A/N: Thanks to the reviewers and my beta! :) This is the last chapter and it has a little bit of a fluff warning LOL but enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or any of its characters.

Chapter 11 – Valentine's Day

Elle forced herself up out of bed as her clock alarmed. She shoved her glasses on and pushed her long hair out of her face as she walked down her hallway and into the kitchen.

Sebastian greeted her friendlily as he rubbed into her legs. "Hi baby," she said sleepily as she filled up his dish with dry cat food. She had just opened her fridge with the intent of getting herself a glass of orange juice when her doorbell rang.

She just stood in her kitchen in disbelief until it rung again. She glanced at her watch; it read 6:03 A.M. "What the hell is this about?" She asked herself suspiciously.

She walked across her living room and hesitantly opened her front door. She raised an eyebrow at the young man dressed in a blue, courier's uniform. "Delivery for Elle Greenaway," he said routinely. She continued to look puzzled as she signed for the delivery and accepted the long box from the man and closed her door with her foot.

She laid the box on her coffee table and sat down on her couch as she opened it curiously. She smiled brightly as she removed the cover of the box to reveal a bouquet of twenty-two red roses. She took them up in her arms, smelled them lovingly, and picked the card out of the flowers. She smiled even brighter as she recognized her name in Reid's handwriting on the envelope. She placed the roses carefully back in the box before she opened the envelope and took out the card.

One red rose for every case that we've worked on together.

I wish that I was there to see your gorgeous face right now but I am getting ready for work as you were before my delivery interrupted you.

Happy Valentine's Day! I ask humbly for your company this evening at my home at 7:30 P.M. if our careers permit. I hope that I'll see you there! Fingers crossed

P.S. Wear something nice but it doesn't matter because I know that you'll look gorgeous in anything. :)

P.P.S I attached two poems that reminded me of you. Even a genius is allowed to be sappy on Valentine's Day. Special note: for the second one I considered New Lots, Brooklyn a suburb, even though it isn't. :)

She pulled out the two poems and read them carefully.

"It's all I have to bring to-day" by Emily Dickinson

It's all I have to bring to-day,

This, and my heart beside,

This, and my heart, and all the fields,

And all the meadows wide.

Be sure you count, should I forget, --

Someone the sum could tell, --

This, and my heart, and all the bees

Which in the clover dwell.

"My Suburban Girl" by Samuel Alfred Beadle

I know a sweet suburban girl,

She's witty, bright and brief;

With dimples in her cheeks; and pearl

In rubies set, for teeth.

Beneath her glossy raven hair

There beams the hazel eye,

Bright as the star of evening there

Where the yellow sunbeams die.

Her breath is like a flower blown,

In fragrance and perfume;

Her voice seems from the blissful throne

Where their harps the angels tune.

Her waist is just a trifle more

Than a cubit in its girth;

But when there my arms I throw,

I've all there is of earth.

And when she turns her dimpled cheek

Toward me for a kiss,

I lose expression—cannot speak—

And take all there is of bliss.

She held the roses in her arms once again as she reread his letter and poems and smiled brightly to herself. A guy had never made her feel as special as Reid did, and the more she thought about it, the more she realized that she had never felt this way about anybody before. She thought that she had been in love before but that feeling was not as overwhelming as the one she was experiencing right now. She wanted to be with him all the time and she got nervous and excited before she saw him.

She still had a huge smile on her face as she put her flowers back in the box, for now, and walked back into her bedroom to get ready to go to work where she would see him.


She anxiously got out of her car and hung around the underground parking lot a little longer than usual hoping to catch Reid on his way to work. She knew that unless he knew they had a case he took the subway from Washington D.C. to Quantico.

She clipped her identification to her dress pants, which she usually didn't do until she got in the elevator, as a means of stalling. She smiled as she looked up and saw him crossing the parking lot. He was easily identifiable with his brown jacket, purple scarf, and dress pants that were slightly too short for him. He had his tan, leather, messenger bag slung over his shoulder and he held a paper cup of coffee in his hand.

She fast walked across the parking lot and sneakily pushed him up against a stone pillar in the lot, out of sight from anyone. He stared at her taken aback until she wrapped her hands around his neck, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him passionately. She pulled back slowly and smirked. "Good morning."

