Okay here's the next chapter. Sorry it took so long. Anyways... Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except for the plot and some characters...

Kel walked into her old knight master's rooms. There was a low mummer of conversation between the sergeants and the Knights. She glanced around and caught Dom's eye. He gave her a warm smile and winked at her. She looked away fighting off her blush and took a seat in-between Alanna and Dom. As soon as she sat down Raoul walked into the room. A hushed silence fell over the room

"Welcome everyone. As you all know the war has been winding down and the attacks are becoming scarce. But there is some bad news..." Raoul sighed and shook his head.

"Raoul, just say it before you make me do something that I'll regret later!" Alanna said impatiently. She was getting very eager to find out this news for that she was missing her extra sleep. Raoul knowing not to get on the Lady Knight's bad side continued.

"We have found out that they have a very powerful mage. We are not exactly sure of what they are cooking up but it's not good. One of our spies from inside the castle of King Maggur has been sending us reports of this mage making some kind of new device. We later found that this mage is related to Blayce." Raoul looked at his ex-squire. Kel clenched her fists trying to calm herself down. I am stone. She thought. I will not let this bother me...

"Well seems as though we have another mission to deal with." Dom sighed. He looked at Kel who was still trying to calm herself down. He knew what Kel was thinking.

"Yes. And there will be no heroics from you Mindelan." Lord Wyldon stated sternly. He gave Kel a look that could peel paint off the wall. Kel just stared him back in the eye. Dom watched this staring contest, amused. Lord Wyldon was the first to look away.

"I will do what I can to protect my people, no matter the consequences." Kel looked him down. She was trying to keep her anger from her face but was failing. "You will not tell me what I can and can not do." Her voice was starting to rise. Dom put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring look.

"Mindelan, I'll have you know that you are putting yourself in grave danger!" Lordy Wyldon was now starting to lose his temper.

"As I've said before sir, I will do what I can to protect my people, no matter the consequences." She said more calmly.

"Yes, I know that. But did you know that they know that it was you who killed Blayce!" He growled. Kel paled, but kept a straight face. Everyone stared at the Lady Knight wondering what she would say next. Raoul took this awkward silence to speak up.

"Kel, I'm sorry" He croaked. Kel looked at him confused. "They kidnapped Loesia Miller and some of the other children...she's dead Kel." Kel paled even more. "We found her body not too far from the fort. She managed to give us some information before she..." He couldn't finish the sentence. Kel looked at her shoes not trusting herself to look at anyone. Dom squeezed her shoulder.

"They took them in for questioning." George of Pirate's Swoop finished off. He walked in through the door and took a seat beside Raoul and Alanna. "That's all the information that we got. But we do know that they took the children for that they were close to you Keladry. They know that you will come and try to rescue them. They are setting up a trap hoping that you'll come and save them. I'm sorry Kel, but you're going to have to stay here for a little bit while we think of a solution."

"But I just can't let them torture them while I'm sitting her doing nothing!" Kel screamed losing her temper. By then the only people that remained were Kel, Raoul, Dom, George and Alanna. The rest of them left not wanting to be in the way of the angry Lady Knight. Alanna got up and gave Kel a piece of parchment.

"I'm sorry Kel, but it's the Kings orders." Kel looked down at the parchment. She glared at Raoul.

"Sir, this is unfair!"

"I'm sorry Kel. But we can't do anything about it. We need to make sure that you don't go and try anything drastic." Kel got up and walked angrily out of the room. Dom got up to follow her.

"Sergeant." Dom looked at Raoul from the door. "Please don't say anything stupid to her." Raoul gave him a wink before Dom left.