AN: Ok this is my first fanfic Naruto style so I may have got a few things wrong e.g. names, places and things like that but please give it a go and tell me what you think! (Just don't be too cruel!)

An unexpected welcome

Naruto sat at the bar quietly sipping on his vodka. It had been about six years since that moron had left yet still...

He groaned and rested his head in his hands. How could he have just left like that? How could he have done that to them? To Sakura...

He balled his fists in fury and anguish. After that git had left they had wasted so many bloody years searching, hoping, praying for him, but no, all that bloody git did was evade them and stomp on Sakura's battered heart just a little more than he had already done.

For years now, mentioning 'him' around Sakura had been a taboo. No one dared do it lest they had either the desire to be given the cold shoulder for a couple of days or alternatively, a death wish. It didn't matter much though anyway, if he was talking to Neji or someone about it, he was usually referred to as 'that bastard' or something like that.

"I just wish that goddamned bastard would come back, it's not the same without him."

Neji was bloody well right, he wanted the moron to come back. They all did. He was like a brother to him... and he also wanted to wring the assholes neck.

Any romantic feelings towards her had long since passedand his feelings towards her were more brotherly however there was no denying that she had grown up... a lot. She was no longer the flat-chested, shapeless, lovesick young girl that she had always been in her younger years. She was now nothing short of well, beautiful. She had grown into her face and she now had long legs and-

Naruto turned slightly pink. He might not like her like that anymore but he was still allowed to look, right? After all, he saw her every day anyway, he bloody well lived with her. He grinned at this. Living with Hinata, Neji, and Sakura in that damned big house of Sakura's that she had inherited sure was one heck of a rollercoaster. Still he loved it, and it was nice having a bit of freedom... occasionally. And the place was so bloody damned huge! She had been legally allowed to live in it since she came of age, and somehow through some crazy circumstances they had all wound up living together in it. He was too drunk to try and remember how exactly it had happened, but he swore he could vaguely remember something to do with sheep...

His mind trailing back to Sakura, he felt a mixture of pride and unhappiness. She had trained hard and had now become anything but weak, she still had that wonderful trait of making anyone laugh, she could make just about any male she wanted fall in love with her and yet... there was something missing. And he had a pretty good guess as to what that was. That damned moron, Sasuke!

In one quick motion he drained the remains of the vodka before setting down the glass. He looked at his watch which read twelve O'clock. Sakura and Hinata were going to kill him. It was late for one thing, but he was also pretty darn wasted. He doubted he would get much sympathy. Knowing Neji he would probably snigger in a corner as he watched his friend die a very horrible death... So much for freedom.

Pushing some money onto the counter, he heaved himself of the chair and began to walk unsteadily towards the door.

Once out on the street, he tried in vain to remember what direction his house was. He shook his head experimentally, trying to rid it of drowsiness. He definitely did not want to fall asleep in the middle of the street. Not good.

He swayed on the spot, rubbing his head.

"Dobe, exactly what and how much did you drink?"

He knew that voice. He also knew only one person ever called him Dobe. Then he scolded himself. He was drunk. He was having hallucinations.

"So that's it? You're just going to ignore me? Frankly Dobe, I'd rather that you punched me," said the hallucination. "I probably deserve it anyway."

"Go away, you're not real!"

"Man, you are wasted. And by the way I am real, turn around."

Naruto turned slowly around. Before he could focus on the figure in front of him, a blast of icy cold water sprayed into his face.

"What the hell was that for?" he yelped, now completely drenched.

"To wake you up," stated the figure simply. Naruto stared at the person in front of him, in shock. He had to be hallucinating, because there was no way in hell...

"Teme?" he stated dumbly.

"No, it's The Tooth Fairy! Who the hell do you think it is?"

He couldn't make him out properly in the poor light, but there was no mistaking that voice. But he couldn't have come back. Not after all these years...

Naruto engulfed him in a bear hug, which seemed to surprise Sasuke as he took a few steps back. Letting go of him, Naruto burst out laughing, and said "You moron! You git! I can't believe you!"

"Dobe, what the hell!?"

"I'm going to strangle-"

"Dobe, you're drunk," stated Sasuke firmly "We need to get you home."