He smiled at her. "Good morning. Did you get your flowers?" He asked nervously biting down on his bottom lip.

She smiled brightly. "Yes, you're such a sweetheart." She pulled him down and kissed him again, just as intense as the time before. "You know I usually don't even acknowledge Valentine's Day…" she spoke slowly and with a huge smirk on her face. "But you're so sweet I just can't resist," she grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him down for another kiss. She wiped the lipstick that had smeared onto his face and giggled. "Oh, better wipe this off; we wouldn't want anybody to know that I just attacked you."

"Nobody believes that you're dating me anyway," he said quietly and with his head down.

She placed her hand under his chin and lifted his head up. "What?" She asked as she played with the scarf around his neck.

"Morgan is always teasing me…ya know, about you…when we take our lunch breaks and stuff…and all the other guys that work on our floor…they don't believe him," he said shyly, "and the interns are usually there and they don't believe him either."

"So? The non-BAU guys," she laughed, "that are on our floor don't know us anyway and the interns are just a bunch of university students who file things for Hotch and JJ," she laughed again.

"So they're always talking about you…well when Morgan isn't around…"

She softly stroked his cheek. "Aww, does that bother you?" He shrugged and mumbled something to himself and she giggled.

"Well I've never had a girlfriend before, so yeah, I guess it does bother me when they talk about you and how you're 'out of my league'."

He looked down again shyly but she immediately lifted his head back up and kissed him softly on the lips. "Do you want me to go in there and tell them that you've seen my panties?" She asked teasingly.

"Elle don't joke," he muttered quietly.

She looked at him concerned. "Reid what is it?"

"I just don't like the way that they talk about you, it's not very respectful, and it's the same way when we go to other police stations…"

She cut him off, "Reid how many agents are in the FBI?"

"Approximately twelve thousand," he answered automatically.

"And how many of them are woman?"

"Approximately one twelfth," he answered quietly and in a defeated tone.

"Yeah," she gave him a small smile, "so I'm used to guys talking about me, I've been in this situation for a long time, it doesn't bother me anymore."

"Well it bothers me," he mumbled under his breath.

She kissed him once again before she took a small, leather covered book out of her coat pocket. "I know this is a really bad Valentine's Day present but it's the only thing that came to mind." She passed him the book before she said, "It's a copy of the Old Testament that my mother gave me on the day of my confirmation and I want you to have it."

He looked at her shocked. "Elle I can't accept this."

She shook her head. "No, I want you to have it." She laughed, "Now let's get in there and do some paperwork and hope that we don't get a case so that I can come over to your house tonight."

He smiled back at her as he put the book that she had just given him in his bag. They kissed one more time before she grabbed his hand and lead him to the elevator.


Reid spun his chair around restlessly before he looked at his watch, 11:54 A.M. He leaned forward and spoke quietly to Elle, "I'm gonna take my lunch break now, do you want me to bring you back anything?" He asked sweetly.

She smiled at him brightly. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind a sandwich." She leaned back in her chair and reached into her pocket for change but he stopped her.

"No, you're not paying on Valentine's Day!" She smiled as he got up and stood next to her desk. "I got it."

She smiled at him. "Okay."

He took the elevator down to the cafeteria on the first floor and quickly grabbed two prepackaged boxes of sandwiches, a bottle of water, and his third cup of coffee for the morning. He paid a woman that was working one of the cash registers and got back in the elevator.

Before the doors shut two of the interns that worked on their floor entered the elevator. Reid moved more into a corner as he listened intently to them talking.

"Have you seen her yet this morning?"

"Yeah, I brought her her files."

"She looks sexy this morning."

The second young man laughed. "Yeah."

"Agent Greenaway may have the nicest rack I've ever seen."

Boiling over with anger, Reid spoke up. "I don't think that you should talk about Agent Greenway like that."

"Excuse me?"

"She's a FBI Supervisory Special Agent, a member of the BAU and," he swallowed nervously before he said, "my girlfriend and I think she deserves your respect."

