright?"


"Hmm, there was a zero percent chance of this happening. I must check my formula to see what caused this…"

Ryoma groaned lowly, immediately causing all of that annoying talking to cease. Someone pressed a hand to his forehead and he swatted it away. There was a slight intake of breath before-

"OCHIBI IS SO CUTE!!!!" Something tackled him crushing his windpipe. A startled gasp escaped Ryoma's lips, but the thing wouldn't let go.

"E-Eiji! Let Echizen go, he's going to suffocate!" That voice sounded familiar, kind of like a certain mother hen.

"Nya! But Oishi, just look at him! Ochibi is cute, right Fujiko?" Pressure was relieved on his chest and Ryoma gratefully took large breaths of air.

There was a small chuckle (Ryoma's eye twitched, he knew that sadistic sound anywhere). "Saa, he does, but I don't think he quite knows why yet."

His brows furrowed at hearing that. Yes, he would like to know why he was 'cute'. He rarely ever got that, other than when that high school sophomore mistook him for a girl, and he did not appreciate it.

It took some effort, but his eyelids managed to flutter open and the first thing he saw was the worried face of Seigaku's mother hen.

"Ah, Echizen!" Oishi's face broke out into a relieved-though still anxious-smile. "You had us all worried for a while. How are you feeling?"

Catlike golden eyes blinked a few times before they narrowed. What the hell was he talking about?

"Oi! Gaki, you doin' alright?" Momo demanded shoving his face in front of his kouhais'. He glared at the upperclassman, shoving him out of the way. He ignored the indignant squawk and looked around. All the regulars were gathered around him, and he was on the floor?

A small frown marred Ryoma's lips, and he felt something on top of his head twitch. There was silence again as everyone stared at him, stunned. Again he glared and again something twitched.

"What?" he demanded staring at each of them in turn.

Then Fuji leaned over and reached for his head. Ryoma leaned back but Fuji was quicker and he grabbed something and began to scratch behind it. Ryoma froze for a few seconds as waves of pleasure hit him, letting out a purr after a few seconds. Fuji stopped and Ryoma gave a small cry of protest.

The look on Momo's face was priceless. It was a cross of trying to burst out laughing and horror. Ryoma would have found it quite amusing if he hadn't been glaring at the smiling tensai.

Fuji's smile widened and Inui was scribbling furiously in his notebook. "Nya, Ochibi that really suits you!" Eiji exclaimed looking at his doubles partner for support. "Right Oishi?"

"H-Hai, it…it does," Oishi said looking as if he might faint.

Ryoma turned to the other members of the team for an explanation. Kaidoh was staring at him as if he was some cute stuffed animal, Taka was glancing nervously from him (more specifically his head) to the ground, and Tezuka had his normal emotionless face on.

"Buchou," he went for the saner person, "what is everyone talking about?"

Tezuka met his gaze for a moment, and then sighed, closing his eyes. "Inui."

Inui adjusted his glasses, pencil poised over the notebook. "You remember drinking my newest drink, do you not?" he asked. Ryoma gave a short nod and Inui scribbled down information. "Do you remember anything after?"

Ryoma's brows furrowed in concentration; something swished from behind him. Annoyed, he turned around only to find nothing. He turned back and everyone had that stunned look again. Except Tezuka. And Fuji…and Inui. And Kaidoh. But other than them, everyone was stunned.

"What?" he demanded again glaring harder. Taka held a trembling hand up and pointed to something behind Ryoma. Again he turned around, finding nothing once more. With a smile, Fuji grabbed at something and shoved it in his face.

Ryoma let out a hiss as pain shot up his backside and he snapped at the teen. Then he froze, eyes wide, staring at the smiling tensai. "Ne, Ryoma-kun, that's not very nice," Fuji admonished. Ryoma didn't even tell him not to call him that; his eyes flickered between Fuji and the object he had shoved in his face.

"Is that…?" he trailed off in horror not being able to finish the sentence. Eiji bounced excitedly next to him. "Ochibi, you have a tail, nya!" he announced loudly.

A tail. He had a tail. Like Karupin. Wait a second- his eyes widened even further and he hesitantly reached up to his head. Does that mean he has-? His fingers brushed up against a soft fuzzy ear and he bolted up causing Fuji to open his startling blue eyes a fraction. Ignoring him, Ryoma ran to the locker room, straight towards the mirror. There staring straight back at him, was him- but with two midnight black ears sitting on top of his head. An equally black tail was twitching in shock behind him.

All in all, he looked like one of those cosplayers Fuji liked to take pictures of.

Not. Good.



The frustrated yell of the usually calm and collected freshman alerted the Seigaku regulars that he just found out what he now looked like.

"Nya, I guess Ochibi doesn't like how he looks," Eiji pouted cutely. Oishi gave a nervous laugh and Taka twitched slightly.

"Fix it. Now!" Ryoma growled out, ears flattened in anger.

Inui's glasses flashed and he didn't pause in his writing. "There is a seventy-six point nine percent chance that the ingredients were not meant to be mixed together," the data collector said. "Twenty-three point one percent chance that your body reacted the wrong way."

He gnashed his teeth together menacingly looking more feline than before. Tezuka's eyebrow raised a tiny fraction at the boy, glancing quickly at him. "Inui," the captain said monotonously.

"I would try to reverse the process but I no longer have the recipe. Momo and Kaidoh destroyed it in one of their disputes," Inui told them. Golden eyes slid slowly and menacingly in between the two mentioned, Momo looking sheepish and Kaidoh trying to pull of indifference.

"How long do you think it would take you to try to find an antidote?" Oishi quickly asked trying to avoid another fight. Echizen was looking very fierce…

The notebook snapped shut and Inui sighed. "There's a two point seven percent chance that I will find an antidote at all."

Taka glanced nervously at him. "And the rest of it?" he asked timidly.

"The other ninety-seven point three percent chance is that Echizen will remain like this."

Ryoma stood up quickly, tail bristled. "Stay like this?" he snarled, teeth pulled back to show a small pointed fang.

Inui looked unperturbed. "Fifty percent chance permanently, fifty percent chance you may out grow it."

The team stayed quiet, unnatural for Eiji and sometime Momo; Kaidoh, Tezuka, and Inui looking indifferent as they usually do (in Kaidoh's case, it's a scary indifference), Taka and Oishi looking worried, and Fuji unsmiling, his blue eyes opened.

Ryoma sighed and sat down closing his eyes. Fifty percent chance he'd stay like this, the other half that he would eventually get rid of it. Just great.

How the hell was he supposed to play tennis with a tail?

It's just like Ryoma to worry about tennis all the time isn't it? Alright, this is my first PoT story as I said before. Feedback would be appreciated, just no flaming for it being yaoi. If you don't like yaoi, you really shouldn't have looked in this section, right?


Me: 1 Flamers: 0