He gripped the now hysterical Naruto by the upper arm, and began to half drag him away from the scene. The alcohol was now starting to have a different affect.

"Ish over dere," Naruto slurred, pointing up into the sky.

"Naruto I know where you're house is, I was just going over there now to see if you were still awake."

He continued to drag the giggling Naruto down the street.



"Shakura!" Naruto slurred.

He felt Sasuke freeze and his hand tightened around his arm.

"Sakura! What- I mean, how's things with her?" luckily for him Naruto was too drunk to notice Sasuke's change of tact.

Naruto did not answer his question but just giggled happily. Sighing heavily, Sasuke continued dragging him in the direction of what he had been told was Naruto's house.

"You so owe me for this," muttered Sasuke as he shot a sideways glance at him.

A few minutes later they arrived outside a grand old house with big gates.

"This it?" he asked the drunken Naruto who managed a "yesh"

Pushing open the gates, he began to walk up the drive, taking a closer look at the house. It looked pretty big, at least enough room for eight people to live in it comfortably.

When they reached the front door, they let themselves in quietly, and Sasuke was in the process of asking the drunken Naruto if he could just sleep on a sofa or something when they heard an angry cough.

Both boys froze on the spot. They turned around slowly on the spot to see two young women standing there, both with their hands on hips and from what Sasuke could guess as it was dark, identical looks of fury. It was like something from a horror movie. Sasuke, now an S-class ninja was not usually intimidated by anything but under the look these two women were giving him, he felt terrified.

"Naruto Uzumaki, where exactly have you been?" Naruto squeaked. Sasuke knew that voice, and to be honest he felt like squeaking too. He also knew that it was lucky it was dark and no one could see him properly otherwise he would probably be dead by now.

"Neji, turn on the light, now!" That was Hinata. So she didn't stutter anymore... there was a snigger, a sharp smack and then a yelp. Sasuke could feel his doom approaching with every footstep. He tried to retreat into the shadows and blend in with the wall, but to no avail. He heard the light click on.

"Naruto, would you care to explain-" she froze. Sasuke stared at her. All he could do was stare. There was only one word to describe her now and that was 'beautiful'. She had obviously done a lot of growing up. She had grown into her large forehead, her beautiful pink hair was now halfway down to her waist and she was definitely NOT flat chested now. Her body looked well, perfect. And he was definitely not complaining about the fact that she was wearing rather small pyjama shorts and quite a tight top. Completely awestruck, he continued to gawk at her like a moron. This was not the Sakura he knew. No, this Sakura was nothing short of sexy...

Sakura's POV

She stared in shock. That couldn't be him... No, she had sworn to herself that she would forget him, move on and never let him cross her mind again. The man standing in front of them was very tall. He seemed taller than Naruto, who was at least six foot. There was no doubting either the rock hard muscles that probably lay beneath his shirt. His hair was messier and a bit longer and his face was just about god-like. She closed her eyes trying to rid herself of these thoughts. She had made a promise to herself which she was not about to break.

She moved towards him slowly, as though in a trance. Could this be real...

Sasuke's pov

He could not tear his eyes away from her. He felt slightly light headed as she moved towards him. She stopped about a meter from him still with that strange unreadable look on her face. As they locked eyes, Sasuke felt a jolt in his stomach. He gave a weak, hopeful smile and half raised his arms.

He smiled...

Suddenly she flew at him. For a split second he thought she would give him one of her infamous hugs but what he got was very different. Knocking him to the ground she began to pummel every part of him she could reach.

He gave a yell of surprise and shielded his head in his arms.

"Argh-! What the-! Sakura-! OW!"

"How dare you! How dare you come back after knocking me out and leaving me on that bench! You broke my heart you little- you-" She screamed, seemingly searching around for a word that was bad enough to describe him.

"Sakura- chan, calm d-" said Neji weakly.

"No, I will not calm down! And don't you 'Sakura-chan' me!" She snapped viscously at Neji, before going back to yelling at Sasuke. "We wasted two years of our life searching for you, you undeserving prat! And you think it's ok to just waltz back into our lives whenever you feel like it?! Or have you just come back to tell us you're going off for another six years to kill someone else!? You prat! You asshole! You- "

What else he was he never found out because at that moment a pair of arms lifted the struggling Sakura off of Sasuke and pulled her away. Hinata rushed over to Sasuke and helped him up. Looking up he saw Neji restraining a struggling Sakura with his arms around her waist.

