Sakura: okay so ughm lemme think...

Garaa: we dont-

Sakura: oh yeah ChibiVamp-chan would like to say that she doesnt own anything naruto related in this story

Garaa:glares at Sakura

Chapter 1:

"Sakura Darling!" A woman's voice rang through the living room and into the den.

"Yes Madre?" the called Sakura said back in an annoyed tone.

"Come here please." Her mother sang. "It's about you going to boarding school!"

A girl with long pink hair and jade eyes ran into the living room of the 3 floored mansion. Sakura had been waiting ever since she can remember to go to boarding school. The reason was her mom.

"Am I going?!" Sakura asked with very hopeful eyes.

"Well there is a problem but, if you still want to then you may go."

"I'm definitely still going! What the issue?" Sakura asked not really caring.

"Well it seems that Kon boarding school for girls didn't get your application." She paused before continuing to speak. "Instead Oha boarding school for boys received you application, and the principle Jiraiya accepted you even though your female."

At this point Sakura had stopped listening all she could think about was going to a co-ed school. She obviously wasn't listening.

"So I can actually go to a co-ed school!" Sakura smiled happily. Her mother had told her before that the only way she could leave was if she went to an all girl's school.

"Not quite sweaty." Sakura's smile shrunk. "It means you will go to a school filled with boys and you will be the only girl." As Sakura processed her mother's words, her mother continued. "You can stay or go the choice is up to you!"

After a couple of minutes of silence passed Sakura spoke but in a low voice. "I have to think about it." Sakura walked to her bedroom, what was she supposed to do?

30 minutes later.

Sakura walked into her mother's master bedroom. Before she could even look at what her mother was doing she said. "I'm staying here."

"W-w-w-what?" Sakura not so sure whether her mom was surprised or disappointed finally looked at what her mom was doing. "NO, Sakura you're going to Oha boarding school... I'm leaving." Sakura's mother moved so Sakura could see the fully packed and to be packed suitcases in front of her.

"Wha... Why?" was all Sakura could mumble. her mother and her always had problems but for her mom to not care about her going to an ALL BOYS school and moving to no one knows where was too much. Sakura quickly turned on her heal and ran to her bedroom. When she got there she grabbed her purse which carried everything she needed- celly, I-pod, money, keys to her house. - And with that she ran down the spiral stairs and out the front door. She could hear her mother calling out to her in a fake worried voice which just hurt Sakura more.

After five minutes Sakura reached her destination, now all she had to do was call Ino- her best friend from when they were born. - Ino's mom and Sakura's mom were somehow best friends. Sakura hit speed dial 3, and called Ino.

"Oh hey forehead." Ino said in a very cheery voice. A little too cheery.

"Hi pig. It an emergency meet me at the usual?" Sakura asked.

"Uh oh! I'll be there in a sec. I promise!" with that Ino hung up and came running to the little Italian ice cream shop. Its name was little Italian and whenever something bad happened in Ino or Sakura's life they went there and ate their troubles away while making the other feel better. In just 2 minutes a blond with her hair in a high pony walked up to Sakura.

"Hey," she hugged her friend. "You okay." Sakura looked worse than she normally did when she was mad or sad about something.

"NO!"Sakura then told Ino about everything that happened with her mother.

"Oh bummer, your moms a real-"

"INO!" Sakura interuted with a big grin.

"Okay, okay, but hey look at the bright side you won't have to deal with her anymore! Instead you'll deal with hot boys." Ino winked and shook her hand indicating 'hot' while she finished her sentence.

15 min later.

After the girls stuffed their faces with a gazillion scoops of ice cream Ino decided to go shopping for clothes, after all Ino loved shopping and Sakura loved pissing off her mother so buying clothes was just the thing to do. Sakura's mother is all button down shirt blouse black skirt and socking with crappie looking high heels. Apparently the 'rich' look.

"SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOOPING!" Sakura sang as her and Ino skipped to the mini shopping center next to little Italian.

After an hour of shopping Sakura decided to call it a day. She had some stuff to do before she left.

"BYE!!!" Ino ran home.

"Bye!" Sakura smiled and then frowned as she walked towards her house alone. She started to think about what Ino told her earlier.

'Boys may be pervs but there so much fun to be around. I'm sure you going to Oha boarding school can turn out to be lots of fun, and hey if you have any problems I'm just a phone call away! Got it!' Sakura felt allot better when Ino told her that. She was always right about those kinds of things. Sakura finally reached her house. She opened the door to find her mother, and another man who Sakura assumed was her current boyfriend.

"Sakura I was so worried." this time her mother actually did say it with genuine care for her child. "This is Steive." Sakura shook his hand and then turned back to her mother as she spoke again. "I'm moving in with him. I'm sorry that you can't come but we can talk through phone calls and e-mails! Okay hunny?" Sakura smiled at that-sounds-stupid-but-ablest-you-care smile then hugged her mom. "I've had a long day I'll put away these clothes and head to bed okay." her mom nodded. To Sakura's surprise she didn't even ask to see what she bought, she just let her climb the stairs up to her bedroom. Sakura got out her black suite case and packed the clothes she bought in it. She would finish

Packing in the morning so she could get some sleep.