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Without looking back at the two stunned interns Reid walked out of the elevator and towards Elle's desk. He placed her box of sandwiches and her bottle of water on her desk. "There you go, on me." He quickly glanced around and was pleased to see that none of his coworkers where in sight. He smiled at her brightly before he bent down and kissed her softly on the lips.

She looked at him shocked before she smirked. "Well Dr. Spencer Reid, you've never kissed me in public before, I've kissed you but you've never kissed me…" He cut her off by kissing her again. "Spencer," she giggled as she blushed.

He walked over and sat down in his chair and wheeled himself over so that their chairs faced each other. He boldly placed his hand on her knee and moved it up her leg. She giggled again. "Spencer, what's gotten into you?"

He smirked at her. "I can't believe that you're my girlfriend," he stated dreamily ignoring her question.

She quietly giggled once again. "Spencer, stop it…"

He leaned in and placed both of his hands on her waist. "I want to make all the other guys jealous."

She leaned in too and spoke quietly, "Get back to work." She smirked at him.

He laughed, "Fine." He pushed his chair back towards his desk and continued to look at her from across their conjoined desks.


Elle jumped slightly as Reid grabbed her waist from behind when she was unlocking her car door. He laughed, "Oh, I'm sorry."

She laughed. "It's okay. I just get a little jumpy in dark, seemingly empty, underground parking lots."

He wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I'll protect you. Do you want me to draw my gun?"

She turned around to face him and laughed. "Or I could draw my own?"

"Ohhhh," he laughed. "Are you coming to my place?"

"Yes," she replied as she lightly tugged on his scarf. "Yes, I am."

He smiled brightly. "Good." He looked at his watch, it was six o'clock. "Will you be on time?"

"Umm…I dunno…it'll take me a half an hour to get home…" She paused and giggled. "Reid I'm a girl who wants to look pretty for her boyfriend on Valentine's Day, I want at least an hour to get ready."

"You look gorgeous all the time."

She blushed slightly. "Stop that…the latest I'll be is eight, okay?"

He nodded. "Okay, see you then, I gotta go catch a train."

She kissed him quickly to say goodbye before he ran across the parking lot and she got into her car.


Elle unlocked her front door and stumbled into her house. She was trying her hardest to be on time for Reid but she knew that it was going to be a challenge. She laid the contents of her pockets on her coffee table next to her gun holster and removed her jacket and scarf.

She ran into her bathroom and started the water. She stepped under the hot water and made sure that every single inch of her body along with her long hair was clean. She turned off the water, stepped out of the shower, and pulled on her bathrobe.

The first thing that she did was brush her teeth and then dry her hair. Her hair was getting incredibly long and it needed a trim but she knew that Reid loved running his hands through her hair almost as much as she loved running her hands through his. She finished with her hair by straightening it before she headed to her bedroom to pick out her outfit.

She pulled open her closet doors and immediately frowned. She had tons of clothes but for some reason, as she had expected, nothing seemed perfect enough for this evening. She was debating whether or not to wear a dress. 'Would it be too formal?' She finally decided that she would indeed wear a dress and she took her five dresses out of the closet. The collection consisted of a blood red, halter dress that her mother absolutely detested; a short, black, strapless number, navy blue and brown dresses of similar make, and one that was long, bright red, and satin. She decided against the navy blue because it had previously been a "third date dress." The brown one would match her eyes but she wasn't in the mood to wear it.

She settled on the satin dress, disrobed, and put on matching panties before slipping it on. She hoped that Reid would appreciate the cut of the dress and the way that it fit her body because the material was very thin and she knew that she was going to get cold. She moisturized her long, smooth, clean shaven legs and decided to do something out of character and put on a garter. She could imagine the look on his face when he discovered it and it made her smirk.

A quick glance towards her bedside table told her that it was almost seven thirty and she then shifted into high speed. She grabbed the chair from her desk and put it down in front of her dresser. She sat down and began to apply her makeup. She certainly put more effort into it than she did when she got ready for work so it took a little while longer. She put on the finishing touches by spraying just a touch of perfume and slipping into a pair of red, stiletto heels.

"I am not going to be late," she told herself out loud.

She checked herself in the mirror one last time before she left her bedroom. She grabbed her coat and house keys before leaving. When she got aboard her car and turned the keys in the ignition, the radio clock told her that it was quarter to eight. She pulled out of her driveway and began the drive to Reid's apartment building.