"Let go of me!" she yelled furiously, desperately trying to prise Neji's arms off of her.

I deserved that

Sasuke just stood there dumbly, in blank shock, feeling utterly numb.

Finally managing to break free of Neji, she shot Sasuke a furious look before storming up off the large staircase.

Hinata turned around to face Sasuke. She sighed,

"this is for leaving us," She promptly slapped him around the face, before smiling at him and hurrying off up the stairs after Sakura.

There was an awkward silence as the three men were left alone together.

"Girls," muttered Sasuke, rubbing his face where Hinata had slapped him.

Neji smirked at him "You know when I first saw you I was thinking about punching you, but I think you've had enough for one night, eh?"

"You think?" muttered Sasuke sarcastically, shooting him his infamous glare. Neji grinned and strode over to him, clapping him on the back.

"It's nice to have you back, mate," he said. Sasuke massaged his aching chest where Sakura had hit him, groaning. His head was spinning. She had changed so much. What had happened to the lovesick, plain Sakura, who adored him?

You left her, idiot

Sasuke clenched his fists, feeling like punching something.

"I heard about Itachi," said Neji quietly.

This did not help with his feeling of frustration. The last thing he needed was that evil bastard on his mind.

"I hope he likes his grave," spat Sasuke furiously.

"Is that why you came back?" he asked tentatively "because you killed him?"

"I... I don't really know," The question had shocked Sasuke. He had never really thought about it before. His feet had just seemed to carry him back here.

Back home...

They both jumped as a sudden snore came from the corner of the room. Turning around, they saw Naruto sprawled on the ground, fast asleep and drooling. Sighing dramatically, Neji walked over to him muttering cheerfully,

"I love it when he gets in trouble."

He then proceeded to drag him over to the staircase by the ankles. However he paused at the bottom looking up at Sasuke, who was still standing there, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he watched them.

"Listen, Sasuke, you don't mind sleeping on a sofa, do you? It's just that Sakura would probably kill me if I let you have one of the spare beds."

"Am I staying?" asked Sasuke, raising an eyebrow.

"Well you're definitely not leaving," said Neji, who was now half way up the stairs, still dragging Naruto. "The living room's the door to you're right." He finished, gesturing lazily in that direction.

Sighing, Sasuke strode over to the door and pulled the door open. Without bothering to look around, he headed in the direction of the nearest sofa and plonked himself down upon it.

He quickly discarded his shirt, throwing it in a random direction, and lay back. It was then he realised just how tired he was. Closing his eyes, he succumbed to sleep.

Sakura lay awake, sitting up in her four poster bed, turning over the events of that evening in her mind. How dare he come back! After all he did to her! She had promised herself she would forget about him, she would not love him anymore, but how was she supposed to do that if the bastard was back in Konoha.

I hate him!

Do you?


Are you sure?

Look, I don't care if he has a god-like body or is ridiculously handsome, I still- Wait, did I just say that?

Sakura's mental argument was interrupted by a sudden tentative knock on her door. It opened and a black haired girl slipped in and came to sit on her bed.

"Are you alright?" Hinata asked carefully, looking at her like she was a bomb that could explode at any moment.

"You have no idea how much I hate that boy," muttered Sakura throwing herself back onto her pillows.

"Sakura, you might want to give him another chance, you know. I think he's changed."

"Once an arrogant bastard, always an arrogant bastard."

Hinata, sighed, feeling defeated. Sakura had always been stubborn.

"So you're saying that you don't love him anymore?"

"No," she said firmly.


I am not a liar!

Knowing a lost cause when she saw one, Hinata shrugged and stood up.

"Night, Sakura," she said, walking out of the room.

Feeling utterly furious, Sakura let out a frustrated grunt and pulled the pillow over her head.

She wanted to punch something, preferably Sasuke's perfect face.

AN: Hey! Ok this is my first story so please be nice. Please review! Constructive criticism is always welcome. Thanks!