AN: Woot

AN: Woot! Hey everyone! Sorry this took so long, I'll explain at the end. Well, I said I was gonna write another chappie, and here it is! I have decided to make it about Pucca and Garu again, specifically, the night right after the one I wrote about. I must agree with everyone that Pucca/Garu fanfics are my forte. This is in Pucca's POV. Oh, and I would like to take this moment to thank everyone who reviewed my story so kindly, and anyone who put my story on their fave list or me on their fave author list, etc. C'mon, lets all take 10 minutes silence for these kind people.

Audience: you mean 10 seconds?

Me: no no, 10 minutes.

silence audience member coughs

Me: oh silence broken, now we have to start all over.

audience member punches me in face

Lol, I got a few of those lines from the movie Borat, btw, which I do not own. Anyway, on with the fanfiction!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Pucca. The TV series belongs to Vooz. I do own my Pucca plushie doll though! And my Pucca T-shirt! And my Pucca bag! :D does happy dance

It was the middle of the night, and I was on my way downstairs to get a glass of water from the kitchen. I was so tired and groggy, that if anyone was watching me, they would've just laughed. I was walking like an old lady, back bending so far forward that if it went any further, my whole body would've tipped over. If Garu were with me at that minute, I might've tried to look a little better, but he was in my room right now, hopefully sleeping soundly. The thought made me smile a little bit.

I opened the cupboard and grabbed a glass, then slowly made my way over to the refrigerator and filled the glass with cold water from the spigot, yawning femininely. Then, I turned around to go back up the stairs, and I nearly tripped over something…

I cringed and looked down…It was just Yani. I chuckled a bit and bent down to pet my cat. Then I got back up. It was eerily quiet and dark in the restaurant…and I was hearing these strange quacking noises. I had been having nightmares lately about this weird duck. And I was honestly starting to think the Phantom Duck was haunting me. (AN: LOL. Two words. Don't. Ask. At least not yet. Just look at the bottom of the page, and I'll explain.)

I silently cursed myself for watching the Phantom of the Opera and this documentary on ducks in the same night two days ago. What? Don't ask me why I was watching a documentary on ducks. Maybe I just felt like it, ok?

Anyway, I then tip-toed only a step further until I bumped into something much bigger. It was definitely not a cat…

I cringed again…but looked closer…it was just Garu. I sighed in relief.

"Hi," he whispered, "I was just coming down to get a glass of water, but I see you already did that. Let's go back to bed."

I nodded, and we started walking back to the stairs once again, side by side…

And this time, we both bumped into something…

...It was Uncle Dumpling. By the looks of it, he was still half asleep…and so were we.

"Hi Pucca. Hi Garu," he said groggily, and then walked past us into the kitchen, also wanting a glass of water. Garu and I waved back, then deliriously started back on our seemingly long journey to the stairs……..And then, it hit me…like lightning. My walking came to a halt and so did Garu's. Uh oh.

Dumpling, Garu, and I all snapped around to stare at each other, wide-eyed. Uncle Dumpling's looked like they were going to burst as it processed in his brain that Garu and I were together in the middle of the night. And then, something crucial processed in my brain. I slowly looked down…and realized I was still wearing a thong. Two words were running through my mind in that second: Oh. Shit.

Basically, we just stood there for a few minutes and stared at each other. Garu was actually being surprisingly calmer than I thought. Well anyway, needless to say, I backed away slowly with a really creepy nervous smile plastered on my face. And next thing I knew, I dashed upstairs. And Garu followed. Oh man was I gonna have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow.

The next morning when I woke up, the first thing I did was send Garu home, which he was perfectly happy about. He did not want to deal with the chefs either. After he was gone and I changed into a red shirt and black corduroy pants, I bravely made my way down the stairs to face my guardians. And what did I get? I got a long ass lecture about protection.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. I did NOT do that with Garu. I swear. All we did is sleep…in the same bed…wearing a thong…and Garu had no shirt on…but I swear we cuddled and that's it!"

"Now Pucca, we're really happy for you," began Uncle Dumpling, "but just remember to be careful."