Reid smiled excitedly when he heard a knock on his door. He pulled it open and gave his guest a wide smile. "Good evening."

She smiled back at him. "Good evening. Am I late?" She asked as she stepped into his apartment.

He smiled as he gentlemanly helped her out of her coat. "No, you're not, dinner is just about ready." He pulled off her jacket and she turned around to face him. He stared in awe at his girlfriend in her long, red dress. "Wow, you look beautiful."

"Thanks," she smiled, "and you look very handsome." He was wearing black, pinstriped dress pants, a light green dress shirt, and a black tie. She ran her fingers through his hair which he had neglected to slick back tonight. His hair was also getting quite long and it almost had a natural curl to it. "What's for dinner?" She asked as she remained focused on his brown locks.

"Chicken, potatoes, and fresh vegetables, and I have champagne," he answered even though he was distracted by her touch. He heard his oven timer go off and he snapped back into reality. "Oh that's dinner now." She pulled back and allowed him to walk into his kitchen. He motioned for her to sit at the table that was already set while he took up their meal.

After they had eaten, he placed their dirty dishes in the kitchen sink and they moved into the living room with their champagne. "Dinner was fantastic," she complimented him.

He inched closer towards her on the leather sofa. "Thank you." He paused for a minute before he said, "I got you something."

She turned her neck and looked at him curiously. "What?"

"I bought you something," he rephrased.

"You shouldn't have," she scolded. "I didn't really get you anything."

"That's okay," he smiled. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long, skinny box. He opened it and allowed her to see a gold necklace with a butterfly on the end. "Here let me put it on you." She turned her body sideways and pulled her hair back. He carefully removed the chain from the box and hooked it around her neck. He smiled to himself before he kissed her softly on the cheek. "I knew that it would look gorgeous on you."

"You really didn't have to," she said as she shifted her position so that she was facing him again.

"I know," he smiled. "But I was in the mall and I passed it in a jewelry shop window and I just had to get it for you."

"How much did it cost?" She inquired suspiciously.

He laughed lightly, "You don't need to know."

"Well, thank you," she said gratefully as she gave him a small smile. "Can I go in your bathroom and see how it looks?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

She got up off of the couch and walked out of his living room and down the hall. She entered his bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. Her gift was beautiful and it did look fairly nice on her. She silently yelled at him because it did look rather expensive.

She exited the bathroom and was about to turn to walk back down the hallway when the open door across from her caught her eye. She drifted into the spare bedroom and stared at his degrees on the wall as she sipped from her glass of champagne.

After several minutes, Reid walked through the doorway smiling. "Hey, here's where you ended up."

She turned towards him and smiled. "Yeah I was admiring your genius."

He stood next to her as he too stared at the wall. "I didn't even want to put them up but my aunt insisted."

"Well she was right, it's an accomplishment that you should celebrate, not shy away from."

He blushed, "Thank you," he said quietly.

She smiled. "Now tell me about them."

"What?" He asked bewildered.

She walked over and sat on the single bed in the corner of the room. "You have over two decade's worth of education and you did it in how many years?"

"Nine," he said shyly before he walked over and sat next to her.

She smiled brightly. "So tell me about them." He looked at her hesitantly. "Reid, I wanna know."

"Umm okay," he started awkwardly. "What's there to tell…well you know that I graduated high school when I was twelve?" She nodded and smiled. "So I didn't wanna move away from home at that point so I did a mathematics degree at the University of Las Vegas – Nevada, and that took me two years. I decided to not take the semester breaks and just study right on through." He glanced at her awkwardly and took a deep breath.

She placed her hand on his leg and gently rubbed his knee. "If you don't want to talk about it than you don't have to."

He shook his head. "No, I want to tell you, it's just that it's not something that I talk about that often." He looked up at the framed degrees on the wall and regained his train of thought. "And then I did that PhD at Harvard, and that took me a year…"

"You moved to the east coast to go to school when you were fourteen?" She asked amazed.

He nodded. "Yeah, I stayed with my aunt and uncle, they lived in Boston at the time but now they're back in Las Vegas." He tucked his hair behind his ears. "Then I spent three years in Denver. I did my physics degree, again in two years, and spent a year on my PhD."

