Summary for Chapters 1-5: What if Cruz hadn't paralyzed Faith? What if the rookie paramedic came? What if these changes affected Third Watch in a big way? What if?

Summary for Chapters 6-10: What if Faith returned to work earlier? What if Cruz was demoted and replaced with a stricter sergeant? What if Doc, Jimmy and Kim weren't promoted? What if?

Summary for Chapters 11-15: What if Cruz's replacement as sergeant supervised Sully while he was on special assignment to protect Judge Halsted? What if she also supervised Cruz while she was undercover? What if Bosco pissed her off and is now avoiding her? What if?

Disclaimer: What makes you think I own Third Watch or its characters?

What if?
Chapter 1: I'm Sorry

"Give me the gun Yokas!" Cruz shouted. The weapon Faith was holding had belonged to Aaron Noble. "Did you hear me? Give me the damn gun!"

Faith looked around the hotel room, she saw Noble and Bosco, bystanders to she and Cruz's argument. "You want the gun…" she began.

"Yeah, give it to me!" Cruz retorted.

Faith moved to give the gun to Cruz, but instead, she turned it and pointed it at Cruz. "I don't think so bitch!"

Cruz took out her own gun and pointed it at her, making Bosco take out his own gun and pointing it at Cruz. They stared at each other for about a minute, then three shots rang out. Noble, Cruz and Faith fell to the floor.

"Faith!" Bosco rushed over to Faith and pulled out his radio, "This is 5-Crime! We have a 10-13! Repeat 10-13! We have officers down! I need a bus on rush at the Regent Hotel, penthouse! Where were you shot Faith?"

Faith didn't answer, her hand relaxed, releasing the gun. She stared at her arm, a crimson-red puddle of blood began to form around it. "It hurts Bosco." She whispered in pain.

"Don't worry Faith," he ripped a part of his shirt off and tied it to her arm above the wound. "I'm gonna try to take the bullet out, okay?"

"Bos, no." Bosco reached his fingers into the wound, making her scream in pain. Her screaming subsided when he took the bullet out.

"I need a rush on that bus, Central! We have officers who need medical attention NOW!" he screamed into the radio.


"What about her?"

"Still armed."

Bosco looked over at Cruz, unmoving, bleeding, her hand clenching her gun. He took the gun and ripped off another part of his shirt and applied it to Faith's wound. "Help's on the way Faith."


"I know, I shouldn't have got you into this, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Don't worry Alex, we're almost there." Carlos assured Alex. They were in Boy 5-5-3 on their way to Mercy.

"I just don't know what happened," Alex said, staring at Carlos.

That event didn't leave Carlos' mind, many things could've happened if something went slightly wrong.

(A/N: Forgive me if I get anything wrong, I'm not good with medical terminology)

"We have a male, late 20s, third degree burns to the facial area and left arm." Doc was bringing Eugene in.

"We have female, early 30s, blow to the head. She regained conciseness in the bus." Kim was bringing Alex in.

Another paramedic was bringing Cruz in. "We have a female, late 20s, gunshot wound to the left temple."

One final paramedic came in with Faith on a stretcher. "We have a female, mid-30s gunshot wound to the upper right arm."

Bosco had followed the paramedics into the hospital. "Hey!" he called out, "Is she going to be all right?" No one answered him. "Is she?" Still no response. "Answer me!" It seemed that no one even noticed him in the midst of the chaos in the hospital. He just walked up to the front desk.

"Bosco!" Bosco turned to the doorway to see Dade.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"What happened with the sergeant?"


"No, stop, don't tell me, don't tell anyone what happened."


"Don't tell anyone."


"The sergeant has her reasons."

"Her reasons for shooting my partner? I don't think so!"

"Bosco!" Swersky had entered the hospital. "What happened with Yokas and Cruz?"

"Nothing happened." Dade assured him.

"I'll tell you in private Lieutenant."

Dade looked outraged, "What!"

"I'll only talk to you alone."

So Bosco and Swersky entered the nurse's lounge. "What happened Bosco?"

"I tried to go along. To play the game, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't let a guy go away for a murder he didn't do. Cruz let Noble keep the gun he shot the guy with so Yokas was helping me get it back from Noble's apartment. Cruz figured out what we were doing. I got there just after she did and she squared off with Yokas. Then Noble comes's a big circle jerk. I see Noble, behind Cruz, pull a gun from his jacket pocket. So I shot him once. I think I hit him in the chest and he was a DoA."