"Yeah yeah birth control blah blah blah, I get it! Now can I please make my deliveries?" I begged.

"Yes Pucca. Run along now, and have fun with Garu afterwards," said Linguini, winking with a cocky grin.

I just sighed and rolled my eyes. Then, I sprinted to my scooter and mounted it quickly and skillfully like it was a wild stallion. Speeding off out of the restaurant, I breathed in the fresh air whipping against my face. Along the way, several people waved to me, giggling. I just waved back at them happily. Then I abruptly stopped my scooter and handed the take-out box of noodles to Abyo at his front door.

"T-thanks, Pucca, haha," Abyo said, trying to hold back his laughter and huge grin. He simply patted me on the back after that.

"What the hell is your problem?" I questioned.

He ignored what I said, slapping his knee gleefully; then he just walked back inside and slammed the door. I shrugged and just continued my deliveries. Along my way to Ching's house, more people waved at me, beaming brighter than the sun. Again, I waved back with a somewhat fake smile, starting to get suspicious as to why everyone was so abnormally happy.

At the Training Hall, I knocked on the door and Ching answered, also smiling a bit too genuinely, if that makes any sense.

"Xie xie, Pucca. Tee hee," Ching giggled. Her eyes were wide and she seemed ecstatic. I raised my eyebrow at her questioningly. Before I knew it, she ran up and hugged me until my face turned the purple color of her shirt. Realizing she was suffocating me, she let go.

"Holy crap, Ching! What is going on? You're acting like Abyo just asked you out in knight's armor on a white stallion!" I said.

"I wish, Pucca! It's only a matter of time now though. Garu certainly must have grown up quite a bit from what I've heard, so it shouldn't be too long before Abyo does the sa—"

"Wait, what did you say?! What do you mean 'from what I've heard'??" I exclaimed frantically. "Do you know what I think you know?? And for that matter, does everyone else in the whole fucking town know?!"

Ching backed away a bit. "Well…Santa claimed to me that he saw Garu walk inside the restaurant last night, and that he saw the restaurant close soon after that, and Garu still hadn't come out…and well…you know how news get around in Sooga…"

My face turned so red, that Ching was seriously starting to get scared. "Oh…I am going to KILL that freaking ball of jolly freaking bright, sugary, freaking joyful goodness!!" I screamed angrily, fire dancing in my eyes. I should've known. Ching's right. Gossip spreads like wildfire in this small town.

Then, I snapped around, hearing sleigh bells jingling. And, who else did I see, but Santa.

Smoke poured out of my ears.

"Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-ya!!" I screamed and pounced after Santa. His eyes turned wide, and he did not stick around to say hello. He bolted. Ching just watched as I chased him around yelling.

A couple minutes later, somebody near Ching's house had some very bad bruises, needless to say.

AN: Sorry this was such a short chapter! Please forgive me! If anybody had any idea how busy I am, they'd be surprised. Freaking college is giving me so much homework. And I have piano lessons, voice lessons, acupuncture appointments, Buddhist activities at the temple to attend to, American Idol to watch, shopping and errands to do, and much more. I know it took me a long time to update, but at least once the semester is over I'll have time to write like crazy.

Oh yeah, the whole thing about the Phantom Duck started when my mom started hearing these strange quacking noises out of nowhere. Almost everyday now, she sometimes hears these quacking noises. She keeps wondering why nobody else can hear it, lol. I think she's finally going insane. :D I think it's her fault for saying "fuck-a-duck" when she's angry. LOL.

Once I finish this fanfic, I've already got a couple other short ones in mind that I'm gonna write. One is gonna be called "Pucca Goes Emo" and the other one will be "Garu Gets Acupuncture". I can't wait to write them. I came up with the acupuncture one, but the Pucca goes emo is my best friend's idea. She just wants me to write it for her. Oh, and if ANYONE steals my idea about these two before I can even write them, they are gonna regret it…no chocolate mousse for them.

I'll write the next chapter as soon as I can! Thanx for your support!