She laughed, "I hated doing physics in high school."

He laughed too. "Really?"

She nodded as she took another sip of champagne. "Oh yeah."

He looked at her empty glass. "Do you want some more?"

"Are you trying to get me drunk so that you can take advantage of me?" She turned towards him and smirked. He looked down at his feet and blushed as she laughed. "Reid, it's okay, I was joking." She stared at her empty glass before she passed it to him. "But yeah okay, I will have some more please."

He got up off of the bed and walked out the door, but he returned quickly and sat next to her on the bed again before he passed her her glass. She smiled at him. "Thank you. So where were you?"

"Umm…right…when I came back from Denver I was eighteen, which is the age that most young people start university so I decided to move to California and attended Berkeley since I was interested in doing a behavioral science degree and they have a prestigious medical department. I spent three years at Berkeley and I finished at twenty-one, and then I was recruited by the BAU." He looked at her and sighed. "And that's basically it."

She laughed, "Okay so it was UNLV…Harvard…Denver…Berkeley?"

He nodded. "Yup."

She glanced around the room, at his perfectly organized desk in the corner and the paintings on the wall. "So is this like, your spare bedroom slash office?" She asked laughing.

"Uhh…yeah I guess," he replied awkwardly. "I mostly just use it as an office cuz I didn't want to put my desk in my bedroom and the only person that comes and visits me is my aunt so there's just a spare bed in here."

"I like the artwork."

He laughed, "Again, my aunt's idea. She helped me move in and she got a little into the decorating and furnishing of the apartment, mostly everything is her," he said honestly. He blushed; it was embarrassing to admit to his girlfriend that his aunt had had control over his apartment.

She smiled. "That's cute." She got up off of the bed and walked towards a set of golf clubs in a leather golf bag which leaned against the wall in one of the corners of the bedroom. She looked back at him and smirked. "Why does Dr. Spencer Reid have golf clubs?"

He got up off of the bed and walked towards her as he spoke. "When I attended the University of Denver one of my physics professors kind of took me under his wing. He really helped me with my PhD and he even let me live at his house while I was working on my paper. He's the closest thing that I've ever had to a father." He said this quietly, but he quickly smiled. "So he took me camping and downhill skiing in the Rockies," he looked down at the floor and blushed, "he even gave me 'the talk'." He paused slightly before he continued. "And," he took one of the clubs out of the bag and examined it, "he bought me a set of clubs for Christmas and taught me how to golf that spring."

"I've never golfed before…"

He smiled at her. "Really? Have you ever been to a driving range?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

"Ever swung a club?" She shook her head so he moved to the center of the room. "Come here," he said excitedly.

She smirked as she walked towards him. "Okay, so what am I supposed to do?"

He laughed. "First I'm gonna take your glass." She handed him her glass and he placed it on top of the small dresser next to the bed. "Okay," he stood behind her and held the club with both of his hands. "Just place both of your hands on the top of the club, your left hand on the top and your right hand just below it." She giggled as he moved her hands for her. "Okay there you go. Now if we were actually playing you would take a nice, easy back swing," he led her in gently pulling the club backwards. "And then you would swing forward and kinda twist your hips."

She turned her neck and laughed. "Kinda twist my hips?"

He laughed too. "Yeah, you know?"

She laughed again, "No, not really," she lied.

"So kinda…" he removed his hands from the golf club and placed them on her hips. "Okay now swing forward," he instructed. As she did so he rotated her hips in a motion that brought the club across her body in her follow through. He kissed her gently on the back of the neck. "That was really good," he commented breathlessly.

She smirked. "Thank you," she twisted her neck and their lips met briefly. "You're a really good teacher. Will you take me to actually play sometime?" He nodded as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. She laughed as she stared at his desk. "Reid is that a Gameboy on your desk?" He blushed profusely as she broke free from his grasp and walked towards his desk. She giggled as she picked up the Gameboy Advanced SP. It was tiny and silver.