"I see…" Swersky crossed his arms. "How did Cruz and Yokas end up shot?"

"Cruz shot her, she'll…do anything."


"And I shot Cruz."


"I'll take whatever I got coming. Faith was only there trying to help me boss. She didn't do anything. It was me. I went along with Cruz from the beginning."

Swersky was shocked at what he was hearing. "You can't be telling the truth."

"It doesn't matter if it's the truth or not, it's what anyone will tell you."

"You admitted to shooting a police sergeant and participating in the arrest of an innocent man, Bosco. You better worry about yourself here."

Swersky left, leaving Bosco alone. This gave him a chance to take him what happened in the day. Asking Faith to help him was very selfish of him. Now, who knows what Faith's condition is? "I'm sorry Faith…" he whispered to himself, "I'm so sorry."

"How am I doing?" Faith asked the doctor.

"Not bad actually, you might not be able to use your arm for a few weeks, the bullet hit a major artery in your arm." The doctor explained, "You would've bled to death if it had been untreated…" he turned to face her, "Who treated your arm?"

"My, uh…" she started, "Partner, my partner, Officer Boscorelli."

"Boscorelli? I think I saw him in the hospital. You want me to go get him?"


The doctor left and came back with Bosco. "I have to check on the other patients that were brought in, if you'll excuse me…" He left the two of them alone.

"Hey Bos." Faith greeted him.

"How are you?" He asked.

"The doctor says that I won't be able to use my arm for a few weeks."

"Faith, I'm sorry, this is my fault."


"I'll take the fall, I'll say I shot Cruz and Noble."

"Bosco, let me tell you something."


"The doctor says that I would've bled to death if you hadn't help me."

Bosco turned away, "But if I didn't ask you to help me you wouldn't be like this."

"Bosco! You saved my life!" Bosco didn't look at her. He felt unworthy to look at her. "I appreciate what you did for me." Still no response. Faith sighed. Suddenly, Bosco felt something on his cheek, he looked at what is was and Faith was kissing him, actually kissing him on the cheek. After what seemed like forever, she pulled away. "Don't tell anyone I did that."

"No." He was in shock, Faith, a married woman kissed him on the cheek. He touched his cheek slowly.

"Bos, can you do me a favor?"


"Ask Swersky to put us together when I return to work."

He nodded, "I will."

Doc, Kim and Carlos were in the Nurse's Lounge, waiting to hear Eugene's and Alex's progress. "That kid shouldn't die." Doc merely said.

"He had some pretty bad burns, Doc." Kim told him.

"No, I mean, he's too young."

Then, a doctor came in, "Alex Taylor is in stable condition." he assured them.

"What about the kid?" Carlos asked, "Eugene Rossi?"

"He's still being treated, if you'll excuse me." He left.

"I don't like the way he said that," Doc stated.

"Does he have any family?" Kim asked.

Doc sighed, "I think he has his parents and a younger sister."


"Should we call them?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah," Doc answered, "They have a right to know."

Bosco washed his hands in the bathroom, his hands were still covered in Faith's blood. "Come on!" He kept scrubbing his hands, "Come on!"

"Trying to keep up with hygiene Bosco?" Sully joked as he entered. Looking irritated, Bosco turned and showed his blood-covered hands to Sully. "Oh."

He returned to washing his hands, "I guess you heard about what happened with Noble."

"Yeah, Faith's family just came in." Bosco scrubbed harder, "Whoa! If you scrub any harder, you might rub your skin off."

"Anything to get her blood off my hands, finally!" The blood was coming off.

"How did you get Faith's blood on your hands?"

"I treated her arm before the medics came. She didn't tell you?"

"No, I didn't see her yet."

"Finally!" Bosco's hands were clean. He walked over to the hand dryer and started to dry his hands.

"Did you see her?"

"Yeah, she won't be coming into work for a few weeks." He started to walk out.

"Do you know how Cruz is?"

He turned to Sully, "I don't give a damn about Cruz, she shot my partner."

"Faith's your partner again?"

"She always has." Bosco walked out.

Doc was at the desk, waiting for Eugene's family to come. "Excuse me," some said to him, "Are you Doc Parker?"