Two days later.

Sakura woke up and grabbed a pink towel with white flowers on the corner. She walked down the hall to the bath room and took a long shower, drifting her sleepiness away along with her problems. Today her mom was bringing her to Oha boarding school. Sakura got out of the shower and put her hair in a bun and put on a pair of white booty shorts and a green shirt with hearts on it. She walked to the kitchen to be greeted by her mother making out with Steive. 'Eww' was all Sakura could think while she went to the fridge to get orange juice. She sat down in a seat at the other end of the table. Sakura was as far as she could be from the lovey dovey couple. She grabbed a banana and began to eat it with peanut butter. [A/N: that so good! I love it!! Throughout breakfast nobody spoke to Sakura. She finally got up to leave when her mother spoke.

"3:00 be ready okay."

"I know, I know, were leaving to bring me to school at 3:00!" Sakura repeated as she ran up to her room. The day before she had finished packing, so know all she had to do was say goodbye to everyone. Sakura knew the order of the people.

1. Temari

2. Matsuri

3. Hinata

4. Tenten

5. Ino

These were the only people who she wanted to personally say goodbye to. They were all good friends. Sakura told her mom she would be back and headed out to her first destination: Temari. Sakura walked up to the door and knocked three times before finally someone opened the door or more like cracked open the door only a slight bit. Sakura could see that it was a boy with red hair and he had black eyeliner all around the one eye she could see.

"Ugh... can i see temari?"

The boy closed the door. Sakura wasn't sure whether or not she should leave but then Tamari opened the door.

"SAKURA!!!!" Temari yelled grabbing her short friend and squeezing her like you would squeeze a family member who just came back from a long trip.

"te-mar-i." Sakura choked. Temari let go.

"I can't believe your leaving! It's so sad."

"I know but hey, it may be fun going to Oha boarding school."

"Oha boarding school? Hey my two brothers go to that school, were bringing them in an hour! I hope you don't run into them there a little... weird!"

After a little nonsense talking temari hugged Sakura and Sakura left. Next was Matsuri. Sakura walked up to the small cottage house that Matsuri lived in. Sakura smiled remembering all the memories of Matsuri, Ino, Tenten, and herself trying to make a pyramid right in Matsuri's yard.


Matsuri answered. "Sakura! Ahh why are you leaving me!! It so freaking sad." Matsuri got teary eyed.

Sakura who never cried could only tell her friend the sad truth, shell visit as often as possible but she can't guarantee anything because her mother was moving. As Sakura started to walk to Hinata's house she saw Tenten. This was going to be ruff. Both Sakura and Tenten were so stubborn so to say goodbye would be hard.



"Look, I know this sounds stupid but..." Tenten smiled. "I'm going to miss you and all your awsomest." she had made an attempt of acting cool while saying good bye, but she really meant for it to be meaning full and Sakura knew that.

"Goodbye Tenten." Sakura frowned and hugged her friend.

Tenten walked with Sakura to Hinata's. Just as Tenten predicted Hinata began to cry.

"I-i-im guh-gunna rea-rea-r-really m-m-miss ya-ya-you Sakura!" Hinata said while gasping for air. Hinata and Sakura met in first grade. Hinata had a stuttering problem so Sakura and Ino took it upon themselves to help her. Ever since they would always hang out and that's when they met Tenten.

20 minutes later

Sakura was taking her time to go to Ino's. She didn't want to say goodbye, shed miss everyone so much!

"FORHEAD! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE AND SAY GOODBYE TO ME!" Ino demanded while startling Sakura. Sakura hadn't realized that she had been standing in front of Ino's house for five minutes now.

"Okay I'm coming!" Sakura ran inside Ino's house and up to Ino's room. It had purple walls and light wood furniture. The two girls began to cry, well Ino was bawling while Sakura was teary eyed. It took more than just a goodbye to make her cry. After 10 minutes of talking while crying Ino and Sakura decided to go back to Sakura's house. It was 2:40 and if Sakura wasn't there at 3:00 sharp shed be in huge trouble. Ino walked all the way to little Italian and then caught up worth Sakura at 2:48.

"Here." Ino said handing Sakura a cone with two scoops of ice cream on it. The two girls ate away and then finally parted when they reached Sakura's house. Ino would have gone with Sakura to bring her to school but she can't stand Sakura's mother. With final hugs and goodbyes Sakura went inside the house. She put her stuff in the trunk of the car. At 2:56 Sakura was in the passenger seat waiting. Waiting for her future school.

2 hours later

"Were here!" Sakura's mother cheered.

Sakura opened her door and stepped out of the car. She looked around and smiled a this-is-so-much-cooler-than-I-thought smile. She could see hot boys with no shirts on and hot boys with their bags. There were some ugly boys but she chose to ignore them.

"Here." Sakura's mother placed all her bags next to Sakura. She then kissed her goodbye and left. Sakura picked up her bags and walked towards the front office.

[A/N: next chapter will be much better its just that im tired and dont feel like writing more of chapter 1 but in chapter two its called 'meet the boys' so you can guess what will happen D