"Gimme it!" He walked towards her and tried to steal it from her but she avoided his hands well. She had brought her hands behind her back in order to protect the small, electronic device. She giggled as he pinned her against the desk and gently clutched her small wrists with his big hands. Their bodies were pressed against each other and he leaned in so that their faces were only centimeters apart. "Give it to me please," he pleaded cutely.

She shook her head as she smirked. "No, you can't have it," she said quietly. He couldn't take it anymore. He leaned forward and kissed her passionately as he ran his hand across her stomach, feeling the material of her dress under his fingertips. "It hasn't been a week," she stated breathlessly.

He gave her a small nod as he said, "I know."

She giggled. "But I think that I've been sufficiently wooed."

He smiled. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." She smirked as she laid the Gameboy back on the desk and pushed him onto the small bed and climbed on top of him. She kissed him hungrily as she took off his tie and began to unbutton his dress shirt.

He rolled her over so that he was on top of her and she pushed his shirt down over his shoulders before he started to contemplate on how to undress her. He quickly sat up and turned a deep crimson. "I'm sorry."

She pushed herself up and sat next to him. "Why?" She asked confused.

"Cuz I don't know how to take off your dress." A small giggle escaped. "Don't laugh!" He was so embarrassed. He was a twenty-five year-old grown man, not a teenage boy.

He fidgeted nervously as he didn't know what else he could say. He smiled to himself as he felt her run her fingers through his hair. "Just take your time, there's no rush," she said softly. "I'm sure that you would have figured it out."

She ran her fingers through his hair again as she nibbled lightly on his ear. He looked down at her hand as she ran it seductively up the inside of his leg. She placed her other hand on the side of his face and turned him towards her. She looked into his big, brown eyes before she kissed him softly on the lips. He pushed her back into a lying position as he kissed her eagerly.


He smiled to himself as he heard her laughing from the kitchen. He walked carefully back into the spare bedroom in just his boxers carrying a plate full of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a tall glass of milk. He smiled brightly again as he saw her sitting on the bed in his dress shirt playing his Gameboy.

She laughed again as he sat down next to her. "I haven't done anything like this in forever."

"What are you playing?" He asked happily.

"Mario Cart! We had this game for Nintendo64!"

He smiled as she laughed once again. He leaned in a kissed her cheek. "You're so cute," he said quietly.

She stopped the game and turned off the Gameboy before she shifted so that they were facing each other. She ran her hand through her hair as she asked, "What else about the incredible Dr. Spencer Reid don't I know?"

"What?" He asked laughing.

She laughed too. "Well let's see…you cook, you've golfed and gone camping," she smirked, "you have a Gameboy, and you lived in San Francisco at the height of their rave scene. So what else don't I know?"

"Umm…I play the piano," he said simply.

"Oh that's so cool," she replied impressed. "I wish that I knew how to play an instrument, most of my brothers play something but I'm musically illiterate."

He laughed before he turned blood red. "Well you know that I'm a magician who has watched a lot of Star Trek and I do have an extensive comic book and model airplanes and cars collection."

"Everything about you is adorable." She paused. "What about the cities that you've lived in?"

He got tired of sitting up so he placed his plate and glass on the bedside table and decided to lie back on the bed. He was a little surprised when she lay down next to him and cuddled into his chest. She looked up at him and smiled as she lightly scratched his left peck with her long fingernails. "Hmm?"

He laughed lightly as he blushed. "Sorry I was a little distracted." She moaned lowly as he started to play with her hair. "What?" He asked interested.

"Sorry, it's just that girls love a guy who plays with their hair without being asked."

He smiled proudly, "Oh, okay." He continued to play with her hair as he spoke. "I call Las Vegas home, I lived there for fourteen years and I own the house I grew up in…"

"Oh really?" She asked fascinated.

He nodded. "Yeah when Mom went to the…the…" he stuttered.

She looked up at him and smiled warmly. "It's okay, I know, you don't have to say it."

He sighed relieved and he appreciated her level of understanding. "I really didn't want to sell the house, it didn't feel right, so I own it now."

"That's sweet," she said quietly.

"Then I went to Harvard," he changed the topic, "lived with my aunt and uncle in Boston for a year. The city is nice, I enjoyed reading its history," he stopped when she laughed. "What?"

She laughed again, "Nothing, just laughing at you."