"Are you related to Eugene Rossi?" Doc asked the woman that had spoken to him.

The woman was in her late 40s, she had brown, shoulder-length hair and tan skin. "Yes, I'm his mother, Tia Rossi; my husband is on his way with our daughter. Is there something wrong with Eugene?"

"There was an accident, we got there and your son…"

"Is he alright?"

"He has some third-degree burns. He's being treated right now."

"Oh my god…" she started to cry, "What will happen to him?"

"Just so you know Mrs. Rossi," Doc put his hand on her shoulder, "Your son wanted to help a couple trapped, I tried to stop him but he just wanted to help. He wanted so much to help and…"

"That's like him, he always wanted to help people, can I please be alone for a while?"

"Sure," Doc walked off.

Alex was in a hospital room, alone. "Hello? Can someone at least bring me something to read?" she called out.

Jimmy entered the room, "Hey Alex, how are you?"

"Considering I just got his in the head with a piece of flying metal, pretty good."

"This is the second time you got hospitalized."

"Yeah," Alex sighed, "Maybe I should take some time off."

"You take some time off? I can't believe what I'm hearing, Alex Taylor wants some time off?"

"Yeah, my mother must be worried sick about me every day I go out there."

"I bet she is."

Carlos entered the room, "Hey Alex."

"Carlos, you're a little late to check up on me."

"No, I just came to tell you your mom's here."

"Thanks Carlos."

Alex's mother came in. "Carlos, Jimmy…" Alex started.

"Right," Carlos said, he and Jimmy left the room.

"Alex, how are you feeling?" Beth asked.

"Mom, I'm fine, really."

"It's just…"

"Mom, do you want me to take some time off?"

"No, no you can just do what you do best Alex."

"No, I feel like taking some time off, just for a little while."


"I just need a little break."

"You can do what you want, you're an adult."

Alex smiled, "Okay."

"What were you doing in that hotel room Faith?" Fred asked, "You said you were working the desk!"

"I was, something came up, I…" Faith began to explain.

"It's Bosco, isn't it?"


"He got you shot didn't he?"

"He saved my life in that hotel room!"

"If he had nothing to do with this, then why was he there?"

"He…I…" she tried to find a way to tell Fred what happened without blaming Bosco, "Cruz."

"Cruz? Who's Cruz?

"Sergeant Cruz, it was her. She was going to frame a man for murder, I had to do something, she was using Bosco in her plans."

"This goes back to Bosco then!"

"No! It goes to Cruz! Why do you find a way to blame Bosco for what happens to me?"

"Why do you find a way to defend him?"

"He's my partner!"

"I'm your husband! I care more about you than he ever could!"

"How do you know that?"

"See? You're defending him again! If it weren't for him! You wouldn't be shot!"

"If it weren't for Cruz, neither of us wouldn't be in this mess! I'm telling you Fred! This is HER fault!"

"I bet it isn't."


"I bet you're finding a way to blame her so I wouldn't blame Bosco."

"She was the one that shot me Fred!"

"Maybe Bosco did."

"What the hell do you know? Were you even there?"

"No, but, I know he shot you."

"Cruz shot first." The two of them turned to Bosco in the doorway. "She drew first, then you pointed Noble's gun at her, then I drew my gun."

Bosco gave Faith a look and she nodded, "Yeah, she pulled the trigger, I moved my arm to protect myself, I pulled the trigger and…"

"…you killed Noble, I pulled the trigger and shot Cruz."

"Why was Faith there?" Fred asked, gritting his teeth.

"Fred, I told you, I couldn't let Cruz frame someone for murder."

"She was just being a good cop." Bosco explained, "You're going to get an commendation for this Faith."

"I need something to drink," Fred left, but not without giving Bosco a dirty look.

"That's the story you tell Swersky." He told her.

"So we blame it on Cruz?"

"She was dirty, I'm willing to tell everything Cruz did, from the dying declaration, to this."

"Is that so?" Two people entered the room. The Asian woman took a step towards them, "Officer Boscorelli? Officer Yokas?"

"Yeah, what do you want?" Faith asked nervously.

"I'm Agent Xing, this is Agent Logan."

"Agent?" Bosco winced.

"FBI" The man took a step forward and flashed his badge.