Begins a couple of months later. Sequel to Shadows Of The Past

Warning: Main character death during the course of the story.

Resolution by Rosa 17

Part 1

Gisborne paced Vasey's quarters relentlessly.

"It hasn't toyed with our plans that much," the Sheriff told him and Gisborne glared as Vasey continued. "Look Marian got away back to Hood, what does it matter in the long run when we are preparing to eradicate them all? Nothing Gisborne, it means nothing. Oh yes the thought of her hanging by the noose at the Spring Fair was appealing but…..there will be another opportunity."

"Indeed there will be," was Gisborne's terse reply.

"About our plans, how are they forming?" the Sheriff asked.

"They are coming together, it would appear plans we make behind closed doors are more effective."

"Yes, yes and this one will usurp them all," Vasey said rubbing his hands together with glee. "When does he arrive?"

"The day after tomorrow. Is the castle ready for him?"

"Yes I have made every provision," Vasey continued with relish laughing a little with a mirth he could not contain. "And then our plan begins in earnest, it will only be a matter of time before we each have a post that fits our station in life."

"A post that I was born to be in," Gisborne said, a sly smile forming on his lips and curling them in a menacing manner.


"I do not know about you but I for one am hungry, starving in fact and….." Much trailed off, not because Allan and Djaq were ignoring his rant to eat but because they all three had caught sight of a strange creature at the side of the road.

"What the…?" Allan spluttered.

"Don't just stand there we have to help him," Djaq said moving forward to what was a man but resembled a pile of old rags.

They approached with some caution, it was a man and the rags were his clothes, Allan stepped back, not only did he require a new wardrobe but a bath wouldn't go amiss either, Allan shared a look with Much who shrugged.

They turned him over and he came to life, stronger than he looked he grabbed Much by the wrist and flung him away.

"I say we were only trying to help," Much said, brushing his clothes down of leaves and twigs that had attached themselves to him in his fall.

He looked at the man before them, he felt he had met him before and yet…could not place where, why, when or how. Perhaps he had been a beggar they had encountered on the streets of Nottingham or York. Perhaps he and Robin had fought alongside him in the Holy Land. Whatever it was Much couldn't quite put his finger on it.

The man presented himself as aging; he had a patch across one eye and wore a hat which concealed a lot of his face and his hair, if he still had any. He had a beard, bushier than Little John's and this hid most his remaining features as well. As they attempted to help and gain knowledge from the man one thing became apparent, he was mute, from choice or by force or perhaps from birth they had yet to decipher.


Robin's gaze fluttered across the camp to Marian, they had taken to living outdoors during the day and sleeping in the cave at night as the air was still more than chilled in the evenings. She sat against a tree trunk looking more than uncomfortable and he wished they were in Locksley, in his home that she could rest upon their bed and not the bare living conditions the forest provided. He watched as she caressed her stomach, the dress that the nuns had provided was now somewhat tight but he knew that it wouldn't be much longer and while that still scared him he knew it was something he had to face. That they both had to face together, for he knew deep down that she was scared too.

Suddenly she looked up and caught his eye smiling she beckoned him over and he sat facing her blocking out the sun, when she told him to move by indication of her hand he sat beside her instead. Taking his hand she entwined their fingers together and laid them over her belly to feel movement within.

"Are you alright?" he asked tentatively.

"Yes," she said with a sigh which was less than convincing.


"I know you are still worried…but at the same I time…I feel like the baby has been growing within me for years not months…it is time."

"Now? It is time right now?" he asked looking frantic.

"No. I meant I within my heart, my soul, it is time."

"Oh," he replied taking a deep breath bringing some much needed air back into his lungs.

"You will be alright?" she half questioned him.

"I will be fine," he said managing a smile but as she looked back at him, he knew she could see straight through his façade.

They stole a glance about the camp, it was deserted bar them. She used the opportunity to steal a private moment with him and he put up no resistance. Marian cupped his cheek with her hand feeling the scratchy bristles beneath her palm; her thumb caressed his face lovingly as the light from her gaze reflected what was in her heart and beyond. His own hand trailed up behind her neck and his lips followed with delicate kisses following the journey his fingers had undertaken until he reached her collarbone and then his lips sought out hers instead.

Their heartbeats quickened and their pulses began to race as a simple kiss turned into a passionate embrace, the kiss ended and they rested their foreheads together catching their breath. His thumb ran softly across her swollen lips. Robin was just about to embark upon her mouth again with an amorous assault when they both caught sight of the gang returning with a bedraggled man in tow, with a light caress of Marian's cheek he stood and waited for an explanation.