"What?" He asked also laughing.

"You went to Boston to do your PhD and still wanted to read about the city."

He shrugged, "Well yeah, it was my relaxation time." She laughed loudly again. "WHAT?"

She sat up and looked at him. "Your relaxation time?" He nodded. "Okay, sit up," he followed her instructions. "You have to answer a series of questions for me."

"Okay," he answered apprehensively.

"Before Miami, had you ever been in a club before?" He shook his head. "Ever gotten drunk?" He shook his head again. "Ever played 'I Never'?"

"What's 'I Never'?" He asked confused.

She laughed, "Okay, we'll have to play sometime but you'd get me really drunk really fast cuz you haven't done anything." She laughed again. "Ever played 'Truth or Dare' before Miami?" He shook his head again. "'Spin the Bottle'?"

"No," he answered quietly, "I haven't played any of the games that teenagers would play at parties."

"Aww you're so cute. Okay you're from Vegas, ever gambled?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yes, yes I have."

She laughed, "Aww, I'm so proud." She smirked mischievously, "Ever been to a strip club?"

He involuntarily blushed. "No."

She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. "Good," she smirked. "So when did you first gamble?"


"First tried alcohol?" She asked curiously.


She laughed, "Cuuutttteee."

He smirked at her. "Do I get to ask you these kinda questions?"

She smirked back at him. "Maybe later." She pushed him back into a lying position. "We should get some sleep; we have work in the morning." She giggled as she pulled up the bedcovers and cuddled into him. "I'm gonna seem so bad compared to you."

He smirked to himself as he flicked off the lamp on the bedside table.


When they awoke the next morning, their routines blended together like they had been living together for years. They didn't once get in each others' way.

He had opened his eyes first and had carefully snuck out of bed. He had flicked on the coffee pot and once it had percolated, he had awoken his girlfriend with the strong smell. He let her shower first and made breakfast while she did. She swayed into the kitchen in his clothes and it made him smirk. He was so attracted to her in a pair of his gym shorts and a plain t-shirt, and he loved when she returned his clothes afterwards and her smell still lingered.

"Breakfast?" He asked smiling.

She walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his thin waist. "Please."

He kissed her softly on the top of the head. "Okay, help yourself, I'm gonna shower."

"Okay." They kissed quickly before he headed for the bathroom. She poured herself a cup of coffee and began to eat bacon and eggs out of the pans on the stove.

After her breakfast, she gathered up her clothes and put them in a backpack that he said she could use. She was just ready to leave when the bathroom door opened. He walked into the living room with just a towel wrapped around his hips. "Are you leaving?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I have to get home and change, and we probably shouldn't show up to work together anyway."

He nodded in agreement. "Okay, well you can keep the clothes and the bag if you like and I'll see you at work."

She ran towards him and kissed him hard on the mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I had a great time and thanks for the gift," she smiled as she ran her fingers down her necklace.

"Your welcome, and I had a great time," he smiled back.

She looked up at him and smirked. "If we didn't have work this morning…" She bit down on her bottom lip and ran a hand across his wet chest. She smiled as he turned a bright red. She laughed before she said, "I put your breakfast in the oven so that it wouldn't get cold."

"Thank you," he smiled brightly.

She kissed him again. "See you at work." He simply nodded as she took all of her things up in her arms and left his apartment.

He smiled to himself as he turned and walked towards his bedroom. It amazed him how he and Elle naturally meshed together and nothing ever felt forced or artificial. They had all the elements of a successful relationship, communication, shared interests, intimacy, physical compatibility, and trust. They did have a lot going against them however; office romances were frowned upon and he knew that the age difference unsettled her. But he was so happy and he knew that she was too. Maybe they could make this work after all?

The End

A/N: Hope you liked it! Please drop a review! :) Since the finale is now over (and it was amazing LOL) we will have to rely on the fan fiction world so stay tuned for some of my upcoming projects including Part 3 of this series entitled "Playing With Fire" (rated M) and based on requests, the sequel to "What If?" Also, two other fics that will be slightly different from my usual style called "Fighting A Losing Battle" (has a JJ/Reid element and is slightly angsty) and "Unattainable" (for the Hotch/Prentiss shippers).